SNF 2020.11 - SNF - Thankful For: PUPPIES!
[Toggle Names]Description: With the Black Dragon's armies ebbing from the streets of Southtown, the criminal underworld of the city is left asunder. In this chaos, it's time for a Lone Wolf to train and guide new faces to the right path. Terry Bogard gets a full-on chance to train the spirited Kyokugen heiress Yuri, and Tairyu, the heir of his own Aizawa-Gumi legacy. Meeting at the Municipal Dog Pound, the Legendary Wolf will show the ins and outs of being a real hero on the streets of Southtown!
Welcome to Southtown.
No matter how many times that sign gets destroyed, people like Terry Bogard make sure to put it back up again. Everybody needs to understand that this is Southtown and no matter how bad things get, someone will always be here to pick up the pieces. Which is why the sneakers of Terry Bogard take him past that sign and into the city proper.
Terry's wandering ways come to a stop at the Municipal Dog Pound and that's also where he drops the bag he's been holding over his shoulder for the entire walk. There's a moment where he looks around, stretches and just takes in the sights of his home.
He moves over to one of the fences to lean back against it. Arms cross over his chest and he just waits for the arrival of those that he will be training this particular evening.
Anyone for a chorus of 'Who Let The Dogs Out?'
Whether or not you're up for it, there's still the fact that there's a battle going on at the dog pound, which is a rather interesting choice for a fight location, but what can you do? You take it or you leave it. That's the way it is.
Terry's already here, and not long after, Yuri comes rushing in quickly before skidding to a halt. Upon spotting Terry, Yuri puts on a big grin and says, "Heeeellllooooooooo! I'm Yuri Sakazaki, the queen of the oh-so-awesome style of Kyokugen Karate! And you must be my opponent, Terry Bogard!" She giggles and holds her hands in front of her with her fists clenched together like an excited fangirl. "It's sooooooo totaly awesome to meet you in person!"
A pause as Yuri realizes something. "Oh wait, we're not here to socialize, we're here to fight." Yuri shrugs a little before smiling again. "Even better, I'll get to see what your fighting style is like while I get to show off just how truly awesome Kyokugen Karate is!"
Realizing that her partner isn't here yet, Yuri takes the time to do some stretches and warm up a little while waiting for her partner to arrive. "It's gonna be a totally awesome match!"
The dog pound might be considered an odd place by many for a fighting venue -- but then, some might also consider at least one of the people involved in it today a 'stray dog', too.
Criminals, organized and otherwise, aren't terribly different from them, as far as some people are concerned afterall. And the japanese man in a dark sports jacket and red dress shirt walking past the fences in a perfectly calm manner in contrast to Yuri's eager charge in? The man's presence practically screams Yakuza, for those who still remember what Yakuza in Southtown looked like.
"Yo," Tairyu's baritone calls out as he approaches, green eyes sharp on both Terry and Yuri with purpose in each of his steps -- aside from the briefest glance to take in his surroundings, anyway. No crazy crowds this time. But he's sure the SNF crew has cameras somewhere around to record all this anyway.
"Bogard-san and Sakazaki-san, I take it?" He rumbles out, just as he comes to a stop with a weighty stomp of a foot. Angling himself right where there's a perfect triangle of distances between the three fighters.
"Tairyu," he announces for the benefit of the two, with a forward tip of his head. "Katashi Tairyu. It seems..." His eyes sweep towards Yuri. "I am your tag partner today?"
Terry Bogard offers a grin to Yuri as she goes into fighting fangirl excitement mode. "Enthusiasm is half the battle. I already like where this is headed." There's even time for the Better Bogard to extend a fist out towards Yuri for fistbumping purposes. He's not about to let any of pre-fight niceties go to waste, that's for sure.
When Tairyu arrives, there's an even spin from Bogard as he extends a fist for the Yakuza Heir to also bump if so desired. "This is gonna' be a great fight. I can feel it. Let's give 'em a show."
Terry nods towards various locations where there are indeed SNF Cameras hooked up and streaming this entire exchange. Those SNF types always seem to think of everything.
Terry takes some steps away from the fence to give everyone some room and cracks his knuckles along the way. "Ready when you two are." is said with a grin of his own, even as his feet slide into a fighting position to cue up whatever background music those SNF tech people are likely going to put behind this.
COMBATSYS: Terry has wandered into a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Terry 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Tairyu has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Tairyu
Nodding to Tairyu, Yuri says, "Yup yup! I'm the one and only Yuri Sakazaki of the Kyokugen Karate style! Nice to meetcha!" She then turns to Terry and wastes no time in accepting his offer of a fistbump. "And you're right, enthusiasm is half of the battle! Of course, when you're dealing with the awesome style of Kyokugen Karate, it's even more enthusiastic!" She looks to the cameras and says, "Hello everyone! After this is over, be sure to visit our dojo in Southtown sometime! We're always looking for new students!"
Rolling her neck around and cracking her knuckles a couple of times, Yuri gives a nod to her partner before she gets into her fighting position. While it looks like your standard fighting stance, it's notable in that Yuri is bouncing on her heels. "Come on, let's make this a fight to remember!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Tairyu 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yuri
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Terry 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Tairyu has left the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Tairyu has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Fistbumps are a bit more of an unusual thing for Tairyu, so there's a second or so worth of delay in his part where he just gives the extended fist a briefly-bemused look. But let it not be said that Tairyu isn't adaptable in his own form of politeness, for he catches on quick enough to bring his own hand up and bump knuckles.
"This isn't just a marketing move for your dojo, is it?" Tairyu rumbles sidelong to Yuri after the bumping of knuckles, sliding himself back and over to where he's more in line with her than in an equi-distant formation that would otherwise imply a free-for-all rather than a two-on-one. "Just as well..." His feet shift subtly apart, though he maintains, curiously enough, a largely upright stance, with one hand brought up high, in line with his own chin, fingers flexing out before curling down into a tight fist. His other hand clenched into a fist as well, but held low instead, with the elbow of the arm stuck out slightly and knuckles pointed towards his opposing hip. "As long as you show the pride of your school through your fists."
His head tips from one side to another with a slight roll, to stretch out the muscles and joints in his neck, before his eyes lock on to Terry. Ever-sharp, but now with a fierce enrgy within them as well.
"Bring it on! Bogard-San!"
As everyone gets into position, Terry Bogard offers a bit of a smirk as he spots both of his opponents on the other side from him. "Now don't take it easy on me. I wanna' see what you two really got!"
Terry takes a moment to adjust the gloves on his hands and he digs the heels of his sneakers into the ground as much as possible. There's solid ground underneath his feet but he's certainly going to be ready for anything that these two have to throw at them.
He doesn't make a move to attack, though, as he takes a moment to just motion for either Yuri or Tairyu to bring it forth. And by 'it' he obviously means... the fight!
COMBATSYS: Terry straightens out his cap.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yuri
"I never take it easy on anyone!" Yuri says with a huge grin. "I hold nothing back and give it my all! Then again, a Kyokugen Karate practitioner never holds back! They hit hard and then some!" She grins as she bounces on her heels a few more times before saying, "So let's get it on!"
Looking to Tairyu, Yuri gives another nod and then looks to Terry again. "All right, you want us to make the first move? Well, I've warned you that I don't hold anything back, so you better watch yourself!" She gives a thumbs up and a wink as if to emphasize this before going back into her fighting stance.
And then she rushes in, one foot after the other, then attempts to throw a double-fisted uppercut.
Tairyu's eyes narrow while Terry holds his ground. And it's ultimately Yuri more than anything else that ends up signaling the next motion.
As Yuri charges in, Tairyu slips into motion too. Purposeful steps in quick footwork carry him forward, slightly off to one side to gain a minorly different angle from the girl.
And right on beat with her uppercut, Tairyu leans in a split second after. That upraised fist launched in a quick jab towards Terry's head, followed by the left sweeping into a hook while the right's pulling back, winding up-- And launching a furious uppercut that brings his fist arcing up high after. And with his left hand brought up alongside it, both come down towards Terry all over again, in a vicious double-fisted overhead stright.
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Yuri's Aggressive Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Tairyu's Soaring Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Terry Bogard takes a moment to watch the movements of Yuri as she comes at him. He actually slides into the double-fisted uppercut that comes in his direction, holding his arms into an ex to take the brunt of that attack. "Nice one! Definitely not holding back! Keep it up!" Leave it to Terry Bogard to cheer on his opponents in a match for the SNF!
This is about the same time that he catches sight of Tairyu's fists headed in his direction. He steps backwards, swinging his head out of the way a couple of times to make sure he doesn't get hit by any of those. "Excellent form!" Terry quips as he moves to reach for one of Tairyu's arms, yanking to see if he can't pull him closer and deliver a vicious uppercut to that chin!
Yuri's attack was blocked, but she could feel the effort behind that block. She steps back a little and gives a smile and a nod. "You got it all right! I heard a lot about you, but it seems you're even cooler in real life than what I've heard!" She shakes her fists out a little, having taken a little pain from the block, but it's only brief and it's back to the usual fighting stance. "This is gonna be totally awesome!"
Yuri sees that Terry is choosing to go after Tairyu now, and she decides to have a little fun with him! While he's going for Tairyu, Yuri steps back a little to give herself a little space for what she's planning next. "Better watch out!"
And then Yuri throws forth a small fireball using just one hand. It could be bigger if she uses both hands, but Yuri's just giving a taste of things to come.
COMBATSYS: Tairyu endures Terry's Grasping Upper!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ///////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Tairyu's fists whiff through the air as Terry bobs nad weaves around them. All the way to where his downward-slamming arms are caught into a grip. "Hnh--!" The pull brings him off his balance, and his eyes lock onto the upward-arcing fist aimed for his chin, and...
His weight sets in, one foot shifting along the ground to bring him into a turn -- a turn doesn't actually carry him out of the way of Terry's fist.
However. When that fist collides with his chin, his head is knocked back, and so is the rest of his body. But the turn that was started with his feet is brought to an all the more purposeful spin by that recoil. "KEEP IT GOING!" He roars out, as the recoiling spin helps him fling a foot up, the motion flowing to a back-kick towards Terry. Intending to knock him towards Yuri's fireball!
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Terry with Ko'ou Ken.
? Strange Hit! ?
? Strange Hit! ?
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|=------\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Tairyu's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////////////////]
|=------\-------\0 Yuri
Perhaps Terry's paying too much attention to Tairyu at the moment because when he hears Yuri's battle cry, he steps backward to give himself some room to block that rising foot of Tairyu. Even blocking that though, sends him right into the path of Yuri's fireball! Bogard ends up catching it right in the side. It stumbles him to the side with a vicious wince. "Well... done."
Terry doesn't have time to react too much, as he realizes he needs to jump onto the offensive here! He takes a step, leaping up into a somersault and extending to lead with a kick aimed for Yuri! "Your turn! Watch out!" Excitement is infectious, of course!
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Yuri with Diving Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Terry 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ///////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yuri
"About time you gave me a chance!" Yuri says with a grin as she watches Terry come at her. "I'm not here just to beat you up without getting beaten in response! The Kyokugen style needs to go both ways to show how effective it is!" Her smile increases as she prepares to step back and avoid Terry, but it's no use. He comes in too fast and knocks the girl to the ground on her rear.
"Owww!" Yuri yells as she stands up, rubbing her rear while blushing a little before turning to face Terry. Despite the bruise on her face, she still smiles. "OK, you really know how to fight, but I'm gonna show you what happens when you give a Kyokugen fighter the proper motivation!"
Yuri then rushes at Terry and attempts to deliver her own variation of the Dragon Punch, attempting to show him just what she's capable of.
The spin that brought Tairyu's kick to bear in ends with both feet stomping onto the ground. Hand rubbing over his chin, he turns to face the fray once more over just in time to see Terry diving in for Yuri--
And in the instant Terry's feet find the groudn again, the japanese man growls out, "Head's up!" from just behind, where he's dashing across the groudn in a lowered posture. Springing up at the end of it right as Yuri sends her punch for him, rising up with an open palm ascending in a nearly directly vertical angle for the other man's chin.
COMBATSYS: Terry endures Yuri's Yuri Chou Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Terry 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry interrupts Rising Claw from Tairyu with Star Dunk Volcano.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yuri
When getting tag teamed by a pair of opponents, sometimes you have to take a hit to land one and it looks like that's something that Terry Bogard is doing at this exact moment. He braces for impact as he spots Yuri rising up with her own stylish Dragon Punch version and those knuckles collide into his chin with ease. The power behind that takes him off his feet and into the air... and out of the way of Tairyu's initial movements in his direction.
Terry seems to recover from that uppercut in mid-air, somersaulting to change position and landing on the ground in what has come to be known as the superhero landing. His crouched position gives him ample time to telegraph Tairyu's open palmed ascent. Terry is quick to leap into the air after him.
That rising knee connects with Tairyu in the sky, bringing him even higher as Terry's fist is engulfed in his own chi energy. Terry's descent is fist first as he punches Tairyu back down into the ground to craterous effect!
"Wow, you're pretty tough!" Yuri comments as she watches Terry come out of her uppercut with ease despite her hitting him rather hard. And then he manages to stop Tairyu without any difficulty. "I like that! It's so totally awesome!" She says. "This is making the fight a lot more awesome than I thought it would be!"
Looking around, Yuri cracks her knuckles again before taking to the air. "Up up and away!" She calls out, before coming down towards Terry with a flying kick aimed right at him.
Best laid plans and all that.
Terry's maneuver bypasses the rising palm and sends Tairyu himself up into the air. Rolling through the air himself, he makes the effort after to try to brace himself for the landing. But...
Terry's fist puts a quick halt to that. Brought down by gravity and Terry's fist into his midsection both, the japanese man is instead brought down otno the ground in a powerful SLAM that sends dust flying up from the curb, and the air to be forced out of his lungs.
"Ghack--!" Spittle and blood sputters out from his mouth with a violent cough, eyes visibly hazed for a brief moment while they seek to lock onto the fighter poised over him.
Yuri's call seems to bring him back into focus, however. Eyes narrow and sharpen up again, and through sheer physical force alone, he pushes his upper body up -- with Terry still there.
"Here you go--!" He growls past grit-together teeth as an arm loops over Terry, his own weight rolling over in an effort to leverage Terry's -- and send him towards the leaping Yuri. "Have at, Kyokugen-girl!"
COMBATSYS: Terry endures Yuri's Diving Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
> ///////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Tairyu successfully hits Terry with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
> ///////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yuri
Terry's opponents are pretty damn quick! This is why it's somewhat hard for him to keep up with all their movements. His eyes track from Tairyu to Yuri and back again... just in time to find himself getting leveraged and tossed in the direction of Yuri and her flying kick of Karate awesomeness! The dual attack works almost too perfectly as Terry Bogard gets sent to the ground by Yuri's foot smacking into his face. Blood splatters before Bogard hits the ground with a roll and a grunt.
"Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Teamwork makes the dream work." Terry grins as he looks up from his newly crouched position and he wipes some of the blood leaking from his lip with the back of his glove.
Terry pushes up from his crouched position and rushes at Yuri, pulling back with that bloodstained glove and level a Punch of Fierceness at Yuri!
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Yuri with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Yuri
Now that REALLY was a punch of fierceness! It seems Terry's really got a lot of power packed into his punches. And Yuri finds that out the hard way.
"Come on, I'm ready for ya!" Yuri yells out as she goes to raise her guard. But that's easier said than done it seems, as all of a sudden she's finding herself staggering backwards in a bit of pain. "Owww!" She stammers, feeling like she just got hit by something harder than a fist. She places a hand on her face and comes away with blood on it. "He got me in the nose."
Gritting her teeth, Yuri seems to have lost her sense of excitement with fighting Terry. "All right, enough is enough. I'm through playing around!" She steps towards Terry with one foot and says, "When you make me mad, you get to see just what I'm truly capable of! And I'm gonna give it to you with no holding back!"
And then she's off like a bullet, running at Terry in an attempt to kick him long enough to stun him, before jumping up and rapidly driving her feet into Terry, and then finally grabbing him and slapping him!
With Terry sent flying by the kick he got leveraged into, Tairyu's quick to roll himself up and over to standing, hand quickly wiping over his bloodied lip.
"Tch--" Tairyu sounds out, with a subtle upward tug to one corner of his mouth. "Maybe I oughta check out this school of yours afterall," he rumbles with some amusement. He holds back for just a moment, while he watches the assault she sweeps down onto Terry with. But before she's fully done, he does launch in.
Tairyu's body sweeps over -- circling slightly to one side of Terry's body, before leaping inwards again. One foot sweeping towards one of his legs to sweep him off-balance -- and carrying his momentum further from there, to launch a hook into the man's side, leaning into the strike to try to push him back slightly before he, too retreats back again, with a subtle adjustment in his stance.
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Terry with Hien Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Terry 1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|>>>>---\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Tairyu's Sweeping Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Terry 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|>>>>---\-------\0 Yuri
Terry Bogard's been fighting for his life for most of his life. He can feel the way the fight shifts. He can tell that things are being kicked up a notch. Which is why his eyes narrow beneath his cap as he watches the movements of both Yuri and Tairyu. It's almost as if he's become dramatically more alert in this particular moment.
See what I did there?
Anyway, Terry Bogard moves a bit too early, trying to weave away from Tairyu and Yuri at the same time. However, this stutter step gets him into trouble as he ends up sidestepping right into the path of that kick of stunning from Yuri. He's actually unable to react in the next moment but some sense is knocked back into him when Yuri's feet connect and things are followed up by the grab and slap combination. Terry spins with the slapping impact, away from Yuri!
And right into the path of Tairyu's sweeping foot. Maybe he's still got a bit of alertness going because Terry's able to bring up his leg for a quick shin-styled blocking of that sweeping leg. It's just enough to give him room to backpedal in a half-circle away from his two opponents.
"Careful with those emotions. Make sure you're in control and not them!" Just a bit of advice as he stays on the defense, keeping his fists up and allowing the chi energy to crackle around his upper body. Seems like the Bogard might be getting serious himself.
COMBATSYS: Terry turns his cap backwards and gets serious!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Terry 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|>>>>---\-------\0 Yuri
"Oh, I'm in control!" Yuri says as she rubs the spot on her face where she was punched, her nose still bleeding. "It's just when I get hit too hard, I tend to get a bit extreme!" She takes a couple of deep breaths. "So I'll have to show you just what I'm truly capable of when I'm angry."
Yuri brings both fists back behind her. "Remember that projectile I hit you with earlier? That was just a sample of my power. Now you're gonna feel my real power!" And then Yuri shoots forth a large fireball that looks like it could do a bit of damage.
"Hm...?" Tairyu's eyes narrow on Terry. His eyes briefly lock in on those of the other man. It's not a staredown, so much as it is a study of the measure in the other man.
"...I see." A quick sidelong glance to Yuri, and a murmur of, "Think you're gonna be up in a bit after this." THe meaning behind the words is not elaborated on. But considering they were given right before she sent the destructive fireball out... that couldn't have been what he was talking about, right?
Either way, he ducks down and shits forward under the cover of the flashing fire...
And then leaps up high.
The man hadn't displayed much in the way of acrobatics, before, but now he's body is flipping there, high above the ground. It's not quite a somersault, no, not with the way one of his legs has been stretched out. His body spins there, leg brought up high at the apex of the leap -- and then sweeping downwards again as gravity takes hold of the rest of his body, that foot aimed in a violent, vertically-spinning kick straight for Terry's head
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Yuri's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Tairyu's Dragon's Descent ES.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> //////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
For the briefest moment, Terry Bogard's eyes go wide as he catches sight of what's coming in his direction. There's not a lot of wiggle room considering the combined efforts of Yuri and Tairyu at this exact moment. His heels dig into the ground as much as possible but he does the best he can with covering himself up. The key, at this moment, is to just brace and protect himself as much as humanly possible.
That intense and incredibly more powerful fireball comes sailing at Terry's arms from Yuri's direction. Terry keeps his arms together and in front of himself, allowing that fireball to smack into them with a burning desire to break through. Terry holds his ground, teeth gritting the entire time as he waits for that energy to burn away.
No time to celebrate, though, as Terry can sense the incoming Tairyu as well. That vicious spinning kick of Tairyu's aimed squarely for Terry's head but thankfully those muscled and grizzled arms of Bogard's are there to protect him. His body gets shoved backwards some from the brutal impact but Bogard doesn't go down. It's almost as if he's keeping himself up by sheer force of some sort of will. As his newly bloodied arms come down, Terry Bogard's eyes stop glowing as he allows the chi to flow back into his body and he takes off into the air, flipping forward and extending a leg to dropkick Tairyu in the chest!
In the meantime, Yuri's nose is starting to stop bleeding and she's feeling the pain wearing off. "Ooh, that hurt worse than when Ryo bested me that..." She shakes her head as she realizes that was an embarassing moment for her, and she is not up for remembering it. "Not going down so easily!" She rubs at the sensitive spot again before watching to see what Terry will do next.
When he goes in with his Crack Shoot technique, Yuri attempts to catch him off guard again by leaping into the air and throwing a fireball at him. Hopefully being in the air and behind him will catch him off-guard big time!
COMBATSYS: Tairyu counters Crack Shoot from Terry with Dragon's Clutch.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
Leg meets arms, and for a split second, Tairyu's left suspended in the air there, before he bounces off and lands onto the ground, with that offending leg briefly stretched out forward still while his hands help brace him onto the curb, and bouncing upright again like a spring. Right on time to face Terry's dropkick!!
"Rrr-!" The bouncing motion that brought him up brings him some further momentum, though. Momentum that helps him lean in to the side and forward. Of all things, his right hand reaches out for the missile that is Terry's feet, and... somehow, he manages to grab onto the man's shin, and push just enough to help redirect the hit while he's weaving his body around them.
That hand sweeps further up immediately after from that split-second grab, though, coiling around Terry's still-airborne midsection and pulling him *down* by it, halting the advance of his flying dropkick by sheer, brute physical force alone and forcing his back down to an upraised knee. It's not as forceful of a hit as it looks, thankfully, on account of the momentum that Tairyu had to bring to a halt. But it surely still stings!
And moreover, it leaves him able to keep his arm around Terry while his other hand holds onto an an arm by the time the other man's feet have foudn the groudn once more.-- and turning him towards Yuri's second fireball!
COMBATSYS: Terry endures Yuri's Rai'ou Ken.
[ \ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Yuri
Bogard's going all out now. The tides of the fight have changed and he's changing alongside them. He doesn't even try to block Yuri's next fireball, letting the energy smack into him as his Crack Shoot is broken by Tairyu's incredible counter technique. Tairyu's redirection of Terry has him sailing straight into that fireball... which blasts Terry back down to the ground where he groans through the pain.
Still. Terry Bogard gets back up.
Terry launches himself at Yuri with that signature Burn Knuckle attack of his. "Are you okay?!" All that chi he's stored up flowing from behind him as he unleashes the tidal wave of energy in Yuri's direction! "BUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WOLF!" It's almost as if Terry's running on pure fighter adrenaline at this moment because his eyes are as glossed over as someone about to fall into unconsciousness...
COMBATSYS: Terry has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Yuri with #Buster Wolf EX#.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
> ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Yuri
THAT was Terry'
THAT was Terry's super move or something. And it hurt like NOTHING else.
That tidal wave of energy came faster than even she could react. It comes at her, and she doesn't even have time to scream as she's hit. She's sent flying across the fighting arena, and when she does recover enough to scream, it's not a cry of forgiveness from her father or something like that, but rather, "TOTALLY UNCOOL!" She is apparently unhappy with how this has turned out.
The girl ends up tumbling to the ground and lands sprawled out in an unconscious heap. She's definitely not getting up from that one.
COMBATSYS: Yuri takes no action.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
COMBATSYS: Yuri can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
The fireball collides with Terry and Tairyu's arms leave the man. Letting him slump down onto the ground with a heavy breath.
Tairyu's head tilts back and to the side, neck craning just so to help direct his eyes over his shoulder towards Yuri. "That's--" he starts to say, but...
He hears movement.
Namely, he hears Terry getting up. Whatever he was going to tell Yuri is forgotten in favor of snapping his eyes to the red-capped man -- just in time to see him launching that tidal wave. Even he instinctively jumps back, even if it is directed at Yuri rather than him. He spares a glance only long enough to take count of the fact that Yuri has been sent flying - and mostly likely taken out of the fight - before he locks his focus back on Terry.
"Still here!" He growls, thus, as he stomps his foot in, and directs a quick hook for Terry's face.
COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Tairyu's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Tairyu
Terry watches as Yuri goes down but doesn't wait to gloat or anything like that. He's still got another opponent to deal with. To focus on. To spin around and catch sight of that hook headed in his direction. It's a quick one but Terry manages to bend backwards and out of the way of that fist.
It almost looks like Terry's wagging a finger at Tairyu as he comes back up. Just a bit of a playful taunt as he follows that up with a "Tsk." before leaping forward at Tairyu with a fistful of burning blue chi energy seeking to crush more than just Tairyu's spirit!
COMBATSYS: Tairyu blocks Terry's Burn Knuckle EX.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Tairyu
Tairyu's flowing in further after that first missed punch, then. Another one's already coming, but-- Terry moves first!
The left arm he had brought to be aimed for Terry is immediately redirected and pulled back -- folded up over his head to intercept the fist burning with Chi. Growling with exertion and pain both through grit teeth with that Fire of the Spirit burning at his skin through the sleeve of his jacket before he turns his body. Sweeping the blocking arm to the side to knock Terry's fist away, leaning in forward with the same motion to direct his right fist hooking into Terry's side.
COMBATSYS: Terry interrupts Improvised Smack from Tairyu with Power Charge.
[ \\\\\ < > //////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Tairyu
This fight is coming down to the quick and the dirty it seems and neither Terry nor Tairyu is looking to give an inch.
As Tairyu's movements work with the swiftness that only a Yakuza Heir could have, Terry leans in as his fist gets knocked away, surging towards Tairyu with a powerful shoulder aimed to launch his now only opponent airborne... also to give himself a little breathing room.
And up Tairyu goes! There is another violent cough from him and a sputter of blood while he's still airborne. For just a split second, it looks like his upper body is going to be sent tipping backwards while he's in the air...
But all of a sudden, in a surge of motion, he forces his body bending forward while his feet are still up off the ground. Hands reaching out to grab onto each side of Terry's head, and pulling himself in by that hold! All so that once even one of his feet touches the curb, he may tip his body over and send his forehead crashing right into Terry's nose!
This is definitely less a martial arts move and more something a street brawler would pull off.
COMBATSYS: Tairyu successfully hits Terry with Headbutt Grab.
[ \\ < > /////// ]
Terry 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Tairyu
Hey! Terry wanted breathing room! But it doesn't look like he's going to get it considering how quick Tairyu's hands grab him about the head! Terry's too slow to get his arms up and Tairyu's forehead crunches the bone of Terry's nose and there comes the blood!
Terry wobbles and stumbles after that, his body starting to drop to the ground... but then it looks like he's doing it on purpose. His fist slams into the ground and up comes a geyser column of chi energy beneath Tairyu's feet!
COMBATSYS: Tairyu blocks Terry's Power Geyser.
[ \\ < > //// ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1 Tairyu
Tairyu is already wobbling by the time his head recoils back away from butting into Terry's nose. Stumbling briefly on his feet even while he tries to get his focus back on Terry--
It's only barely that he manages to bring his arms up, as such, when he realizes the ground below him is EXPLODING. The force of the fire still sends him up off the ground, and rips apart the sleeves of his jacket and the shirt beneath it. But at the end of it? He's not taking it straight on, and instead of falling over...
He's standing there. Eyes sharp on Terry. Approaching him with steady, purposeful stomps...
Only to come to stop just within arm's reach. There, he lets out a heavy breath, and directs a faint smile down to the other man.
"That was good, wasn't it?"
That's all. There's no counterattack. There's nothing else. Just those few words murmured out...
And then he slumps over face-down, right next to Terry.
COMBATSYS: Tairyu takes no action.
[ \\ <
Terry 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Tairyu can no longer fight.
[ \\ <
Terry 0/-------/------=|
"That was great."
Terry Bogard stumbles again, still trying to stay on his feet as he offers a nod of affirmation to the fallen Tairyu. He reaches up to grab his cap and spin it back around the right way. With another nod, he drags himself over to grab his bag and tosses a nodding smile to one of the SNF cameras and then makes with the walking away. Off to another brawl, more than likely. Or to, y'know, protect Southtown some more.
COMBATSYS: Terry gives a thumbs up.
[ \\ <
Terry 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Terry wanders on to find the next challenge.
Log created on 20:04:09 11/23/2020 by Tairyu, and last modified on 01:43:05 11/24/2020.