NFG Season Two - RTZI Round 4 - S.O.S.

[Toggle Names]

Description: Seemingly just in the nick of time, the radio mast is repaired - but rather than broadcasting an S.O.S. to the world beyond the firewall, an 'S.O.S.' is inadvertently broadcast to the area surrounding the station over the island's P.A. system, attracting the attention of monstrosities and drawing them to Zack's abode! For once, hosting the biggest house party in the neighbourhood seems like a really bad idea...

Up on top of the concrete building that serves as both the island's main (and presumably only) radio station and the castle of the island's formerly-officially-deceased, now-unofficially-kidnapped king, a lone young man with brown hair and dressed in the transcontinental combination of a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts gleams with sweat as he steadily wraps a set of substitute parts in duct tape, finalising the repairs to the freshly re-erected radio mast. He wipes his brow before shouting down at those on ground level, "How does it look from down there?"

Coco, who's been spending the entire time sunning herself on a lounge chair in a strawberries-and-cream bikini reading a copy of 'Turning the Tables: A Funky Autobiography' by Zack, looks up at the radio mast through her Bulgari Flora sunglasses. "Looks sufficiently erect to me! You're welcome."

"Um, what do you mean?" Steve asks as he checks his work. "You've mostly just been lying there and changing positions now and then."

"Sometimes, that's all it takes," Coco sing-songs, bookmarking her spot and standing up to stretch. "Right. Shall we see if it's working? What do you need us to do?" she asks, looking around for someone else for 'us' to be referring to.

"Well, someone's going to need to broadcast an S.O.S. A.S.A.P.," Steve calls down.

"N.P., B.B.," Coco replies, before putting her hands to her mouth and calling out: "Hey, guys! Who wants to help make sure the radio's working?"

The other half of Toxique, AKA Roxana Soraya Page has not been fortunate enough to find a spare swimsuit in her time on Zack Island. As such, she's once again clad in the coconut white bikini she arrived in. The top fastens around her neck in a halter style and the bust area has underwired cups and an oval-shaped diamante stone between them, surrounded by smaller stones. The bottoms are high-waisted and rest on her shapely hips with a belted band. A stone identical to the one on the bikini top is positioned at the centre of this band. On her feet are a pair of pretty diamante sandals with espadrille wedge heels. It's an eye-catching look for sure, but Rox has grown tired of washing it out every day and longs for another outfit. She's just grateful she'd acquired a bathrobe from the pool house, so she doesn't have to stand in the buff while doing her laundry.

Flipping back her long black braid and lowering her tortoiseshell sunglasses, Rox considers Coco's question. "Sure, I can help with that." She responds smoothly, her voice not raising above its usual soft tone. She starts to walk in her teammate's direction, swinging her hips and stopping to give a thumbs up to Steve in recognition of his hard work. "Do you know what we have to do?" She checks with Coco, once she's close enough for the Chelsea girl to hear her. "I mean, I guess he told us -what- to do, but do you know how to do it?"

COMBATSYS: Henry has ended the fight here.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo is down on the ground near the entrance of the station, enjoying the view of nature and not even cognisant of the view he's missing out on up on the rooftop. He's also unfortunately not privy to the conversation that Steve and Team Toxique are having until Steve calls out the need for an S.O.S.

He shouts up to the roof, "I'm not sure I should be touching the equipment without knowing how it works. Is there an instruction manual for it here?"

He looks back towards the door particularly to the makeshift patch job (piece of garbage bag and duct tape both probably found in the maintainance closet of the casino) done to the glass door of the station after a performance enhanced Zack clone bashed his hand through it. That glance is short lived but he places his hand on the door handle before looking upwards once more.

He calls up once more, "Maybe Sarah might know. She is a DJ. Then again, there's probably a difference between DJing on a turntable and DJing for a radio station."

Sarah is a disk jockey, indeed, and she does know a lot about using a turntable. As for using a radio station, though, that's another story. She doesn't exactly know how things work, although she's been in a few radio stations here and there for interviews. Using the equipment, though? That's another story entirely.

Nevertheless, the spunky young disk jockey isn't about to just sit around doing nothing. She's willing to give it a try if need be, even if it means trial and error. Of course, she's not about to just go around pushing buttons and flipping switches willy-nilly. She's trying to take a logical approach to it.

"I'm willing to give it a try," Sarah calls upward, ditching her usual attire for a red tank top and blue jean shorts. Of course she's still barefoot and wearing her usual baseball cap. "I don't know much about radio equipment, but I'll see if I can figure something out!"

Making her way into the station building proper, Sarah walks carefully to avoid stepping on anything sharp in her bare feet. Yeah, she should've brought her flip-flops, but to Sarah it's just another way of making everyday things feel more challenging! She makes her way into the control room and takes a look at everything. "Hmm, let me see here." She finds a switch that apparently handles the main power, and with a flip of it, the systems hum to life. "I think we're in business here! Let's see what we can do!"

"It's pretty straightforward. I mean, it was built for Zack, of all people. There's a button you have to push. Should be a pre-recorded S.O.S. on disc in there," Steve shouts down from the roof.

"Oh, we can find that, easy," Coco says as she beckons Roxana and Rodrigo to follow along after Sarah. "Nice job," she says as Sarah locates the power for the main board, demonstrating more technical expertise with the kind of old non-app-based technology that the radio station employs than Coco herself could hope to muster. "Look! Here it is!" she says, picking up a CD case that looks suspiciously unlike housing for an emergency broadcast disc, judging by the black and gold cover.

"My mom and dad are old, so I know how to use a CD player," Coco explains the worldly knowledge that she /does/ possess as she removes a disc from the album case and pops it into the disc changer before hitting play. "Also, they listen to this sort of music, which is how I knew where to find it," Coco explains further - wait, music? - "although it was already vintage when they were my age."

Keyboards in piano configuration start playing, soon joined by additional synth, and then a woman's voice with a Swedish accent rings out with the words:

o/~ Where are those happy days? They seem so hard to find
I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind
Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood
It used to be so nice, it used to be so good
So, when you're near me, darling, can't you hear me? S.O.S. o/~

And as the ABBA track starts blasting from the P.A. system above the radio station, the sounds of croaking and hissing can be heard from the surrounding environs, shapes moving in the shades of early sunset as they're drawn by the noise...

"Not just a pretty face, am I?" Coco says, cocking a hip and resting her hand on it as she tilts her head smugly.

"Of course, Sarah will know." Roxana responds to Rodrigo, her hope growing at the thought the Mancunian is on board. Falling in line behind her fellow fighters, she allows herself to appreciate the summer breeze on her skin as she strolls along.

Once they're inside the building, the Nebraskan can't help but notice the mess in the room she recognises as the area they'd gathered for Zack's Emergency Dance Party. Every single bottle behind the bar appears to be shattered and there's pieces of shimmering mirror ball scattered over the dancefloor. The effect of so much broken glass as it catches the sunlight streaming in through the windows is somewhat mesmerising but the black-haired beauty is careful not to get so caught up that she risks being left behind.

As they continue through to the radio station control room, Rox watches patiently as Sarah gets to work. When the machinery responds, she gives the DJ a grateful smile, glad to have someone around who knows what they're doing. Coco seems pretty confident too. Glancing at the compact disc case the party princess picks up, the gear girl doesn't seem convinced but she's willing to give the Brit the benefit of the doubt. After all, she's a subscriber to a streaming service herself and doesn't have much experience with this method of storage. She did have parents of some sort of course but she can't honestly remember ever hearing music at home. Perhaps that's why when she first encountered rock music it had such a powerful effect on her.

As the polished pop starts to play, Roxana seems reticent. Her normally serene expression however switches to one of concern. Eventually she speaks up, staring in the direction from which the sound is coming. "I believe this is the popular Swedish band ABBA, who were at their peak in the seventies. Not quite the kind of S.O.S. we were looking for."

As the stirrings from the shapes start, the scorpion-female swings around, seeking out any sign of them. "I suspect we may have attracted some adversaries. We best prepare to battle."

The power switches on thanks to his teammate. Rodrigo raises an eyebrow at the idea of there being a pre-recorded S.O.S. He assumed that it would've been handled by PA announcement though given enough time to think about it, it makes sense because they might not be able to speak and instead would need to hit a button and handle other things while making a transmission.

When music starts playing, the Spaniard wears a look of confusion on his face. Roxana gives voice to the same thoughts he had of it not being the S.O.S. they were looking for.

Seeing as Rodrigo is close to the door, he probably has the best view of the approaching shapes (other than possibly Steve on the rooftop). He draws his sword and readies his acid damaged cape.

"If you don't want to get stuck on station clean up duty, I suggest we keep this fight outside."

He then steps outside with blade and cape ready to go.

OK, that's not quite the S.O.S. Sarah had in mind. She likes ABBA, but this is not the type of S.O.S. they need right now. They need to... oh, what's the use?

"Very amusing," Sarah says with a slight scowl. "Now can we please do something to get ourselves out of here?"

Sarah's voice trails off as she realizes there's something coming... or rather a LOT of somethings coming, and they most likely aren't friendly at all. "Oh, this just gets bloody better every moment." She rolls her eyes before taking a swig of water from the bottle on her shorts.

Making her way back outside, all while being sure to avoid stepping on anything that would hurt her bare feet, Sarah makes her way outside of the station proper and gets into the ginga. "I don't think that's the rescue force coming, so everyone be ready to fight!"

"Guys?" Steve calls down from on top of the building. "Very funny, guys! Um, are those frogs?"

Coco pokes her head out of the broadcast studio. "Oh, balls. Didn't we hear frogs in the casino before Jay Dee went missing?" she says, before starting to step out into the open. As she does, a glob of acidic spittle lands on the driveway next to her, splattering before bubbling and sizzling. "Oh my God. Are you sure that if we stay outside they won't be on 'us' clean-up duty?" she calls out to Rodrigo.

As she says so, the first slithering shapes start to appear at the tops of the walls surrounding the radio station. Bipedal frog-creatures can also be seen hopping closer and closer.

Coco turns to find that one of the tech team has already slammed the door shut. She looks around for the other entrances, but the gaps in the glasswork have previously been boarded over.

"Quick! Let's get up there!" Coco suggests, turning around to clamber up the ladder that leads to the roof of the building where Steve is currently all-but-stranded. "Then if we kick over the ladder, they can't come up after us!"

"But half of them are lizards, and the other half are frogs," Steve points out. "They're better at climbing AND jumping than we are!"

"Speak for yourself, nerd," Coco scoffs with a huff as she crawls onto the roof and up to her feet before turning around. "Quickly!"

"Outside? Isn't that where they are coming from?" Roxana questions Rodrigo, clearly concerned. She's respectful of her own belongings and surroundings and those of others wherever possible, but given the state of things in Zack's home and workplace right now, she doubts anyone is going to get them to do domestic chores if they damage anything or create more mess.

Sarah seems to think Coco has played a prank on them. Surely the purple-haired posh girl wouldn't be so reckless? Rox suspects it's just an honest mistake, brought about by too much bravado. Still, she can't argue with the sentiments expressed by the DJ. Things really do seem to keep on escalating on the island.

Since the Rhythm Renegades have already stepped outside, Rox finds herself following but she's torn between staying on the ground and listening to her mentor by ascending the ladder. Either way, being inside is no longer an option, as the foursome have been locked out.

Deciding she doesn't want to leave her partner alone, she climbs upwards, her movements smooth and speedy. Once she reaches the roof and is back on solid ground, her transformation starts to take place. Black chitinous armour forms over the top of her head, upper face, shoulders, arms and legs and she develops claws, pincers and a tail. There's definite signs of the teenage girl still there but she's also now part predator.

Rodrigo sighs as he suspects that the reasoning for taking the fight outside is to prevent them from breaking into the building seeing as he was resigned to having fight.

"Yes, but I figured that we'd need to go out to keep them out." He pauses as something else comes to mind. "And if we climb up, there's nothing preventing them from destroying the radio equipment inside, and hampering our ability to communicate to those off the island."

He moves to the ladder but doesn't get on leaving the path open for Sarah if she wants to make the climb seeing as since she has skill in parkour, she will probably be faster than him. Worst comes to worst, there will be four people who can pull the ladder up with him on it. He's not that heavy.

"If you still want to stay up on the roof, I'll join you. I just think those things should be considered."

It wasn't a prank, it was a bad joke. At least that's what Sarah thought Coco was doing.

But nevertheless, something's definitely wrong and Sarah isn't liking it at all. The roof definitely seems like a safer place than on the ground. Rodrigo is nice enough to let Sarah go first, but she decides to utilize her parkour skills instead.

Running from this object to that, Sarah bounces like an acrobat into the air and lands with a roll on the rooftop.

"I wasn't looking to practice my free running today, but it seems things have changed," Sarah says. "I feel like I'm gonna be doing a lot of running soon... if I'm not fighting that is."

Coco's jaw drops as the first of the frog-men manages to vault over the wall and a tongue flicks past her seemingly from nowhere, forcing her to sidestep it and leaving a trail of goo on the roof next to her in its wake. "Oh. My. God. They are so /slimy!/" she announces in a quavering voice that increases in both intensity and pitch with each syllable.

She bends over to help Roxana up, followed by helping to pull the ladder up with Rodrigo on it alongside any of the others who decide to help. She may seem soft - and she is, in a lot of ways - but she's built up muscle and is at least savvy enough to lift with her S-class legs, so she'll be able to manage regardless.

"They're not after the equipment," she tells Rodrigo with some confidence, having made eye contact with one of the toothy froggos a moment earlier. "They're after us. They seem, like, weirdly smart, but also pretty singularly focused on blood?"

Once they're all on the roof, she sets the ladder down and stands up, stretching her back either direction as she speaks. "I reckon that if any of them gets up here, we give them a good, swift kicking and knock 'em back off."

As she says that, though, a massive frog-shark suddenly hops onto the roof from behind the building, letting out a massive *RIBBIT*. At the same time, another tongue flicks through the air - this time from a giant chameleonic creature that's somehow made its way onto the radio mast!

"Oh, bollocks! We've been ambushed!" Coco shouts. Both creatures lunge for a silhouette in the sunset standing in the middle of the roof at the same time - tearing it promptly into three parts. "Oh no! Steve?!"

And the three pieces of cardboard flutter away on the breeze, the cardboard cutout of Zack that was placed on the roof for some reason having bought time for the four - and an opening to take the first strike!

"I'll get you for killing Steve, you BITCH!" Coco shouts as she leaps at the barely-visible lizard, aiming to jump on its back and use her powerful Muay Thighs to sling it down to the rooftop!

"I'm okay!" Steve shouts helpfully from where he was hiding behind an air conditioning unit.

COMBATSYS: Croaker King has started a fight here on the top side.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen has joined the fight here on the top side.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------

COMBATSYS: Coco has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/------=|

"I appreciate your careful consideration." Roxana calls down to Rodrigo. "I suggest since we're up here now though, it might be best to stick together."

Toxique are soon joined by Sarah in stunning style. "That was a dazzling display." Rox praises, clapping her claws together.

The monsters soon make themselves known to them, causing Coco to cry out. Once they are four strong, the scorpion-girl steps forwards towards the other fighters. "I now consider us a team." She announces. "We can work together to defeat these foes and likely form a bond in the process. Sarah, I haven't spent much time with you, other than when you very kindly let me take a selfie with you on the cruise ship, but I'm aware of your skills. Rodrigo, you proved a formidable foe in our match as Orion and the scorpion. Coco, I am proud to have you as my mentor. May we prove victorious."

That said, the amphibian/fish creature makes it's entrance and it's brought company. "Battle has commenced." The Nebraskan states, somewhat unnecessarily. As the unfortunate first victim of the deadly double act meets his demise, there's a flicker of emotion on Roxana's face. A second later it's already gone, as she sees that it was merely a cardboard cut-out of their island host. Still, Coco's sentiment stands and the scorpion-gear is all for making sure any invaders meet a sticky end.

Whilst the Brit launches herself on the lizard, Rox leans forwards, positioning her tail over her head and using it to spray poison in the direction of the chameleon creature. Should it connect, it's likely to cause considerable pain and potentially paralysis!

COMBATSYS: Roxana has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Roxana

"I'll defer to your experience, then."

The Spaniard quickly scales the ladder at an impressive speed considering he has the cape in one hand and sword in the other. Thanks to Coco pulling the ladder, Rodrigo manages to hop on to the roof in very little time.

He gives Roxana a nod and sword salute to her words but finds no time to do anything else before the two creatures show up. The figure is torn into three but Rodrigo doesn't react. The victim is missing a key element. Something he's familiar with due to his almost profession. Blood. Further proof is given when Steve voices his status.

Rodrigo, due to his close proximity to Coco from the assistance, notes that he has easiest attack route to the chameleon but thinks that there is a possibility of him needing to break off to occupy the sharkfrog.

The sword fighter takes a pot shot at the reptile with a slash to the midsection and then slips behind it to stab its back before pulling it down to the ground and disengaging to ready himself for an attack from either creature.

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Rodrigo
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Roxana           0/-------/-======|

Sarah and Rodrigo already had to deal with a strange creature already at the hotel. So she shouldn't be surprised when these creatures arrive. In fact, she's not surprised at all. Instead, she can only shake her head in disgust at the sight of these monsters. Rolling her eyes a little as she remains in the ginga, she comments, "I should've known what happened at the hotel was just the tip of the iceberg."

Nevertheless, Sarah's not about to back down from this fight. She doesn't know what they're truly capable of, although she does get a brief example from the frog creature. With widened eyes, Sarah winces a little before regaining her focus. "I can't lose my mind here, we have to do this!"

Giving a slight nod to Rodrigo to acknowledge her teammate, Sarah shifts herself to get ready to go after the sharkfrog. She'd never imagined a frog with teeth before, but there you go. She attempts to get its attention by performing a cartwheel into it, attempting to strike it as her leg comes down. Yes, she's completely barefoot and she's touching something that's part frog. Hopefully she won't get any warts from this!

COMBATSYS: Sarah has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Coco successfully hits Killer Queen with Singapore Sling.
- Power hit! -

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|----===
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen dodges Roxana's Scorpion Spray.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|---====
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo successfully hits Killer Queen with Ensnaring Spiral.
Grazing Hit

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|--=====
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Sarah's Medium Kick.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|--=====
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

The creature that was crawling down the radio mast finds itself wrangled by Coco's legs and roped into a rodeo that it wasn't anticipating. It seems almost certain that it crashes head-first into the concrete as the rich girl rides it off of its perch. There's something between a hiss and a shriek from the shape as its colours shift from rust-and-metal to match the rooftop. It throws Coco clear just in time to allow itself to duck under the poisonous spray from Roxana. At almost the same time, Rodrigo manages to slash the barely-visible beast across its side, eliciting another shriek before it slithers away to avoid the stab aimed at its back. It whips around, a tongue flickering out to try and snap around Roxana and Coco and pull them both together before swinging them around toward the radio mast!

At the same time, the alpha frogshark hops to one side, allowing Sarah to cartwheel past it as its ventral sac swells with air, making it look almost twice the size, before releasing the air in a bassy croak. The predator then bounces forward - attempting to bowl over both Sarah and Rodrigo in a rapid battle-mosh!

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Killer Queen's Tongue Slam.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|--=====
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Coco is caught off-guard initially by the tongue coming seemingly from nowhere to wrap around her arms and pin them against her midsection before pulling her closer to Roxana. "Ohh, gross! Actually, that kind of tickles - wait, no! Ow! It hurts!"

Her appreciation for the chameleon queen is short-lived, and she powers out of the tongue's grip by holding her arms up, bending forward and throwing herself ass-first away from it - resulting in her bikini-clad backside crashing into one of the frogsharks that's just hopped onto the roof, sending it flying back off. Fortunately, all Coco's got out of it is a bit of bruising to worry about.

"It's one of those things Hawksley fought! God, why is everything on this island so slimy?!"

She gets back up into her Muay Thai stance, going for a quick straight punch at where she thinks the Killer Queen is!

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen successfully hits Roxana with Tongue Slam.
- Power hit! -

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-------
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Roxana

"We will do this." Roxana chimes in after Sarah's stirring statement. "We will also remain sane while doing so."

Coco gets the quartet off to a strong start by causing the creature to crash itself into the concrete but Roxana's terrifying toxins fail to connect. "So this is what he and Henry faced in the jungle?" Rox responds at her mentor's reference to the Irishman. "Then we must be careful we also don't end up soaked in blood and blind in one eye."

Rodrigo finds his target but like herself, Sarah isn't successful with her assault. Rox tries to keep her focus on the lizard shark as best she can but its flickering tongue finds her and flings her up into the air, where she takes a crash landing on the radio mast. She doesn't cry out but there's a concerned look towards Coco as she starts to question whether they actually can do this. Brushing off the negativity, she wipes some blood from the exposed lower-half of her face and pushes herself forwards onto all fours.

Shifting her gaze sharply back and forth and causing her black braid to bounce, the scorpion-female seeks out her foe. When she feels she may have found them, she drops back into a bridge position and then rises upwards, slashing the air in the hope of hitting her opponent with an overhead attack with both her claws. She then aims to slash them vertically while throwing herself into a backflip and landing on her feet.

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Rodrigo with Battle Hop.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-----==
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Sarah
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Rodrigo finds success, if limited, in his attempts to attack the lizard, landing an attack to the side but not landing the follow ups. He would be fine with this if not for the fact that the frogshark was feeling froggy and jumps into him, faster than the swordsman can even react, knocking him off of his feet.

"That was almost like a bull but faster."

Rodrigo climbs back to his feet with a grimace on his face. He definitely felt that. He goes back into his stance sword at the ready and cape by his side when he watches the aftermath of Coco fighting off the tongue attack and Roxana getting slammed.

"Do you know if it has acidic saliva?"

He needs to know if he needs to accept that his cape going to take on more damage. It was designed to take stabs, slashes and impacts. It wasn't all that great at dealing with corrosive substances.

While he waits for that answer, he still has to take into account locations. The same power leap that took Rodrigo off of his feet was the same one that carried the frogshark away from him so as a result, the chameleon-like creature is still the closer enemy and so is still a bit delayed in his attempts to assist his mentor with her enemy. He slashes at the lizard creature again as he runs by, delivering a low commitment slash to it before moving to close in on the frogshark once more.

COMBATSYS: Sarah blocks Croaker King's Battle Hop.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Upon feeling nothing but air hitting her bare feet, Sarah scowls as she gets back into the ginga. "Bloody hell, I need to work on my accuracy." But her scowl is replaced by a look of fear as she sees what the frogshark (sharkfrog? You get the idea) is doing. Apparently, it means to make itself look bigger, an illusion that Sarah's used to... until it leaps into the air.

"Oh bloody hell," Sarah says as her eyes widen and her jaw hangs open for a moment. It's coming so fast that Sarah barely has time to react. In desperation, she adopts a defensive stance, trying to avoid being crushed by that giant monster! Fortunately, her defensive technique keeps her from being hurt too badly, but she still feels the pain a little. She skids back on her bare feet, which causes her to grit her teeth. "That wasn't fun!"

As the frogshark leaps away, Sarah throws forth a butterfly shaped projectile of energy at it. "Here, say hello to my little friend here!"

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen dodges Coco's Medium Punch.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen dodges Roxana's Spinning Scorpion.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen dodges Rodrigo's Quick Strike.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|------=|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Croaker King with Flash Butterfly.

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|--=====
                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|------=|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

As Coco, Rodrigo and Roxana all go for the Chameleon Queen, each seems to find purchase. Coco's fist connects with something, sending it skidding backward off of the roof.

At the same time, blood is sent splattering around as Roxana slices into an invisible foe, eliciting a shriek of pain. Then, the low slash from Rodrigo severs the same creature's tail - and it skitters away over the edge.

It takes a moment to realise that neither of those creatures were the queen. The gang have been fighting off the creature's invisible subjects.

The revelation is confirmed by a shrill cry from the mast above as the Queen attempts to exact her vengeance, an acid-soaked tongue whipping through the air in the direction of the three fighters, as if to answer Rodrigo's question!

At the same time, the energy butterfly smacks into the frog-shark's face, causing it to topple backward onto the rooftop. It kicks its legs a couple of times before kipping back up to its feet, hopping forward and snapping its shark-like teeth at the disc jockey!

"Oh my God. Tell my wife and kid that I love them," Steve sobs as he edges around the radio mast in an attempt to avoid the two species descending on the station.

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Killer Queen's Tongue Lash.

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|---====
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|------=|=======
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Coco raises a knee up, blocking the slicing, acidic tongue from slashing her across her stomach as might have been intended - but it does still leave a painful, seeping red streak across her kneecap. "Ow. Definitely bloody acidic," she swears with a sharp inhalation. "But I'm no basic bitch!" Was that a science joke from Coco? Regardless, she jumps up, spinning her body and extending one of her long and shapely legs in a flying roundhouse - attempting to knock the Queen off of her throne. Hopefully it won't cause any damage to the throne itself...!

COMBATSYS: Roxana blocks Killer Queen's Tongue Lash.

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|---====
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-----==|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Roxana

As she lands on her feet following her backflip, Roxana realises that although she had struck an enemy, it wasn't the one she'd hoped to hit. It's hardly too surprising that the scorpion-gear's aim is somewhat off when she's fighting an invisible opponent.

"I'd like to see you in a bullfight." Roxana comments to Rodrigo. "Do you ever miss fighting bulls rather than people?" She pauses for a beat. "Or monsters I suppose."

As for the Spaniard's question, it isn't long before he has his answer. As some of the acid from the Queen's tongue drops on to the surface of the roof, it starts to sizzle in response. Then there's the matter of the Toxique mentor's knee. Reaching around to her bikini bottoms, Rox discovers that the corrosive chemical has also burnt through a section on her bum, when the creature had thrown her through the air with its tongue. She starts to blush beneath her honey-coloured skin and black armour. Should such wardrobe malfunctions continue, she will truly be a student of Coco.

As Rox contemplates her costume, the toxic tongue seeks out the scorpion again. This time she's better prepared and uses her claws to bat it away but some of the liquid is left behind on them.

Sarah's being very bloody British with her words of protest and Rox recognises that she's fighting solo against the fearsome frog. Leaping across to land beside the Mancunian, she flashes the blonde a smile and then prepares to battle alongside her, just in time for the beautiful butterfly to hit home.

"Maybe you don't need me after all." The American laughs. Despite the dangerous situation they've found themselves in, she has to admit that she's having fun. Unlike poor Steve from the sounds of it. "You will not die here today." Rox calls out to him, offering reassurance. "Nobody needs to contact your family."

Bringing up her acid-coated claws, the Nebraskan launches herself forwards and uses them to try and strike at the toothy frog fiend. "I am here as backup." She informs him coolly. "I suggest you stand down or suffer the consequences."

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo blocks Killer Queen's Tongue Lash.

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|---====
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|----===|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0            Sarah
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Rodrigo wasn't surprised that his attack missed the intended target. The point was to reposition himself so he would be able to switch his target when the time came to do so. Landing it would have been a welcome bonus. The surprise comes from feeling his blade connecting with something else. As he watches the tail fade into view, he finds himself saying, "The tail is severed!" Did Rodrigo just make a Dragon's Dogma joke?

Rodrigo, now having his answer to the acidic saliva question, opts to deflect the tongue lashing with the cup hilt of his sword as if it was a mini-buckler. The tongue is redirected down and away tripping a frog head first off the roof.

"Roxana, I think I'd to answer that question later."

The Spaniard moves into his sword range and delivers a slash to the leg of the shark frog before performing a step back right into an invisible lizard knocking it over the ledge. There's an awkward pause.

"Umm... Taste my accidental wrath, reptile?"

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Sarah with Fierce Bite.
Glancing Blow

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|----===|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

So Sarah managed to hit with her projectile. That's good news.

What's not good news is that the frogshark is now seeking revenge on her. It's coming in fast and looking to take a bite out of the disk jockey! And personally, Sarah's not looking to become an amphibious monster's snack today. So she tries to get away from it, but she's a little too slow.

Just as she starts to leap away, she feels those grotesque teeth nicking her flesh through her t-shirt. She cries out and finds herself struggling to recover in midair, skidding to a halt and knocking a poor chameleon off. "Sorry, love," She thinks to herself as she struggles to get back into the ginga. It's kind of hard when the soles of your feet are hurting from skidding on rough terrain, but Sarah manages to make the best of things.

When she's got a better grasp of things, Sarah does a forwards somersault on the surface of the rooftop, before attempting to pop up with a sudden uppercut, hoping to catch the frogshark off-guard.

All while reminding herself she's going to need a LOT of medical attention when she gets back home, what with touching and being bitten by a grotesque creature!

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen parries Coco's Medium Kick!!

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|---====|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Roxana's Fierce Strike.

                 [    |||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|---====|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo successfully hits Croaker King with Random Strike.

                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-------|=======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|---====|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King blocks Sarah's Roll With It.

                 [       ||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|------=|=======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|---====|=======
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

The air around the mast seems to flicker as the Queen slithers with surprising speed away from Coco's foot, leaving her to kick the tower itself. There's a resounding impact of flesh and bone on metal, and the broadcast fills with static - but fortunately only briefly, allowing ABBA's song to resume its playback. The girl will only have a moment after landing to react to the creature now diving down from above to pounce on her in bestial fashion!

Meanwhile, the Croaker King's large amphibian eyes blink and flit to one side as the scorpion lunges at her. Apparently familiar with the dangers of interactions between scorpions and frogs popularized by certain folk tales, the bloody-mouthed Uberfrosch wants no part in it, and hops backward to evade the claws, raising its own in response with a RIBBIT of warning. Its eyes dilate, though, when Rodrigo's blade slashes it across the backs of the legs a moment later, ribbiting again, this time in pain. Its claws cross just in time to stop Sarah from taking full advantage of the opening, the cage of keratin holding against her uppercut.

From there, the King of the Frogsharks tucks itself into a ball as it rolls forward, almost as if imitating Sarah's maneuver - but the creature's body itself becomes the striking point as it attempts to bowl through all three of its attackers in a ball of sharp dorsal spines and claws!

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Killer Queen's Wall Climb Ambush EX.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-------|=======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|--=====|=======
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Indeed, it's only at the last moment after her feet hit the ground that Coco looks up to see an unidentifiable shadow descending toward her. She throws her hands up, allowing her to catch the Queen as it lands on top of her, pushing her down onto her back against the concrete roof.

"Ow! Bugger!" Coco declares her displeasure at her predicament as she holds the creature back from biting down on her face or clawing at her body. She tilts her head to one side, narrowly avoiding acidic drool as it drips onto the roof and sizzles next to her face. "*NOT* my *FACE!*" she screams with fury at the creature as its features fluctuate in and out of view. "You might be invisible, but for some of us that's a livelihood!"

She pushes the creature away forcefully enough to roll out from under it and up to her feet, though she tries to keep hold of the forelimb she has to pass under as she does so, not wanting to lose track again.

"And faces are EXPENSIVE!" Coco adds as she aims an illegal elbow down at the Queen's head, showing a hitherto-unseen sense of financial responsibility.

"So if you're going to eat something, eat THIS!"

She'll finish off the maneuver by twisting around with the hyperextended limb (if she still has hold of it) before slamming her backside into it with the temerity and power of an international keijo enthusiast!

COMBATSYS: Roxana fails to counter Razor Spin from Croaker King with Deadly Scorpion.

                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|----===|=======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|--=====|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Coco             0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

Roxana has never played Dragon's Dogma or even heard of it for that matter, so her response to Rodrigo's humour is perhaps too much on the serious side. "Yes, you have successfully severed the tail. You can congratulate yourself on the accomplishment." She does smile afterwards though, so that's something.

She seems to have no problem on awaiting a response from the matador. Besides, they're all kinda busy right now dealing with the monstrous creatures. Right on cue, a frog fiend jumps on to her back, causing the scorpion-girl to spin around in circles till it goes flying face-first off the roof, letting out a shrill scream on the way down.

The Nebraskan lass is less lucky against their leader though and as he comes for the trio, she tries to catch hold of him between her pincers. The move horribly backfires, sending her bowling over backwards and she bangs her head on the way down. She winces and bites down on her lip so hard that she almost draws blood. She makes an attempt to rise but she has to remain sprawled on the roof's surface for the present.

Whilst all this violence is going on, it seems strange that it's soundtracked by the Swedish popstars, ABBA, although to be fair, S.O.S. is one of their more sinister sounding songs. Rox steals a glance to Sarah, who seems to be still standing, and then to Coco who is currently trapped beneath the queen! She can't help but feel for her as her fortune is threatened. After all, she's already needed to get one new face since the NFG started!

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Sarah with Razor Spin.

                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-======|=======
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|--=====|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Coco             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo endures Croaker King's Razor Spin.

                 [       ||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [          |||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|--=====|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Coco             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

It's bad enough that Sarah failed to land a solid hit with her attack. That's just humiliating.

But now that creature is turning itself into a bowling ball? It seems this thing wants to "strike" Sarah down! She can only stare in disbelief.

And that disbelief is what causes her to get knocked down hard. She takes a bit of a tumble as she goes down, crying out as she rolls sideways before coming to a stop. A frog goes flying off the roof but hopefully it'll be OK.

"Unngh... how the bloody hell are we supposed to destroy these things?" Sarah asks to herself as she stands up and tries to resume the ginga. "I guess we'll just have to keep going."

Trying to regain her sense of balance and focus, Sarah grits her teeth through the scrapes she's received throughout this fight, as a couple of them hurt quite a bit. She advances on the frogshark, maintaining the ginga as best as she can. And then she attempts to catch the sharkfrog (does order really matter with what it's called?) off guard with a sudden backflip kick.

Originally, Rodrigo had wanted to reposition with the intent of giving himself room to manuever around the frogshark. He isn't given enough room and it clearly decided to go full Sonic the hedgehog on its three attackers. Rodrigo for his part decides to hold his ground, taking a hit so he can deliver a devastating hit in return. Though he doesn't fall, the agonized expression on his face clearly indicates how painful the act of staying in the pocket was for him.

Right now, the biggest problem seems to be the fact that the creature needs to be slowed down a bit. The Spaniard's sword flashes as he practically creates a wall of stabbing with his speedy swordwork. A few frogs creatures get caught in it with most of the strikes directed to the frogshark in the hopes of slowing it down by bleeding it out and with strikes directed to limbs to help limit its movement.

After the blade stops moving and returns to a ready position, he kicks out with the intent to send it flying into more of the creatures.

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen blocks Coco's Tiki Bongo.

                 [       ||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|=======|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Sarah's Flip It Good.

                 [       ||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|=======|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King blocks Rodrigo's Frenzied Barrage.

                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|=======|=======
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

While Coco manages to give the Queen the slip while keeping her grip, the Queen manages to to slip her grip while Coco is whipping her hips and is only clipped. The reptilian creature recoils up the mast before swinging her tongue down, aiming to ensnare the purple-haired party pugilist around the neck and lift her off of the roof by the throat!

Meanwhile, El Rey Del Tiburon Rana de la Isla Zaca keeps rollin', rollin', rollin', evading Sarah's backflip kick in passing. Rodrigo's blade manages to catch the King through one of his kindred, causing the organic ball of blades to roll to a stop and wark at the ignominy before raising its claws to protect against the kick that would have imperiled its fellow predators. It seems to turn its focus, its body positioning toward Rodrigo - but then it leaps past him, aiming to crash down on top of DJ Supernova instead!

COMBATSYS: Coco instinctively blocks Killer Queen's Lurking Strangler.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

Coco recovers from her rear end rebounding off of the reptile just in time to look up and see the tongue lashing down at her once more. Realising that the slick acidic appendage is aimed at her head and neck once more, Coco brings her arms up instinctively, causing the tongue to whip around her forearms instead of her throat. "Didn't you hear me? Shoulders up is a no-go zone!" she shouts, before her eyes widen as the tongue tightens, binding her wrists together above her head and lifting her suspended off of the ground as it tries to reel her into the Chameleon Queen's dripping maw. "I'll keep this one occupied! You three focus on taking down the Big Frog! Oh, that's pretty good - HEY! I will not stand for you using my kinks against me!" Coco's face flushes red and flashes with anger at the same time, and she uses her gymnastic flexibility to swing her lower body downside up and try to kick the Chameleon Queen in the crown before breaking free to deliver an aerial one-two jab-cross combo on the way back down to the roof - before practically flattening a frog that was hopping out of reach of Rodrigo!

As the assault continues on her fellow fighters, Roxana is still struggling to even stand. Even the parts of her covered by armour are aching. Despite their best efforts, the four NFGers are having a tough time against the man-made monsters, but Rox refuses to believe that they will be defeated.

Closing her big black eyes, the Nebraskan centres herself, blocking out all the brawling and brutality around her on the rooftop. As she feels something brush against her, she maintains her focus, simply batting away the camouflaged creature with her tail.

When her eyes open again, they fix firstly on Coco. Despite the Queen trying to tongue lash her, the British kickboxer is holding her own against the reign of terror, bravely offering to battle alone. The Rhythm Renegades catch the gear girl's attention next. She's more than happy to fight alongside them as her mentor has suggested but there's the small problem of being able to stand up first. Slowly, steadily, the scorpion makes an attempt, but she hasn't quite got it in her to go back on the attack yet.

COMBATSYS: Roxana focuses on her next action.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Sarah blocks Croaker King's Death From Above.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1            Sarah
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          1/-------/<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

Ever had one of those days where you just feel like everything's not going your way? Where you just feel... flat broke?

That's what's going to happen to DJ Supernova if she doesn't do something fast!

Normally she'd try to run away, but there's no place to run. In desperation, she curls herself up into a ball and assumes a blocking stance as best as she can.

Somehow, she manages to absorb the damage somehow, but it hurts like the devil. In fact, when she gets back up (somehow not flattened) she finds herself gritting her teeth in pain as she reels from that. "Bloody hell, what's it gonna take?"

Sarah takes a deep breath and blows it out, then focuses on the giant amphibian that nearly turned her into a Sarah Sandwich. "I'm afraid our time together has to come to an end." And then she throws forth a series of butterfly-shaped projectiles, aimed at the frog. "Meet my little friends!"

Rodrigo gives a nod of acknowledgement to Coco's suggestion. Honestly, he was going to being doing that anyway, after all, the only reason that the lizard got more of his attention was the lizard was closer and the frogshark kept moving away from his attempts close in on it. This was less of a problem now that he was there and he can threaten it with his blade.

The Spaniard takes a moment to look at the others. He can see Roxana taking a moment to stand up and just as a frog-minion is about to jump at her, he takes his hand, wrapped with the red cape, which is lined with chain mail, and slams it into the creature's a head with the most beautiful sucker punch delivered on the island so far sending it flying off the roof.

He then turns to the alpha frogshark before feinting with the blade and stomping on its webbed foot.

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen dodges Coco's Bloody Mary.

                 [         ||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Croaker King with The Swarm Is Coming.

                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|------<|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo successfully hits Croaker King with Light Kick.

                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|----<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

The Wraith Queen manages to twist out of the way as Coco tries to clobber it with fist and foot. Its tongue flickers out with frog-like speed, trying to wrap around the enemy queen before she can hit the ground and yoyo her into a freefall!

In the meanwhile, the swarm is coming - for the Croaker King as well, it seems. It opens its many-fanged mouth to try and capture the butterflies, but ends up biting off more than it can chew. It gargles and chokes even as Rodrigo stomps down on its webbed foot, breaking away one of the claws attached to the hybrid's appendage. In a fury, it starts chomping its teeth, lurching forward as it does to try and take a bloody bite out of the nearest target - in this case, Rodrigo!

COMBATSYS: Coco just-defends Killer Queen's Medium Hurl!!

                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-----==
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

Gravity and momentum have conspired to find Coco facing downward toward the rising roof when the Killer Queen's tongue reaches down for her. She lets out a 'hurk!' as she feels her bikini top suddenly tightening around her bust and realises that the acidic appendage has ordered the melon course but ended up with two large cups of strawberries 'n cream. "Who even comes up with giant tongue-monsters?! Some kind of pervert, I think!" she protests. Fortunately, her swimwear manages to protect her prized flesh from direct contact with the burning fluid - though it seems to be rapidly melting away in the process. As she's yo-yoed up to point blank range with the monstrous monarch's mouth, she looks up - an empathic link forming through her contact with the chameleonic creature, compelling it toward obsession with consuming the melons increasingly on offer. "Come on, you know you want them..." It's a distraction technique, though - and at the last moment, she'll aim to grab the Queen by the head and use it as leverage to slam a hard knee into its lower jaw, hopefully forcing it to bite its own tongue! "Just kidding - suck on this!"

Fortunately, as the scraps of strawberry bikini top fall away, they'll be revealed to have been covering an even skimpier strapless black bikini top. Apparently Coco has achieved a certain self-awareness about what happens when she fights.

"They're tough." Roxana agrees with Sarah, now finally fully standing and ready to fight on. Only thanks to Rodrigo though, who saves her by sending a frog monster flying off the roof before it can attack her!

Soon there's more of the beautiful butterflies and the sight of them seems to give the gear girl hope. She hurtles towards the King of the Croakers, intent on preventing him from sinking his teeth into the Spaniard. Maybe she can pay back the favour. Using her pair of pincers to hold the fierce frog in place, she'll then attempt to lift him in the air and throw him across to the other side of the roof!

Whilst this is all going on, Coco's cries of protest can be heard. The scorpion-siren shifts her head to the side, so she can see her mentor more clearly. It seems the tongue-lashing creature has developed a taste for posh totty. "Get away from her, you bitch!" Rox yells. It seems like someone has been streaming Aliens.

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Rodrigo with Feeding Frenzy.

                 [            |||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-----==
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

Rodrigo never even had a chance to react before the creature bites into his shoulder with a fierceness he had never experienced before. He lets out a scream that starts out from a place of agony but by the end transforms into rage.

He breathes heavily partially from pain, partially from fatigue once he's free from the teeth. He watches Roxana attempt to clamp down on it and then fling it aside. Deciding what to do next is made difficult because of the war instead of him between his more prudent side and part of him filled with rage craving to hurt the creature as much as it hurt him. The prudent side wins, just barely. If he makes it hard for himself to recover because he decided to go all out, the rest of them might get overwhelmed.

Rodrigo follows Roxana's attack with a nasty stab, hoping to time it to give her attack a little extra oomph but it's not exactly what one would consider a coordinated effort.

For some reaon, the monsters aren't interested in Sarah. It's a relief, but not much, considering the others are being attacked by them. Unfortunately, Sarah's also getting a bit winded. She's only human, after all.

For a few moments, Sarah remains in the ginga, trying to figure out what to do first. Then she decides to take a moment to recharge as best as she can.

Taking her water bottle, Sarah takes a swig of water. It means she's going to be open to attack, but anything to remain in the fight just a little longer.

COMBATSYS: Sarah gains composure.

                 [            |||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-----==
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Roxana successfully hits Croaker King with Quick Throw.

                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Rodrigo's Fierce Strike.

                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-======
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen blocks Coco's Tequila Sunrise.

                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|=======
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana

In the midst of its bloody teeth-gnashing, the Croaker King hops backward from Rodrigo's reach. Suddenly, it finds a pair of pincers latching onto its upper limbs, its bulbous eyes widening as the Gear manages to lift it off of its webbed, clawed feet, which start immediately to kick in the air in almost comical fashion as it croaks out in its own language, its ventral sac ballooning with rage.

CROAKER KING: 'Inconceivable!'

Before the surrealist narrator from the last frogshark encounter can write anymore dialogue for him, the puffed-up predator is rudely yeeted across the rooftop, bouncing a couple of times on its ballooning belly before tumbling to a stop on its hind legs. Ribbiting with rancor, the Croaker King launches itself at Roxana, attempting to envelop her in its mouth and chomp down on her!

Meanwhile, the Licker Queen thrashes about as the Liquor Queen grabs hold of its head, preventing Coco from making a fully solid connection with its jaw. Blood does splatter down, though - moments before the chameleon monarch releases its grip, attempting to let gravity take over and carry Coco to the concrete below!

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Killer Queen's Power Toss.

                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|----===
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Roxana


Coco shields her face with her arms as blood starts to splatter from the Chameleon Queen's jaws onto her. Her cringe moment leads directly to her suddenly finding herself falling through empty space as the tongue suddenly lets go violently, her face pointing toward the ground. "Gyaahhh!"

Beneath her, one of the frogsharks that had previously been imperiled by what would have been a fall on Coco's part has noticed the dangling high-quality meat overhead and has been hopping up and down for several seconds now beneath her, snapping its teeth in hopes of catching a free meal delivery. It opens wide as Coco falls head-first toward it.

However, Coco's keijo experience has prepared her for the sorts of aerial tumbling needed in diving situations. Once again prizing her precious face, she tucks her arms under her legs and wrenches herself in a half-somersault - and the frog gets a bigger mouthful of British bimbo than expected. There's a terrible sound of ligaments and cartilege snapping apart before the frogshark's jaws give out as it crashes to the ground on its back.

"Ow," Coco whinges as she gets up, rubbing at the bleeding sharkbite marks on her flank. Those will be weird to explain when they finally get off this island. She casts a glance up toward where the Queen of the Nightmeerkats is hissing and lets out a sound of disgust.

"If you want a taste, you'll have to come down here and get it," she declares, before turning to face the Croaker King instead.

"Alright, fam! Let's vote this flipping frog off the island!"

While it's understandably distracted by the delicious-looking arachnid girl, Coco leaps into the air, aiming an aerial roundhouse at the back of the inflated frog's head!

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Roxana with Strong Bite.

                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0           Roxana

Despite her efforts, Roxana can't prevent the King of the Croakers from chomping down on Rodrigo. She turns to the cape-wielding fighter with concern but doesn't dare to linger too long on looking at him with these creatures around! He tries to follow up her launching the frog across the roof with a stab of his sword but their foe proves too stealthy.

The monstrous monarch then comes for Rox and once again he catches her out. As he starts to chew on her, the gear girl almost passes out with the pain. She's aware she's fading fast but she's determined that she will do her best to aid her fellow fighters before she falls.

Catching the cruel croaker's limbs between her claws, she squeezes them with as much power as she can produce. As she clings on to him for dear life, she starts to strike him repeatedly with her tail.

COMBATSYS: Roxana can no longer fight.

                 [             ||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     0|-------|-======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Rodrigo can only watch as Roxana receives a bite of her own. He winces in sympathy having received a bite of his own in the not recent past. Unfortunately this situation is similar to putting on a mask on an airplane. He needs to help himself with his own situation before he can help Roxana.

His situation is that he is barely hanging on and stalling for time until the mentors can land something substantial on the lead mutants. He delivers a slash to the leg of one seems to connect with an artery leaving it to bleed out. Dances around another to deliver a slash to a tendon to cripple it and prevent pursuit. And then he gets to king frogshark and swings his cape around the legs and pulls its legs from under it to follow with a stab to center mass before moving away.

Rodrigo stance shows the damage he has taken. His sword isn't held as high. His cape is dragging on the roof. He looks like a stiff breeze might unbalance him he's not careful.

Sarah's quenched her thirst, but it seems Roxana's down and out. She can only shake her head. "You tried your best," She comments as she remains in the ginga. "But we have to keep going!" She looks at the giant frog creature that took down Roxana and scowls. "I'm not about to let her go down in vain!" She advances on it as best as she can.

"My style may look impressive, but it's also dangerous if you don't know what you're doing!" And then Sarah attempts to leap into the air and drop down with a swift strike from her fists. It's not a traditional Capoeira technique, but it seems Sarah's losing her patience.

COMBATSYS: Croaker King blocks Coco's Diving Kick.

                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-------|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Rodrigo's Armed Combo.

                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-------|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0            Sarah
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Croaker King with Aggressive Strike.
- Power hit! -

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-----==|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Roxana's Deadly Scorpion.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-----==|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

The King of the Croakers finds himself mobbed from all sides by the defenders of Radio ZACK as he tries to settle the age-old rivalry of frog and scorpion with Roxana - by, well, eating her. As he's stuffing her into his mouth while avoiding the stabbing tail, though, he finds himself getting kicked in the back by her mentor, whose foot collides with the dorsal plating that protects his spine, interrupting his chewing. It's the fists crashing down on his crown, though, that cause him to spit her back out with a horrible belching sound. The cape from Rodrigo snares one of the King's legs, but he hops back before it can pull taut, the slippery frog sliding out of the snare. It lets out another unintelligible, arrogant croak.

CROAKER KING: 'You come for the King, you better not miss!'

With that, the enraged frogshark starts advancing violently on Sarah, thrashing at her with massive, wicked claws!

Meanwhile, the Killer Queen seems to be conspicuously inconspicuous...

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen calculates her next move.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|-----==|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

The Chelsea Queen, on the other hand, remains conspicuous as ever, her concern for Roxana evident on her face as her protege is vomited up by the vile hybrid. "Don't you dare eat my vacay bestie!" she seethes at the fiendish frog as she throws herself into the melee, ducking down before once again using her keijo training to try and topple the toad by smashing her hips into its legs! Hopefully, he won't choose paper...

While Coco shoots in low with her hips, Rodrigo attacks up high, swinging his cape downward in an attempt to limit the escape route of the head frog. Should the cape connect, he'll let it wrap around the creature and then pull it down to the ground.

He then looks around and while they're surrounded on all sides the fact that something was missing left the matador that almost was uncomfortable. Then he realizes what that something missing was.

"One of the creatures is camouflaged. Be ready for an ambush."

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Sarah with Frenzied Swipe.

                 [                   ||||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|----===|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1            Sarah
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

It seems Sarah hit the frog creature a little harder than she anticipated... and the creature is none too thrilled about it.

In fact, it's coming at her faster and faster...


The poor disk jockey is left bloodied and bruised before she can even react. "Oy... the newsstand has to know where the umbrellas came in from..." She babbles, before slapping herself back to reality. "Unghh..."

Gritting her teeth through the pain, Sarah feels a burst of adrenaline surge through her. "Time to show this thing my favorite technique!" She then drops onto the ground and spins around while balancing on her hand. She attempts to deliver a pair of spinning kicks. Even though she's bloodied and bruised, Sarah is not going down without a fight!

COMBATSYS: Croaker King blocks Coco's Aggressive Strike.

                 [                    |||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|---====|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1            Sarah
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Croaker King dodges Rodrigo's Medium Throw.

                 [                    |||||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|---====|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1            Sarah
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Croaker King with Tornado Warning.

                 [                       ||||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|=======|=======
                 [              |||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     1|-------|=======
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

The blood-soaked, mammoth frogshark turns its meaty frog hips to meet Coco's as she goes for the sideswipe. While the Croaker King's frog legs might be lightly tenderized by the impact, it manages to keep its footing effectively, dropping down onto its forelegs like its amphibioid ancestors to duck down and hop back from the cape. However, Sarah manages to deliver her double-kick directly to its side, causing it to squeal in rage. One could almost swear that it starts to glow red as it rises up - though that might just be the reflection of the nearly-setting tropical sun off of the blood spray covering it.

The alpha frogshark turns its attentions back to Rodrigo. Then, with sudden speed, it swipes both its claws forward, attempting to rake them across the matador's midsection!

Meanwhile, from up above, globs of acid rain down on Coco like a barrage of biological artillery as the Queen makes herself known once more!

COMBATSYS: Coco just-defends Killer Queen's Acid Rain!!

                 [                        |||||| ]
                 Croaker King     1|=======|=======
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo blocks Croaker King's Eviscerate.

                 [                        |||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah
[                        \\\\\\  <
Rodrigo          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Coco is in the midst of rubbing her own hip after weaponizing it against the ribbiting royal when she hears the familiar sound of someone throwing up and senses the sizzling shadow coming down toward her. Horrific flashbacks of her face being destroyed sear her mind as she realises that the fluid that's coming down at her will almost certainly wreak that same level of havoc on her delicate visage.

"No, no, no!"

Her arms cover her head as she dips it down protectively, focusing her inner will. This will be fine, she tells herself. It's no different to that time when she decided to skive down to King's Cross and one of the local pigeons took a crap while it was flying overhead. Totally harmless. Even if the tabloids did run an article titled 'Instant Karma - Skiving Socialite Scioness Splattered'. If it hadn't been for that, she might not have fucked off on a year-long cruise to get away from it all. So, it's going to work out for the best.

And, mysteriously, it does. Somehow, the fluid raining down on her doesn't burn her skin at all, the psionic prodigy's mind-over-matter triumphing even over the horrific burning bile. It just washes over her without effect.

Except on her clothing. As it turns out, her powers still only apply to her own body. The strawberry-and-cream bikini bottoms are not exempt from the effects of the corrosive liquid. Nor is the secondary ablative layer of fabric around her bust.

"Nobody look at me!" Coco yells as she realises what's happening, which is definitely the best way to make sure nobody looks at you. Flushing almost as red as the frog itself, she lunges forward with a quick left-hand jab before swinging a heavy right-legged roundhouse at its gut as her melting garments start to rapidly give way under the strain of the motion.

Coco won't have to worry about Rodrigo looking at her. The frogshark takes a hard swipe at his midsection that while it only managed to hit his cape covered arm, still knocks him away sending him flying towards the reptilian queen.

He rises to his feet, wobbling to and fro. He doubts his ability to make it back to the froggy monstrosity. Thus, chameleon creature becomes a convenient target.

His flashing blade strikes various locations on the creature's body and then hooks the blade under a forelimb before spinning around to the rear. Rodrigo slashes the back of the rear limb, knocking it onto its back. He delivers a pair of stomps to the torso.

When he tries to spin away, he slips on the blood and viscera and sent tumbling over the edge. Thankfully, his landing was cushioned by a pile of creature corpses.

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo can no longer fight.

                 [                        |||||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah

"Oy, when I get home, I'm going to need an extra long foot soak," Sarah thinks to herself as she gets into the ginga, gritting her teeth as she attempts to ignore the pain from the injuries she's sustained. This battle is getting a bit drawn out, but Sarah knows she has to keep going no matter how difficult the odds might be.

Then she spots her teammate slipping and falling. Fortunately, there's cushioning down there... in a sense. Unfortunately, it's not the best cushioning. Sarah can only shake her head in disbelief. "That's not cricket..."

With a couple of cartwheels, Sarah leaps into the air and attempts to drop down on the frog with a swift kick.

COMBATSYS: Croaker King blocks Coco's Pina Collider.

                 [                          |||| ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sarah

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Croaker King with Diving Kick.
- Power hit! -

                 [                               ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [               ||||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-------
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen blocks Rodrigo's Merciless Dance.

                 [                               ]
                 Croaker King     2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
                 [                 ||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|------=
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah

The Croaker King turns toward Coco as she comes at him, drool trickling out of his shark-like maw at the sight of so much meat on display. Sensing her distress, he covers up his face with his claws to spare her blushes - or, perhaps more likely, to block the quick jab and bone-crunching kick that she's attempting to deliver to his upper body. His attention remains on the rapidly-chemically-disrobing Coco to his own detriment as Sarah comes dropping down from behind him to clobber him in the crown. The creature's eyes bug out as his melon is squashed, his tongue lolling out.


The dazed monster wobbles about-face toward Sarah as it realises its imminent demise. Its next croak comes out as more of a gargling noise as blood floods its respiratory system, making its already unintelligible words even more unintelligible.

CROAKER KING: 'You... *burble* call that... a kick? *hurk* This... *glug* is a kick...!'

With that, the Alpha Sharogman spins around, its foot talons whirling horizontally in a deadly dervish that threatens to take Sarah's head clean off if she doesn't get out of the way somehow! Whether or not she does, the Alpha Frog will end up hitting the ground on its side, one leg still kicking as it spins until it can spin no more, performing its final breakdance as the chorus of Fernando plays.

There was something in the air that night
The stars were bright, Fernando
They were shining there for you and me
For liberty, Fernando
Though I never thought that we could lose
There's no regret
If I had to do the same again
I would, my friend, Fernando

Rewinding the track slightly, the Regina Reptilia's senses seem focused on one target in particular. It gives Rodrigo the opening that he needs to get in a couple of slashes on the nearly-invisible monarch, managing to flip it onto its back. When he goes to deliver the stomps, though, the Chameleon Queen has moved, and as he spins away - well, it's already been described. As Rodrigo goes sliding off the roof and the Alpha Hunter breathes its last, we realign at the end of the chorus:

If I had to do the same again
I would, my friend, Fernando o/~

And then, suddenly, the Queen's tongue comes whipping out from the other side of the roof, trying to wrap around Coco and drag her toward its maw while squeezing with crushing force!

COMBATSYS: Croaker King can no longer fight.

                 [                 ||||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|------=
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1            Sarah

COMBATSYS: Coco blocks Killer Queen's Tongue Grab.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|------=
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Coco             1/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1            Sarah

Coco has just finished delivering her roundhouse kick - to the tune of Fernando and the sounds of synthetic fabric succumbing to the combination of acid and violently displaced curves - when she suddenly finds that a slippery tentacle-like appendage has encircled her arms and waist. "Oh, not this again!" she shouts before she starts getting pulled away, her sandals falling off next to her melted top and bottoms as she's reeled in. She manages to pull one arm free with a wriggle, then the other, just before she gets to the Chameleon Queen's waiting mouth, and she plants her feet as the tongue pulls tighter around her waist. Though she keeps sliding closer, it gives her the foundation from which to load her fists to unleash a jab and cross at the Queen's face the moment that she gets close enough. She'll then try and slam her knee up into its jaw from below before raining down a series of elbow strikes on its head. If that's all worked out, she'll follow up by grabbing hold of the creature's upper forelimbs and continue to pound it senseless with her knees.

"Like I said - you can eat this!" she'd finish by declaring as she turns around, emanating a hypnotic pull as she puts the full moon in Full Moon Party - before smashing her keijo-powered hips into the dazed creature's invisible visage!

COMBATSYS: Croaker King successfully hits Sarah with Decapitator.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|------=
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Coco             0/-------/----<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2            Sarah

Decapitating Sarah? That's not exactly something the girl wants.

Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly have much choice either.

She finds herself getting hit hard by the incoming last-ditch attack from the frog monster. When all is said and done, Sarah is left bloodied and bruised, and she's clearly got little fight left in her.

"Now or never..."

Summoning the last of her chi, Sarah attempts to cartwheel into the remaining monster. If she successfully makes contact, she'll do a modified version of her signature spinning kick before attempting to finish with a chi infused uppercut.

If she hits, Sarah's going to stumble to the ground right after. If she misses, she's going to flop flat on her face!

And if she's countered, she's going to be hurting even more...

It seems the party's over for DJ Supernova. She's going to need a lot of medical attention!

COMBATSYS: Sarah can no longer fight.

                 [                  |||||||||||| ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|------=
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/----<<<|

COMBATSYS: Coco successfully hits Killer Queen with Full Moon Party.
~~ Alluring Hit! ~~

                 [                            || ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|-----==
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/----<<<|

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Killer Queen with My Favorite Remix.
Grazing Hit

                 [                               ]
                 Killer Queen     0|-------|---====
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/----<<<|

The Chameleon Queen is too busy trying to find how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Coco Pop to realise the danger of what's coming. The jab and cross combination cause the Licker Queen to release Coco involuntarily, letting out a hiss of displeasure. The knee to the jaw snaps the creature's maw shut before it can fully retract its tongue, releasing a spray of blood as it severs the tip of its own prize appendage. The elbows crash down on its cranium, stunning it so severely that it becomes briefly visible as its cloaking pattern scrambles chaotically and without regard for its environment. Then, more knees keep coming, sending more and more blood everywhere as if the graphics design team has forgotten that this isn't a Mortal Kombat storyline. It's at about this time that the flailing monarch is clipped in the tail by Sarah's cartwheel and spinning kick before getting punched in one of its rear legs as it tries to defend itself from both sides.

And finally, the climactic moment arrives, the unfettered Cobra Queen of Kei-Thai presenting her signature weapon as the rival reptilian ruler can only stare helplessly. To be fair, it might have been the case even if it hadn't already been brutally beaten into submission.

And then, like a bootylicious brick wrapped in rose petals, both insult and injury are delivered full-force, sending the Chameleon Queen sliding off the edge of the roof with a scream.

And it would seem that it ends there - the remaining reptiles and frogsharks beat a hasty retreat as their packs' morale are shattered by the loss of their leaders.

Just before anyone can relax, though, the Queen makes a final appearance - or technically, disappearance - clambering on broken limbs to attempt to take one last bite out of the British babe's behind before it slumps down for the final time!

COMBATSYS: Killer Queen can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/----<<<|

COMBATSYS: Coco interrupts Ferocious Bite from Killer Queen with S.O.T.B..

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Coco             0/-------/------=|

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be!" Coco says, crossing her legs and covering herself strategically with her limbs as she turns to the others. "...Guys?"

Suddenly, there's that growl from behind her, and she turns around to see the Chameleon trying to chomp down on her like a butt-hungry crocodile. "Oh, fuck!"

Instinctively, Coco grabs onto the creature's forelimbs, hopping over and landing on its back. She's subjected to an impromptu rodeo as she rides the reptile reverse-cowgirl style (not in that way) until she can manage to flip it onto the floor. Slipping around to straddle the creature as it ends up thrashing on its back, she starts pounding it with total abandon. Its inhuman cries are cut short as its trachea is crushed. Then, its head explodes under the pressure, causing Coco to recoil in disgust at her own handiwork, falling back on her bottom and palms.

"So, um, we did it!" she finally chirps up. Then, more hesitantly, she adds, "You're all still alive, right?"

And as the siren sounds of ABBA Gold continue to play, the distant sound of helicopter blades beating can be heard.

And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Master of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean
Voulez-vous (aha)
Voulez-vous (aha)
(Aha) o/~

COMBATSYS: Coco has ended the fight here.

Log created on 10:39:58 09/12/2024 by Coco, and last modified on 08:08:40 09/29/2024.