SNF 2020.5

SNF - White Sunday - So Pentacost is in May! This is a Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter. And what better way to celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit than a succubus acting as the Virgin Mary? In a definitely non-spiritually questionable fight match, the alluring Morrigan is required to dress as a nun for her fight. Fighting against her is the bonny Clarity and energized Vuong, taking on more devilish appearances to tempt the Virgin Mary-gan! - created on 11:30:56 05/16/2020 by Clarity and last modified on 09:13:31 05/28/2020. Cast: Vuong, Morrigan, and Clarity.

SNF: Soldiers of Fortune - The Shinsekai District was once regarded at the most dangerous part of Osaka. Now? It's a shopaholic's paradise. And just in time for Memorial Day Weekend, with bargains up both the ying and the yang. And what better way to influence the street-side sales than world-famous celebrity Lyraelle. Backing her up is the duo of Lilith and Kelly, double Darkstalkers that will gang on up the charming dominator. As an added bonus, all three will all have to highlight the high quality bargains around the open air market as they fight! - created on 20:03:29 05/16/2020 by Lyraelle and last modified on 05:07:36 05/17/2020. Cast: Lilith, Kelly, and Lyraelle.

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