Player Index

Haggar (7 logs)

[SNF 2014.11] SNF: Donate or Die!
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Haggar vs Potemkin
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R2 - Haggar vs Alex and ????
[SNF 2020.11] Thankful For: SLAM!
[SNF 2021.02] SNF - "Icarus fights Medusa's Angels."

Hakumen (9 logs)

Rebirth of a Hero
Fox Tale #1 - Where All Honor Lies
Blind Justice and Hate
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Damning Memories
[KOF 2019] KOF 2019 - USA Sports Team
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - USA Sports Team vs Sever the Wicked
[KOF 2019] Quarterfinal 3 - Team WTF vs USA Sports Team
[KOF 2019] Semifinal 2 - USA Sports Team vs Team Kaka

Haru (26 logs)

[SNF 2014.10] SNF: "Now.. my Plagues."
Yoyo here often?
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: "The Emperor's Court"
The Road: Journey's Start
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: "Past Lives, Present Parades"
The clash of the Phoenixes
[Neo League 0001] NL#0015: Haru vs Quon
Haru Ichiban
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: "What the Hell, RNG?!"
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: "Sky Falling"
Psycho Soldiers, Assemble!
Teach Me, Kensou-sensei!
[SNF 2015.02] SNF: "Luck Be A Lady"
[SNF 2016.05] Haru vs Kensou in '... Justice High Tryouts?'
Psycho Soldiers Unite!
[KOF 2016] B7 Qualifiers: Psycho Soldiers vs No-Brand Heroes
Interlude Enhanced
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: Team Ninja vs Psycho Soldiers
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 2: Psycho Soldiers vs Team USA
[KOF 2016] KOF Finals: Team Interpol vs Psycho Soldiers
[SNF 2017.01] SNF: Tomb with a View
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Haruna vs Haru
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Haru vs Hotaru
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Like A Land War In Asia

Haruna (10 logs)

Making a Splash on the Scene
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 Party - Keijo????????
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Haruna vs Haru
New Arrivals
Chivalry, Tea, and Cake
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Haruna vs Pukai
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R3 - Haruna vs Hayley
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Circle the Square
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - Bread & Bitter Herbs
The Perils of Possibility and Pugillusionism

Hashim (4 logs)

Interrupting The Broadcast
[NFG Season One] It's A Bonus Stage Party!
Purple vs Parasite
Settling the Hash

Hated R (6 logs)

[NFG Season One] Haters Wanted: Training Day
[NFG Season One] Metro City R1 - Sarah vs Hated R
[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Hated R vs Buford
[NFG Season One] Metro City R3 - Laurel vs Hated R
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - Lethe We Forget
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Rum and Coco Cola

Hawksley (64 logs)

[Fightfest 2023] Round 1: Hawksley vs John Doe
[Fightfest 2023] After Fight Drinks
[Fightfest 2023] One For The Road
[Fightfest 2023] Round 2: Hawksley vs Coco
[Fightfest 2023] No Talking During Yoga Class
[Fightfest 2023] Round 3: Hawksley vs Djamila
[Fightfest 2023] Round 3 Bonus Stage: Coco vs Kenzo vs Ichika
[Fightfest 2023] Drinking With The Enemy
[Fightfest 2023] Final Match: Hawksley vs Nixie
[Fightfest 2023] NFG Inaugural Tournament Afterparty
[Fightfest 2023] The Inaugural NFG Draft
[NFG Season One] Quicker Dojo Picker Upper
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R1 - Hawksley vs Ayala
[NFG Season One] Public Transit Connections
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R2 - Kenzo vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] Calling Nurse Coco
[NFG Season One] Apple Attack Cake
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R3 - Coco vs Chevy
[NFG Season One] Mustang Sally
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R3 - Hawksley vs Buck
[NFG Season One] Holding Out For The Heroes
[NFG Season One] The Drive Home
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[NFG Season One] Brawly, Burly, Brawny and Slightly Hairy
[NFG Season One] Hot Metal Style
[NFG Season One] Metro City R1 - Tamaki vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] Happy Hour with Hawksley and Honoka
[NFG Season One] Un-Ghosting
[NFG Season One] Little Jack, King Elephant and Super Macho Dude
[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Hawksley vs Iris
[NFG Season One] Metro City R3 - Chevy vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] The Puzzle of the Pendant
[NFG Season One] There Can Be Only One
[NFG Season One] Fire in the Halls
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Two: Hawksley vs Nixie
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Two: Junko vs Coco
[NFG Season One] Get Hell Soon
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Three: Djamila vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] Even More Brawly, Burly and Brawny
[NFG Season One] Chevy and The Blaze Boys
[NFG Season One] Meet The Parents
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Four: Djamila vs Junko
[NFG Season One Finals] NFG Season One Final: Ichika vs Djamila
[NFG Season One] It's An NFG Holiday Party, Charlie Brown!
[NFG Season Two] Interview With An Irishman
[NFG Season Two] The Red Dragon
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - [Don't?] Call Me Beautiful
[NFG Season Two] Happy Birthday, Hawksley
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Get Out Of My Garden!
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R3 - The Ultimate Warrior
[NFG Season Two] Mermaid Pool Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI: Welcome to (New) Zack Island
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Looting for Lucre
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Welcome To The Jungle
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2.5: Emergency Dance Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Hollywood Heat vs Wild Things
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Final Match - Atlantis vs Hollywood Heat
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Boss Battle - As Above
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Henry vs Arisa
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Hawksley vs Iris
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Semifinals - Coco vs Chevy
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Semifinals - Hawksley vs Buck
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Final Match - Hawksley vs Chevy
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Third Place Match - Buck vs Coco

Hayate (5 logs)

[SNF 2018.03] SNF: No Go Do Jo
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Tag Team Battle!
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Damning Memories
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Ein vs Rainbow Mika
Converging leads...

Hayato (5 logs)

[SNF 2014.12] SNF: "Just say No"
A Night on the Town
After school special training

Hayley (51 logs)

She Came from a Land Down Under
The Immortal Thunder Fist
Cheeseburger in Paradise
Bury Me At Boot Hill
Stress Relief
Bad Company
#ForTheNoodles Challenge
A Lightning Spangles Christmas Carol
[Neo League 0087] NL#0097: Hayley vs Mint
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Hayley vs Hotaru
Cereberus & Dingo
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Kelly vs Hayley
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R3 - Haruna vs Hayley
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Circle the Square
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Adopt A Spangles
[Neo League 0099] NL#0109: Sven vs Hayley
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - An Honest Mistake
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - We Are Family
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - For The Children
Rescued from Yourself
[KOF 2019] KoF: After Actions
[KOF 2019] KoF: After Action - Pt 2: Let's Do Lunch
KoF: Ikari Team Mobilization
[KOF 2019] Thunderdome - Makoto vs Hayley
Southtown Rage in the Cage
My Dinner with Hayley
Barroom Blitz
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - No Pets Allowed
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Junkyard Wolves
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Theatrical Review
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Barking Up The Wrong Tree
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Crossfire
[Neo League 0143] NL#0144: Hayley vs Honoka Inoue
Stray Dog Blues
[Neo League 0143] NL#0149: Hayley vs Vin
[Neo League 0143] NL#0163: Daniel vs Hayley
[Neo League 0143] NL6: QF - Hayley vs Tsinghua
[Neo League 0143] NL Season 6 Semifinals: Daniel vs Hayley
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Hayley vs Clarity
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R2 - Sakura vs Hayley
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar R3: Tsugumi Sendo vs Hayley
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar R4: Hayley vs Blazing Panther
[Rising Star 2021] Rising Star 2021 Finals - Nena vs Hayley
[SNF 2021.07] MC: VOX POPULI
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Hayley vs Tiffany - "Bring it On"
[Dead Or Alive] DOA R1 - Jae Hoon vs Hayley
[Dead Or Alive] DOA R2 - Aeria Corday vs Hayley
[Dead or Alive] DOA R3 - Hayley vs Brandon
[SNF 2023.01] The Fight Hunter Diaries

Hazama (9 logs)

[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 27) Weapon Disposal - Part 1
No Trespassing! It's Lunch Time!
Snake Eater
Friendship Friends
Bystander's Log #1: Calamity's Beginning
[KOF 2019] KOF - A Very Important Mission!
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Family Values vs Aesop
[KOF 2019] Quarterfinal 4 - Team Aesop vs Team Kaka
[The Descent] Round 1 - The Branching Darkness

Heavy D! (2 logs)

[SNF 2020.11] Thanksgiving SNF - Thankful For: Mom!
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Heavy D! vs Edenlith

Hei Xuanfeng (6 logs)

Down the Rabbit Hole
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Veterans of the Psychic Wars
House Call
[SNF 2018.06] SNF: Beachfest! Hitomi vs Hei Xuanfeng
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Dropping Subtle Hints
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Pattern Recognition

Heidern (12 logs)

The Return of Big Boss
For Honor
[KOF 2017] Trust is Earned, Never Given
Forceful Conscription
Plans B through Z
Snake Eater
Have You Seen This Creep?
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 1) Justice for All
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers - Heidern vs Ryu
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers - Geese vs Heidern
The Fear
[Dead or Alive] DOA R3 - Renka/Shina vs Heidern: "Ikari Rising"

Heihachi (25 logs)

Birthday Surprises! Excellent!~
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Blood staining the Sands
A Mishima Family Christmas
[Neo League 0001] NL#0042: Kuma vs Daniel
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Jin vs Daigo
[KOF 2017] Imprisoned
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 19 - Welcome to the Jungle
Kin of Iron Fists
[KOF 2017] Act 3/14: Tyrants Must Tremble - Heihachi vs World
He Who Casts The First Stone
The Arrival of The Champ
Traditional Manners
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Little Bunny Foo Foo
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - I Want To Speak To Your Manager
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Lions And Tigers And Werewolves
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Wicked Souls
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - War Profiteering
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - False Friends
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Cut Off the Head
Black Dragon R4 - Subject NT01
Meeting at the Manor
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Teaching Strength
Tale of Two Kings: Soldiers Of Fortune

Hein (5 logs)

Chessmaster: Ke1 Bb4+
Chessmaster: cxd5 Nxd5
Chessmaster: Kg1 Bc5+
[The Descent] Round 1 - Are You Being Served?
[The Descent] Round 2 - Blood and Wine

Henchman (11 logs)

[SNF 2016.08] SNF: SouthSynd vs FreakShow in 'Maximum Impact'
All The President's Men Face The Mantisman
Yukar #1: The Barrel Man
Cloudy Skies
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Juri vs Henchman
Shinguuji-ryuu Before Swine
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Ken Masters vs Henchman
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Alexis vs. Henchman
[Mortal Kombat] A Measure Of One Never Born
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Escaping an Unnatural End
[KOF 2017] Mission 4) Cold Storage Blues - Faolan vs Henchman

Henry (11 logs)

[NFG Season Two] The Mermaid
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - A Rock To Tie His Face Around
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Philia
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R3 - Off With Her Head!
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Looting for Lucre
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Welcome To The Jungle
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Hollywood Heat vs Wild Things
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Final Match - Atlantis vs Hollywood Heat
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - S.O.S.
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Boss Battle - As Above
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Henry vs Arisa

Hibiki (3 logs)

Black Knight Blues
A Grim Interrogation
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Loose Ends

Hideo (3 logs)

[KOF 2017] Pull up a Chair-Person
[KOF 2017] B3 Qualifier Match: Full Moons vs Hard Knocks
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 32) Night Class

Himeko (17 logs)

Taiyo Shenanigans
[Neo League 0001] NL#0010: Hurricane Hime vs Kasumi
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom, the Afterparty!
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Eastern Pro - Dan vs Mimiru
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Brett vs. Himeko
Twilight Star Challenge 5 - Himeko!
[KOF 2016] NBH Issue 1: Enter Mania Skull
[KOF 2016] NBH Issue 2: Enter the Zappa
Dosh'ta, dosh'ta? Checking up on the competition!
[KOF 2016] B7 Qualifiers: Psycho Soldiers vs No-Brand Heroes
[SNF 2016.07] SNF: We Were Soldiers (Hijacked!)
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Himeko vs Fumiko
Fast Times at Taiyo High
Shady deal in an alleyway
Welcome to the Dojo
[Rising Star 2022] Ristar 2022 R1 - Amandine vs Himeko

Hinata (18 logs)

Lunchtime Shenanigans at Taiyo!
NESTS Goes To High School
Mending bridges and making plans
[SNF 2014.10] SNF: Monster of the Week
Cakes and Friends
Monster Truck! Enough Said. Read it.
School Rivalry and Shaved Ice
Snow Day Skating
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom, the Afterparty!
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kazuki vs Hinata
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Natsu vs Hinata
[SNF 2015.03] SNF: You Sunk My Battleship
[SNF 2018.10] SNF: Sleepaway Camp
[SNF 2018.11] SNF: Aerobicide
SNF: Brawl for the Meal
[SNF 2019.02] SNF: Chinese Dragon Dance

Hisako (4 logs)

[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Hisako vs Mint
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R2 - Edenlith vs Hisako
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R3 - Hisako vs Aaron

Hitomi (29 logs)

Home away from Home
[Neo League 0001] NL#0009: Yuri vs Hitomi
Investigating - A lead discovered
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: On the Catwalk.
[Neo League 0001] NL#0020: Rainbow Mika vs Hitomi
Cleanup on aisle Kasagi.
Why Do You Fight, Daniel Jack?
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Makoto vs Hitomi
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hitomi vs Kensou
Twilight Star Challenge 2 - Hitomi!
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Bogard Bros vs Team Maginot Line
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Fuji Curios vs Team Maginot Line
[Trouble In Paradise] TIP - Week 4 - Des ennuis au paradis
For Tomorrow We Dine
Visit to Aomori Asamushi Aquarium
Still Not on Track
Live, in Kasugai City
Something Long Overdue
[SNF 2016.08] SNF: Let Me Take A Selfie
[Neo League 0087] NL#0087: Marduk vs Hitomi
[SNF 2016.08] PFW'S * TANK * COMMAND
Holding Out for a Hero
[SNF 2017.05] SNF: ISLAND FIGHTS 'Hitomi v Rainbow Mika'
[P-BBB 2017] P-BBB 2017) Cooking By The Book - Bob vs Hitomi
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifier - Hitomi vs Gato
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Hitomi vs Faust
[SNF 2018.06] SNF: Beachfest! Hitomi vs Hei Xuanfeng
The Invincible Dragon.

Hokutomaru (1 log)

[KOF 2017] Q1: Syndicate Team vs Team Revengeance

Hollyella (2 logs)

[NFG Season One Finals] NFG Season One Final: Ichika vs Djamila
Zog's Quest #2: The Hunt for Red December

Homura (12 logs)

[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - Maze You Live In Interesting Times
[NFG Season Two] Happy Birthday, Hawksley
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Royal Rumble
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R3 - Stubborn as a Goatherd
[NFG Season Two] Mermaid Pool Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI: Welcome to (New) Zack Island
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Phantasmagoria vs M.A.C.
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Inconvenience Store
[NFG Season Two] CUT: The Myo'o
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Night Shift
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - The Omega Man
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Boss Battle - So Below

Honey (3 logs)

[SNF 2023.02] Errors in the Night
[SNF 2023.02] Love You To Death

Honoka (260 logs)

Meditative Aid
[SNF 2014.10] SNF: Beauty vs the Beast!
Yoyo here often?
Our Boss is in Another Castle
Under the Knife
Trust Issues
Spilled Soy Sauce
The Twilight Star Continuing Education Program
Cutting Edge Education
Official Invitation
Starcrossed Investigations
No Touching!!
Of Mozart and Galneryus
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom
The Time Has Come
The walk home
To Talk Of Many Things
Freaky Fast Deliveries
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Kazuki vs Hinata
Training Montage
Who Sat Me Down Here?
Niigata: You Win Some, You Lose Some
Lords of Southtown
Mission #9: Proof of Existence
After-school Special
Welcome Home, Harkness
Taming the Jellyfish
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Daigo vs Athena
The Causeway to Neverwhere
Twilight Star Challenge 1 - Benimaru!
Twilight Star Challenge 2 - Hitomi!
Psycho Soldiers, Assemble!
[SNF 2015.01] SNF: Very Merry Ferry
Turnabout Intruder
Monster: Second Helpings
Twilight Star Challenge 3 - Zach Glenn!
Inside Jokes Considered Harmful
Down With The Swiftness
Monster: Read Your Rights
Target Lock
Monster: Picking Up Pieces
Shooting Some Hoops
Monster: Nighttime Visitor
Restless Leg Syndrome
Foundation Layers
Gan / Girl
Homecoming, Part I
Homecoming, Part II
Homecoming, Part III
Twilight Star Challenge 4 - Alexis!
Twilight Star Challenge 5 - Himeko!
Welcome Wagon
[SNF 2015.04] BLITZ: Show Business
For Tomorrow We Dine
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Week 2] Reconnecting
Rising Starlet
Falling Action
Of Swords and Inheritance
All Good Things
Stereo on and cooking bacon
Visit to Aomori Asamushi Aquarium
Flashmob in Matsushima
Mr Sandman
The Last Days of Lightning Spangles
Live, in Kasugai City
Perimeter Alert
Do Not Disturb
[Neo League 0064] NL#0064: Cracker Jack vs Honoka
[Neo League 0064] NL#0065: Cracker Jack vs Rainbow Mika
Phoenix Claws
Prelude to a Shopping Spree
[Neo League 0064] NL#0070: Ryu vs Honoka
Twilight Star Challenge 6 - Keith!
[Cutscene] Misdirection
A Serpent's Pain
Snakes and Bigtops
The Right To Bear Arms
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W1] Rainbow Mika vs Alice Nakata
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W1] Pepper vs Saya
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W1] Zach Glenn vs Maki
[Rumble In The Streets] Daniel Jack Investigates: The Carnival of Terror!
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W2] Skullomania vs Saya
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W2] Maki vs Honoka
The Eye of the Storm
Night, Mare
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W3] Zach Glenn vs Daniel
Defenestration Demonstration
She's Hiding Something
[Rumble In The Streets] HitBit vs RUMBLE
[Rumble In The Streets] Lita and Skullomania Investigate: Shinsekai Terror
Second Responders
The Flower of Carnage
[Rumble In The Streets] Blood Below the Dance Floor
The Changing Of The Guard
[Rumble In The Streets] Contrary Adversary
[Rumble In The Streets] Daniel Jack Investigates: The Sword of Damocles!
[Rumble In The Streets] Sniper, No Sniping!
Daniel Jack Instigates: The Devil's Stair!
Shadow Council: First Summit
Twilight Star Circus: Audition
Just My Twilight Life: Can I Have A Robot Friend?
Twilight Star Circus: The Inverted Emperor
Just My Twilight Life: My Robot Friend AY4M3
Dosh'ta, dosh'ta? Checking up on the competition!
[KOF 2016] B6 Qualifiers: Team Canada vs Twilight Star
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: USA vs. Twilight Star
Beware Masked Messengers
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 2: Psycho Soldiers vs Team USA
The Will of the Roudoushakaikyuu
Bryan Fury is Cooperative
The Duke and the Empress
Ninety-nine Problems
Better Sooners Than Laters
Making Friends at Gedo High
The Circus Heist
[Mortal Kombat] A Taste of Things to Come
[Mortal Kombat] Kombat Briefing
[Mortal Kombat] "Living" Forest
The Morning After
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Honoka vs Sergei
A Chorus of Two
[Mortal Kombat] A Window To The Past
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Aranha vs Honoka
[Mortal Kombat] The Second Glen
[Mortal Kombat] A Test of Faith
[Mortal Kombat] Cost of Living
[Mortal Kombat] Daniel Jack Investigates: The Gallery Of Murder!
[Mortal Kombat] So You're Dating A Yakuza
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Crawling from the Wreckage
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 3: Nakoruru vs Honoka
[Mortal Kombat] MK: To Forge A Champion
[Mortal Kombat] Regrets
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Daniel Jack and the Purifying Flame
[Mortal Kombat] MK: The Lessons of Civilization
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Questionable Successes
[Mortal Kombat] Give a Reason
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 4: Athena vs Honoka -- Mongoose
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 4: Honoka vs Rose -- Mongoose vs Serpent
[Mortal Kombat] A Chat with the Dahlia
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Earnest Conversation
Night At The Circus
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Queenmaker
[Mortal Kombat] MK: May The Wind Be Always At Your Back
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Goro vs Dahlia - Champions Collide
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Release
[Mortal Kombat] MK: A Second Chance
[Mortal Kombat] MK: The Return
Changing of the Guard
Old-School Values
Song and Dance
The Knife In Plain Sight
Catching Up With Kazuki
Interesting Ideas
[KOF 2017] Trains Passing
[KOF 2017] B5 Qualifier Match: Heirs To Legends vs Team Miggy
[KOF 2017] Mission 3 - School Daze
Sentimental Value
[KOF 2017] Q2: Rising Dragons 2017 vs Heirs to Legend
[KOF 2017] Foreign Women, Continued
[KOF 2017] S1: Syndicate Team vs Heirs to Legend
[KOF 2017] False Flags Ahoy!
Post KoF '17
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 36 - Hello, God? It's Me, Ainu
[KOF 2017] Act 3, Mission 31 - The Tragic School Rush
[KOF 2017] Act 3, Mission 32 - The Tragic School Rush, Pt 2
[KOF 2017] Lightning Crashes
The Destroyer's Bargain
A Lightning Spangles Christmas Carol
Solemn Duty
Down on the Boardwalk
Thin Ice
[KOF 2017] KoF Bronze: Heirs to Legend v Hungry Wolves
Room Service
Ryuichi Fujimoto
The Long March Toward Destiny
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel Finals Gaiden - The Higher Ground
[Circuit of Champions] SNF: RED MASTER BELT FIGHT
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 0 - Aut Vincere Aut Mori
Bottled Rage
Flowers of Harmony
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Adopt A Spangles
Port City Confidential
Out of Retirement
Lateral Adjustments
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 0 - Calms Before Storms
Hunting In The Dahlia's Garden
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 0 - Stormfall
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Sifting Through The Silt
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Mutually Assured Construction
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Entanglement
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Pattern Recognition
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Pretty Fly For A White Guy
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Casual Conversations
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Real Bout High School
[Circuit Of Champions] Worldwide Master Belt Riot: Honoka vs Baiken
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Know Your Worth
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Mission Complete
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Snooping Unusual
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Ensorcellment
Sunglasses at Night, and Other Aberrancies
Clandestine Consultations
Starts With "I"
Mutually Assured Indifference
What's in a Name?
[KOF 2019] Saddled Up
[KOF 2019] KOF: Twilight Stars
Honoka and Bonnie and Dahlia and Beatrice
A Meeting of Like Minds
Business or Pleasure?
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Twilight Stars vs Kyokugen
Facing the Past
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Legacy vs Twilight Stars
To Be A Hero
Much Ado About Clones
[KOF 2019] Quarterfinal 2 - Twilight vs Heavy Metal Burnin'
Good For What Eels You
Just My Twilight Life: The Circus Is Missing!
Just My Twilight Life - Internet At Home!
The Long Trip Home
Secret Societies
Disaster Tourist
Campaign Central
Like and Subscribe
Dahlia's Trip to Venus
Honoring the Community
The Dictator's Dahlia
Cleveland Schoolkids Gone Missing
As the Story Goes
FATE and Destiny
Killasaurus Orphanage in: Golden Angel Tsunami!
What's Eating Katashi Tairyu
Meet Again for the First Time
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia: Dark Reflections
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia: Keeping the Same Energy
Timeline Variance and Authority
Absent Without Fault
[Circuit of Champions] Worldwide Master Belt - Abigail vs Honoka
Ninety Seconds
Closing The Loop
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Honoka vs Tairyu
[NFG Season One] Happy Hour with Hawksley and Honoka
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Honoka vs Frei
[World Warrior 2023] R3: Song of Rising Moon
Unraveler of Secrets
The New Old Ways

Honoka Inoue (12 logs)

The Ant and the Grasshopper
[SNF 2019.05] SNF: Revolution #9 - Felicia vs Honoka Inoue
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Honoka Inoue vs Hotaru Futaba
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R2: Honoka Inoue vs Big Blue
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R3 - Honoka Inoue/Kasumi vs ???
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Final Boss
[Neo League 0143] NL#0144: Hayley vs Honoka Inoue
[SNF 2020.7] SNF: The Cat's In The Bag
[SNF 2020.11] Thanksgiving SNF - Thankful For: Mom!
[Circuit of Champions] Rookie Belt: Honoka Inoue vs Lilith!
[SNF 2021.05] SNF: Juliet vs Honoka Inoue - "Enter the Wookiee"
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Dan vs Honoka Inoue - "Dazed and Confused"

Hotaru (27 logs)

The Road: Journey's Start
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Exhibition - Gedo High
[Neo League 0001] NL#0023: Gertrude vs Hotaru
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: A Woman's Perogative
[Neo League 0001] NL#0031: Hotaru vs Roland
[Neo League 0001] NL#0034: The Main Man Hunter Grand vs Hotaru
[G-KING] G-King #1: Chao Liu vs Hotaru Futaba
The Road: Roadside Assistance
[SNF 2015.01] SNF: Satanic
Target Lock
[Neo League 0001] NL#0059: Mei Lin vs Hotaru Futaba
[Neo League 0001] NL#0060: The Moonchild vs Hotaru Futaba
[Neo League 0064] NL#0066: Natsu vs Hotaru
[SNF 2016.06] SNF: Hotaru vs Jam in "Hot Dog Battle!"
[Neo League 0064] NL#0086: Hotaru vs Marduk
[SNF 2016.08] SNF: Of Mice and Catwomen
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R1 - Hayley vs Hotaru
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel R2 - Haru vs Hotaru
[Golden Angel 2018] Golden Angel Finals - Nensei Sentai Gooranger
[Circuit Of Champions] ROOKIE RIOT BLUE BELT - Yuri vs Hotaru
Reclaimer's Log 2: Home Alone
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Honoka Inoue vs Hotaru Futaba
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R2 - Hotaru vs Sven
[SLAMFEST 2020] Free For All - Aranha vs Hotaru vs Gunloc
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Brandon vs Hotaru
[Neo League 0201] NL#0204: Hotaru vs Nikolai

Hugin (5 logs)

[KOF 2017] Twin Ravens
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 3 - To Match A Ninja
[KOF 2017] Act 3/14: Tyrants Must Tremble - Heihachi vs World
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - Lost In A Landslide
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Aspect Of Earth

Hugo (4 logs)

So You Wanna Be A Dillo?
A Poisonous Buffet
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Grand Opening
[SNF 2018.10] SNF: The War Of the Gargantuas

Hyena (2 logs)

[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Walking The Dog
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon TDH - Breach Of Contract

Hyo (6 logs)

[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo vs Kyo
For the Future
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo vs Makoto
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo x Daigo
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Tiffany vs. Hyo
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Hyo vs Daigo

676 logs listed.