FightFest 2023 - Petty in Pink

[Toggle Names]

Description: The International Fighting Festival is kicking off in Southtown, and so are two pink-clad celebrity fighters! A signing scheduling fiasco has the feline pop idol throwing a hissy fit, and soon the sparkle princess is seeing stars! Will Lucky Chloe dethrone Lyraelle, or is it the Sparkle Princess' lucky day?

Chloe has just about got the scent of burning hair out of her nostrils. The nightmares are still there though, every damn night. Not that she's told anyone about them. Instead, she's been withdrawing, claiming she needs time to work on new material, that it's ABSOLOUTELY ESSENTIAL to allow her creativity to flow. The truth is, she's not written a single word. Instead she's been binging on reality TV and devouring trashy novels.

She supposes she should meet up with Raiza and Daisuke at some point, check in on her fellow Charlie's Angels crew, but that would mean discussing the hell of recent times and she's not ready to do that. Perhaps she never will be.

Today however, she has to face her public again. She's been booked in to appear at the International Fighting Festival. One of those meet and greet affairs, where she gives fans her paw print and poses for a photo or two. It's normally easy mode for the pop idol, but today she spent thirty minutes before leaving in the bathroom having an anxiety attack. Not a good look, when you're dressed in a pink pussycat costume.

As she arrives at the mall based marquee, where the festival in Southtown is being held, she forces herself to find the fighting spirit that has got her to the top of her game. She, Lucky Chloe cannot quit. She strides towards her alloted stand on her stacked sneakers, ready to take her rightful place.

Meanwhile, already manning one of the booths in the heart of the mall's sprawling exhibition for the International Fighting Festival, a pretty pink-haired princess looks positively delighted to meet her newest fan, a six year old girl who's insisted on being allowed to talk to 'the Disney princess over there.'

"Aww, it's so nice to meet you, sweetie! So, do you want to have your picture taken with me?"

"Sure! Can you ask Cinderella if I can get my picture with her too?"

"What a darling," Lyraelle says with a heartbroken smile as she places a hand on her chest. Her green eyes flit up to the girl's mother. "So, how long has little...?"

"Sophie," the woman reminds her.

" long has little Sophie been a fan?"

"Since she saw your billboard next to the entrance," the mother says with a smile. "She just loves princesses. I gotta say, I like the new look, though. Much more family-friendly. Although, do you really need the whole..."

The woman makes a general motion with her finger toward the exposed expanse of Lyraelle's chest protruding above the bustline of her leotard. Lyraelle's eyes follow the indication before returning to meet the mother's.

"I'm going for a more universal appeal," Lyraelle says with an ingratiating smile. "Besides, these puppies need room to breathe. Trust me."

"You have PUPPIES?!" the girl says with crescendoing pitch and volume, wide-eyed.

"Of course! RED MINION! Where are my puppies?"

"Coming, Your Majesty! I mean, Your Highness! They were just goin' out for a piddle," a squat, pinkish imp calls out as he's practically pulled along by two pink leashes, at the end of which are a pair of tiny West Highland white terrier pups. The child squeals in delight.

"Can I hold one?!"

"Sure. Why don't we both hold one?" the Sparkle Princess offers sweetly, picking up both puppies and unleashing them before letting the six-year-old cradle one in her arms. Lyraelle holds the other up and smiles, looking toward a yellow ram-horned imp as she cuddles the puppy against her bosom.

"Ready, Dodge? Okay, let's count to three, then say 'Puppies!' One... two... three... Puppies!"

"...Puppies!" the child says after counting in unison.


"Okay, a few more and you can pick your favourite!"


"...Okay, now, why don't you have a look at these with Mommy and tell us which one you like best...?"

After interminable consideration, the little girl points at one of the photographs on the display screen.

"That one!"

"Awesome! That'll be ten thousand yen, okay?"

"Oh, that's - surprisingly reasonable," the mother says.

Lyraelle gives a nod to a green-skinned, spindly winged imp wearing a visor sat at a table in the booth, who presses some keys on his computer. Soon, a portable printer spits out a fresh 8-by-6 photo of the girl, the princess, and the puppies, and it's exchanged for a contactless charge.

"Thank you so much! Have a lovely day, Sophie!"

Once the woman and child leave, resulting in a momentarily empty queue, Lyraelle rolls her eyes with a groan as she drops the puppy as if it were on fire. "Ugh! I can't believe that thing just peed on my boobs while I was having my picture taken. I swear to God, I hate dogs almost as much as I hate catgirls."

As the catgirl makes her way to her table, several delighted squeals can be heard from a crowd of tweeners nearby.

"I'll be with you soon" Chloe assures them. "I just need to get settled in my..."

The chair she was about to pounce upon seems to be already laid claim to by a slutty Disney princess. Her face looks vaguely familiar to Lucky, but she can't quite place the name.

"Excuse, I think you're running into my slot. I'm scheduled here for two till four pm."

As she questions the other female, a burly looking guy with cropped dark hair sidles up behind her, detecting a frisson of fiction. "Everything alright here, Miss Chloe?" he checks, his eyes flitting to her face for any of the familiar signs of tension.

"It will be once she's up and out" she informs him, her tone clear, clipped and calm. "I'm sure this woman has some children's birthday parties she needs to appear at."

Lyraelle finishes toweling her decolletage with a wet wipe and hands it to the red imp, who crinkles his nose before waddling off to pop it into a nearby garbage bin. Meanwhile, the princess looks up to the pig-tailed new arrival, eyes turning up to the girl's cat ears. She recognizes the pop idol immediately.

"Uhh, who are you, again?" she asks incredulously, raising an eyebrow. Her expression slips from questioning to a smarmy smile. "Oh, sorry, you must be confused. This spot is mine all day. If you're okay with waiting I might let you have it for my dinner break. That's seven thirty to seven forty-five - I'm a fast eater." She winks at Chloe. "Now, unless you want a photo op with the Sparkle Princess, move your fuzzy butt aside, sweetie. I have minions to meet 'n greet."

"You're looking kinda sweaty there" Chloe comments, watching with a wrinkle of her own nose as the poor minion walks off with the whiffy wipe. She seems almost affronted by his treatment, but in truth it's the kind of move she'd pull herself.

"I'm surprised you don't recognise me, I'm a pretty big star, particularly around these parts. That's why they invited me, so if you could just pack up your tat and go, we don't need to say anymore about it."

She follows her suggestion with a sickly sweet smile, but it doesn't reach as far as her aquamarine eyes.

The burly bloke loiters behind Lucky, ready to intervene if there's going to be a rumble.

"It's not sweat," Lyraelle comments distastefully, leaning back and furtively flicking lingering moisture from the fingers of her white gloves. She lets Chloe finish her diatribe, draping one of her stocking-covered legs across the other and lounging on her publicity throne as she listens.

"Oh, you're famous, are you? Well, I'm surprised that you don't seem to be recognising -the- hottest royal in the world right now: Princess Lyraelle. Here, why don't I show you my special signature pose and see if it jogs your memory."

She stands up out of her chair, smoothing the seat of her skimpy skirt so as not to show too much skin to any underage audiences hanging around the pink-themed booth. She clears her throat and holds her arms out at her sides before suddenly thrusting her gloved hands out and waving them around like a maniac.

"Hiiiii! Sparkle..."

She pulls her hands back to her sides in a circular motion, bringing one to rest on her hip while the other cups next to her ear, head tilting slightly to one side.


She winks, then smiles a saccharine smile back at Chloe, leaning forward over the table and resting her hands against it.

"It's totally great, isn't it?"

"Lyraelle? Didn't you used to be a demon? What happened, did a focus group find your whole shtick hellish?"

She pads closer to the table, resting her paws on the edge of it, as she watches the derpy display with narrowed eyes. "You think you're the first failed influencer to make fun of me? I've had far more fearsome foes try to stick the boot in. Besides, you're not cute enough to pull it off."

She winks back at Lyraelle and then waves her paw in the air, trying to attract one of the event staff over. The nervous looking woman approaches cautiously, holding a clipboard like a shield.

"Hi Chloe, how can I help you?"

"You can make her move" the tense teen demands. "She's running over into my time slot."

"Um, that could be tricky" the woman responds. "It says here that the Sparkle Princess will be with us till ten pm tonight" she responds, looking down at her clipboard. "She's got this table for the whole twelve hours."

Is that a hiss that escapes the lips of Lucky? It certainly sounds like one, as the volume of her speech steps up. "I want to see whoever is organising this festival fiasco" she demands.

"What can I say? I wanted a slice of the under-twelve demographic," Lyraelle comments casually in rebuttal to Lucky Chloe's question. "After all, the competition is such easy pickings." She makes a sweeping gesture toward Chloe as she says so.

Lyraelle is still sitting on her throne when the woman comes over to clarify the situation, smirking smugly.

"Sorry, Miss Pretty Kitty. Looks like you're not so lucky today after all. Maybe if you were one of the top sponsors of the event as well as one of the organisers, you might have had more say in the matter. Don't worry, though - I made sure they gave you a new slot. It starts at ten P.M., right after mine. After all, cats are nocturnal creatures, aren't they?"

She tilts her head to one side, making a V next to her face with two fingers and winking. "Why don't you come back then? Ta ta for meow, petit chaton."

She makes a kissy face before sticking out her tongue as her petty and petulant inner nature gets the better of her.

"The under twelve demographic can be quite lucrative and also very fickle. I'm lucky my fans are so loyal and have stuck with me all this time" the blonde bats back.

Her amiable expression starts to alter as the festival employee explains the situation. She looks between the clipboard carrying woman and Lyraelle with utter disdain and disbelief.

"The festival closes at ten pm" she hisses. "As for being a sponsor, why do I want to be responsible for a load of newbies needing to learn moves? I have enough of that with my backing dancers."

At the sight of the kissy face, Lucky lunges towards Lyraelle, seeming as though she may be about to swat at her with her kitty paw. Instead she claws at her tiara, sending it to the ground of the marquee.

Lyraelle looks vaguely surprised as Lucky Chloe mentions that the festival will close at ten o'clock.

"Oh, is it closing at ten here? My bad, I thought you'd have at least an hour. Oh well, that's probably after bedtime for your fans anyway, isn't it?"

She gives a wicked smile.

"Hey, if you need to promote, you could join that tournament, couldn't you? The one for non-professional fight-"

Lyraelle's mouth hangs open and her green eyes grow wide as her tiara is suddenly knocked off by the contentious catgirl's cotton claws, tumbling to the ground and leaving several strands of previously perfectly positioned pink hair slightly disheveled.

"You bitch!"

The affronted princess rises from her throne, hands slamming down against the table in front of her as her lips screw up and her shoulders quake with indignation.

"That took my stylist forever to get absolutely perfect! I am so going to invoice you for their time!"

She stalks around the table and stoops down to pick up the tiara, eliciting the sound of dozens of surreptitious smartphone cameras clicking to capture the moment. Lyraelle's expression tightens with irritation - she's never minded fan service, but she doesn't like to mix it with personal humiliation.

Straightening up, she places the tiara back on her own head, then picks her royal scepter - a white wand-like object ending in a pink star-shaped crystal - up off of the promotional table.

"Let's see how you like it, Miss Hissy Face!" she declares as she swings the scepter 'round like a truncheon, aiming to vindictively bop the cat ear headphones off of the teen idol's top.

There's a wicked grin on the cat girl's face, when she manages to topple the tiara from the petty princess' crowning glory. "You think I haven't been called a bitch before?" she giggles, a paw up to her lips.

When the wand launches towards Lucky, she tries to dodge it with her fancy footwork but alas, her headwear too goes hurtling through the air, producing some horrible sounding static from the high tech headphones. "I get those especially made!" she shrieks. "I'm sure they cost far more than your skanky stylist!"

The burly bodyguard is backing away. It looks like he doesn't want to be the meat in this superstar sandwich, should things get tasty, and who can blame him?

"Oh, yeah?" Lyraelle gloats as she regains a sense of control over the situation. "Why don't you take it up with my Public Relations manager? ZEE!"

Emerging from a white tent behind the publicity table comes a hulking, furry-faced figure with the head and horns of an irate bull. "What ho, Mistress Lightheart?" the minotaur demands with a coarse, half-arsed grunt.

"This intruder is trying to invade our territory! She totally knocked my crown off my head!" Lyraelle accuses, pointing with her wand.

"Alas, that I was not present," the minotaur laments, "Did any of your other servants capture the moment with their 'camera?' I lack for amusement."

"ZEE!" Lyraelle yells, balling her hands at her sides and stamping one of her pink Mary Janes against the pavement childishly. "I demand satisfaction! Defend my honour!"

'Zee' bellows with a braying laughter before sitting down on the princess' throne.

"And I demand entertainment. Go, prove your might, 'Princess.'"

Lyraelle's eyes go wide as her lips purse angrily.

"That is /not/ how this WORKS!"

"It seems like your pet needs more training" Chloe cattily comments, enjoying Zee's display of defiance.

"Perhaps we should let our hired help battle it out in our honour" she suggests. "Truth be told, I'm not really in the mood for one of these meet and greets. They make my face ache with all the fake smiling."

She picks the broken headphones off the floor, inspecting the damage and then slipping them into her kitty cat backpack.

"Perhaps you and I could go grab a grape soda" she suggests to the Sparkle Princess.

"...A truce?" With the Kitty Kat Kingdom? The idea seems almost unfathomable to the Sparkle Princess formerly known as Demon Queen Lyraelle. Catgirls have been her bane (and main competitor in the darkstalker cosplay market) ever since her rise to rule.

"Hmph. You really want to put your guy over there up against my minion squad?" she asks, jutting a thumb back at the darkstalker menagerie occupying the promotional stand, where her imps appear to have come to the conclusion that they're now on a late lunch break now that Zander has occupied the throne, pocky and hot dogs distributed amongst them from Red Minion's lunch box.

"Ugh. I never should have let them unionize," she mutters under her breath after glancing over her shoulder. Returning her eyes back to Lucky Chloe, she narrows them suspiciously, then lowers her voice. "I'm not down to tying my brand into the Hello Kitty fanclub. I don't even /like/ pink that much. I mean, my hair is awesome, but if it weren't for this stupid sparkle power..."

She sweeps a hand through the air, creating a dazzling trail of fairy dust-like energy that sprinkles to the ground, drawing gasps of delight from nearby children.

"...I'd still be totally be rockin' my sexy purple everydays. Unfortunately, /it clashes./"

Lyraelle turns to the crowd that's slowly been gathering critical mass, verging on becoming a flash mob. She waves her sparkling wand for their attention.

"Hey every body! Who thinks that Lucky Chloe and I should be best friends forever?!"

A chorus of 'Yay!'s rise up from several nearby elementary schoolers.

"And who here wants to see me and my real friends kick Lucky Doughy's Buns back to the litter tray she came from?!"

A roar of approval comes from the over-tens in the area.

"Thanks for the feedback, minions~" she says, winking and doing her signature V salute before turning to the other celebrite en rose. ""Sounds like they want a throwdown too~ What do you think, Fuzzy Fingers?" she asks challengingly.

COMBATSYS: Lucky Chloe has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/-------|

How very dare she? This bargain bucket bitch with the inflated boobs and ego, dares to reject Lucky's more than generous olive branch? The only reason Chloe has offered it was because of the overwhelming tiredness she'd suddenly felt when faced with a cat fight. But now, she's been disrespected and she will relish ripping the poser princess into pieces.

"Okay, you wanna play it that way" she shrugs. "I was trying to take pity on you, but it seems you're your own worst enemy."

Pressing the speaker on her belt, the infectious pop hit, Pretty Kitty sounds out at ear piercing volume. Some of the little girls looking on, delightedly start to perform the dance routine from the video.

"You may resemble the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella with that dazzling dust, but I'm Puss in Boots, who is the star of their story!"

She steps up into Lyraelle's space "Bring it."

Lyraelle snorts with pompous disdain at Chloe's comparison of her aesthetic to the Fairy Godmother, resting a white-gloved hand on one of her notoriously shapely hips and cocking it to one side as she twirls her scepter between her fingers, sending sparkles scattering.

"So close, honey, but I'm /clearly/ a Magical Princess. Which means I don't need anybody's help to be the belle of the ball!"

She does a twirl to emphasize her point, ending with a flirtatious curtsey, eyes lifted to her fans to give a knowing and subtly salacious wink.

"Now, get ready, minions! We've got a show to stop!" she declares, straightening as she points her wand toward her multi-coloured cohort.

"Y-you mean you want us to stop the fight? It hasn't even started yet, has it?" the green imp stammers, hand shoved uncertainly in a packet of salt-and-vinegar chips.

"Can't you stop it by... you know, bein' polite an' respectful, I guess?" Red Minion suggests.

"No, you dummies! I mean we're showstoppers!" Lyraelle calls out with frustration.

"Methinks our mistress has faltered in her tenuous grasp on the tongue of her ken," Zee declares, resting his burly arms behind his head.

"I literally can't even," Lyraelle complains, rolling her eyes as she turns back to Chloe.

"No, that's just what millennials are like," Red Minion assures the minotaur. "See? They say the opposite of what they mean. It's totally awesome." Red turns to Lyraelle. "Did I do that right?"

"JUST GET YOUR BUTTS UP AND GET READY FOR THE RUMBLE!" Lyraelle practically shrieks as she sparkles with princess-like intensity and drops into a fighting stance, holding her scepter at the ready.

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0         Lyraelle

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle appeals to her minions!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0         Lyraelle

The teen eyerolls at the torrent of twirling. "You're so cheesy, I can smell you going off" she sniffs.

"And why do you need your army to take me on? I thought you were supposed to be some big deal. You don't catch me bringing my backing dancers into a brawl."

She starts to stretch out, readying herself to rumble and then rushes towards Lyraelle rapidly, twirling as she moves. Once she's close enough, she attempts to hit the other woman over and over with a series of horizontal chops to the gut, plunging her paws past the princess costume.

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle blocks Lucky Chloe's Happy Swing.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/------<|=======\-------\0         Lyraelle

"You're literally wearing cat paws," Lyraelle retorts to the teen idol's deriding declaration as she readies herself for battle, scowling. "And it's a branding thing. Inclusiveness, the power of friendship or whatever," she excuses the request for assistance from her minions. The banter is cut short as Lucky Chloe whirls her kitty paws at her midsection, causing Lyraelle to backpedal with the aggression as she fends the attacks off with a surprising air of desperation. "Hey! Watch the goods!" she chastises as she fails to intercept an errant chop toward her chest that leaves her bouncing painfully in her leotard's low-cut bustline. "Back off!"

Her eyes glint with golden-white light before flashing as a pair of laser-like beams of shining chi short forth from them, aiming to blast the idol back out of the Sparkle Princess' space!

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle successfully hits Lucky Chloe with Dazzling Gaze.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/--<<<<<|=======\====---\1         Lyraelle

"Too late, you wanted this battle, so I'm not going to back off now!" Chloe cries out, bracing herself for any after effects from the bouncing bosoms.

As Lyraelle's laser eyes look towards Lucky, she finds herself stunned and stumbling backwards breaking her breach of boundaries. She fights to keep her balance, but is all out of luck, as she lands listfully on the ground.

Licking (not literally) her wounds, she rises up again, eyeing the predatory princess with disdain, before calling out "One! Two!" and aiming a dancing low kick to Lyraelle's lower leg.

She seeks to spin around, striking out at her with a quick jab of her left paw, then a straight punch with her right. She'll then follow these up with a final spinning backfist smash.

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle fails to counter C Uprock from Lucky Chloe with Guest Appearance EX.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Lucky Chloe      0/-------/-<<<<<<|=======\====---\1         Lyraelle

Lyraelle beams with delight - figuratively speaking, this time - as the burst of optic energy gives her some room to collect herself from Lucky Chloe's fuzzy onslaught.

"Maybe you should call your backup dancers in after all," she suggests as she waves her scepter in the air, producing a tail of semi-solid light that traces lines through the air in the wand's wake. The smile fades as Chloe comes for her once more. "Minions! Where are you?!"

"Here, Your Highness!" Red Minion huffs as he hustles toward the pair, moving to insert himself into the engagement as quickly as his short legs can carry him, arms pumping in the air. "Protect the Princess!"

The squat imp slides to a halt in Lucky Chloe's path just in time -

'One, two!'


- for the teen star's sneaker to slam into his belly, the low kick aimed at Lyraelle's leg becoming a mid kick thanks to Red's reduced hitbox. He goes flying like a soccer ball, the angle of the kick sending him crashing up to ricochet off of Lyraelle's chest and face before bouncing away, causing Her Highness to flail and stumble backward as Chloe continues her combination. The punches land flush on the Princess' plush upper person and face, knocking her off her feet to land on the ground.

It's a rather rousing display, considering how well the royal used to be able to receive the violence of the mortal race.

"Owww!" Lyraelle whines as she rubs her face in pain, swelling already starting around her left eye. She pulls a miniature phone from her person and checks her face in the camera screen. "Dammit. You've ruined my photo day!" she whines plaintively as the corners of her eyes start to glisten.

The fierce fighting females are attracting quite the crowd, as their conflict continues. "Oh sweet! They've set up a show fight between Lyraelle and Lucky" an enthusiastic teenage boy yells, pulling out his cell phone to capture the action. Soon others follow suit and before long, the duo of divas is streaming live all over the internet.

Just in time to capture the unfortunate red minion go hurtling through the air. "Wow, that Chloe is kinda mean" a schoolgirl comments to her friend, elicting nods from several others close by.

As Lyraelle lands on her delightful derriere, the singer allows herself time for a smirk before preparing to snap back into action if needed. Whilst the pink haired poser weeps and whines, Lucky takes her chance to rush at her, aiming to slam her elbow into her ribs and keep her down and out of action.

COMBATSYS: Lucky Chloe successfully hits Lyraelle with Elbow Beat.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Lucky Chloe      1/-------/<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1         Lyraelle

It's not just the festival-going pedestrians who have arrived on the scene to watch the fracas unfold. Someone has let out word amongst the e-fans of L, the most diehard of minions, that their mistress is in peril at the hands of a contemptible catgirl. Some arrive wearing pink t-shirts and hoodies, others in purple, the yin and yang dichotomy of 'OG Lyraelle' and 'New Lyraelle' fans uniting to form a human wall on one edge of the paved fighting space. Many of them are carrying Midnight Channel merchandise in bags or under their arms.

They let out a collective gasp as the Sparkle Princess, struggling to get her feet underneath her, is interrupted in her recovery animation by a vicious elbow shot from Lucky Chloe that knocks her flat on her back.

"Is that even allowed?!" a girl with glasses furtively asks the boy next to her. "She didn't even let her get back up."

"Real Life is like Dark Souls," the purple-clad boy comments.

Lyraelle scoots backward on her hands and feet, the seat of her skirt scraping along the ground, before pushing herself unsteadily upright. Tears now stream live down her face as her face streams live to dozens of FightTube accounts.

The Sparkle Princess recognises an opportunity.

"You're just a bully, attacking me /completely unprovoked/ like this!" she shouts loud enough for even the shoddiest of smartphones to pick up clearly, a plaintive edge in her tone. "I just wanted to be friends, Lucky Chloe, but you've ruined that now! Minions! On my mark!"

She raises her wand in the air, a trail of sparkles falling from it like so many fireflies. As she does, mechanical penguin-like dolls appear amongst the purple and pink-clad crew of mega-fans, the red-eyed toys raising above the heads of their owners ominously as they too start to glow.

"I hereby declare Lucky Chloe... CANCELLED!"

She swings her scepter toward Lucky Chloe, and suddenly the pigtailed blonde celebrity will find herself being bombarded with mechanical prinny dolls, each set to explode on impact with a blast of white light!

COMBATSYS: Lucky Chloe fails to interrupt #Royal Proclamation - Cancelled!# from Lyraelle with Aerial Arc EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Lucky Chloe      1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0         Lyraelle

As the mob of minions arrive to add support to their ravishing ruler, Lucky looks towards them, wishing she'd brought along her own cheer squad. The purple and pink clad plebs are proving somewhat distracting, particularly once the waterworks start to flow from their icon. It's obvious that Chloe has been cast in the role of the heel in this scenario, something that seems particularly unfair given her opponent's shadowy past.

"Stop playing the victim" she shoots back at The Sparkle Princess. "It's not a good look on you."

And that's when it begins. The weirdest moment of the singer's somwhat surreal existence so far starts to unfold, as she's met by a series of sparkles and penguins? Yep, those are definitely penguins, mechanical ones at least and they're coming for Chloe.

"You think you're the first person to try and cancel me?" she yells. "None of it's stuck so far. There was that time when..."

What this time was will have to remain a mystery for now, as she's silenced by the swinging scepter and army of explosive prinnies.

The blonde is literally stunned, trying desperately to shield her eyes from their blinding blasts of light. She staggers, she stumbles, she swears, before sprawling to the ground and starting to shake.

"Make it stop!" she screeches, just as her speaker switches the song to her most recent hit song, 'Catastrophe.'

By the time that Chloe can recover from the blinding flashes of light, Lyraelle is standing triumphantly with one hand on her hip, posing for the fans with the scepter next to her face in place of her usual V-fingered salute as she winks. The tears have dried almost miraculously - thanks to a quick application of the royal handkerchief while onlookers were distracted by the nuclear response to Lucky Chloe's aggression from Lyraelle's fanbase - leaving Her Royal Highness looking once again poised and powerful.

"Thanks minions! I'll take it from here~"

With that declaration, Lyraelle lashes out with her scepter, the golden cord of light whipping toward Lucky Chloe in an attempt to add insult and injury to the insult and injury already bestowed upon her.

"Bad kitty! Submit or be punished!"

Should she not defend herself successfully, the singing star would be subjected to two quick and painful strikes of the whip against whatever part of her presents itself to the princess.

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle successfully hits Lucky Chloe with Random Strike.
- Power hit! -

[                          \\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Lucky Chloe      2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0         Lyraelle

Blinking her blurry eyes open, the pussycat impersonator peers up at the princess, feeling suddenly sickly at the sight. "I'll never submit" she spits out, swaying as she attempts to rise up to her feet.

Just in time to be met by the strikes of Lyraelle's whip, one getting her on the arm and the other hitting her thigh. She grimaces with the growing pain and lets out a growl more reminscent of a dog than a kitty, as she attempts to get her rapid revenge. It will need to be fast, because she can feel herself fading.

As the well known words of "Here we go!" fill the marquee, the dance diva drops down onto her hands and starts to rapidly breakdance, trying to kick out at Lyraelle with every motion of her lean legs. Should she build up enough momentum, she'd then send the fairy tale princess flying, by kicking her into the air.

On the pink haired diva's descent, Chloe would thrust her furry paw up to greet her, smashing it into her stomach and then striking a pose with her paw to her ear, before promptly collapsing.

COMBATSYS: Lucky Chloe can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Lyraelle         1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Lyraelle counters Here We Go! EX from Lucky Chloe with Royal Requisition - Sparkle Princess Selfie EX.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Lyraelle         0/-------/-======|

As Lucky Chloe starts to spin toward the Sparkle Princess, Lyraelle holds one white glove behind her back, her green eyes remaining wide and alert. A faint golden glow gathers in her gloved palm, unseen by her opponent - and then, as Chloe flips forward for the breakdancing barrage, she's suddenly greeted by an underhanded toss of sparkles - straight into her eyes!


The blinding attack leaves Chloe incapable of seeing where she needs to aim her legs, and Lyraelle leaps upward - caught by the arms in mid-jump by her winged green minion and held aloft above the sweeping spinning strikes.

"Take me up!" Lyraelle demands.

"Mistress...! I can't... hold...!" Green Minion protests as he strains to lift her aloft.

"And... swing me!"

Summoning all of his spindly might, the viridian imp heaves his princess pendulously as she jackknifes her own legs upward. Then, on the return -

"Let go!"

The result is that, as Lucky Chloe is blindly raising her paw aloft, the barely-clothed posterior of the princess comes crashing into her just as her vision starts to recover, the infamous DQT making a modified appearance that drives the Lyraelle marks to frenzied applause.

"Never say never, sweetie," Lyraelle chides as she poses atop her prey, pulling a miniature pink phone out of the front of her leotard and preparing to use Lucky Chloe as a furniture prop for her next photo op.

"Now, say, 'Hello, minions!'" she instructs as she lounges, slinging one leg over the other and saluting the camera before taking a selfie.

@SparklePrincessLyraelle Added another throne to my collection! @LuckyChloe #comeback #furnituregallery #herewego

Log created on 17:15:56 03/24/2023 by Lyraelle, and last modified on 13:13:11 03/28/2023.