Noel - Friends in all the wrong places

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Description: Is it not right that suffering is shared by those closest? Is it a reality that both Noel and Tsubaki suffer the same fate, or is it a reminder to Tsubaki that they are closer than they should be - considering the bloodline of Tsubaki and Noel's ... failures. Would she keep carrying the dead weight?

Things had been looking bad for Tsubaki Yayoi. Challenging Ragna and losing, the surprise visit from Hazama as she lay bleeding in the street. Would she live? It seems, that the insidious Captain and Acting Colonel of the NOL had indeed saved Tsubaki from death. A combination of healing magic, and getting her into the ICU has spared the heir to the Yayoi family an untimely demise before after she's deemed stable she's transferred to an are that had been designated for NOL soldiers. Unconcious as she's monitored to ensure that the young woman won't slip away in her current state. On the 2nd day of her stay in the hospital her eyes slowly opened, looking around, "Nn...Where...?" the sound of monitors and life support beeping nearby.

SouthTown Hospital - NOL Controlled Space
<<With great acts come greater sacrifices.>>

The same situation had befallen Noel not long ago. A space of two weeks ago, Noel had dared to challenge the Command Gear, Dizzy, who apparently was finished off. It is likely that Noel would be credited for some of the assistance - but Noel was a bit sad on such a subject. They didn't seem bad. They were scared. They were frightened. Now... may they find peace. It was no doubt they were a threat - and Noel, sadly, found her way to help bring about her end.

Yet Tsubaki's arrival was noted, identified by others from NOL. Stabilized as she was, she was taken to a section that Noel still inhabitted - even if she was going to be removed soon enough. They didn't have THAT much space still. Yet Noel was nearby, peeking as much as she could on Tsubaki, still dressed in Hospital linens, as she watched her friend, wounded, sleep.

Eyes flickering open, the sudden voice causes the other curtain to stir - and Noel would pull the curtain aside in a quick and decisive motion, full of happiness! Or she would, if she didn't pull it into her own face, stumbling forwards, flailing like a ghost. "Tsuba-KEEEE!?" Noel cries out, surprised, before she staggers to a stop, the curtain holding as her head poked out of it. "Ah...T-Tsubaki! You're okay!" Noel exclaims, small tears in her eyes!

At the sudden commotion off to her right, Tsubaki is tense, her hand reaching out to try and clutch for Izayoi in defense. Where was she indeed? To be attacked by a ghost!? No wait... the sterile smells..the linens she's wearing...and then there's that face suddenlly peering out, a certian familiar tone of embarassment. Tsubaki's blue eyes drifting over. "No...Noel?" she must be in the Hospital it's the only logical conclusion.

There's a grunt as Tsubaki shifted, pushing herself up to a sitting position, before she let out a shudder of pain. She looks to Noel who's started crying. "Don't cry, please? I'm ok. More or less." The usually proud Tsubaki a bit weakened from her ordeal. She reached out to put an arm on Noel's shoulder.

Pulling herself carefully free of the linen mess of the curtain that Noel got herself into, pulling it the correct way out, Noel would finally be able to make her way over to Tsubaki - who was only more tense from her actions, not less. "Tsubaki!" Noel cries out once more, green eyes wet from tears as she in haste kneels besides Tsubaki's bed, also wearing the same linens. "Please don't move, okay? You're hurt... and it's important you rest! O..O-kay? Please Tsubaki! I-I'll stop, I'll stop..."

With a sniff, the girl finds herself - with an arm around her shoulder as well. "I know! But I was so worried.. It was ... it was the G.. Grim Reaper! The same one that hurt Hazama..." She remarks, knowingly, as if it was a simple fact that he was such a demon! "I just... I'm sorry! I should have already been out, and been there...."

A blink, had Noel been told Tsubaki had attempted to apprehend Ragna? That it had lead to her current state? Or was she saying something else? Things were sitll a little hazy. Tsubaki attempts a smile, "It's ok, I...I overestimated my abilities. I'm glad to see you're OK Noel." a shiver and Tsubaki found herself sliding back into the mattress, exhausted still. "It's been so long..."
Her hand fumbling, trying to find controls she knows should be there to raise her up to a sitting position. "I heard..." she blinked, her brain a bit of a jumble, "I heard you were attacked. I went after him."

It was not clear to Noel, but if she had not heard it, she had, perhaps erroneously, assumed it. After all - what else could do such damage to Tsubaki - such a skilled soldier? Such a wonderful friend. Such a person... that Noel didn't want to lose, didn't want hurt. Yet before her that is exactly what happened. What truth she faced! "Ts-Tsubaki..." Another sniff, holding back tears, as Noel leaned close to the woman currently in the bed. As she laid back, Noel shook her head. "No, no it hasn't been. It's only been a day or two... so please Tsubaki get some rest..." Noel's voice was soft, kind.

Worried. "I... I did... I was.. but Hazama was there to protect me..." Noel admits, "So you don't have to worry about me like that..." The woman proclaims, sniffing once more and glancing at the hand. Noel would take Tsubaki's hand softly to press it against the controls. "T-Tsubaki!" She gasped, "It's ... It's too dangerous. YOu shouldn..." It's her duty. Noel stops, "You did your best, so it's okay to rest... so please do that. I'm sorry for worrying you and ... now you're like..."

A blink from Tsubaki, facts must be a bit jumbled.' Hazama had said Noel defended him...But then she rememebrs him finding her in that alley. Maybe...maybe they're all just a little confused? With a sigh she smiles again. There was a gnawing at the back of her mind. Noel had taken her place, right? She shouldn't be so friendly. A shake of the head, pushing such a notion aside.

"I didn't do my best. I could...I should have defeated him." she then smiled, pushing that aside, Noel didn't need to here her being so self-pitying. "I still should have seen you first. But I went out to challenge Ragna the Bloodedge by myself, it was...foolish.

Noel had no idea, had to full thought, of what had happened fully. While Tsubaki had been in contact with Hazama, only once had Noel 'interacted' with Hazama. Her entire memory erased of that time, supplanted with truths to her beliefs. There was no surprise now that she believed all she had said - of Dizzy and of Hazama.

With a smile, the green haired woman clasped her hands around one of Tsubaki's. "I .. I know you did Tsubaki! You're not one to ever do anything with only half of your heart! I know you," She smiled, "And I'm certain that's how you've always and will always be! ...H.. He's something else, that's all. If he was so easy to capture, then... then he would be." Noel notes, "You did all you could... and I'm sure... everything we learn will help! So please, Tsubaki, rest... and n-no, don't worry! Makoto and Clio... and Kagura and others came by. I was fine... please don't blame yourself. And... and you're seeing me now, right?" She asked, smiling, brushing a bit of her hair out of the way. "I'm still in the hospital too, y'know~." Noel joked a bit.

Unbenknownst to Tsubaki, her iteractions had been of similar nature when it came to Hazama. One meeting had involved her memories being altered, and the last..she could only barely remember. Even that initial meeting of the Intelligence captain was muddled.

As Tsubaki felt those hands around her own. A blink, a part of her, deep down glowering, that the girl int front of her is so carefree despite everything. Yet, Tsubaki smiles at her friend. "I guess we'll have plenty of time to catch up." she muses, yes this was...nice. "Still, it's also not like me to be so foolish and attempt something on my own. I was...overconfident. If Jin had seen me do that, he'd no doubt be chastising me."

Only the Azure saved her that day, for whatever reason. None of it rings in her mind yet. What pointless purpose she still needed to fulfill. Yet it was not shared with her. It was not important to her. It would be ... in time.

Smiling back to Tsubaki, Noel agreed, bobbing her head up and down. "Mhmm! Though I think... I may be well enough to leave, soon!" Noel cheerfully announces. "The worst of it is behind me... ah, Tsubaki, I hope you recover quickly too!" Noel remarks, bobbing her head. "No, No - I think..." There is a pause as Noel thinks about what she is about to say.

What... would Jin have said? Noel knows what she would hear if it was HER. "I think it was still brave of you Tsubaki. I think he'd just remind you that we're a .. a team, and we should work together for such threats. Especially the Grim Reaper...but I know he'd be impressed, Tsubaki... I just know it." The girl lets go of Tsubaki's hand as she stands, knees beginning to ache.

Tsubaki was ignorant of the Azure, or it's need of Noel. No, there are other things she concerns herself with, namely the Justice she is to deliver for the Imperator. Fortunately Noel is not seeing her in the uniform that would denote her as someone to not trust, someone who would, if ordered, be forced to attack her own allies. For now, this is good, an escape perhaps.

Tsubaki knows that what Noel says is what Jin would say in a perfect world. And it's what she wants. The young Lieutenant finding a moment of anger that the one who stole her place by Jin's side could be so naive. But then she sees tells in her friends face, and with a grunt, she shifts enough for Noel to sit on the edge of the bed, "Here...sit. You're not back to fully recovered yet I see."

Noel is spared many things, perhaps simply to crush her hopes later all at once. For now, it is just by chance that she does not see Tsubaki's true colors! - Not that Noel would ever doubt her all the same. She is a dear friend, and Tsubaki is given the widest of berths.

"...Tsubaki.." Noel answers, smiling. She sits besides the woman on the bed, happy as she is now no longer pained and also no longer bothered~ by such things. She may have missed that flash of anger, if she even wants to bring it up otherwise! "I guess... I'm just not as strong as everyone else." Noel remarks, with a smile. "It has taken me so long... but I'll try to make up for it! I'm sorry you all have to pull my weight..."

Tsubaki finds herself in the odd position of wanting to spend time with Noel again, as they had as friends in the academy, but victim of that gnawing resentment, something planted in her that she didn't know was only going to perhaps ruin this happy memory in the time to come. But for now, she's allowed some respite? Yes?

"Noel, you have your strengths, I won't hear you talking about yourself like this." If there's one thing Tsubaki did, it was to always encourage her friends. She closes her eyes, "You were taken by surprise, it happens. But when you recover, you can return to serving the Imperator. So long as you fullfill your duty, you will be strong enough."

A position that Noel happily promotes! As Tsubaki is bounced between emotions, Noel cheerfully sits besides one of her besties, getting comfortable as she turns to face her. My, it's really so nice to be like this again! At least for a bit.

"Ah... Tsubaki I didn't mean to..." But it is true. "I'm sorry... ah? Yes... Oh Tsubaki you're right! I didn't mean to sound down, and especially not to make you worry when you're like this!" As hurt as Tsubaki is, it would clearly hurt her more for Noel to beat on herself somewhat! "We'll just both take it easy for a few more days, and then we'll be out there again and do our best!" Noel exclaims, raising an arm upwards cheerfully.

Tsubaki grunts in pain, but smiles to Noel. "Stop apologizing." it's stern, but said with that caring town that Noel knows Tsubaki means well. She had said such many times in the past. She shifts again a bit and coughs, "I probablly should signal a nurse that I'm awake, they'll no doubt want to make sure there's no permanent damage." She swallows, "And..I could use some water...or tea if they'd allow that."

The grunt of pain and the note to stop apologizing causes Noel to stop smiling - but also to pause. Noel has apologized so so many times before, but she just can't help herself. Now though Tsubaki had told her sternly what she expected. Noel would not break that. With the girl moving and coughing, Noel bobs her head. "Ah... alright Tsubaki! I'll go get some water for both of us, and you can get a nurse or doctor..." The woman got up, turning about as she came to an edge of the room, "I'm just really glad you're okay, Tsubaki... you're one of my dearest friends. Just never forget that, okay?" She beams! And then vanishes.

Log created on 18:53:31 01/01/2018 by Noel, and last modified on 18:53:24 01/03/2018.