K' (18 logs)
[SNF 2014.10] SNF: Enemies UnitedEntry 1 - Purpose
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 26 - Pirates of the K'aribbean
Forceful Conscription
Kyokugen Beat Down
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 26 - A Song of Ice and Fire
[Circuit Of Champions] SNF: Firestarter (Blue Master Belt Match)
Junkyard Dogs
Sacred Mirror and Profaned Fire
[KOF 2019] Two Explodey Guys
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Miracle Rookies vs Heavy Metal Burnin'
[KOF 2019] Road Test
[KOF 2019] Quarterfinal 2 - Twilight vs Heavy Metal Burnin'
[KOF 2019] Semifinal 1 - Women's Team vs Heavy Meatl Burnin'
[KOF 2019] Finals - Heavy Metal Burning vs USA Sports Team
General File, 05.62151.345.1.06
Burnin' Winter Nights
The One Running Free
K9999 (3 logs)
Goofus and GallantNESTS Goes To High School
Shadaloo vs. NESTS: Hot vs. Cold
Kaede (2 logs)
[Killer Instinct] [KI:Round 2] BLOODSTAINED FLOOR[Killer Instinct] [KI:Round 3] THE DEVIL'S CHOICE
Kagura (17 logs)
A Servant's Travels: Encountering the Black KnightBlack Knight Blues
Pumpkins are the worst!
A Diplomatic Encounter
Blue Eyes White Bedsheets
World's End #1 - Chain of Command
The Imperator's Will
Insight and Suspicions
Be Careful With Sparring Partners
Recruitment Drive
Conflicted Heart
Paging Miss Clio
Seeds of Dissent
Bystander's Log #10: The Invitation - Part 1
One for you, two for me!
A Bad Influence
Mission Briefing
Kahuna (1 log)
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - AggroKain (23 logs)
Syndicate Wars: 0-1 - Harborfront Dining[KOF 2016] B7 Qualifiers: Psycho Soldiers vs No-Brand Heroes
[KOF 2016] KOF: The Sifting of Chaos
[KOF 2016] KOF Finals: Team Interpol vs Psycho Soldiers
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Kain vs Rose
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Kain vs. Vega
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Offerings Before the Lord
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Ides Of March
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - What Would You Forge In The Flame?
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Wrangling Wolves
The Quality of Strength
[The Black Dragon] Is it Shark Tank or Dragon's Den in Japan?
[The Black Dragon] Motives and Methodologies
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Obscured By Clouds
The Halting Ascent
Common Cause
Timeline Variance and Authority
[The Descent] Round 1 - The God-King Is In His Heaven
[The Descent] Round 2 - Under His Eye
[The Descent] Round 3 - A Fucking Fight Broke Out
[The Descent] Round 4 - Soylent Red
Kairi (1 log)
[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021Kang (8 logs)
Metro Movie Magic[KOF 2017] KOF Act 3: Mission 18) Iron Clad
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 22) Starring Spangled Banner
Fun in the Sun?
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 Party - Fashion Week?
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R3 - Pukai vs Kang
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: The Sexy Avengers
Kano (4 logs)
Coils of the WyrmBusiness or Pleasure?
Mouse in the Dragon's Den
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Target Of Opportunity
Karin (4 logs)
Natsu Is A Big Dumb Cow[Rising Star 2021] Rising Star Interviews - "Blazing Panther"
Yonkoma - 4-22-22 - Jezebel vs Karin
[Rising Star 2022] Ristar 2022 R1 - Mint vs Karin
Kasumi (39 logs)
[Neo League 0001] NL#0003: Natsu vs Kasumi
[Neo League 0001] NL#0010: Hurricane Hime vs Kasumi
Wings of Despair
Investigating - A lead discovered
Struggling - An offer pursued
Preparing - The mission begins
Admonishing - An unexpected clue
Competing - Cramped quarters
Anger Management
Hunted - Revenge and Determination
Wary - Disciplinary Action
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Grand Opening
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Damage Control
[SNF 2015.01] SNF: The Captain's Chair
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Extreme Beach Volleyball
Guarded - A Vengeful Soul in Need
Hunters Hunted
[KOF 2017] Guardians of the Balance
[KOF 2017] B2 Qualifier Match: Team Balance vs Sound And Fury
[KOF 2017] Q3: Team USA vs Team Balance
[KOF 2017] S2: Hungry Wolves vs Balance
[KOF 2017] KOF Finals: Syndicate Team vs Team Balance
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Damning Memories
[Circuit Of Champions] RED CHAMPION BELT MATCH - Armor King vs Kasumi
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - V-Project Unleashed
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Aranha vs Kasumi
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R2 - Juri vs Kasumi + Koto
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R3 - Honoka Inoue/Kasumi vs ???
[SNF 2020.3] BELT RIOT - Red Champion - Kasumi vs Lyraelle
[Neo League 0165] NL#0197: Roland vs Kasumi
Impulsive - The Bloodless Golem
[Dead or Alive] DOA R2 - Kasumi vs Chun-Li
[Dead or Alive] DOA R2 - Skleros
[Dead or Alive] DOA R3 - Kasumi vs Whitney: "Information Control"
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Fei Long vs Kasumi
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Nagi vs Kasumi
Kasumi Todoh (5 logs)
Seeking in Southtown[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Twilight Stars vs Kyokugen
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Tsugumi Sendo vs Kasumi Todoh
Todoh demonstration at Taiyo
Sensei Kasumi?! Daisuke Learns Todoh-Ryuu!!
Katana (8 logs)
Bridge TrollsWho Is the Hunter, Who the Prey?
[SNF 2015.03] SNF: This Is How You Shoot An Arrow
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 1] LIVING HISTORY DAY
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 2] MAD GEARS OF WAR
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 3] HELLO COLD WORLD
The UN Needs More Horsepower!
[NFG Season One] O Otaku! My Otaku
Katarina (18 logs)
Discordant MemoriesThe Snake's Den
The Imperator's Will
Composition 1: An Ode to Zepp
Heroes and Soldiers
Where Monsters Roam
Experiment Log #2019 - A Unwanted Marriage
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Melody of Discord
Fox Tale #3 - The Long Night
Seeds of Dissent
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - War Profiteering
Black Dragon Ch. 3: The Dragon's Lair
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R5 - The Raven's Plea
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon TDH - Control the Narrative
Dark Temptations
Dark Duet
Breaking and Entering
A Match Made in Hell
Katsuro (13 logs)
A Bloody EncounterAn Ounce of Pride
Between a magazine rack and a hard place
Pawn checks King, King takes Pawn
Novis Orbis Librarium meets Workplace Sitcom
Friendship is... a New Command!
Dark Duet
Breaking and Entering
[NFG Season One] Suspicious Interview
Phoenix Rising
A Match Made in Hell
Kayla (1 log)
[SNF 2018.03] SNF: The Wolf Of Sunshine StreetKazuki (25 logs)
The boy who heard ChiOf Mozart and Galneryus
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom
The walk home
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kazuki vs Hinata
Training Montage
Another electrified encounter
[Circuit of Champions] PFW : Eastern Pro belt - Mimiru vs Kazuki
Restless Leg Syndrome
[Neo League 0001] NL#0058: Kazuki vs Mei Lin
Phoenix Claws
[Circuit of Champions] PCS: Red Pro - Kazuki vs Alice Nakata
[Neo League 0064] NL#0082: Kazuki vs Azumi
Random Verse
[Circuit of Champions] GAUNTLET: Blue Pro Belt #2
[Circuit of Champions] GAUNTLET: Blue Pro Belt #6 - Kazuki vs Jezebel
Catching Up With Kazuki
[KOF 2017] Act 3, Mission 32 - The Tragic School Rush, Pt 2
[KOF 2017] Lightning Crashes
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Kazuki vs Grand
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Birdie vs Kazuki
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel Finals - Nensei Sentai Gooranger
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Warehouse Sale
Kazuya (5 logs)
A Mishima Family Christmas[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 29) The Devil's Due
A Deal with the Devil
open challenge
[Dead or Alive] New Blade Gospel
Keiko (1 log)
[FightFest 2025] Rivals Exhibition: Signi vs KeikoKeith (12 logs)
[SNF 2014.10] SNF: "Now.. my Plagues."Subject Break-Out
From Star to Hero
Abnormality Taken In Stride
The Boxer, the Queen, and the Tiger
New Acquaintances, Old Memories
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Extreme Beach Volleyball
[SNF 2015.02] SNF: Three Cherries
Friendship is... Clean Bandages.
Friendship is... A Captive Audience.
[Neo League 0064] NL#0067: Keith vs Ryu
Twilight Star Challenge 6 - Keith!
Kelly (19 logs)
A New AdventureOne For the Road
[KOF 2017] Mission 12) Cry Of The Planet
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 22 - Into the Woods
[GLaDOS] Golden Angel R2 - Yuri vs Kelly
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Kelly vs Hayley
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R3 - Kelly vs Quon
[SNF 2018.03] SNF: Snakes and Spiders, Oh My!
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: MIDNIGHT CHANNEL - The Mummy Returns
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Short Orders
[SNF 2018.06] SNF: The Joker's Wild
[SNF 2018.09] SNF: Streams Of Consciousness
Stuck In A Moment
[SNF 2018.09] SNF: Refined Tastes
[SNF 2020.5] SNF: Soldiers of Fortune
[SNF 2020.8] Hell's Bells - Kelly vs ????
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Kelly vs Yuri
Ken Masters (40 logs)
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: Donate or Die!Rocket vs. Ken's Car: Bonus Stage
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Hidden Potential
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Western Master - Ken Masters vs Urien
Meeting Ken Masters
[Circuit of Champions] PWF: Worldwide Master - Ken Masters vs King
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 5 - Tak and the Power of Juju
Masters of the Universe Starring Johnny Cage
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 3] PLAYING GOD
[KOF 2016] USA! USA! US.. A?!
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: USA vs. Twilight Star
Beware Masked Messengers
The World is Bigger Than You Know
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 2: Psycho Soldiers vs Team USA
[KOF 2016] KOF: Third Place: Team USA vs Sonic Assault
Moonlight Interlude
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Ken Masters vs Henchman
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Ryu vs Ken
[Mortal Kombat] A Spiritual Intervention
Pugilist's Clearing House Grand Prize!!
[KOF 2017] B7 Qualifier Match: Team USA vs Bloodletters
[KOF 2017] Q3: Team USA vs Team Balance
That Other Gear Threat
A Masters Business Venture
Painting the Red Arena Red
Coffee and a' Rock Ken
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Underground Mints
Sword Chases Fist
Intensive Creature Comforts
Searching for some Mints
Do you wanna build a Dojo
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia #3) Welcoming Party
[SNF 2021.07] SNF: Ken vs Ryo - "Shitenno-Ji Shotokan Showdown"
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Ryu vs Ken - "The Karate Kid"
[Dead or Alive] DOA R1 - Ken Masters vs Chun-Li
[Dead Or Alive] DOA R2 - Ken Masters vs Edenlith
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Liu Kang vs Ken Masters
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Ken Masters vs Sub-Zero
Kenshi (20 logs)
In the clubJust Business
Cat Sparring
[SNF 2016.07] SNF: Only You Can Incite Forest Fires
Starting Somewhere
[Mortal Kombat] Never Alone
[Mortal Kombat] Time Share Hidey Hole
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Nakoruru vs Baiken
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 3: Lotus vs Kenshi
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Rising from Ashes
[Mortal Kombat] MK: To Forge A Champion
[Mortal Kombat] MK round 4: KENSHI vs CYRAX
[Mortal Kombat] MK: The Swordsman and the Sage
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 4: Kenshi vs Eadni -- Wasp vs Spider
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Queenmaker
Sentimental Value
False Beginnings
Patience in Control
The Hidden Path
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Eyesight to the Blind
Kensou (21 logs)
I Dream of Meatbuns[SNF 2014.12] SNF: A Rogue Rap Challenger!!!
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyosuke vs Kensou
Regaining Athena's Soul
Mistakes and Regrets
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hitomi vs Kensou
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyo vs Kensou
Psycho Soldiers, Assemble!
Teach Me, Kensou-sensei!
[Neo League 0064] NL#0072: Kensou vs Yuri
[Neo League 0064] NL#0073: Kensou vs Zach Glenn
[Neo League 0064] NL#0074: Kensou vs Natsu
[Neo League 0064] NL#0078 Kensou vs Cracker Jack
[SNF 2016.05] Haru vs Kensou in '... Justice High Tryouts?'
Psycho Soldiers Unite!
[KOF 2016] B7 Qualifiers: Psycho Soldiers vs No-Brand Heroes
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: Team Ninja vs Psycho Soldiers
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 2: Psycho Soldiers vs Team USA
[KOF 2016] KOF Finals: Team Interpol vs Psycho Soldiers
Days of Memories: Wisdom and Understanding
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Operating In Tanden
Kenzo (45 logs)
[Fightfest 2023] Round 1: Genie vs Kenzo[Fightfest 2023] Round 2 Bonus Stage: Ayala and Kenzo
[FightFest 2023] Adventures of Cavewoman and Gadget Man
[Fightfest 2023] Round 3 Bonus Stage: Coco vs Kenzo vs Ichika
[Fightfest 2023] Shop Talk
[Fightfest 2023] NFG Inaugural Tournament Afterparty
[Fightfest 2023] The Inaugural NFG Draft
[NFG Season One] The Difference Between Theory and Application
[NFG Season One] Rise of the Machines
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R1 - Kenzo vs Buck
[NFG Season One] Call Me Liza!: A Wild Fangirl Appears
[NFG Season One] Training, Mistakes, Emotions.
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R2 - Kenzo vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] Chloe's Cleanup Crew
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R3 - Kenzo vs Buford
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[NFG Season One] Metal Party
[NFG Season One] Metro City R1 - Kenzo vs Chevy
[NFG Season One] Kenzo's Meeting With Gregory Ilvich
[NFG Season One] Sufficiently Advanced Technology
[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Kenzo vs Braun
[NFG Season One] Ninja Training Day
[NFG Season One] Metro City R3 - Kenzo vs Kunoichi Inazuma
[NFG Season One] Kenzo and Djamila Sitting In E.V.O.L.V.E
[NFG Season One] Tempering Process
[NFG Season One] Kenzo in Paradise
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Two: Kenzo vs Ayala
[NFG Season One] Kenzo and Djamila's date
[NFG Season One] The Greatest Path to Self-Improvement
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Three: Kenzo vs Junko
[NFG Season One] Love Can't Protect From Everything
[NFG Season One] Cutscene - Drafts Folder
[NFG Season One] It's An NFG Holiday Party, Charlie Brown!
[NFG Season Two] The Mermaid
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - If It Weren't For My Horse
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Games of the Olympiad
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R3 - Bad Influence
[NFG Season Two] Mermaid Pool Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Keijo for Coins
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Shock and Roll vs Wild Things
[NFG Season Two] Shock and Roll Training Day
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Rendezvous
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - Severance
[NFG Season Two] Pre-Finals Tune-Up
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Buck vs Kenzo
Kichiga (1 log)
[SNF 2014.11] SLAMFEST2014: MEANWHILE, BACKSTAGE...Kim (3 logs)
[KOF 2019] Master and Servant[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Team Korea vs Team Ikari
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Korea vs Team Aesop
King (5 logs)
[Circuit of Champions] PWF: Worldwide Master - Ken Masters vs KingCatching Up
Mai Vs. King - Christmas Shopping Date
[SNF 2021.01] SNF: Tiger King of Southtown - Tairyu vs King
[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021
King Rasta (1 log)
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - PIT OF PAINKira Volkov (37 logs)
Contract NegotiationsIntimate Healing
The Vixen and the Black Dragoon
Flight of the Dragoons
First Contact
Product Demonstration From Hell
Shadow Council: Invading the Dragon's Lair
Shadow Council: First Summit
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: Team Ninja vs Psycho Soldiers
First Flight of the Bloodreaver Squadron
The Dragon's Den (Cutscene)
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Into The Dragon's Den
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Darkness Reigns
The Black Dragon - Chapter 1: The Dragon's Rebirth
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Devil's Advocate
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Chasing Your Tail
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Running of the Bull
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Into The Maw Of The Beast
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Fetch Quest
The Black Dragon - Chapter 2: Are You Strong?
The Black Dragon - Ch. 2: The Dragon's Challenge
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Interview With A Dragon
The Black Dragon Chapter 2: Turning Tides
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Shadow Games
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Cut Off the Head
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Unruly Neighbors
Black Dragon Ch. 3: A Song of Fury
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R5 - The Dragon's Heart
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R5 - Shadowy Links
The Black Dragon - Finale
Terms of Service
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia #14) Last Dance
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia: Dark Reflections
A Servant's Travels: Long is the Night
[Dead or Alive] Supremacy of the Miltechs - National Sanctions
Realm after Realm after Realm
Kishimoto (1 log)
MallratsKitana (7 logs)
Do I look like your travel agent?Exploring Earthrealm pt 1
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Kitana vs Daniel
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Zach Glenn vs Kitana
[Mortal Kombat] Dispirited Youth
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 3: Baiken vs Kitana
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Taking Flight
Kiyomi (42 logs)
Tale 2 - Child of the NightThe lust of the hunt
Divine Intervention
The Fox and The Wolf
Masks without Masks
She's Leaving Home...
That Escalated Quickly
Don't call me demon!
The Vixen and The Wyrm (part 1)
Mission #10: The Moon of Absolution
The Vixen and the Wyrm (part 2)
Damsel in Distress
The Vixen and the Wyrm (part 3)
The Vixen and the Butcher
Hunter Killer
The Vixen and Tiger Mask
The Vixen and the Wrym : a new path (part 1)
Requiem of the fallen
Bank robbery in Zurich
The Vixen and the Maiden
The Vixen, the Maiden and the Dragonslayer.
The Vixen and the Black Dragoon
Prelude of terror
The Vixen and the Wolf
The Vixen and the Crow
The Vixen and the Savior
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 1] FIGHT FOR NEW METRO
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 2] Synesthesia (incomplete)
The Vixen and the fox
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Week 3] Tending To Wounds
The Princess is in Another Castle
[UG : Week 4] You shall not pass.
[The Bell Tolls] Dark Stalker Standoff in the market
The Vixen and the Wrym (part 4)
Angels Behind the Skies
Who will save the sane
Superhero to the rescue!
Hunting Moonlight
Who Knows What Might Be Lurking?
Prowling Around
[Children of the Night] Attack on the Library
Kliff (6 logs)
The Vixen, the Maiden and the Dragonslayer.Doing the Drills
Run From the Light
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Week 3] The Hand of Dohma
[KOF 2017] Kliff Notes
Prophecies and Legends
Kokan (5 logs)
[KOF 2017] It's a helluva drug[KOF 2017] Mission #23: Truth or Consequences
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifier - Kokan vs Gato
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Courier Breached
Ninja Pizza Rat
Kokonoe (10 logs)
Rebirth of a HeroBystander's Log #3: A Message Delayed
Fated Paths
Family Ties
The Longest Cab Ride Ever
The Cannibal Awakes
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - Seventh Seal
Take Me to the Candy Shop
A Kind of Nostalgic Feeling
[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021
Kolin (9 logs)
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 24 - Collection Agency[KOF 2017] On Complexes
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 20) Take a Number
[KOF 2017] KOF Act 3: Mission 18) Iron Clad
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers - Kolin vs Demitri
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Cold Case
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - On The Border
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Alpha and Amiga
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Robbing Peter To Pay Paul
Kongou (36 logs)
The Arrival of The ChampDaniel Jack Investigates: The Clash Of Titans
Tips For Content Creation
Blue Whale Beach Special
Hickory Dickory Dock
[SNF 2020.4] SNF - Combo #5
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - The Riddle of Strength
Right Here, Direct From The Lamp!
Youkai Noodle Dandy
[SNF 2020.8] Kongou vs Maki in "Blue Rodeo"
[Neo League 0143] NL#0158: Kongou vs Tsinghua
A Flower Blooms in Adversity
[Neo League 0143] NL: QF - Kongou vs Tairyu
[Neo League 0165] NL#0172: Dennis vs Kongou
[Neo League 0165] NL#0173: Juliet vs Tarmo
The Shuddering Heavens
[The Descent] Round 1 - The Trampled Earth
[The Descent] Round 2 - Disasters, Natural Or Otherwise
Backyard Summoning
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[NFG Season One] Hot Metal Style
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Kongou vs Athena
[NFG Season One] Little Jack, King Elephant and Super Macho Dude
[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Hawksley vs Iris
[World Warrior 2023] R2: The Clashing Wills of Titans
Breaking and Entering
[World Warrior 2023] R3: Kongou vs Baiken
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Two: Kenzo vs Ayala
[NFG Season One] Kongou Takes It Downtown
[NFG Season One] A Test Of Your Reflexes!
[NFG Season One] A Big Surprise
And Now For A Public Service Announcement
Paying A Visit to the Po-Po
[NFG Season One] A Lesson In Environmentalism
[NFG Season One] It's An NFG Holiday Party, Charlie Brown!
[World Warrior 2023] R4: The Dragon and the Mountain
Kotal (19 logs)
An Army of TwoThe Warlords of Mexico
Do I look like your travel agent?
Gods of Death
Exploring Earthrealm pt 1
Cowboys, Shaolins and Aztecs
[Mortal Kombat] Kombat Briefing
Mortal Kombat. Exhibition Edition.
Kotal Karing
Deadly Alliance
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Kotal vs. Ryu
Light in Darkness
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Testament vs Kotal
[Mortal Kombat] Gods and Demons
[KOF 2017] Blood Ritual
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 16 - Made In Japan
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 29) War Gods
It's a Kotal Kahn Party
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Viva la Revolution
Koto (48 logs)
[Neo League 0120] NL#0125: Mei Lin vs KotoShopping for Justice
[Neo League 0120] NL#0127: Mitsuru vs Koto
Assassin vs Hero
Even a hero needs a hero.
Beach Sampling Ouch
Superhero to the rescue!
[Neo League 0120] NL#0130: Koto vs Quon
An Oni and a Hero in Chinatown
Who wants to be a hero?
[Neo League 0120] NL#0132: Koto vs Chet
SNF: Brawl for the Meal
Trouble in Taiyo High
[Neo League 0120] NL#0134: Abigail vs Koto
A normal day at school... Or is it?
[Neo League 0120] NL#0135: Bulleta vs Koto
Lakeview Cabin IV
Dead Trouble in Little China
[Neo League 0120] NL#0139: Fumiko vs Koto
[Neo League 0120] NL00120 Quarter-Finals: B. B Hood vs Koto
[SNF 2019.02] SNF: Year of the Pig
Cheerleader Meets Superhero
[SNF 2019.04] SNF: The Workshop Must Go On!
A Savior on Stage
[SNF 2019.05] SNF: White Knights of Labour
Building Connections
[KOF 2019] KOF: Twilight Stars
Thieves and Superheroes
Misunderstanding Superhero vs. Models
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Twilight Stars vs Kyokugen
[KOF 2019] KOF: Who's The Hero Around Here?!
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Legacy vs Twilight Stars
To Be A Hero
Challenger from THE EAST on the 4th
Southtown Downtown Throwdown
[KOF 2019] Quarterfinal 2 - Twilight vs Heavy Metal Burnin'
Good For What Eels You
Testing Grounds
[SNF 2019.12] SNF: The Eight Sided Ring of Death
[Slamfest 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R1 - Koto vs Julia
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R2 - Juri vs Kasumi + Koto
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Final Boss
J-Dragon United
[Circuit Of Champions] Worldwide Rookie - Koto vs Fumiko
[The Black Dragon] The Black Dragon R4 - The Taste of Tokusatsu
Secret Societies
Krauser (1 log)
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Secret Stage - Geese vs KrauserKrizalid (3 logs)
On the Devil's AnvilRegaining Athena's Soul
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel: Bathing Suit REQUIREMENT Fulfilled!
Kula (10 logs)
Entry 1 - Purpose[SNF 2014.11] SNF: FROZEN
Cold Cuts
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: My Alibi
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 2 - Seek And Destroy
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 20 - Ice to Meet You
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 26 - A Song of Ice and Fire
[Neo League 0165] NL#0200: Jae Hoon vs Kula
Entry 5 - Lunch
The One Running Free
Kum Haehyun (3 logs)
A Heavyweight Investigation[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Melody of Discord
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Cross Tag Match: Navy vs Army
Kuma (8 logs)
[SNF 2014.11] SLAMFEST2014: BEAR KING BAD[Neo League 0001] NL#0022: Kuma vs Sven
[Neo League 0001] NL#0027: Kuma vs Brett
[Neo League 0001] NL#0040: Kuma vs May
[Neo League 0001] NL#0042: Kuma vs Daniel
[Neo League 0001] NL#0050: Miki vs Kuma
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Poison vs Kuma
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R3 - Nena vs Kuma
Kung Jin (1 log)
Cowboys, Shaolins and AztecsKung Lao (8 logs)
[KOF 2019] Legacy's Burden[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Team ARTISTISM vs Team Legacy
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Legacy vs Twilight Stars
Yukar #2: Forks in the Path
[SNF 2020.11] SNF: Death World
[SNF 2021.02] TMC Presents: DOUBLE BLIND DATE
Kunimitsu (1 log)
The Circus HeistKy Kiske (24 logs)
Crossed Paths[SNF 2015.03] SNF: "Limbo"
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 3] WE ARE BROKEN
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 8 - Culling The Horde
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 27) Weapon Disposal - Part 1
[KOF 2017] Lightning Crashes
Brave New Home
Chivalry, Tea, and Cake
Settling In
Experiment Log #2019 - A Unwanted Marriage
Sacred Insurrection
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1- The Mask Of The Phantom
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - Let Her Go
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Final Boss Round 2
[Circuit Of Champions] SNF: Firestarter (Blue Master Belt Match)
[SNF 2018.11] SNF: Blackest Friday
A Counsel of Kings
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Treacherous Paths
The Lion, The Knight and The Princess
Reconsider The Possibilities
Making New Friends
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Kindred Swords
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Ky Kiske vs Bezique
[World Warrior 2023] R3: This One's for the Title of Genius!
Kyo (11 logs)
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo vs Kyo
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo x Daigo
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyo vs May
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyo vs Kensou
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyo vs Jin
[Killer Instinct] [KI:Round 1] GENETIC FASHION FORWARD
Meeting the Kusagani heir
[SNF 2018.11] SNF: The Destined Rock Battle
[SNF 2021.02] SNF: So Greased Lightning
Kyoko (6 logs)
Brutal NegotiationThe Power of Love
A Straight-A Student? Maybe Later...?
Wisdom of a God? Whispers of Human Revolution
Fired by The Principal Who Brainwashed Me.
Beer Hall Run
Kyosuke (2 logs)
A Day At the Park[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kyosuke vs Kensou
661 logs listed.