La Huesuda (9 logs)
Making a Splash[SNF 2019.01] SNF: Ring In The New Year
[SNF 2019.04] SNF: Break a Leg!
[KOF 2019] Day of the Dead
Night in the Woods
Where Dances the Dead
[SNF 2020.4] SNF: The Devil Cares Nada
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Alexis vs La Huesuda
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R2 - La Huesuda vs Yun
Lackey (3 logs)
The Sands of Heck[SNF 2021.09] MC: SCREAM
[SNF 2022.10] TMC: "THE GATE"
Lars (1 log)
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 5 - Act of GodLaura (3 logs)
Dudley's Exhibition Expedition vol. 1Fun in the Sun?
Matsuda Family Time!
Laurel (4 logs)
[NFG Season One] Metro City R1 - Zarine vs Laurel[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Laurel vs Sarah
[NFG Season One] Metro City R3 - Laurel vs Hated R
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Two: Buck vs Laurel
Lee Chaolan (53 logs)
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: News Channel FiveBirthday Surprises! Excellent!~
The Start of a Zacksellent Friendship
[Neo League 0001] NL#0011: Mimiru vs Lee Chaolan
[Neo League 0001] NL#0016: Lee vs Gato
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Bait and Switch
A Mishima Family Christmas
[Neo League 0001] NL#0047: Chisaki vs Lee Chaolan
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Eastern Master - Baiken vs Lee Chaolan
Cat Scratch Fever!
[G-KING] C-KING #3: Lee Chaolan vs Chao Liu
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Grand Opening
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Hunting for Mermaids
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Extreme Beach Volleyball
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week #4 - Chaolan's Island
[Circuit of Champions] PCS: Worldwide Master - Baiken vs Lee Chaolan
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W1] Blue Mary vs Hit Bitty
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W2] Ryu vs Lee Chaolan
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble EX] "HitBot" vs "Q"
[Rumble In The Streets] HitBit vs RUMBLE
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble Final] Lee vs Ayame
Shadow Council: First Summit
[SNF 2016.04] SNF: Sergei vs Lee in: Ruble Without A Cause
Just My Twilight Life: Can I Have A Robot Friend?
A Shinobi's Tale: the curious costumer
[KOF 2016] KOF: KOFallout
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: Team Ninja vs Psycho Soldiers
[KOF 2016] KOF: Lee And Miguel's Friendly Chat
[SNF 2016.08] SNF: RUMBLE in the Recap
Yoshiaki's High School Adventure
Just My Twilight Life: Beach Side Best Friends
The Great Escape
[SNF 2017.06] ICP Fight Fest: Corporate Consumption
The 5 Million Dollar Catgirl
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: Cabaret of Carnage
A Little R & R
The Knife In Plain Sight
[KOF 2017] Business As Usual
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 1 - The Capture Of Lee Chaolan
[KOF 2017] Imprisoned
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 28) Violet Spectrum
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers - Adelheid vs Lee Chaolan
All Good Things
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers R2 - Lee vs Ryo
[World Warrior 2018] World Warrior Qualifiers R3 - Zach Vs Lee Chaolan
Flowers of Harmony
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Tech Support
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3: Split the Difference
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Unagi vs Zangief
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Ahmya vs Unagi
[World Warrior 2023] R4: Unagi vs Bezique
Lee Pai Long (1 log)
The Trail of Tokugawa, Part 2Lei Lei (3 logs)
A Ghost Hops On By[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 6) Darkest Day, Greatest Hour
Leo Whitefang (39 logs)
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 27) Weapon Disposal - Part 1Heroes and Soldiers
Zach in the Lion's Den?
Experiment Log #2019 - A Unwanted Marriage
Sacred Insurrection
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Unlikely Allies
Lion and Hound
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - A Second Overture
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Broken Pedestals
Help... Wanted?
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Terms
[Neo League 0099] NL#0114: Yoshimitsu vs Leo Whitefang
A Matter of Trust
Leyline of the Land
Unsettled Heart
[Illyria] The Queen is Dead; Long Live the Queen
[SNF 2018.09] SNF: Autumn in the Valley - Leo Whitefang vs Naoto
SNF: Wolfman vs Dracula
Knocking on Heaven's Door
The Guided Tour
A Counsel of Kings
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - A King's Welcome
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Treacherous Paths
A Declaration of War
The Lion, The Knight and The Princess
Dizzy Learns Not To Kill People!
[SNF 2021.07] SNF: "Fight Knight: Battle in Berlin"
Pawn checks King, King takes Pawn
Reconsider The Possibilities
Filthy Acts At Reasonable Prices
Making New Friends
[The Descent] Round 1 - Killer X King
[The Descent] Round 2 - The One About A Kumite
[The Descent] Round 3 - Midnight Audience
Realm after Realm after Realm
[World Warrior 2023] R1: The Blood of Beasts and Ghosts
[World Warrior 2023] R2: The Lion and the Dragon - Leo vs Fei Long
[World Warrior 2023] R3: This One's for the Title of Genius!
Leon (1 log)
Interior DecoratingLeona (26 logs)
The Blood StirsThe Return of Big Boss
For Honor
Shade beneath the Sun
[KOF 2017] Trust is Earned, Never Given
[KOF 2017] Ikari Combat Fitness Test
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 1) Justice for All
Informal After Action Debrief
Ikari Fugitives?
[SNF 2018.03] SNF: Brazilian Whacks - Leona vs Johnny Cage
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Cross Tag Match: Navy vs Army
[SNF 2018.07] SNF: Caged Heat
Rescued from Yourself
In The Shadow of War
Fox Tale #2 - Points of Difference
Seeking in Southtown
Vital Intelligence
Blood of the Covenant
KoF: Ikari Team Mobilization
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Team Korea vs Team Ikari
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Family Values vs Ikari Team
Drums in the Distance
[Neo League 0143] NL#0150: Leona vs Mint
Heidern Blues
Back at Base
Leroy Smith (5 logs)
[Circuit Of Champions] Blue Champion Belt - Leroy Smith vs LyraelleChessmaster: Kg1 Bc5+
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Abigail vs Leroy Smith - "The Breakfast Club"
Happy Hour!
[World Warrior 2023] R1: The Red Wanderer vs The King of Drip
Lili (1 log)
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: The Young and the RestlessLilith (36 logs)
[SNF 2014.11] SLAMFEST2014: PIXIE WRANGLERA Chance Encounter
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: Just what is the fireplace made out of?
Night of the Succubit
The Priest and the Succubit
[KOF 2017] It's a helluva drug
Around Town
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 35) Daniel Jack Excavates
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 7) Grimm Bloody Fable
Dial D for Decapre
Hunting in Japan
Just a snektown girl
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: MIDNIGHT CHANNEL - The Mummy Returns
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Lilith vs. Benezet
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: MIDNIGHT CHANNEL: Heaven or Hell
Herr Witch Doktor
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - A Tribe Called Quest
Under a Rock
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Sweet Dreams
[SNF 2018.10] SNF: Bad Taste
[SNF 2018.11] SNF: North by Northwest Passage
Dead Cowgirl's Poem
Challenger from THE EAST on the 4th
Metro Square Hijinks
[Circuit of Champions] Red Rookie - BELT RIOT - Xolo vs Lilith
[SNF 2020.5] SNF: Soldiers of Fortune
Succu-bit Arcade Fun
Succubus Confrontation
[Circuit of Champions] Rookie Belt: Honoka Inoue vs Lilith!
Army of Succubits
The Succubecoming
[SNF 2021.09] MC: SCREAM
Stay Frosty Amigo
A Succubit on the Subway!
Succubus Host Club
[FightFest 2025] Lilith vs Lucky Chloe - "A Match Maid in Hell"
Lin (1 log)
[Neo League 0120] NL#0125: Mei Lin vs KotoLisa Hamilton (2 logs)
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Rendezvous[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - The Omega Man
Lita (57 logs)
[Neo League 0001] NL#0008: Tiffany vs Lita[Neo League 0001] NL#0019: Lita vs Gertrude
A Day At the Park
[Neo League 0001] NL#0046: Tiger Mask vs Lita
The Program: Seeing Red
[SNF 2015.04] BLITZ: Coldest Before The Dawn
[Flight of the Soaring Spirit] [FSS:Week 2] DANGER ZONE (Lita/Mint vs. Guile)
[SNF 2015.10] SNF: You Don't Even Know What an Oubliette Is
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Western Pro: Cracker Jack vs Lita
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W1] Daniel vs Lita
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W2] Rust vs Lita
[Rumble In The Streets] [Rumble W3] Gan vs Lita
[Rumble In The Streets] Daniel Jack Investigates: Fighting For Our Troops!
[Rumble In The Streets] Daniel Jack Investigates: The Gallery of Evil!
[Rumble In The Streets] Lita and Skullomania Investigate: Shinsekai Terror
[Rumble In The Streets] Makerspace Retreat
[Rumble In The Streets] Blood Below the Dance Floor
[Neo League 0064] NL#0077: Sergei vs Lita
Great Opportunity?
[Circuit of Champions] PCS: Blue Pro Lita vs MURDERHOUSE
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 1: Team Interpol vs Team Sunshine
Daniel Jack Investigates: At The Cemetary Gates!
Daniel Jack Investigates: The Enduring Memories!
[KOF 2016] KOF Stage 2: Sonic Assault vs Team Interpol
[KOF 2016] KOF Finals: Team Interpol vs Psycho Soldiers
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Aya Hazuki vs Lita Luwanda
[Mortal Kombat] Task Force International: Death In The Ranks!
[Mortal Kombat] Rally Point on the Island
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Lotus vs Lita
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Of Debts and Gratitude
Doubtful Future
Kombat Operations Debrief
Wine and Dine
[Neo League 0087] NL#0095: Lita vs Fei
[KOF 2017] Trust is Earned, Never Given
[KOF 2017] Ikari Combat Fitness Test
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 3) White Dress, Red Wedding
Informal After Action Debrief
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - For The Children
Lynch Mob Blues
In The Shadow of War
Blood of the Covenant
[KOF 2019] KoF: After Actions
[KOF 2019] KoF: After Action - Pt 2: Let's Do Lunch
KoF: Ikari Team Mobilization
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Team Korea vs Team Ikari
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - Team Family Values vs Ikari Team
[KOF 2019] Thunderdome - Mai vs Lita
Drums in the Distance
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R1 - Sakura vs Lita
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - Final Boss
[Neo League 0143] NL#0145: Lita vs Tairyu
To Catch a Professor
[Circuit of Champions] Blue Pro Belt Lita Luwanda vs Velvet Blue
[Neo League 0143] NL#0157: Daniel vs Lita
Back at Base
Litchi (2 logs)
A Kind of Nostalgic Feeling[SNF 2019.01] SNF: Christmas Cake Cleanup
Liu Kang (6 logs)
[The Descent] Round 1 - If You Can Hear Them It's Too Late[The Descent] Round 3 - A Fucking Fight Broke Out
Realm after Realm after Realm
Dead Factory
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Liu Kang vs Ken Masters
[World Warrior 2023] R2: The Clashing Wills of Titans
Lord Mordread (4 logs)
Lightning Strikes In Hel[The Descent] Round 1 - I Wanna Do Bad Things To You
[The Descent] Round 2 - A Scream In The Night
[The Descent] Round 3 - Rainbow Memories
Lotus (43 logs)
[Mortal Kombat] A Taste of Things to Come[Neo League 0087] NL#0088 Mian vs Lotus
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Aya vs Lotus
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Lotus vs Lita
[Mortal Kombat] Daniel Jack Investigates: The End! (Last Issue)
[Mortal Kombat] Regenerative Breaking
[Mortal Kombat] Bolivar vs. Lotus: Hunter or Prey
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 3: Lotus vs Kenshi
[Mortal Kombat] MK: Sarcophagus
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: Eliza vs Lotus vs Aranha
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: Let the Darkness Consume
A Zombie, An Assassin, and A Mad Scientist
[KOF 2017] B7 Qualifier Match: Team USA vs Bloodletters
[KOF 2017] KOF Mission 9: To Catch a Killer
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 8 - Culling The Horde
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 35) Daniel Jack Excavates
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 6) Darkest Day, Greatest Hour
Dream Carnival Nightmares
Breaking the Bank!
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - From Darkness Comes
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - A Scream Into A Whisper
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - The Guardian Watchers
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Aspect Of Fire
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Final Boss Round 1
[SNF 2018.05] SNF: Also There is the Coast Guard
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Out of Syndication
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 1 - Pest Control
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Let's Go To The Hop
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Le Petite La Morte
Nightmare on Metro Street
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Out Like A Lamb
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Dine And Dash
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Black Wind Howls
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - False Promise
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - The Dark Savior
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Mother's Day Massacre
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia #16) Don't Mind the Dust
[The Descent] The Cackling Chaos
[The Descent] Round 1 - Killer X King
[The Descent] Round 2 - These Violent Delights
[The Descent] Round 3 - Twilight Express
[The Descent] Round 4 - Only the Water Knows...
Lucky (2 logs)
[SNF 2016.05] SNF: Senna vs Lucky in 'Slam Dunk The Funk!'[KOF 2016] USA! USA! US.. A?!
Lucky Chloe (19 logs)
[SNF 2021.05] MC: AN UNLUCKY DAYLucky Chloe vs. Jesus & the Red Chicken
Lucky Winner
Call Me Raiza!: Up All Night To Get Lucky
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Lucky Chloe vs Natsu - "Pretty in Pink"
[Dead Or Alive] Call Me Raiza! DOA OVA: Raiden's Angels
[Dead or Alive] Crackdown, Vol 3
[Dead or Alive] Final Performance: And Emancipation
[FightFest 2023] Petty in Pink
Call Me Raiza!: S2E01: Raiden's Angels Reunion
[NFG Season One] Call Me Liza!: Life's a Beach
[NFG Season One] Chloe's Cleanup Crew
[NFG Season One] Unexpected Compatibility
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R3 - Brian Storm vs Ichika
[NFG Season One] Kiss of Life
[NFG Season One] Dance Display
[NFG Season One Finals] Charity Bonus Match: Chevy vs Brian Storm
[FightFest 2025] Lilith vs Lucky Chloe - "A Match Maid in Hell"
Lucrezia (3 logs)
Pamyumonium[Neo League 0001] NL#0017: Chloe vs Lucrezia
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Spear, Shield, and Shadow
Lump (3 logs)
Jeremiah and Lump in: "That Snake Can Jump!"[SNF 2016.07] SNF: Lump vs Munin in: "Catch of the Day!"
A Wyrm And A MudGirl
Lynn (1 log)
[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021Lynx (6 logs)
Set to Defrost: A Routine (?) Evaluation[SNF 2014.12] SNF: "THE LONGEST MILE"
Shadaloo vs NESTS: Loyalty
A Billion Pounds of Gold
Girl, Interrupted
Lyraelle (60 logs)
[SNF 2020.3] BELT RIOT - Red Champion - Kasumi vs Lyraelle[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Regicide
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Royal Rampage
Tips For Content Creation
A Misunderstood Medic
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Horny Devils
Blue Whale Beach Special
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Smashed Mouth
[SNF 2020.4] SNF: The Devil Cares Nada
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Jealous Much?
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Interview With A Dragon
Fashion Smash: Lyraelle vs. Victoria
Magical Meetup
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - Hell's Kitchen
[SNF 2020.5] SNF: Soldiers of Fortune
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Unruly Neighbors
[The Black Dragon] The Black Dragon R4 - The Taste of Tokusatsu
A Robbery Awry
A Threat Manifested
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Bad Omens
How to Train your Minotaur
Unity Of The Faith
The Breakout
Kings and Queens: Grand vs. Lyraelle
[Circuit Of Champions] Blue Champion Belt - Leroy Smith vs Lyraelle
A Deal With The Devil
Shocking Footage! Ancient Tomb Unveiled!
The Opening Gong
Best of British
Heaven, Hell, and Charity
[Neo League 0165] NL#0182: Lyraelle vs Banyu
[Neo League 0165] NL#0183: Jae Hoon vs Lyraelle
[Neo League 0165] NL#0191: Terry vs Lyraelle
Beauty Shot
Starstruck in Southtown
Confrontation at the Coffee, Cake and Kisses Cafe
High Stakes & Police Hats
[Neo League 0165] NL Tournament Lyraelle vs Roland
[Neo League 0165] NL Season 7 Semifinals: Lyraelle vs Mint
Midnight Models
[Neo League 0165] NL Season 7 Grand Final: Terry vs Lyraelle
[Dead or Alive] Supremacy of the Miltechs - Mistakes Were Made
The Treaty of Clapham Grand
[Dead Or Alive] DOA R2 - Lyraelle vs Whitney
[Dead Or Alive] Mirror Mirror
[Dead or Alive] The Road Less Travelled
[Dead or Alive] The Devil's Advocate
[Dead or Alive] Invidia
[SNF 2023.01] Battle for Midnight!
Edge of Seventeen
[FightFest 2023] Petty in Pink
[Fightfest 2023] NFG Inaugural Tournament Afterparty
[Fightfest 2023] The Inaugural NFG Draft
[NFG Season One] A Bright Future
[NFG Season One] The Princess and the Farm Girl
[NFG Season One] Otherworldly Possessions
[NFG Season One] There Can Be Only One
[NFG Season One Finals] Round Four: Chevy vs Ichika
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Night Shift
394 logs listed.