
The New Old Ways - By a quiet Hokkaido lake, a chance encounter that is not a chance encounter occurs between a performer who is not a performer and a student who is not a student. Discussion ranges across the future, the past, and the present. But who can truly say what the future holds? Except battle. It will always hold battle. - created on 16:23:30 04/19/2024 by Ichika and last modified on 12:45:22 05/05/2024. Cast: Honoka and Ichika.

Clear Horizons - After a long time apart, Ichika invites Chevy to catch up over chicken. There's a lot of catching up, but not so much of the chicken. Perhaps the levee will hold just a little bit longer... - created on 08:05:37 01/28/2025 by Ichika and last modified on 16:13:02 02/06/2025. Cast: Ichika and Chevy.

Echoes of the Future - Before an arena with dozens of fans, Ichika comes to the end of one stage of her journey as Rei considers what his next will be. There's an eerie synchronicity with the past, and much pondering of what will come in the future, during a fight with no stakes that still means the world. - created on 13:09:52 02/19/2025 by Ichika and last modified on 14:45:21 02/20/2025. Cast: Frei and Ichika.

3 logs.