
Bat and Hawk - A vampire in Mexico, in the middle of the day and holed up in a cantina. An unsuspecting hawk and a werewolf enter, and a bit of awkward socializing ensues. - created on 14:52:47 02/08/2015 by Marilda and last modified on 21:20:12 02/08/2015. Cast: T. Hawk, Marilda, and Azumi.

Bat and Gear make a deal; revelations of humanity. - The Citharede encounters a dark interloper in the forest during her play session. A brief conversation reveals how much she's moved on, and how much humanity she still has. - created on 00:14:07 02/09/2015 by Marilda and last modified on 03:06:31 02/09/2015. Cast: Marilda and Testament.

Bat and Dragon - A vampire and a priest walk into a bar.. there's probably a punchline for that title, but this episode of Darkstalkers is not that punchline! - created on 22:44:50 02/16/2015 by Marilda and last modified on 00:54:44 02/17/2015. Cast: Marilda and Walter.

Bat and Dragon II - Another chance meeting between the priest and widow happens. Though, the meeting in a bar happens later in the story. - created on 11:56:50 02/17/2015 by Marilda and last modified on 21:34:41 02/17/2015. Cast: Marilda and Walter.

4 logs.