T. Hawk (7 logs)
Bat and HawkHawk and Bison
[SNF 2015.02] SNF: Showgirls!
[SNF 2015.03] SNF: NO MERCY
It's Just A Mental Scarring
[Flight of the Soaring Spirit] [FSS:Week 2] BLOODLINES
T.J. Combo (1 log)
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: "GLORY DAYS"Tabitha (16 logs)
[SNF 2014.10] SNF: "Now.. my Plagues."[SNF 2014.10] SNF: Zombie Jamboree
Not Quite SNF: Park Boxing
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: Cold Contract
[SNF 2015.01] SNF: Fu Season
[SNF 2015.01] SNF: The Underground
[Neo League 0001] NL#0054: Aracely vs Tabitha
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Western Rookie Belt - Tabitha vs Sven
[SNF 2015.04] BLITZ: The Running (Wo)Man
[SNF 2015.05] PFW: Road to the Championship
[SNF 2015.05] DOJO: You Won't Believe What Comes Out Of...
[SNF 2015.10] SNF: Mazes & Monsters
[SNF 2017.06] ICP Fight Fest: Alexis vs Tabitha
[KOF 2017] Tim Hortons? In My Metro City??
[KOF 2017] B2 Qualifier Match: Team Balance vs Sound And Fury
Tairyu (62 logs)
On the Boardwalk.Werecat On A Hot Tin Roof
The Bat & The Pendulum
A Study in Coincidence
Stray Cats
A Trip to the Mall
Of Mice and Mobsters
A Robbery Awry
A Threat Manifested
Southtown Confidential
Disaster Tourist
Chaos Blooms On The Battlefield
[Neo League 0143] NL#0145: Lita vs Tairyu
[The Black Dragon] Motives and Methodologies
Chopstix Begins
Tirade in the Arcade
[Neo League 0143] NL#0146: Tairyu vs Jezebel
[Neo League 0143] NL#0147: Clarity vs Tairyu
Pulped Fiction
Succu-bit Arcade Fun
Stray Dog Blues
Hotel Transylvania
[Neo League 0143] NL#0148: Tairyu vs Vuong
Bat 52 Where Are You
[SNF 2020.7] SNF: Idol Showdown: Rats In A Cage
[SNF 2020.8] SNF: False Idols
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon TDH - Save The Girl
Spooky Sleepovers
[SNF 2020.11] SNF - Thankful For: PUPPIES!
The Ink of Yakuza Spirit
The Halting Ascent
Common Cause
Moving out
A Family Decision
The Demon and The Outlaw
[SNF 2021.01] SNF: Tiger King of Southtown - Tairyu vs King
The Good Samaritan
A disturbance in the force
Dahlia's Trip to Venus
[SNF 2021.02] SNF: Electric Serenade
[Neo League 0143] NL#0160: Tairyu vs Mint
Party Crasher
After Dinner Mints
[Neo League 0143] NL: QF - Kongou vs Tairyu
[Neo League 0143] NL Season 6 Semifinals: Olivia vs Tairyu
Hospital Mints
Terms of Service
Fire Team Leader
[Neo League 0143] NL Season 6 Finals - Daniel vs Tairyu
What's Eating Katashi Tairyu
All Your Heart
A tiger and a dragon walk into a bar...
Surface to Air
Someone really wants in.
False Foes
Agni, God of Fire
[World Warrior 2023] R1: Honoka vs Tairyu
[World Warrior 2023] R2: Tairyu vs Daniel
Boxer's Dance
[World Warrior 2023] R4: The Dragon and the Mountain
Taiva (2 logs)
[SNF 2018.04] SNF: Tag Team Battle![SNF 2018.10] SNF: Horror Hotel
Takako (1 log)
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Takako vs AlexisTakuma (2 logs)
Father-Son Bonding[SNF 2021.05] SNF: "Duel of the Fates"
Tamaki (15 logs)
[Fightfest 2023] Round 1: Chevy vs Tamaki[Fightfest 2023] Round 2: Tamaki vs Genie
[Fightfest 2023] Round 3: Tamaki vs Nixie
[Fightfest 2023] Final Match: Hawksley vs Nixie
[Fightfest 2023] Third Place Match: Tamaki vs Djamila
[Fightfest 2023] NFG Inaugural Tournament Afterparty
[Fightfest 2023] The Inaugural NFG Draft
[NFG Season One] Eternity and Alcohol
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R1 - Tamaki vs John Doe
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R2 - Buford vs Tamaki
[NFG Season One] Chloe's Cleanup Crew
[NFG Season One] Sunshine City R3 - Tamaki vs Iris
[NFG Season One] The RUMBLE
[NFG Season One] Metro City R1 - Tamaki vs Hawksley
[NFG Season One] Metro City R2 - Ichika vs Tamaki
Tanwen (17 logs)
[NFG Season Two] The Red Dragon[NFG Season Two] The Mermaid
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R1 - Ritual Sacrifice? Already?!
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Hoarding Apples
[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R3 - Consult the Oracle
[NFG Season Two] Mermaid Pool Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI: Welcome to (New) Zack Island
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Looting for Lucre
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Atlantis vs Big Game Hunters
[NFG Season Two] Fishing For Complements
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2.5: Emergency Dance Party
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Might & Magic vs Atlantis
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Final Match - Atlantis vs Hollywood Heat
[NFG Season Two] RTZI Boss Battle - As Above
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Tanwen vs Ishida
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Semifinals - Tanwen vs Roxana
[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Final Match - Hawksley vs Chevy
Taokaka (2 logs)
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R3 - You Can Say It Again!A Game of Cat and Mouse
Tarmo (28 logs)
[Neo League 0143] NL#0161: Tarmo vs Tsinghua[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 Round 1: Ryuko vs Tarmo
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R2 - Nena vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0169: Dennis Vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0171: Mint Vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0173: Juliet vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0174: Jae Hoon vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0186: Riki vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0165] NL#0192: Upsilon vs Tarmo
Bonding on the Battlefield!
Distant Early Warning
[Neo League 0165] NL#0195: Tarmo vs Banyu
[SNF 2021.07] SNF: Aaron vs Tarmo - "Summer Survival Story"
The Sands of Heck
Food Truck Frenzy
[Neo League 0165] Neo League Season 7 Quarterfinals: Mint VS Tarmo
First Strike
A Cold Wind Blows
[Rising Star 2022] Ristar 2022 R1 - Angelina vs Tarmo
[Neo League 0201] NL#0205: Tarmo vs NiCO
Tea by the Sea
Succubus Host Club
Tarmo and Aeria
[NFG Season One] Extra-Curricular Fight
[NFG Season One] Once is Not Enough
Terry (29 logs)
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: 2 Kunoichi 1 Wolf[KOF 2017] KoF: Pushing the Limits
[KOF 2017] B6 Qualifier Match: Hungry Wolves vs Masked Men
[KOF 2017] Waiting on the Next Round
[KOF 2017] Q4: Full Moons vs Hungry Wolves
[KOF 2017] S2: Hungry Wolves vs Balance
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 30 - No Harm, No Fowl
United, We Stand
[KOF 2017] Act 3/14: Tyrants Must Tremble - Heihachi vs World
[KOF 2017] KoF Bronze: Heirs to Legend v Hungry Wolves
[SNF 2018.03] SNF - It's A Dog's Life
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 2 - Wrangling Wolves
[KOF 2019] KOF: A Night At The Opera
[KOF 2019] Prelims 1 - Team Kaka vs The Mongrels
[KOF 2019] Prelims 2 - The Mongrels vs Team WTF
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R1 - Junkyard Wolves
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon TDH - Hell To Pay
[SNF 2020.11] SNF - Thankful For: PUPPIES!
The Concerns of a Friend
[Neo League 0165] NL#0190: Terry vs Abigail
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia #2) Bats in the Belfry
[Neo League 0165] NL#0191: Terry vs Lyraelle
Eternal Rivals
[SNF 2021.07] SNF: Terry vs Victor Ortega - "The PAIN in SPAIN"
[Neo League 0165] NL Season 7 Quarterfinals: Terry vs. Aranha
[Neo League 0165] NL Season 7 Finals: Terry vs Upsilon
[Neo League 0165] NL Season 7 Grand Final: Terry vs Lyraelle
[Dead or Alive] DOA R2 - Sagat vs Terry
Terumi (18 logs)
Damsel In DespairA New Figure Emerges
A Servant's Travels: A Hero's Return
The Snake's Den
Battle of the Gods
World's End #2 - Shackled Life
Fated Paths
A Midnight Chat
Love Is Pain
Honor In Defeat
The Destroyer's Bargain
A Heavyweight Investigation
The Withering Light Of Truth
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 0 - Like Pulling Teeth
Rock and Roll
Spider and the Fly
A Chance Encounter
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Podiebrad of Passion: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Testament (23 logs)
Ghosts in the NightBlood For Blood
The Grim Reaper and The Wolf
Not Quite Human
Ghosts in the Late Evening
So Begins the Hunt
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Grand Opening
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Bogard Bros vs Team Maginot Line
Fulgore Goes Full Gore
Bat and Gear make a deal; revelations of humanity.
[Trouble In Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Sadomasochism
The Sound of Kombat
The Vixen and the Crow
Run From the Light
[Unholy Genesis] [UG:Round 1] BRIDGE TO NOWHERE
Gods of Death
Exploring Earthrealm pt 1
Mortal Kombat. Exhibition Edition.
Kotal Karing
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 1: Charlie vs. Testament
Light in Darkness
[Mortal Kombat] MK Round 2: Testament vs Kotal
[Mortal Kombat] Servants of the Gods
The Astro (2 logs)
[SNF 2014.11] SLAMFEST2014: MOTHER RUSSIA SALUTES SLAM...!?[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021
The Hunter (9 logs)
On The Job: Hunting the HunterMission #13: Birth of a Devil
[SNF 2016.06] SNF: The Hunter vs Jezebel in Summer Frights!
Training Day Interrupted
What Hunts The Night
Grimm's Fables: Rock A DIE Baby!
Mission #21: Isolation By Choice
Blood Atonement 1: Animus and Honor
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R2 - Behind Enemy Lines
The Wraith (1 log)
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 R3 - Honoka Inoue/Kasumi vs ???Tia (6 logs)
Backdoor Angels 3: Down the FoxholeWest Coast Watersports 13: Relieving Las Vegas
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP W1 - Showup Hoedown Posse vs Going Commando
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Hunting for Mermaids
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Team With Himself vs Going Commando
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - PTSD vs Going Commando
Tiffany (45 logs)
Taiyo ShenanigansPacific Blues
A Legend Begins
Best Kicks This Side of the Rockies
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: "The Emperor's Court"
School Rivalry and Shaved Ice
Just An Ordinary Girl
Not Quite SNF: Park Boxing
No Free Lunch Here? Yun's Furious Gen'ei Jin!
Free Food
[SNF 2014.11] SNF: Turn Your Head and Cough
[Neo League 0001] NL#0005: Sven vs Tiffany
[Neo League 0001] NL#0008: Tiffany vs Lita
No Touching!!
A Taste of Things to Come
The Coolest Chef Ever
It's 9am, The Day's Half Over
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Southtown Winter Prom
[SNF 2014.12] SNF: Revenge of the Ojous, Pt 1
[Neo League 0001] NL#0029: Tiffany vs Gertrude
A Ghost Hops On By
Brutal Negotiation
The Power of Love
[Neo League 0001] NL#0032: Tiffany vs Aracely
Gaijin Army 3: Revenge of Raijin
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Tiffany vs Sada
Encroaching Fatigue
You Should Buy A Pot: Chatting at the Library!
Lords of Southtown
A Straight-A Student? Maybe Later...?
[Neo League 0001] NL#0035: The Main Man Hunter Grand vs Tiffany
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Tiffany vs Brett
[Circuit of Champions] PFW: Western Pro - Widow vs Tiffany Lords
[Neo League 0001] NL#0043: Tiffany vs Gertrude
Under Cover of Darkness
[IHST] Inter-High School Tournament: Tiffany vs. Hyo
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Team With Himself s PTSD
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Grand Opening
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Fire Flowers vs PTSD
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - PTSD vs Going Commando
Prelude to a Shopping Spree
Cheerleader Meets Superhero
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Hayley vs Tiffany - "Bring it On"
Tina (3 logs)
Hurricane Theater!Gan Land
[SNF 2021.09] SNF: Bob vs Tina - "American Pie"
Titanic Tim (2 logs)
[SLAMFEST 2020] SLAMFEST 2020 - PIT OF PAIN[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021
Tizoc (11 logs)
The Invincible Mask (Cutscene)The Good Guy Defeats The Bad Guy!
[Neo League 0087] NL#0089: MURDERHOUSE vs Tizoc
So A Demon Walks Into A Bar...
[Circuit of Champions] GAUNTLET: Blue Pro Belt #1
[SNF 2017.04] SNF: This Train Don't Stop There Anymore
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: Mask of the Maya
[SNF 2017.07] SNF: Lock A Lucha
An Audience With The King (Jaguar)
Beyond Face and Heel
[KOF 2017] B6 Qualifier Match: Hungry Wolves vs Masked Men
Tran (10 logs)
The Lightning Spangles Thanksgiving Special[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 1 - Team With Himself s PTSD
Doctor Who?
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Hunting for Mermaids
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Team With Himself vs Going Commando
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Team With Himself vs Fire Flowers
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week #4 - Chaolan's Island
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 4 - Jezebel/Cage vs Tran/Tran
[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 4 - Dr. Tran in: Is It Torture?
Doctor Doctor, Please
Tremor (8 logs)
Meeting of Two EarthquakesBad Company
Sinking Deep in a Dirty Beach
[Illyria] Illyria Act 1 - Uncertain Magnitude
[Illyria] Illyria Act 2 - Lost In A Landslide
[Illyria] Illyria Finale - Aspect Of Earth
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3 - Waking the Sleeping Dragon
Auld Lang Syne - Mai vs Tremor
Trish (13 logs)
[KOF 2016] KOF Teambuilding: Maiden Venture[KOF 2016] B8 Qualifiers: SoM vs BH
[KOF 2016] KOF: KOFallout
[KOF 2016] KoF: So What Now?
[SNF 2016.12] SNF: Trish vs Radha In: Santas: The Christmasing
Weird Times We Live In
[KOF 2017] Mission 5) What The Doctor Ordered.
[KOF 2017] Queen of Diamonds/Ace of Spades.
[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 33 - Viral Media
[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 17) Snakebit - Trish vs Mr. Burr
Bystander's Log #2: The Bargain
Mission 17-#2) Antivenom - Trish vs Mr. Burr
Being the Gun or the Bullet
Tsinghua (40 logs)
[Neo League 0143] NL#154: Tsinghua vs Olivia[Neo League 0143] NL0155: Tsinghua vs Jezebel
Parks and Recreation
[Neo League 0143] NL#0158: Kongou vs Tsinghua
[SNF 2021.02] SNF - "Icarus fights Medusa's Angels."
[Neo League 0143] NL#0161: Tarmo vs Tsinghua
An Ordinary Evening Walk.
Words Which Carry Water
[Neo League 0143] NL#164 - Aranha vs Tsinghua
[Neo League 0143] NL6: QF - Hayley vs Tsinghua
The Queen's Court
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Aaron vs Tsinghua
Stranger Danger
The Opening Gong
Conference Called
[SNF 2021.05] SNF: "Duel of the Fates"
Maple Syrup
Podiebrad Of Passion: Living To Serve
Podiebrad Of Passion: Drawn To Quartered
Podiebrad Of Passions: Ring Of Defiance
Hot Cocoa and Rabbits
[Springtide Rosalia 2021] Rosalia #11) Hell is Alone
Hook, Line, and Sybil
Tea & Tanuki
Lessons through Lychee
Between a magazine rack and a hard place
The Gift of Music
A Bitter Drink
[SNF 2021.07] SNF: "EAGLE and DRAGON: BATTLE on the WALL"
A Spirited Defense
Down the Rabbithole
Reading Behind the Lines
An Unlikely Pair
Beast in the Mirror
[Dead or Alive] DOA R1 - Tsinghua vs Aeria Corday
[Dead or Alive] Supremacy of the Miltechs - Mistaken Identity
[Dead or Alive] DOA R2 (Exhibition) - Mila vs Tsinghua
[Dead or Alive] Crackdown, Vol 3
What Dreams May Come - Part 1/8
Tsubaki (10 logs)
A New Figure Emerges[KOF 2017] Two Lieutenants Walk Into A Cafe
A Diplomatic Encounter
[KOF 2017] Downtown Encounter
The Snake's Den
One's Mission
Honor In Defeat
Friends in all the wrong places
Melancholy Reunions
[The Bell Tolls] TBT Act 3: Split the Difference
Tsugumi Sendo (19 logs)
On Edge At Half-TimeEager Spirits
In Control
Forceful Assistance
'My Girlfriend Is A Terminator'
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R1 - Tsugumi Sendo vs Kasumi Todoh
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar 2021 R2 - Tsugumi vs Fumiko
Minty Fresh Demonstration
Training Arc
Give it your all!
[Rising Star 2021] Ristar R3: Tsugumi Sendo vs Hayley
[Neo LEague 0165] NL#0175: Mitsuru vs Tsugumi
[Neo LEague 0165] NL#181: Juliet vs Tsugumi Sendo
[Rising Star 2021] Rising Star 2021 Finals - Nena vs Hayley
A Beef Over Beef
Disguise Self
An Unexpected Spar
Entry Level
[Rising Star 2022] Ristar 2022 R1 - Daichi vs Tsugumi Sendo
Tsukiko (1 log)
Dinner for FourTundra (3 logs)
Trails Gone ColdA Surprise Promotional Tour
After The Match
Tung Fu Rue (1 log)
[SNF 2021.08 (Pringer's Birthday Bash)] Pringer's Birthday Bash 2021407 logs listed.