Pringer X - Dinner for Four

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Description: Tsukiko and Ayaki have both scored fours in school subjects but with very different results. Bad behaviour, scandalous secrets and fortune cookies unfold as two NFG Rivals meet for the first time.

The sun is just about setting over Southtown as the day draws to a close. In the Chinatown district, set back a bit from the main street, Genhanten is illuminated for the evening, the glow of paper lanterns celebrating the Year of the Snake lingering well into the new year. The restaurant, run by one of Chinatown's eldest residents and his semi-famous family of martial artists, is a popular attraction for those who know about it, and with the dinner rush on, both floors are filled with patrons, and a queue has started to form for those waiting to get served.

So far, that queue is made up of a family of three, currently hanging around a couch in the waiting area.

"I can't believe you only scored a four in mathematics," the mother of the bunch is chastising her petite teenage daughter as she stands over her, hands on hips. "A four! Your great-uncle worked at the Institute of Mathematics, you know."

Hanging her head, her looped braids drooping alongside her neck, the girl is a picture of quiet shame. "But, Mom," she finally speaks up, not daring to lift her brown eyes, "all my friends scored fours, too. It's a very hard class."

"Your friends all play baseball," the woman says with a disgusted look. "They only need to know how to count to nine."

"That's not fair, Taohua," the father, a slender man with glasses, finally chimes in. "There's plenty of math in baseball. Earned run average, the geometry of the field, the sheer calculations of catching a thrown ball..."

"I'm just saying, if you have a growth spurt and ruin your gymnastics career, you'll need your test scores just as much as any other student, Tsukiko-chan," Taohua chides her child.

"I got a five in everything else," Tsukiko comments glumly.

"Well, that four is why we're celebrating at Genhanten, and not going out to a nicer place," Taohua remarks.

"We could have gone to the Sleeping Dragon. There were tables open there when we passed," the dad remarks, scratching his chin.

"That place has terrible feng shui. They still haven't fixed the hole in the ceiling properly! Only Gedo students would be seen there on a weekend," Taohua says scathingly.

Speaking of Gedo students, there's one sitting at the closest table to the entrance. His all black outfit consists of a short-sleeved denim shirt over a t-shirt, cargo pants, and canvas hi-tops. His spiked hair is also black, framing his face and falling forwards on to his forehead. Below his bangs are a pair of deep blue eyes that seem to have a slight red glow to them whenever the lanterns flicker his way.

To his left sit a couple in their fifties. The woman is attractive but painfully thin, her cheekbones jutting out in a manner that makes them look like they could cut glass. The man has thick hair, greying at the temples. Both of them are smiling.

"Ayaki, you have made us proud. It has been some time since I have been able to say this about my grandson." The woman claims, her voice travelling over the conversations of the other diners.

"Yes, a four is a magnificent score. Not since Justice have we seen this from you." The man chimes in. "Because of this you can order anything on the menu. As long as it doesn't cost more than three thousand yen."

Ayaki nods his head, glancing down at the menu and pondering the options on offer. It's not often that his family travel into Chinatown, so this feels like a special treat. "Kung Po Chicken please." He settles on, letting his eyes scan the restaurant now his order is sorted.

His gaze comes to rest on a girl about his age. She seems so sad and he wonders what could have caused this. From the body language of the group, he'd guess she's being told off about something. Maybe she got bad grades.

"Excuse me, ma'am - we have a table ready for you."

Taohua turns to the host as he arrives, flashing a pleasant smile. "Many thanks, Feng," she says in Chinese, causing the man to smile politely back and nod.

Meanwhile, Tsukiko lifts her head enough for the long bang on her left side to fall over her eye, then releases her breath dejectedly, blowing it aside for a moment before it settles back into place.

"You know, Tsuki-chan, if your friends play on the baseball team, maybe you should join them," her dad suggests. "It might help you with your trigonometry."

"Maybe I'll do it if I have a growth spurt," Tsukiko says wryly as she follows her parents to the table that's just been cleaned up next to the one that Ayaki and his family are sitting at.

The teenager picks up her menu as she slides into the familiar seat, using it to deflect eye contact from her mother as much as to read the menu itself. She's been to Genhanten enough times to know exactly what she's going to order already. With nothing of interest on the menu itself, she instead finds her eyes wandering off to the side, falling on the spiky-haired boy and what appear to be his grandparents.

There's something familiar about the youth, like she's seen him before. Is he a J-Pop star or something? He seems a bit on the young side for that. Her eyebrows scrunch up a bit as she considers who it might be.

"Now you've made us proud once, perhaps it will become a habit." Ayaki's grandfather remarks., sipping from his water glass. "I've heard rumours that you will be representing your school in a very important competition."

"Oh, what is this?" His grandmother wonders, her dark eyes widening. "Have both of you been keeping secrets from me?"

"No, obaasan." Ayaki insists. "I didn't even know ojisan knew. It is something that has only happened recently." His blue eyes look down at the white tablecloth, focusing on anything but their faces.

"It is fighting." His grandfather continues, his eyes twinkling. "This is something we know he is good at."

"I don't think we should be encouraging more fighting." His grandmother gasps. "Can't you find something else to make us proud?" She pleads, shaking her head. "Such an activity will only add to your tarnished reputation."

Tsukiko can't help but overhear the comments at the table next to her. Well, she could try, maybe, but she's far too nosy. Especially when the subject of a fighting competition comes up. Wait, is that why the boy with the spiky hair is familiar?

"Tsuki! What are you going to order?"

Her mother's voice snaps Tsukiko back to her own table, where the waiter has already poured their water and is patiently awaiting the teen's choice of dinner.

"Oh! Sorry - I'll have the Szechuan beef with fried rice, wonton soup, and pork dim sum as an appetizer," Tsuki requests, glancing over the menu.

"Forget the dim sum," Taohua tells the waiter. "She only got a four in mathematics."

Tsukiko lets out a soft sigh. She's already calculated such an intervention into her order; it's why she ordered the wonton soup as well.

"And make it white rice. She'll need to keep her figure for gymnastics team."

"Mom!" Tsukiko blurts out in horror, but the waiter has already edged away uneasily from the table with an apologetic look to the youth, and her mother is already turning her attention to the neighbouring table, being the one Tsukiko got her nosiness from.

"Oh! Is your grandson going to be competing in the Rivals program?" Taohua asks. "It's very reputable. Our own daughter is going to be competing in it. She's been training very hard. So hard, she's been neglecting her math homework."

"I can't help it if trigonometry puts me to sleep," Tsukiko says with a sulk.

Ayaki can't help but frown as Taohua interferes with Tsukiko's order. Maybe his grandparents aren't so bad after all. Should the Gorin teen look his way, he will give her a sympathetic look.

"Yes, he is competing." Ayaki's grandfather responds to Taohua's question, as his grandmother simultaneously says "No, he isn't competing." They turn to look at each other, their eyes engaging in a battle of silent will.

"I am competing. It is already arranged." Ayaki speaks up. "This woman speaks wisely. It is a reputable competition. It will be streamed not just in Japan, but all over the world."

Now he knows that the girl is also going to be starring in Rivals, Ayaki seems to be sizing her up. "What method of fighting do you use?" He asks curiously. "Are your gymnastic abilities involved?"

Being less than five feet in height, Tsukiko is probably pretty easy to size up, even if she's not the shortest girl at Gorin (an honour that belongs to one of the school's tennis prodigies). She looks a little self-conscious as Ayaki is looking her over, partially hiding behind her long bang as her cheeks redden. "I, um --"

"She has many abilities. Tai chi, gymnastics, traditional medicine, home economics," her mother reels off. "She'll be a very challenging opponent indeed. May I ask which school you will be representing, young man? Perhaps Justice High?" Taohua seems hopeful of that possibility for some reason.

"She would have tried to send our Tsuki to Justice High if it weren't a boarding school. We needed her around to help with the family business," Tsukiko's father chimes in.

"I'm sure Tsukiko would have flourished at either school. After all, she might be the next gymnast for Japan at the 2028 Olympics, and Gorin is the elite school for athletes," Taohua responds.

Tsukiko herself remains quiet. She's pretty sure that she recognizes the boy now, and looks a little intimidated. The arrival of her soup gives her the excuse she needs to continue her silence, and she tucks into it heartily after adding some soy sauce and sriracha.

"Your daughter is very talented indeed." Ayaki's grandmother praises, giving Taohua a smile. "My name is Mayumi and my husband here is Makoto. Our grandson is Ayaki." Strangely she doesn't respond regarding the school he will be representing

"I go to Gedo." Ayaki says, his expression one of defensiveness and defiance, as if he's expecting some criticism. "I used to go to Justice but it didn't work out."

"Justice is a wonderful school." Makoto sighs deeply. "Ayaki had everything going for him to make it there."

"Gorin are supposed to be our biggest rivals." Ayaki grins at Tsukiko. "I don't usually care much about such things but given that there's a competition on soon..."

His voice trails off as their own food is delivered. His family didn't bother with starters, going straight for the main courses. Ayaki's mouth starts to water as the scent of the food reaches his nostrils. He hasn't bothered to eat since breakfast and he's now got quite an appetite.

"Oh! Gedo. A very respectable institution," Taohua says, all of the hope draining from her tone and leaving what sounds almost like pity. "I understand that their reform processes are quite innovative." Curiousity and politeness war across the tiger mother's face. Finally, curiousity wins out. "How does one go from a school such as Justice to one such as Gedo, though?"

"He attacked another student," Tsukiko speaks up between sips of soup. "There was an article about it on the student news site."

"Now, now - you might be mistaking his identity, Tsuki-chan. There's no need for rumourmongering," her father speaks up. "I'm Koshiro, and this is my wife, Taohua. She and I run a pharmacy here in Southtown. Tsukiko is our daughter."

"It's not a rumour," Tsukiko says before popping a wonton into her mouth to chew.

"Oh, yes. Do you live near here, or are you just visiting?" Taohua asks, joining in her husband's diplomatic campaign.

"It could be worse. At least he didn't get a four in his math class," Tsukiko gripes before slurping up another wonton.

Ayaki's expression shows he's not buying Taohua's display of diplomacy. There's no way someone like her approves of a place like Gedo.

Makoto seems shocked at first when Tsukiko answers her mother's question. He quickly recovers however and when he speaks his voice sounds calm. "That may be true but it isn't the whole story. The student behaved very badly to Ayaki and he was simply defending himself. It is not my grandson's fault that he is a strong and skilled fighter. Perhaps this boy should have bullied someone else."

Ayaki seems astounded by his grandfather standing up for him. It had been quite a different story after the incident had occurred. Both he and his grandmother had been furious when he was kicked out of Justice and had scalded him for his quick temper and lack of self control.

"Ah, pharmacists. A very worthy profession." Mayumi says with a smile, though there's a hint of panic behind it. "We both worked at the Hotel Southtown before we retired. Makoto was the manager there. We have lived in the city all of our lives."

"I got a three." Ayaki says, starting to chew his chicken.

There's a subtle smile from Tsukiko when Ayaki reveals that his own math score was even lower than hers - one that broadens when she turns it toward her mother, still chewing a wonton. There's a slight sense of triumph emanating off of her. Taohua catches the look and responds with an expression of consternation before turning back to the Amano family.

"How unfortunate for both your grandson and the other boy. I'm sure that he will not be too rough with our Tsukiko, with his reputation to think about," she's saying as the entrees start to arrive.

"The fights are going to be sanctioned by the schools. Of course Gedo wouldn't put forward someone who'd be a danger to our Tsuki-chan," Koshiro says amicably, pushing up his glasses on his nose.

"It's fighting. Kids in high school do it all the time in Southtown," Tsukiko chides as she's plucking a piece of sizzling beef between her chopsticks. "There's usually at least three fights by the time lunch break is over at Gorin. Nobody really gets hurt."

"What? How come you don't mention the fighting to us?" Taohua asks, eyes widening.

"'Cause it's no big deal. At least, now that nobody gets kidnapped or anything," Tsukiko replies before popping the beef in her mouth and chewing, turning a pointed look toward Ayaki.

Catching the look between Tsukiko and her mother, Ayaki is glad his average ability at maths can at least help someone out.

"Yes. The whole incident was most unfortunate." Mayumi agrees, delicately picking up a piece of noodle with her chopsticks. "As I say, this evening is the first I am hearing about this fighting competition, but I am sure the schools will be sensible about such things. They have the safety of young lives to think about."

Ayaki decides this is probably not the time to mention the events that happened in the first two seasons of the New Fighting Generation. As far as he's concerned, he hopes that his grandparents never obtain this knowledge.

"She's right." Ayaki adds to Tsukiko's remarks regarding the regular school scuffles. "It's not like anyone really gets hurt or anything though." He reaches for his glass of water and gulps some down. "Not usually anyway." He looks back at Tsukiko, his face displaying his discomfort.

"I mean, to be fair, when I was in school we used to roughhouse all the time," Koshiro mentions as he starts plucking at his duck dish. "Even the girls."

"That's right. Maybe they should be worrying that I'll be too rough with Ayaki-san," Tsukiko says in a too-sweet tone, shimmying between bites of spicy rice and beef. "At least they found the body, after he was through with that kid..."

"Tsukiko! How could you be so crass?" Taohua says with a horrified expression before turning to the Amanos. "I promise our daughter is not a serial killer. She's just having a funny mood today, for some reason."

"I didn't want to hurt anyone, but they say that the blood of youths can stave off growth spurts..." Tsukiko says apologetically, still casually eating her food.

"You could have just stuck to drinking coffee, Tsuki-chan," Koshiro says with a dramatic sigh.

"Doesn't actually work. That's just a myth that got started by an American coffee substitute brand," Tsukiko says with a shrug.

"Stop encouraging her, Koshiro," Taohua scolds with a scowl.

"This is a good point." Makoto laughs, joining in with Koshiro. "My friends and I suffered scratches and bruises due to such antics on several occasions."

He seems surprised though when Tsukiko makes her suggestion, unsure whether to take her seriously or not. He carries on laughing but it's a little more cautiously.

"What's your body count so far then?" Ayaki asks Tsukiko in a deadpan tone. "You see everyone only knows about the boy who lived to tell the tale. They don't know about the ones I got away with."

Mayumi seems utterly appalled by Ayaki's words. "These aren't things to make fun of." She scowls, letting her grandson take the brunt of her tongue lashing, since she doesn't feel it's her place to discipline the Gorin girl. Besides, her mother seems to have that covered.

Ayaki is obviously amused as Tsukiko keeps up the act, a broad grin appearing on his face as he nods his head in approval. "I mean, it's obviously important that you stay the right size for your sport, so it seems fair game to me."

"Teenagers these days are so morbid," Taohua says, tutting disapprovingly. "I think it's because of all the true crime documentaries they watch on NetKicks."

"We usually watch those because you want to watch them, okasan. I would rather be studying for math," Tsukiko says before making a face as she takes another bite.

"That can be arranged, Tsuki-chan," Taohua says with a sweet smile that causes Tsukiko's to instantly turn to horror.

"And back when he was alive, Tsukiko's grandfather used to get in more fights than I ever did," Koshiro carries on, apparently oblivious to the mother-daughter exchange as he converses with Makoto. "I think he used to come in here and tell the owner his food was undercooked, or overcooked, or cooked wrong, almost every week. They'd always end up kicking off. Never stopped Peng from coming back for more, though."

Tsukiko looks a little more sober at the mention of her maternal grandfather. Looking back at Ayaki, squarely this time, she murmurs, "It's not polite to ask a girl her body count when you first meet, you know. But, tell me - how come you never got charged for attacking that guy? I mean, you've never been arrested, have you?"

"Ayaki doesn't watch those but he always has his earphones in, listening to some podcast or other. Goodness knows what the content is." Mayumi sighs. "If it's not those then it's loud rock music. I tell him to come and sit with us and enjoy nice television but he never does. Makoto and I very much enjoy cooking shows."

"I'd rather watch cooking shows than do math." Ayaki remarks, eating some more of his food. As he chews he listens with interest to Koshiro's story. The idea of it apparently amuses him as his shoulders start to shake with his chortling.

He's a little less amused when the subject switches back to his own scandal. "Someone intervened." He admits, looking ill at ease. "The father of the boy I attacked insisted I shouldn't be charged. Justice accepted his wishes because he's very rich and donates money to them. The principal agreed but said they no longer felt safe having me at the school."

"Tsukiko often has her headphones in, even when she's studying. She prefers instrumental music, for concentration; we had her listen to Classical music as a baby," Taohua carries on in the sense of subtle one-upmanship disguised as solidarity. "Which chef is your favourite? I'm fond of that one... what's her name? Jelly?"

"How strange," Tsukiko says with a skeptical expression as she looks into Ayaki's eyes. "Usually the parent of some kid who gets attacked would be pressing to have the culprit punished to the maximum extent, wouldn't they? He must not like his son very much..."

She continues to chew the thought over while chewing on some crunchy broccoli from her dish. Finally, she says, "Does his dad make you do favours for him to make up for it, like washing his limousine for free?"

"I do not believe I know Jelly." Mayumi frowns, feeling caught out by not being familiar with the chef. "Makoto and I like Masaharu Morimoto. He is the iron chef."

Ayaki stares at Tsukiko, the red glow in his deep blue eyes becoming more visible. "I agree it is unusual behaviour, but then rich people are kinda weird. You'd have to ask him why he did it. I'm pretty sure it's not because he dislikes his son though. That boy has everything as far as I can see."

Ayaki pokes at his food with the end of his chopsticks. "No favours demanded so far either. I guess I got lucky." He doesn't sound too convinced about this fact.

"Oh, yes! I loved the Iron Chef," Koshiro enthuses with renewed animation. "I used to fancy becoming a chef one day."

"Turns out, he can't cook," Taohua chimes in. "He wanted to cook a special dinner for Tsukiko's report. I told him we shouldn't punish her so harshly just for missing one five. Maybe if she does it again." She gives Tsukiko a warning look, but the teenager is too enrapt in her conversation with Ayaki to notice. That causes her to frown even more disapprovingly.

Tsukiko stares at Ayaki as she's chewing a bite of beef, taking note of the red glint behind his eyes. She swallows, then lowers her eyes. "I heard rumours of one of the zaibatsu leaders throwing his son off a cliff." She takes a slow sip of her water. "I think he survived and went on to start his own company. Maybe he thought his son was an embarrassment, or needed to be taught a lesson. I'm not sure if you're lucky - that guy might decide to come after you himself, if his dad and the law didn't punish you enough for his liking. Maybe that's what his dad wants to happen." She purses her lips thoughtfully for a moment. "Rich people are weird."

She turns her eyes back toward Ayaki's. "Did you know your eyes turn red if you look at them a certain way? Maybe it's the paper lanterns reflecting in them."

"My cooking skills are also not impressive, my friend." Makoto admits to Koshiro, feeling a camaraderie with the younger man. "Thankfully Mayumi is excellent in the kitchen."

Noticing Tsukiko's intense gaze on him, Ayaki maintains eye contact until the Gorin student breaks it. "I heard that rumour about the cliff too." He admits. "I'm not sure if I believe it though." He shrugs. "If Kenji comes for me, then I will be ready for him. It's another good reason to improve my fighting skills further in this competition."

Ayaki leans back in his chair, considering Tsukiko. For now the red glow has diminished and his eyes are back to being just blue. "It is likely the lanterns. Sometimes our eyes can play tricks on us."

As he says the words there's a slight smile on his face, daring Tsukiko to claim differently.

"Yes. And, thankfully... so is the chef here at Genhanten," Koshiro says with a sidelong glance at Taohua before winking at Makoto. This goes unnoticed by Taohua, fortunately, as she's too busy eating her noodles and quietly spying on the conversation between Tsukiko and Ayaki.

"Say, you mentioned that you used to work at Hotel Southtown - ever get any famous faces in there?" Koshiro asks curiously.

"Yes. Sometimes eyes do play tricks," Tsukiko says with an uncertain look, narrowing her eyes momentarily at Ayaki as he smiles. "Or perhaps you just need some mint to clear your wind-heat, or maybe some chrysanthemum. Have you been having a headache? Sore throat?"

"Tsukiko! You're too young to be prescribing herbal remedies to your friends!" Taohua says, though her chastising is lighter this time. She turns to Ayaki. "She's right, though. If you're having trouble with red eyes, we've got some teas that would help with that at our pharmacy.

"Might be an issue with liver or kidney chi," Tsukiko muses with her mouth half-full of meat.

"And don't speak while you're chewing, Tsuki-chan. You're a respectable girl from a respectable family."

Tsukiko dabs at her mouth and swallows before saying, "Yes, mother. Sorry."

"Yes, I enjoy the food here. It makes a change to what we have at home and also gives Mayumi an evening off from time to time." Makoto smiles, dabbing his mouth with a napkin.

"Genhanten is okay for an occasional meal but my own food is much more tasty and nutritious." Mayumi says modestly.

"Many famous faces stayed in Hotel Southtown." Makoto answers Koshiro proudly. "We retired before the New Fighting Generation came to stay but many other fighters visited us. Cee Why Es, who are also rockstars. The French woman in the band kept hamsters in her room and didn't warn us. They gave one of the maids quite a fright when they were left to wander loose. She thought the hotel had vermin! Lucky Chloe, Johnny Cage, Ken Masters, The Demon Queen Lyraelle Darkheart. These are just a few. It was a very exciting job."

"My favourite guest was Steve Fox. He was a very polite man." Mayumi blushes. "Lovely hair too."

"No headaches or sore throats that I remember." Ayaki answers Tsukiko. I'm in pretty good health other than feeling tired sometimes."

"That's because you stay up late on your computer." Mayumi mentions, her tone a little sharp. "You don't need medicine to fix that. Just more sleep."

"Oh, yes. Some very impressive names," Koshiro remarks, though he doesn't seem to spark with any specific recognition amongst the mentionees.

"Lyraelle Darkheart?" Taohua repeats, eyebrows rising slightly. "Well, she's quite an achiever! I won't say I approve of her fashion sense, but I do admire her ambition."

"Maybe some medicine would help him sleep better," Tsukiko suggests, having finished her food and now relaxing in her chair somewhat, then turning to address Ayaki directly. "Or maybe you need more exercise," she adds teasingly. "You should come over to Gorin sometime for a proper workout. I almost never have trouble sleeping. Our gym class makes sure of that."

"I liked her old costume better than her new one." Ayaki says, giving his opinion on the matter of Lyraelle's wardrobe.

Turning to Tsukiko he adds. "I get plenty of exercise. Don't you worry about that. I take kendo classes and I walk to school and work. Besides, I might scare the Gorin kids if I show up. They likely won't be able to handle a tough Gedo student." His tone is one of teasing but he tries to keep his face serious. He can't help but let a smile slide through though.

"I detect some school rivalry. It will get you in the right frame of mind for the competition." Makoto says mischievously. "I wouldn't mind watching some of the matches if that's permitted."

"Is that so?" Tsukiko says of Ayaki's comment on the Demon Queen's apparel. "Not into princesses, or just very into peaches?" she asks, her tone teasing as she encodes her question in emoji-speak to avoid the adults at the table catching on. "Perhaps you'd enjoy tai chi instead, then, if you already burn off enough energy. It might help you get balanced. And of course Gorin can handle tough Gedo students; we just throw our trophies at them until they leave. They don't know what's happening; most of them have never seen a trophy before."

"I'm sure they'll let us watch, at home if not live in person. They're going to be broadcast online, according to the contracts they had us sign," Koshiro comments.

"I'll be sure to attend in person if I can. In fact, I intend to be on Tsuki-chan's coaching team. I have years of experience motivating her," Taohua declares.

"Oh, mom! You don't have to do that," Tsukiko protests. "I'm sure they can find someone who can wield a wooden spoon."

"I like Princess Peach." Ayaki admits. "So I reckon I don't have to choose. Lyraelle's other costume was just more...eye-catching."

He tilts his head to the side, causing a spiky strand of hair to fall forwards. "I'd give tai chi a go though. If you teach me. Balance is very important when fighting."

Ayaki's face is a picture when Tsukiko pokes fun at Gedo's lack of prizes. "Trophies are a waste of metal." He says with a shrug. "Why bother when that material could be used to make knives."

"I would like to watch too." Mayumi admits to Ayaki's surprise. "If I can't stop you competing, then I can at least check up on you. It's strange though, I never signed any such contract."

"Me either." Makoto muses. "I'm not sure how they are allowing Ayaki to compete without our permission."

"I forged your signatures." Ayaki says matter-of-factly. "It wasn't difficult."

"That is disgraceful behaviour, Ayaki!" Mayumi yells, before quickly recalling she is in public and returning to her usual volume of voice. "If I didn't think it would get you in trouble with the authorities, I would report you."

"Very typical," Tsukiko comments on the remarks that Ayaki has made about the costume change of the monarchical celebrity cosplayer, filing away that information for later. She raises both eyebrows when he says that he'd be interested in tai chi. "And I suppose I can try to teach you, as long as you leave your knives at home. Weapons aren't needed. My grandmother might be able to teach as well."

"You should be more ruthless, Tsuki-chan. If you invite all the boys you meet to learn tai chi, they'll know your moves before you meet in the ring," Taohua comments.

"Maybe I'll know all his moves before we meet in the ring," Tsukiko points out, tossing her long bang back defiantly.

All three of the Shirakawas express their shared surprise at Ayaki's admission of forgery. Taohua gasps, Koshiro blinks behind his glasses, and Tsukiko stares agape. As much as she's been pretending to be some sort of rebellious cool girl (certainly not with the intent of impressing the boy with the spiky hair), she's actually very straight-laced when it comes to rules. The fact that Ayaki admits to such a violation so readily shifts him into a different light in her eyes.

Finally, though, she makes a joke.

"Well, if you beat me in the competition, now I know what to tell the organizers to get the result overturned."

Taohua and Koshiro look at each other awkwardly, uncertain of how to address their daughter's comment.

Tsuki just smiles sweetly.

"I won't bring any knives to tai chi." Ayaki assures Tsukiko. "You and your grandmother will be quite safe."

The Gedo boy glances between the Gorin girl and her mother. "My moves wouldn't be shown in a tai chi class." For some reason the idea of this seems to amuse him and he starts to laugh.

"What has got into you, Ayaki?" Mayumi frowns. "First forgery and now this giddy behaviour. I have a good mind to take you home before you get your fried bananas."

Apparently unphased by this threat, Ayaki simply stares blankly, only speaking again when Tsukiko makes a threat of her own. "I'd just deny it. My grandparents have said they wouldn't want to land me in trouble. Although, I suppose your parents may." He gives them a questioning look, his eyebrows raised.

"He's probably just trying to show off," Koshiro says on the subject of Ayaki's behaviour.

"You mean I'd go to all the trouble of teaching you tai chi and you wouldn't try any of your moves on me?" Tsukiko says with an exaggerated expression of disappointment toward the teenage boy.

"Like our Tsuki," Taohua chimes in, turning a look toward their daughter.

"I'm going to have some fried bananas too," Tsukiko decides, turning a defiant look toward her mother. "I'm feeling warm, so banana is appropriate."

"We wouldn't be interfering with a match between Tsuki-chan and Ayaki," Koshiro says hesitantly.

"Oh, good. You heard him, you can try whatever moves you want," Tsukiko says to Ayaki. Then, in a low voice, she says, "I was just joking about getting the result overturned, you know. Winning isn't that big of a deal to me."

"Tsuki-chan!" Taohua says with obvious exasperation. "You're going to drive me to an early grave! I'm going to freshen my makeup."

The woman stands up and flounces off in a huff.

"Maybe she wants me to report you...?" Tsukiko says, looking over her shoulder toward the departing figure of her mother before turning back to Ayaki and offering a subtle, yet triumphant smile. "Shall we have a contest to see who can eat the most fried bananas?" she suggests.

Is Ayaki showing off? Perhaps a little. Truth be told, it's nice for him to be getting some attention, especially from the attractive gymnast.

"I might make some moves. Just not the same ones I'd use in a match." Ayaki responds to Tsukiko. Then, encouraged by her enthusiasm. "I love fried bananas. They're the best bit of the meal. I'm definitely up for a contest."

"I suppose you will be paying for all these fried bananas then, Ayaki?" Mayumi murmurs.

"I could do. I got my wages from work last week." He offers.

"Stop being silly and settle for one portion." Makoto chides. "Children today. What are they like?" He shakes his head, looking towards Koshiro and Taohua for confirmation but finding that Taohua has already flounced off.

"I didn't think you'd report me for real." Ayaki says softly, smiling at Tsukiko. "Us Southtown highschoolers have got to stick together. At least until the matches begin. Then I -definitely- want to win."

"I definitely used to get into some eating contests as a teenager," Koshiro remarks, "although never with a girl. Tsuki-chan is very competitive, though."

The waiter returns, looking either way before setting down a small wooden basket in front of Tsukiko. "It seems that we have accidentally made too much dim sum. I hope you'll accept these."

"Ooh," Tsukiko says as she immediately starts dipping the first dumpling in sauce before scarfing it down. She continues disappearing the dumplings with haste to avoid getting caught in the act.

"I guess this means you won't be wanting any bananas, Tsuki-chan?" Koshiro says hesitantly.

"No, go ahead and bring some. I've got room," Tsukiko insists. "We've still got our contest to settle..."

==*== SOME TIME LATER ==*==

"I'm sorry, but we haven't got any more bananas," the waiter apologizes as he returns after several portions of the dessert have been delivered.

"But I still have room," Tsukiko whines, leaning back in her chair and letting her head slump back before turning her eyes to Ayaki. "I guess this means we're at a draw."

"Perhaps a fortune cookie will fill the void," the waiter suggests as he places a handful of them on the tables.

Tsukiko quickly tears into hers, unfurling the paper inside as she crunches the cookie. "Mine says, 'Enjoy yourself while you can.'" She screws her face up. "Is my fortune cookie threatening me?"

"I've never been in an eating competition before." Ayaki admits. "Maybe I've got this one in the bag though, if Tsukiko is already filling up on dim sum."

==*== SOME TIME LATER ==*==

Ayaki lets out a loud groan and pats his swollen stomach, after finishing his seventh portion of fried bananas. "Maybe they've saved us from ourselves." He grimaces, feeling relieved that the fruit has ran out. "But sure thing, let's call it a draw." He suspects if they'd had to keep going that the Gorin gymnast would have had him beat.

Despite how full he is, Ayaki still accepts a fortune cookie. They're always fun and finish off a meal well. Taking a tentative bite, he chews carefully as he considers his fate. "Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory." He reads aloud, before breaking into a smile. "Not really. It says Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. I suppose that makes some sense. Yours is definitely mean though, Tsukiko."

"Don't be scaring her, Ayaki." Mayumi warns her grandson. "Now come on, I think it's time we got you home. I predict a stomach ache in your future."

"And I predict a stomach ache in my future," Taohua mutters under her breath as Koshiro settles the Shirakawas' bill, looking between Tsukiko and Ayaki with thinly veiled disapproval. "Let's get going, Tsuki-chan. You still have piano practice to do tonight."

"Ahh, okay, mom," Tsukiko says with a groan as she lifts herself up out of her chair. She looks toward Ayaki as she pulls her light jacket on. "See you around, Ayaki-san. Look forward to beating you when we have a rematch." She and the rest of the Shirakawa family start heading off toward the exit. Almost immediately upon leaving earshot, Taohua starts pecking Tsukiko's head about her behaviour and 'that boy,' but Tsukiko barely notices as she casts a look back over her shoulder and past her long bang toward the Gedo youth with the violent temper and appetite for fried bananas.

Log created on 16:43:14 02/24/2025 by Ayaki, and last modified on 16:35:36 03/01/2025.