Kagura - Pumpkins are the worst!

[Toggle Names]

Description: Kagura and Riki team up to take down a Gear!

The atmosphere within Southtown as the deadline to Justice's day of judgement draws near could only be described as poised upon the brink of disaster. Hundreds, if not thousands, of cars line the streets as those lucky enough to own vehicles of their own within the massive metropolis pour out of every avenue of egress left available to them. Mixed among the small economy-sized eurocars are dozens of city buses and taxis press-ganged into service to ferry as many as they can to safety. Yet the vast majority of Southtown's obscene population density has been required to leave on foot and the teaming throngs of people scurry about night and day towards whatever holes in the military cordon they can find like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

The government has charitably called the event an 'evacuation' and attempted to use what little peacekeeping forces they can spare to try and prevent mass rioting, and looting, and the other forms of chaos that always come when large groups of people are gripped in mindless terror and confusion. It hasn't gone particularly well. Along with the simple foolishness that came with human herd behavior came the reports of various uprisings within the city itself. Another Command Gear had been reportedly sighted within Southtown's central park, prompting every bounty hunter and bold fool who could get their hands on something resembling a weapon to start a manhunt for this creature which had become a convenient scapegoat upon which to heap the blame for their troubles. Students from some of the more prominent schools were protesting the government itself in ill-timed marches and demonstrations, diverting valuable police forces to deal with their antics. And on top of this, reports of strange creature sightings had lead to an escalation of the tensions in the crowds, putting everyone on edge.

All it would take to ignite this powder keg of a disaster is the right spark... or the wrong person.


Two of the figures standing around her go flying as Riki swings one of her large fists into them with a powerful backhand, swatting the grown men aside as easily as if they were flies. The half dozen or so more remaining take several hurried steps back, eyes wide with fear but their retreat lasts only a few moments as adrenaline and misplaced anger drives them to action yet again and the small mob begins to close in once more.

"Tch. Fools! Even in this diminished form, peasants such as thee pose no match for my strength!"

The massive woman stands up straight, pulling herself up to her full monstrous height, towering over the men around her by almost half again their own size. Her lips peel back into a fierce grin, revealing curved wicked fangs where her canines should be, her expression one of pride and amusement at the rabble who dares to threaten her. Each of the its members holds some form of makeshift weapon, the selections ranging from large sections of pipe to simple carving knives in size and efficacy. Another handful of bodies already lies scattered upon the ground in haphazard heap, laid low in their attempts to strike at the horned giant, though she herself shows no signs of apparent injury for all their efforts. If anything, she appears to be having some fun with the whole incident.

Though the events of the past months had largely escaped her notice, being somewhat out of touch with the modern world and its methods by which information tended to travel, it didn't take a lot of effort to tell that something was off. Ayame had kept her mostly abreast of the situation and while she did not fully understand everything she was told it had been made exceedingly clear that some great threat hung poised to strike at the innocent people of the city. Being a stalwart defender of truth and goodness and all that, a shift in job descriptions that she had still not quite grown accustomed to, her ability to sit idle and mind the fort back at the Meigan Jinja was finite. Oni were never known for their patience.

She had been into the city on several occasions in the past, her bizarre height and appearance greeted with open shock and curiosity. She had managed to play it off as some sort of costume at the behest of her ward, the term 'cosplay' being tossed out freely whenever questions were raised. This seemed not only to mollify onlookers but fill them with a sense of delight as well, for some reason. This time, however, she had not been greeted with the flash of cameras and awe-filled stares, but the cries of fear and anger that were far more familiar to her.

"I do not desire to cause thee harm," she growls, swiveling her head around to focus her intense glowing eyes upon each man in turn. "But if thou insist in persisting wth this folly, I shall be more than happy to teach thee the error of facing an oni with such flimsy blades!"

One would think with a city on the edge of disaster that an organization ready and willing to intervene might be doing more than bunkering down within facilities. Kagura understands politics more than most, but that fact hasn't aggravated him any less. With countless people wishing to evacuate and Heihachi's forces preventing such while the Command Gear presumably camps somewhere inside, tensions cannot possibly be higher.

While the position of the Library is clear on interfering as a sanctioned entity, nowhere in the sea of reports and orders did Kagura find a single line saying he isn't allowed a break to wander the city. Kagura left his greatsword behind, although after a few blocks the Colonel is reminded more than he'd like of Ikaruga. The buildings remain intact, and there are no fires, but the tension in the air... that things can get much worse the Black Knight knows far too well.

However, shouts of genuine alarm and fear still reach his ears. Shifting through alleys and navigating between abandoned gridlocked cars, Kagura flits into sight as the gargantuan woman's rampage continues to escalate. Citizens caught in fight or flight, some injured on the ground. A large and dangerous individual, distinctly not human. Like those present, his first thoughts are a vanguard of the Gears might have somehow broken through. Only her choice of dress is... strangely mundane. And that last sentence resonates with him. If she does happen to work for Justice, then there's the genuine chance that Riki is trying to go rogue here.

Riki's gaze might find that there's suddenly one person before her not quaking in their boots. A somewhat tall human with a black cape, standing straight with one hand on his hip. The other is stroking his chin, gaze carefully running from Riki, top to bottom. Unseen, many measurements are fed into the Black Knight, before he looks strangely impressed.

"That... has to be some kind of record."

People nearby don't give Kagura particular heed, the desperate population not brave enough to risk being struck down further by taking the initiative, but others trying to rally onlookers to the cause. Cries for people who might have guns, or to contact Tekken Force or the Military. The longer this goes out, the higher the odds of it becoming serious.

"So you're saying you aren't one of the Gears threatening the city? An Oni, you say...? Well. That's an honor. Can't say I've ever met one of your kind before." He smiles, warm and genuine, and Riki might recognize someone who seems to be looking at her as an individual rather than a beast, transient of flimsy trappings like appearance or size.

Having faced down more than a few mobs over the course of her ancient life, this one poses so little threat to her that it's more of a comical distraction than anything. Ofcourse, she is aware that there are those who could do her serious harm living within the city, every civilization has its enforcers and law-keepers. She hasn't met any samurai roaming about during her trips into Southtown yet, but the soldiers in uniforms she knows to be their modern equivalent currently patrol these streets and she has no desire to draw their ire through misunderstanding. It has already been proven quite clear that she do not possess the same hardiness that her true body offers and even it was not immortal.

What then, is to be her course of action here? She could easily flatten this rabble but that wouldn't earn her a great deal of favor with the populace of the city that she now resides in. The very idea of retreating in the face of this farce of a threat makes her blood boil. And she isn't about to let these panciked idiots smack her around or poke holes in her in an attempt to prove she isn't a monster - well, isn't out to get them, atleast. Thus she remains stuck in this quandry, unable to leave and unable to advance.

The arrival of a new face in the crowd draws the woman's sharp gaze, her head turning to face Kagura. Her eyes narrow slightly upon taking in his attire which, despite its modern manufacture, shares a great deal of resemblance to the trappings of ancient warriors. Though she sees no weapons upon his person, at the very least she can tell that he is different than the others from the way his aura shines in her hellfire-touched eyes. She says nothing as Kagura sizes her up, apparently ignorant of his true motives for doing so, but her glower shifts to an amused smirk at the vocalized assessment of her form.

"Gears? Ah, thoust speak of the minions of Justice. I know this word. Indeed, I am not one of that creature's miserable pawns, and I find it quite insulting that this rabble cannot discern the difference between some fetid creation of twisted magics and the noble form of a divine guardian such as myself!"

She turns to peer at the crowd again and snorts in derision, causing a few of them to step backwards again. This only seems to encourage the demon and she bares her teeth at them in another broad toothy grin.

"They've the wits to be properly afraid, atleast. Alas, tis not entirely their own fault. Mine kind hath been absent from this realm of mortal endeavors for many centuries. It is only through mine of folly that I stride upon it now. That tale is for another time, however."

She turns back to Kagura, gesturing towards him with one hand as she shifts to a more relaxed pose now that she isn't being immediately menaced, the other going to rest upon her hip.

"What of thee, mortal? Does my appearance not frighten thee as these others? I can see that thou hath a stronger soul, atleast, yet you come unarmed before a demon in confidence. Do you too practice this new art of bare-fisted fighting which seems to have taken root?"

Much of a samurai's spirit might resonate within Kagura. He is a true swordsman, someone who devoted his entire life and soul to mastering the art of weapons and combat. Since he could scarcely lift one, the most exceptional tutors and secret masters of the Mutsuki house have been grooming him to take up the mantle of the Twelve Originators' chief, and at least by martial accounts that endeavor has not failed. While most might not detect the scent of such ancient customs, it's likely Riki can confirm such easily with a more prolonged appraisal.

"Don't blame them. A cornered rat will bite at anything in desperation. They are just afraid, and you've given many of them little reason not to be. It might have started as a misunderstanding, but now that there's a few poor fools beaten at your feet, it's gotten a little out of hand." Kagura's voice isn't disrespectful, but it IS criticizing, if not in an earnest manner. He's hardly one to correct another on letting things get out of hand.

At that, Kagura holds up both of his palms in a soothing manner. "I prefer a weapon, but mine stands out a bit so I didn't bring it. Not that I'd want to test myself against an oni in the first place. But... I do consider myself something of a hero to the people. The real question I'm having is... Do I see some assaulted civilians, or a damsel in distress?" His grin seems to spread at that, with an almost visible sparkle.

"Not combative distress, of course. I can tell these people are simply unconscious because you're holding back. But this sort of stalemate might not be your forte." Most of the civilians haven't taken stock of Kagura's diplomatic attempt, the majority holding a line where he's settled without pushing it forward as some shift closer to drag away the injured.

Riki's eyebrow quirks up at the thought of a warrior willing to leave his weapon behind. The blade of a samurai is practically a part of his soul. Few would willingly let others touch it, much less leave it out of arm's reach. Yet another example of how times have changed, perhaps. That a world where violence is not an ever present threat might exist had not occurred to her, nor would she ever wish for such a thing. It is in the fires of battle that true mettle is forged! But then, one does not send an oni to the negotation table unless their intent is to see it snapped in half.

She tilts her head back, her voice bellowing with a deep peal of laughter at being referred to as a damsel.

"I am neither young enough nor pure enough to earn such a title. It will take more than a few flattering words to make me blush. Though thy appraisal of this... unfortunate scene doth ring true. I struck down mine attackers in defense and have no wish to inflict lasting harm upon them."

Riki's eyes the mob, her thick arms crossing over her sizable chest and she gives a nonchalant shrug that ruffles her long golden mane of hair, as if the matter were merely vexing rather than deadly serious.

"Aye, but nor can I back down in the face of this unwarranted attack. Mine honor will not allow me to yield to unworthy foes and mine blood seethes at the thought of allowing this injustice to go unanswered, for I am creature of karma and retribution. Believe what thou wish of these circumstances but I shall not flee."

On the ground, something treads forwards. Past Riki. Past Kagura. Past the multitude of men gathered on scene. It's...

The hell is it?

Like some kind of mascot, a white and tan object waddles past carrying a single spear, raising it skywards now and again. It doesn't make any sense. Not at all. What was it? What could it be? The truth is obvious.

A Gear. It might silence the commotion. Perfect for what is next.

"Miserable ...pawns? Is that how you feel about us?" Comes a voice from the darkness, perched atop one of the trucks parked nearby. It's clear, when they would look about, where it comes from. A green flare of a jack-o-lantern face mask burns in the darkness, and even in the light, constructed techno-magical energy flaring from the chained mask to the woman's face - who is bending forwards, hands on the edge like a cat's, rear in the air just like one as well. As if she was about to pounce.

"I have plenty of pawns, but I've never felt like one. Scientifically, we are more like soldier ants to our queen - not a simple pawn. If we were to use a chess euphemism, I imagine I would be more like a bishop." Jack-O' notes, wiggling her rear once.

Finally she stands, stretching, Dorpos rolling off the edge - the familiar chained to her swinging from the perch and slamming into the truck's side, denting it just by rolling off and swinging somewhat. "Hee hee hee.." The mask's grin stretches, a bid wide - a bit unstable compared to before, "Trick or treat! Gimme some candy and I might go easy on ya! Unlike that other chain girl, she got in the way~! She was askin' for it, anyways." Ah yes! Clio, if Kagura was reading reports.

The reports might make notice of the run in she had.

"Oooh, I guess I don't have to even hurt anyone, though, there's that time-limit you all have! Tick-tock~ tiiiiiick tock!" Dorpos, the ball and chain, swings back and forth before the truck. "Ooh I know, I'll take care of them, and you all can just keep talkin'~!" Jack-O' suggests, "I could use some fun! That last one wasn't at all..."

"Not pure, huh? Music to my ears. I prefer a seasoned woman, personally." Kagura rather blatantly states, arms returning to a loose cross as his weight shifts to one foot casually. "If a date doesn't include a large amount of liquor, then something's terribly wrong. But if this is an issue of honor, I can respect that. Question being, what would be the way to end this without the risk of hurting a bunch of ignorant people?" If her answer is just to smash them all and let karma sort it out, then he'll have an answer on how to approach this.

But people begin screaming in renewed horror when something else trods down the street, scattering like rats abruptly exposed to light. A number drop the weapons moments ago leveraged at Riki, as the tenuous resolve in harassing a massive unarmed female breaks upon facing a true Gear. Kagura remains behind, turning to peer up at it with a look of muted surprise.

Jack-O' is appraised, with the careful eye of a tactician. After the readings come back, a single nod of approval follows. "Also not bad at all..." Yet her words also ring deep within him. It seems that some advance elements of the Gears have breached forward, and even got past the massive lockdown of the Zaibatsu. What's the point of keeping civilians from leaving, if it can't even keep the Gears out?

Chain girl...? Immediately Kagura's eyes harden a touch, looking less amused. "So you're the babe that hurt my cute little subordinate? I can't be having that. Sadly, I'm not allowed to intervene in these matters. ...Not unless I'm attacked." Shoulders roll beneath the black cloak, dismissively. "So I guess I could play if you made the first move... but I've never been a fan of fighting women. There are waaaaaay more fun things two people could be doing!"

A look of subtle interest creeps into the giant's features, her amusement taking on the qualities of mature allure that only those who are intimately familiar with hedonistic pursuits seem capable of producing as her eyes narrow slightly again and the corner of her mouth twitches up into an alluring smile.

Now /this/ is what she's talking about.

As interesting as it has been hanging out with the teenage miko that she rescued those many months ago, the girl is the personification of a stick in the mud when it comes to entertainment. Any attempt to drink, smoke, carouse, or otherwise enjoy herself earned her an endless barrage of dirty looks, scolding, or outright physical abuse from the tiny terror. Sure, she promised to be the girl's guardian and watch after her but she doesn't recall signing any contracts that prevent her from getting having fun at the same time! Human courting rituals aren't exactly an area of expertise for Riki but if means she gets to let loose she's damn well willing to learn.

Ofcourse, almost as if the one person even more violently opposed to cutting her even the slightest bit of slack had organized it through divine will, her prospects for a relaxing evening are demolished by the arrival of something far worse. Well, atleast it solved the issue about what to do with the mob. That would be very like him, fix one problem by dropping a worse one in her lap.

"My lord truly has an annoying sense of humor," she grumbles, turning her head to face the source of the sudden screaming and running.

Jack-O's bizarre appearance doesn't even cause the demon to bat an eye. She's seen way weirder things back in the days when demons freely walked the spirit realms. But it certainly ranks up there on the odd-o-meter as far as what she's encountered in the mortal world of late. The conversation between this creature and Kagura gives her pause, however, and it quickly becomes apparent that there is some previous history there.

"If thy honor demands that thou handle this matter thyself, I shall not interfere. But if thee wishes my aid, all thou must do is ask. I cannot abide the presence of evil lightly."

When Jack-O' slipped in, she may have set up a small forwards base somewhere in Southtown. Defeating Clio, the poor, poor little thing happened to scurry off - and with Jack-O' quite lively still, she planted a few nice pumpkins to grow~. Whenever she wants, a little surge of the marshmallow like minions would gum up the Zaibatsu's guards and ... wouldn't you know it? A Gear in Southtown~.

"Heheheeeee maaaaybe?" Jack-O' plainly responds, "I gave her a choice~. Yeah, you can't! ... Why's that again?" The woman ponders out loud, "Are we friends? I think we are! That's gotta be why... eating candy, right?" Jack-O' suggests, "But playing... I didn't make her play! So I won't make you, either." The Gear adds.

Swaying her hips forwards, Jack-O' seems to show that rear of hers off often, doesn't she?

"More specifically, I required a forwards base - and she broke your rule. I suggest strict punishment." The Gear remarks, voice suddenly far different, "It was her intention to protect the people, but all that was necessary was the sabotaging of the supplies, military equipment, and tampering of the Zaibatsu to ensure absolute control over the area. Your subordinate did not appreciate it. I responded as necessary." She steps off the truck onto Dorpos, who flies upwards, small wings on the ball carrying her upwards somewhat. "Evil. Adjective. Profoundly immoral or malevolent." Jack-O' remarks, standing atop the ball - and then falling off it as she swings down, upside down, to stare a bit closer at the pair. "I argue I am none of those at all. It's easy to assign a word to something you don't understand, but this gentleman here has identified it for what it is. I am ... angelic, thank you." It sparks to life - a halo that burns above - now below - her head, spinning once, the ankh hanging from her head. There's a mask of course - the metallic thing covering her face, making her some kind of zombie monster with an appealing body.

"More seriously, I have no ill intentions as of now. What do I have to gain from hurting either of you? If I thrived on pain, I could watch and let my subordinates do that. If I was truly evil, I wouldn't have let those humans escape. They're worthless, of course. I'm sure you felt the same way before I arrived." Jack-O' ends, talking while swinging back and forth on the ball. "Haaaaaah," The voice is different again? "Oh but it totally WOULDA been fun to watch them run around and scream and flail! Hee hee heee... buuuuuut that'd be kinda easy and boring."

It's entirely possible Kagura could have managed something to end this evening with blackout drunkness, but in her own way, Jack-O' helped to ease the situation. An overtly monstrous armed Gear indeed sent the non-combatants away, which was one of the main hangups for Riki. Yet having an officer of Justice crouched atop a vehicle creates another situation entirely.

"Evil? I wouldn't go quite that far. From everything I understand, Justice believes herself to be the exact opposite. Isn't that right?" He asks the latter question up towards Jack-O'. No motion is taken to assume a stance that might be aggressive or instigating, thumbs instead moving to hook in the leather bands of his superfluous belts.

Riki's offer is met by a momentarily held hand, as if to indicate he's not after such right this moment. "Friends, though? I'd like to be friends with all women, to be honest. If you don't want to fight, that's fine by me..." Could he apprehend this woman without his greatsword, with Riki's help? Maybe. However, she has an unknown number of allies as backup, and it would cause extensive destruction and panic with no guarantee Jack-O' wouldn't be able to escape at the end. Kagura's not in the best situation to attempt such, especially without knowing the officer's true battle power. Gaining some information might be far more valuable.

"You didn't kill my subordinate. That much I know. And nothing wrong with basing your life on wanting to have fun, in and of itself. What's entertainment to you then, Ms...? Afraid I never got your full name."

"Hmph. The delusions of a twisted mind have little impact upon the truth of the matter. Emperors and bandits alike have fancied themselves heroes in their own minds whilest they ravaged, raped, and pillaged without mercy. Any being that would resort to the wholesale slaughter of an entire city simply to prove a point can be naught but a creature of madness or malevolence."

The towering woman seems not to share Kagura's reluctance to engage in battle, her eyes shining with an eagerness to indulge in the violence she can taste on the air. Though her stance remains relaxed, her fingers flex visibly atop her powerful crossed arms, long pointed nails catching the light ominously. Though she is dedicated to facing the forces of darkness, she is neither obligated nor inclined to allow the presence of potential collateral damage stand in the way of destroying such foes. Such is merely the reality of the eternal war.

However, with Kagura having a prior claim to grievance against this individual, she finds herself honor-bound to allow him to decide her fate. If he wants to chat with the girl, that's his perogative, foolish as it may be. She isn't planning to leave though. There's still a chance that hostilities could break out. And she wouldn't want to miss the fun, now would she?

"Mmm, too bloody - and she gave me a treat!" Jack-O' remarks, playfully, "So I didn't need to trick her TOO badly. Just you know, to make her go zooooming away. Heheeheeee." The Gear, apparently broken, remarks. "Oh, Justice can say whatever! She's the head honcho! Whatever she says, that's true! It's gotta be!" So claims Jack-O', currently, "Oh!~ Playing is always fun. Sometimes I get a little rough though!" The Gear answers, almost licking her lips - if she was capable of doing it. "Eating snacks is super entertaining too..."

With Riki on edge, quite literately on the edge of violence, Jack-O', hanging upside down, lets out a little Hee hee hee, "Oooooh you wanna fight, don't ya?" The Gear swings back and forth, "I'm not totally finished, you know. Unstaaaaaable. Oooh~! You could explode! I could explode! Both of us, brilliantly exploding together in the dark of night!" The woman exclaims! Then flips, the familiar losing flight as she lands before Riki and Kagura, whipping off the mask - revealing a moderately normal face underneath. "Jack-O' Valentine." The normalish voice states, "It's not incorrect in your assumptions, and you are additional correct that such actions are extreme." Jack-O' remarks to Riki, "Logically, humanity has done it previously. The justification is thusly simple - we have never claimed we are above humanity, and as it stands now, we are tools." Pause, "Justice included." The Gear claims.

Then, a pumpkin house pops from her halo, Jack-O' grasping it above her head and placing it besides her, as she leans upon it. It ... wiggles and writhes, like a cartoon house. Until a small minion pops out. "And these are my tools. Just like I am for humans, and humans to me. You see?" Pause, "You'd still like to eviscerate me, wouldn't you?" To Riki.

For all of his countless flaws, intelligence has never been one of them. Kagura continues to digest the unique mannerisms of Jack-O' as best he can. Prompting little and allowing her reactions to flow. Eccentric, to say the least. That she's something unfinished or flawed makes perfect sense. But he was not aware that Gears could look this human. Most appeared monstrous or inhuman, like each was a puzzle assembled improperly by a child. Does that mean there might be a beautiful woman lurking beneath Justice's armor? ...If so, he could end this conflict within ten seconds of meeting her. All women are his ally.

A queen ant, huh? So this must be one of the soldiers. The fact Justice is deploying an asset so unstable must mean that the quality required to command Gear armies is sufficiently rare they need to make do with the likes of her. Does that mean removing Jack-O' from the battlefield would significantly weaken her ability to nuancedly control the Gears? "I like to play, yeah. And I don't know any way but rough." Kagura agrees readily. "But I'm at a bit of a disadvantage, here. I lack my weapon, and I could never fight at my full ability distracted by such a lovely babe..."

The creation of a new entity is not lost on him. She can create an army at will? Kagura's attention then shifts to Riki. "What about you? Think you would be willing to give it a go? After all... no rules are saying YOU can't leap upon her the moment you want to..."

The demon's eyes glimmer as Jack-O' taunts her and Kagura eggs her on. She lifts a hand to run her fingers through the shaggy cascade of her hair, brushing it over her shoulder so that it will not be in the way when next she moves, which sets the heavy manacle on her wrist and the short length of chain attached to it to clinking noisily with the motion. Though such accessories may have gone unnoticed in the tension of the earlier encounter, their presence would be easy enough to spot now, each of her wrists and ankles sporting one of the large iron bands as if she had been chained down like some old-fashioned prisoner and simply ripped herself free, taking the restraints with her.

"Am I to interpret that as a rescindment of thy claim to settle the grievance with this creature personally? Or am I to be thy weapon, since thou hast so absent-mindedly left it behind?"

Riki smirks at this, as if it is some great joke. The possibility of battle against the Gear, even knowing that she can command an army of tiny monsters, doesn't appear to unnerve her in the slightest. In truth, she looks somehow more eager with every passing moment to smash this precocious child beneath her heel. After all, the greater the challenge, the more glory to be had.

"Oh." Jack-O' remarks, suddenly very interested in something far, far away - turning to the side. Dorpos does as well. The familiar tilting to the side. It's oh so true what Kagura figures out. Or is it? What is true, what is important, is that she is ... obviously a threat of some kind. Some-how. Some-way. "Only a bit? A weaponless satate likely puts you in a definite weakened state, where I would be able to prey upon you..." The Gear claims, glancing at Riki as Kagura shifts the attention to her. The smile on Jack-O' suddenly piques, swelling out wide as her face tilts to the side. "I can't WAIT to play! Guess why? Guess, c'moooon~." She leapns on Dorpos, bouncing off the apparently metallic object like a trampoline before bounding to the top of one of the trees in the park, swinging to the side and waving her arm. "Loooky-look!" The Gear proclaims.

It can't be.

It is.

"Knew it was gonna happen, but ooooh, it took so long!~" The Gear speaks, childishly, as behind her on Mt. Fuji a nuclear explosion begins to rise off of the mountain, the nuclear blast rising just as she points and waves towards it. "Heeheeheeeeeeee.... soooo what I just said?"

She mimics a bomb exploding, arms stretching out to the sky as well, "BOOOOM~! It doesn't matter~!" The Gear proclaims.

"It was inevitable, you understand. Right?" The Gear speaks normally once more, apparently more unstable without the mask - which is thrown to her by the small white Gear. She catches it in a hand. "I was cointing down the moments... Gears were ne... I mean, we were never below humanity." Jack-O' claims, the angelic halo above her head spinning once, points erupting, as the mask is slapped onto her face once more. "So to serve... what a mistake that would be, wouldn't it?" Kagura might catch on fast - which means he could see what was about to happen, what was inevitable.

"As of now, I guess you could say we're all enemies... Gears and humans." Another house is created - tossed to another section of the park, "I guess we'll find out which one is stronger, won't we?" Yet another.

"Your city is going to have all the supplies we'll need to live in it now. Except... we don't have a use for humanity." Jack-O' so simply claims.


When Jack-O' gets distracted by something, Kagura feels a coldness run through his body. Instincts thrum in his very core of the dangers this represents. "I don't like guessing games..." he begins, before the great flash of light fills the sky with a terrible orange. Turning, he can see the enormous plume of some massive explosion flood up in the air, and a brief expression of sheer horror goes on his face. He immediately taps his communicator, and contacts Engineering. A holographic plane manifests before himself.

"Confirmation of an attack?"

"It seems there's a conflict with Justice at the moment... nuclear launch detected..."

"And what's our official orders in this situation?"

"I-I don't know, we never got--"

"Good enough for me." Kagura taps the communicator again, turning it off. "Alright. You want to play, doll? Then do it with me. I'll be more fun than any of these civilians, even without my weapon. Big babe, think you can handle her allies for me?"

Kagura shifts his stance, thumping a fist into an open palm and slowly cracking his neck to the side. "Show me a great body like that isn't all for show, hrrm?"

"Hah! Keeping the lion's share of the glory for thyself, are we? Very well, I shall ensure that thou art free to do battle with this trollop without interference!"r
The oni uncoils her arms from her chest and holds them out to her sides, tilting her head back as she gives a great roaring warcry towards the heavens that rattles the windows of the nearby buildings and cars with its clamour. Her feet skid across the asphalt as she widens her stance, hunching over slightly into something that resembles a sumo wrestler's fighting pose, her long clawed fingers curled into half formed fists in the air. Ghostly red fire flares to life within her palms, swirling into small balls of burning heatless flame before they vanish once more like mist in a turbulent pattern as if her very spirit is eager and restless.

"Mine name is Riki! Learn it well for I shall be most offended should thee forget!"

COMBATSYS: Riki has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Riki             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jack-O'          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Kagura has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kagura           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Guess I didn't get to play my trick~! I like this better, anyways!" The Gear woman proclaims, from her perch. "Look at your face! Oh! Totally loved it~! You were all OH NO!"

Of course, the horror is only horrible for Kagura. It's terrible, absolutely terrible, for humanity. Jack-O' couldn't care less. Oh, it's just not possible. Humanity that is. What happens to them. As a Gear herself, she may be 'nicer' at the top level, but it's all down to what she wants.

Often, it is to 'play'.

"Yaaaaay~! Heheeheeeee - finally get what I want! About time!" With Kagura shifting his stance - thumping a fist into an open palm, the woman pops another house out of her halo, grasping it atop the tree. For some reason, it doesn't crack or break. That's notable because of what happens next. Instead of just chucking it willy-nilly, this house is thrown towards Kagura - the pumpkin house rolling through the air towards Kagura in a lazy arc, spinning wildly as it bounces on the ground - and tears up the land, streaming odd magical energies as it skids to a stop. "Alright! Here! I. COME!~ You better not, though!"

Leaping down, Jack-O' raises her hands - and Kagura might notice something odd right away. Chi erupts all around her, a half-circle of chi forming a ghost like organ keyboard, hands tapping all around it. "It wasn't necessary before, but with the sudden change of situation, you must understand that removing as many interferences as possible also removes possibilities that would have to be taken into account. If we do the math, that's hundreds of thousands of possibilities that would not need to even be conceived, and far more that simply do not have as much threat left..."

As the keys are pressed, the houses swing open, small Marshmallow like Gears pouring out and charging towards Riki! Spears in all of their hands, they begin their march towards the Oni, like some kind of mob against an ancient creature of yore! On that note, they begin to assault Riki in a careful manner, a formation that points the spears upwards and outwards, trying to wall Riki off from Kagura at the same time!

"Statistically speaking, this is in our best interests. It may not be humanities... or in demon's, but as you may realize, it no longer needs to be included in any decision making." She shrugs, "Let's see what this will lead to, hmm?"

COMBATSYS: Kagura overcomes Spectral Deployment from Jack-O' with Dragon Spirit.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Kagura           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Nobody should want war. It's not something restricted to humans. I guess that's the sort of thing you were made into..." Kagura's smile finally slips away as he looks upon Jack-O', flowing into a combative stance. Although he may have specialized in the arts of the greatsword, the Mutsuki Clan taught him every manner of fighting. "The kind that doesn't feel the pain of a dying comrade. For that, I pity you."

Although he lacks a weapon to focus his chi into, he still has a method to bring it forward regardless. His hand lifts up, invoking Ars Magus to coalesce a dark sphere of energy. Twisting, he then hurtles it forward. It cleaves through the assault Jack-O' prepared for him, whirling down upon her in a relentless manner. The assault is primarily a distraction so Kagura can get up close and personal -- everything indicates she's an opponent who prefers keeping a distance, and he rushes forward instead. A strange movement technique, one better suited to ninjutsu, causing an abrupt acceleration as his three-piece cloak billows wildly behind. "I'll try to be gentle though, doll... It's not your fault you ended up this way!"

COMBATSYS: Riki just-defends Ghost Lancers' Pertuisane Phanlax!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Kagura           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Jack-O'

There is a whole lot of stuff that happens in rapid succession as the ill-fated negotiations break down due to...something. Riki peers at the fading glow of the massive blast which rocked the mountain, unsure of precisely what it means other than the raw destruction, but both the girl and Kagura seem quite entranced by it for two completely different reasons. Well, she's not likely to get a proper explanation at the moment.

Instead, the oni turns her attention towards something she understands quite well - battle! The tiny army of spear-wielding marshmellows rushes towards her like the vanguard of a screaming barbarian horde but their onslaught slows as they draw within striking distance of her mighty limbs, forming up into neat rows as they split up to encircle her just as the mob of civilians had before. Perhaps if Jack-O' had been watching more closely she would have taken note of the fate of those fools.

"Hah! Are those little toothpicks supposed to frighten me?"

The ogress takes a thundering step forward, the ground quavering underneath her weight as she shifts it all onto one foot, lifting the other above the heads of the pudgy minions and their phalanx of slender spears. The tips of their weapons thrust upwards in response as she approaches but they fail to find purchase as the bottom of her long skirt and the heavy soles of her wooden sandals prove to be a surprisngly effective defense against the thrusts, several of the spears getting caught in the thick fabric or simply breaking in half as she brings her foot down in a mighty stomp! If the foolish little creatures aren't quick to move they'll get squished too!

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' blocks Kagura's Dragon Spirit.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kagura           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers blocks Riki's Iron Hammer.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kagura           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

Ghost Lancers falls asleep.

COMBATSYS: Kagura has left the fight here.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                  |=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Made into? Are you saying I was something beyond what I am now?" The Gear asks of Kagura as he glances towards him behind the mask. "I've been this way as far as I can remember... oh, that's not entirely true, I guess." The woman answers honestly as the ghost organ vanishes, the dark sphere of energy tearing through her pretty little house and forwards. Onwards. "You see, that's as far as I can remember clearly. There are bits and pieces, but then ... oh, what was I saying?" Jack-O' pauses, head tilting up.

"Hmm? Did one of us die?" Jack-O' asks shortly after! "I am not aware. From the explosion, it is a more likely scenario many of your own died. You don't look very hurt." Jack-O' so helpfully remarks, before Kagura charges across the distance, rushing across the land as Jack-O's arms swing forwards, the woman's sleeves doing so as well as she is impacted by the burning sphere of energy - the Gear's sleeves, and arms of course, seared slightly. "How gentleman-like. You meet the three conditions, do you not? That must make you quite the attractive man, wouldn't it? Each arm around a woman?" She asks, thoughtfully, as she strides towards the dashing man, in thought.

"It's a shame I'm gonna scribble all over that face~! Hee hee hee! Now stay STILL!" As Kagura dashes in, Jack-O kicks off the ground herself, leaping forwards head first towards Kagura, as if to pounce! She .. misses. Face down into the ground, she seems to slide. Or was it a miss?! With Kagura dashing up, Jack-O's head, digging into the ground, has a halo - which spins rapidly towards Kagura's legs now, the chi licking at his feet!


Meanwhile, Riki's met by natives! New natives. They charge and surround, but Riki doesn't seem to fear them! Especially as the pudgy minions, stabbing her feet, seem to accomplish... nothing!? Cries of despair and surprise alight the swarm as they dash back and forth, flailing to move away from the massive foot that comes down! It slams against more than a few, but some manage to pull others to safety - some even staying flat on the ground. The Oni certainly has shown them!

Or has it!?

More still seem to join the fray! With a valiant cry, and a wordless command from Jack-O', the minions eschew safety to start leaping towards Riki - massive pointy spears leading the obvious assault, yet the small minions seem to be able to carry such a weight without any effort!? Gears and their magic, obviously. Slower, still, they pull back - before they attempt to see if bigger spears dissuade foot stomps!

"Oooh, you're getting them all riled up! Go Go you guys!"

Ghost Lancers falls asleep.

COMBATSYS: Kagura dodges Jack-O''s Hell Angel.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kagura           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

Ghost Lancers falls asleep.

COMBATSYS: Kagura has left the fight here.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Riki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0    Ghost Lancers
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                  |=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

"It doesn't matter what you are, or what you were. It matters what you want to be. I'm just curious whether beings like you truly want to do this. Hurting innocent civilians. Exposing allies to danger. ...It'll determine whether I invite you to dinner, or to prison!" As for how often he has an arm around two ladies, Kagura decides it's better to not talk about such matters.

The sudden lunge forward and fling of the halo is met by Kagura leaping straight upwards, his long segmented cape billowing behind. "Normally I listen to requests from beautiful women like you, but right now I'll have to decline!" As Jack-O' whirls to a stop from her strange motion, she'll find that Kagura's descending like a guillotine, bringing down his heel in a brutal overhead kick. There's a somewhat surprising amount of force behind it, the martial technique far from flawed even though he lacks the destructive power he brings typically to bear with his greatsword...!

The towering giant continues her Godzilla-like rampage through the miniature creatures, shattering spears and flattening the slowest among them as she stomps forward into the crowd. The gaggle scatters before her mighty feet but only long enough for them to retreat and regroup with fresh reinforcements!

Riki pauses as these new minions rush to join the fray, swinging her head back and forth to take in the sheer number of them that seem to be pouring out of nowhere. Where on earth did they all come from? Maybe earth isn't the right answer at all. They certainly don't look like any creature she's seen in the mortal planes before! Maybe little shikigami or low-level kami.

"Hah! Bring more! Bright all you can muster! I shall not flee! Hahaha!"

Well, atleast the oni seems to be enjoying herself. With a great bellow, Riki strides forward to meet the new tide of spears. This new suicidal assault seems to have a greater effect than going for her from below as several of the pointy sticks land solid blows upon her torso, leaving the minions wielding them dangling from various points on her body. The ogress roars in pain and fury but doesn't slow down, wading through the phalanx to smash and stomp and sweep aside anything she can get her hands on!

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers-57 blocks Riki's Ogre Smash.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Riki             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kagura           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' fails to interrupt Weakened Strong Kick from Kagura with Zest.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Riki             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kagura           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Well, it depends on how deep you want to get." The woman remarks, as she slides forwards! Spinning her halo! "If you mean psychologically, I know exactly what I am, and arguably, if I was to follow your ccommand, I'd be right back at the beginning, following a human. But if I /choose/ to listen, how does that change it?" The woman exclaims, done sliding forwards, laying on the ground still, elbows on the ground and butt in the air, wiggling back and forth,

"If I was to talk physically, then I am a being composed of carbon, magic, and other important elements that is succeeding in its current purpose, being a weapon. What I want to be, unless I managed to change my purpose... Oh... Hmmm! That's right... maybe I wasn't made to be a weapon?" She asks a bit, head tilting. "I think I was made for something else..." Of course, Kagura is descending like a guillotine all while she ponders. How cruel!

"Well, I'm a girl right? .. So what I wanna do is HAVE FUUUUUN~!" She childishly exclaims, slamming the ball of the ball and chain into the ground and flipping forwards. Erupting all around her, energy swells a sickly green as she accelerates upwards, moving to meet and greet Kagura, head first!

As Riki simply /absorbs/ the blows of the little people, the Ghost Gears are lunging, striking, poking with all their might! As the suicidal blows are made, the charge from Riki seems to cause a mix of panic, cheer, and disbelief from the Gears! Wide eyes and mouths for some, others flailing helplessly as their spears are stuck, little legs kicking in the air as they hold on for dear unlife! It is /complete chaos/ out there, and with Riki charging through - the pain that is inflicted by them is promised back tenfold as the hands sweep and strike the phanlanx!

As Jack-O' rises, the energy doesn't quite form as soon as it should -a nd the crushing impact from the foot slams into the Gears head, causing her to bound away and roll, ball and chain and everything as she crashes into a car - the ball and chain going through a window of it. The mask has little dizzy swirls on it, the damage to the Gear clear from the bruises and blood that seems to have been summoned from the breaking of metal against mostly human-modeled flesh. "Wow-woaaaaah I didn't think a tree would fall in the park!"

The minions, however, are less than plussed! They continue to fight, the impact from Riki causing them to flail and stagger, holding their own as they, all together, push back against the impact. One, two, a dozen are crushed by the horrific strike, but they all continue to push back all the same. As they push back, they begin to fight in tandem - some of them leaping up to grasp a part of Riki and twist, trying to hold her down as the swarm begins, in ernest, to stop the movements of the terrible monster!

It's like a Kaiji battle!

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers-57 successfully hits Riki with Medium Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Riki             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kagura           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Well, if Justice rebelled, then you're free. Not sure why your first act is terrorism, I guess..." Kagura murmurs under his breath. When the strange woman suddenly attempts to intercept him however, there's a long exhale and then a sudden tension of muscles. Utilizing a specialized shinobi technique, the swordsman accelerates his leg beyond what would be expected, allowing his heel to slam into the Gear. Her attempt was not wrong; had he not been alert enough and capable of such, she definitely would have put him on the wrong end of the exchange.

"Then you're a girl after my own heart. I just want to have fun myself. ...Sometimes fate's not too kind, I guess. Sadly, I'm hardly in a position to relax like I'd prefer..." Kagura then suddenly shoots before Jack-O' to land amidst broken glass in the street, intent on lashing out to grasp her by the front of her outfit.

And then whirling her overhead, trying to twist the Gear upright and thump her down on her feet opposite, attempting to brush some debris off her shoulders. "Up you go! I'm not playing too rough, am I...?"

Despite the sheer difference in size, Riki's battle with the little goblins is mostly even. She pushes them back and scatters their formations, each great swing of her arms or stomp of her sandaled feet crushing or battering several of the small creatures. But for every one she stomps, more leap at her from all sides. By now, she looks like some kind of massive pin-cushion, her sturdy body pierced in over a dozen places with tiny lances, small blots of red visible against her white shirt where blood has been drawn.

"Hrngh! Thou art tenacious, I shall grant thee that!"

She smashes her arm against her chest, swiping one side clear of a handful of the smooshy creations still clinging to her shirt or their spears, snapping the offending objects in half in the process as if brushing away some annoying thorns. Yet more and more of the monsters leap upon her in droves, some diving onto her from nearby cars or window ledges while those below snatch at the hem of her skirt. Together, with great effort, they slowly begin to pull her to one side. She lists, her weight shifting onto one foot even as she struggles to swat the little devils from her body, but like an ancient tree falling in the forest, Riki eventually topples over with a terrific crash that shudders the entire area.

"Ugh... how embarrassing..."

Swatting the nearest of her attackers away, the oni sits up and makes a gesture with her index finger, tracing a circle into the air. A soft popping sound, like that of pressure equalizing in a confined space, accompanies the arrival of a large fancy red bowl of old-fashioned Japanese design. It drops into the woman's extended palm and she brings the edge up to her face, tilting her head back to gulp down several mouthfuls of the clear liquid shimmering within, ignoring the continued assault against her from the creatures as they no doubt continue to stab at her while she takes a short break.

Once her drink has been downed, Riki lets out a contented sigh and wipes her mouth with the back of an arm. The bowl is tossed casually over her shoulder but it vanishes back into whatever space it came from mere moments after leaving her hands. Inhaling sharply, the demon turns her head down towards the clusters of munchkins gathered around her and with a great fwoosh expels a blazing gout of etheral hellfire into their midst. The smell of acrid sulfur fills the air as she sweeps the dragon-like breath weapon from side to side, apparently unable to harm herself with her own power as the flames lick over her massive limbs with no obvious effect.

COMBATSYS: Kagura successfully hits Jack-O' with Weakened Quick Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Riki             0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kagura           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers-57 blocks Riki's Breath of Heaven.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Riki             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kagura           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Jack-O'

With the dizzy eyes, swirling to a stop on the Halloween mask, Jack-O' pulls herself up and off of the car - and tries to get up as well. Before she can even respond, Kagura grasps the front of her outfit - whirling her overhead, thumping her down on her feet opposite - which she crashes to her rear afterwards, staring upwards, legs splayed as she stares upwards. "Geeeze, you're way too fast at this! Playing is meant to have a good time, duh!" Jack-O' proclaims, childishly. Grinning upwards behinds the mask, Jack-O' leaps up towards Kagura at the end.

"And I've got plenty of time to play, since Justice is in charge, sure she'll allow it! Heeheehee..." It's not with her hands though, that she tries to grasp Kagura. The ball and chain is in her arms, mouth opening sizably wide - Kagura sized - as she attempts to slam it towards the man. It wouldn't devour him, but clench with its teeth as she swings both Dorpos and Kagura around in the air. "I bet you're one of those siwngers, so lemme help you out!"

Meanwhile, the ghosts of Gears past continue to flail against the much larger ogress, whom continually causes them problems! Normally focused on overwhelming the opponent, it seems that this time the opponent is way too large to overwhelm! How could that happen!? Yet it does. Some of them are smashed, simply 'poofing' out of existance when struck. Somehow that seems to be a thing, yet they are solid up until they 'die', based on observation!

As Riki is toppled, the little Gears leap towards - a horrible burning hellfire. The Gears are prompted to scatter, some catching fire and going up in a plume of smoke and magic, poofing out of existance in a very fashionable and fiery exit! They all are forced to fall back as they go, flailing, but from that distance, it's still enough for them to ... prod at Riki with their weapons! They're retreating from the terrifying ogress, but are still within a lances reach! Poke! Poke! PROD!

Will such stabs be enough to fell her!?

COMBATSYS: Kagura instinctively blocks Jack-O''s Medium Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Riki             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kagura           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Jack-O'

"Are you doing okay over there?" Kagura manages to ask Riki, his tone thoroughly teasing. "I can take some time to save you, if you'd like..." But then Jack-O' is charging towards him once more, and he brings up his forearm. Teeth sink into the white gauze, before he's whirled around wildly. Once flung away, he twists with an odd sense of balance and lands on his heels, metal scraping across the ground as he crouches down.

"Oh... I see. You're not having fun... hmm." Kagera strokes at his chin, seemingly genuinely perplexed by this revelation. "If it's a question of free time, though... I could give you much more entertaining things to do, working for me." The Gear maneuvers incredibly well. Regarding speed and strength, she shows the fruits of her artificial enhancements. She only lacks the foundation of technique that one hones through countless hours of experience, a significant gap to close when confronting the Black Knight.

"Well, then let's try this. Catch!" Kagura then twists, one hand planting on the bottom of an adjacent car. The Colonel's other hand thumps on the top. Muscles flex and go tense; the suspension heard easing up significantly. Before Kagura twists, kicking off the ground with a spray of graveled asphalt, sending the vehicle hurtling head over heels in Jack-O's direction. The bumper bounces once off the ground in a spray of abruptly shattering glass that sends it spiraling madly in a quickly bearing down mass of steel.

"...I shouldn't have done that. Hibiki's going to make me pay for it..."

COMBATSYS: Riki just-defends Ghost Lancers-57's Medium Strike!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Riki             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kagura           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Jack-O'

Riki's massive lungs apparently have as much capacity as one might think for her fiery storm lasts for several long seconds as she expels every last bit of her breath, the searing soulfire fueled by the remnants of her sacred sake. It's sort of like when a carnie takes a swig of booze and blows fire, only more holy. Her dragon impression drives the teeming hordes away from her once more and she uses that space to rise to her feet, hocking a final flaming loogey at their feet once her mojo is spent.

"Hmph! Enjoy it, little cretins! It's the closest you'll ever come to Heaven, hahaha!"

Her spirit renewed, the oni slaps her arms and stomps her feet in a challenging display like some kind of sumo wrestler preparing to face off against an opponent. Rather than simply lunge forward, however, she suddenly takes to the air with a powerful leap! Flight proves not to be one of her powers, as gravity quickly reasserts control over her massive weight, but as she falls the demon pivots into a controlled dive as her fists explode with more of that searing red fire, turning her into a giant meteor as she drops into the middle of the ghostly lancers!

COMBATSYS: Kagura successfully hits Jack-O' with Weakened Huge Thrown Object.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Riki             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kagura           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers-57 fails to interrupt Helldiver from Riki with Punishing Pitchforks.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Riki             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kagura           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Jack-O'

"My fun is irrelevant to this injunction." The woman speaks sup as Kagura twists the teeth of Dorpos away, "To you, it shouldn't matter at all. You're directly in the way... but I can understand what this is to you." Jack-O' remarks, shaking her head. "I have no interest working for anyone else, either. It's not a matter of why or what - it's a matter of how. To rejoin anyone, by choice, would lead to reintegration and termination by those we have turned against."

The Gear was never made to be a combat model, not fully. Not a Command Gear, though she may command. Not a fighter - or specialist like the others created. Jack-O' lacks much of what Elphelt, Ramlethal, and especially Dizzy and Justice have. Yet the purpose for her existance is another thing entirely.

Kagura twists the car about, thumping the top, and kicking off the ground - sending it flying towards the Gear. There are a multitude of options that Jack-O' can take. The ghost organ keys flicker to life, a finger above a specific key. "This is ... a fact finding mission for you now, isn't it? Scientifically, you've been holding back, haven't you?" The Gear proclaims, "Since you certainly do not seem to be fighting seriously... it'd be foolish for me to provide any new inputs..." The Gear considers, all the while as the car bears down on her. The finger spins absentmindedly over the key.

The organ vanishes.

The car impacts Jack-O' directly on, causing the Gear to crash into the ground, the impact of Jack-O' against the asphalt, as well as the impact of the heavy metallic object against the Gear the result of not showing the full capability the Gear has. Not that it fully matters - especially as the mask is shorn from her face in the meanwhile, bloodied and tossed into the ground. Rolling, bounding, the Gear comes to a stop on her back. The impact has left quite a mark upon Jack-O', as she pulls herself up, "Heheehee... oh.. my mask..." The Aria clone looks around for it, grasping her face. "Now I don't have ANY time....." The voice grumbles in a child like complaint, huffing as she looks at Kagura! "And YOU'RE at fault!" She points. Clearly about to unleash some terrible assault!

In the meantime, Riki manages to avoid, to prevent such a terrible poking assault! The lances and spears move towards her as she comes downwards - and the ghostly gears are sent flying in every direction, the massive weight and the skill in using it of the Ogress enough to cause the the Ghost Swarm to be launched out, or flattened, by the fiery chi and body combo! They fall back as necessary, slowly pulling away as Riki comes forwards! As they begin to regroup, Jack-O' ...

The organ swells to life once more, keys being pressed - and the houses all over begin to pop out, vanishing from reality. Each and every little Ghost Gear pulled away, vanishing, as Jack-O' presses the buttons.

"Looks like I gotta' pack up an' run after all, awww." Jack-O' laments, "Can't get beaten up too bad, not already!" The Gear exclaims, "So, there's gonna be a next time!" The swarms of Gears simply vanish into thin air, Jack-O' taking Dorpos and slamming him into the ground, launching him, and herself off into the sky like a rocket afterwards!

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' takes no action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Riki             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kagura           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Jack-O'

"Oh, really? That's a shame. But you know, the people who created you and would want to destroy you..." Kagura's eyes go a little harder at that, serious for the first time in this encounter. "Novus Orbis Librarium is against, too. Not everyone in the world is against your independence, you know..."

Jack-O' seems to hit the nail on the head, though. Kagura looks ashamed, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I don't have my weapon..." he admits, a touch bashful. "And you said you wanted to have fun. I was just trying to amuse you." She's more perceptive than he thought. He was certainly trying to scope out the potential of the Gear if nothing else.

When that unhappy rage is sent his way, all signs point to Kagura being quite used to angry women. Instead, Jack-O' opts to retreat in a somewhat unusual manner. No attempt to intercept is made right now, arms crossing before his chest as he watches her vanish over the distance. "Looks like global politics are going to get even more complicated after all this..."

With that, he marches over towards Riki, looking her up and down with an expression of muted sympathy. "You look like you got on the wrong side of a porcupine..."

COMBATSYS: Kagura takes no action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Riki             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Ghost Lancers-57
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kagura           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Jack-O'

COMBATSYS: Ghost Lancers-57 has left the fight here.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Riki             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1          Jack-O'
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kagura           0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Jack-O' has left the fight here.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kagura           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0             Riki

Riki hits the ground fist-first and the blazing flames engulfing her hands explode in a violent blastwave that engulfs the majority of the the Lancer army, their spears cast aside by the potent divine energy and the sheer toughness of her body. Dozens of bodies fly in all directions comically, bursting into flame or splatting against nearby walls or vehicles. When the dust settles, only the ogre remains, pushing herself to her feet in the middle of a small crater in the road.

She pauses to look around, her fists clenching at her side as she twists back and forth to find her foes, only to realize that they are no longer present. This causes her boisterous grin to fade somewhat and she slowly reaches up to rub the back of her neck, making a nonplussed face.

"Is that all...?" She sighs heavily. "Twas just becoming entertaining."

Kagura's approach causes her to peer over her shoulder at him, turning around to face the relatively unscathed man after a moment. She peers down at herself at his astute observation, apparently unaware of the dozens of small spears still jutting out from her clothes in various states of damage. She snorts loudly and begins to swipes her big paws over her skin, brushing the offending objects away. The ones protruding from parts of her skin not covered by cloth leave small bloody gashes in their wake but the injuries start seal themselves over the moment the weapons are removed.

"Twas an entertaining diversion, to be sure, but hardly a threat. I take it thou hast dealt with the grinning fool?"

Her gaze shifts to Jack-O' as she rises into the air like American McGee's Mary Poppins, a brow quirking upwards at the sight. Well, that's a new one.

The only injury on Kagura is an angry bitemark on his forearm where the ball and chain got a little toothy. Beyond that, he doesn't seem to have been wounded or winded. His eyes flicker across the flames still fluttering about, chi fueling them gradually whisking to nothing.

"Neither of us was trying. I doubt she's a front-line fighter. Being able to manifest tons of spectral fighters is far more dangerous... I'd have tried to take her in if I had my weapon on me." Well, the only reason he was allowed to wander around was not taking it. And if Jack-O' had learned of her freedom to cause chaos, Riki might have been overwhelmed and a lot more destruction caused.

"I'll need to write a report on this. But my office is about to get one hell of a headache. A second nuclear detonation and confirmation the Gears went rogue... that's going to kill my evenings for awhile." A rather hefty sigh leaves the Duodecim chief, fingers sweeping through black locks for a moment.

Riki shrugs, picking another spear out of the wild mane of her hair and flicking it off to the side where it sticks point-first into the side of a fence like a dart. Those little critters of hers were hardly what she would call particularly dangerous. Even regular humans should be able to handle them without much trouble, though their seemingly infinite numbers could prove problematic if left unchecked. Jack-O' herself didn't look like a particularly tough customer either. Weird, yes - tough, no.

"Such apparitions need worry you not. Even the likes of humans could dispatch them with ease. I hath seen the power of the weapons that man hath created in the past thousand years since mine absence. Quite impressive, if I do say so."

Once the chain-powered Gear has vanished from sight, the oni turns to regard Kagura once again. She smiles broadly at his lamentations of paperwork, crossing her thick arms over her massive chest.

"Haha! Beaurocracy! Tis ever the bane of merriment! But I have faith thou shalt persevere. When you have bested this foe, do feel free to come and visit me! I make residence at the Meigan Jinga. Perhaps I can conjur up something less tedious to occupy your time!"

Leaning forward, Kagura attempts to pluck out one of the stray spears where angry, sweeping hands and an idle gaze might miss it. He'd give it a more thorough inspection, however. Although the creatures themselves appear to be energy manifestations, the weaponry they hold is somewhat more permanent. Magic can temporarily create matter, and to manage that is an interesting feat.

"I dunno. Most people realize when something like this is stabbed into them. ...and don't have as much muscle to dampen it." A finger tests the point before he tucks it into an inner pocket on his cloak. Engineering would be interested in having a look.

A beaming grin flows across Kagura's face at that. He pulls out an embroidered business card, ringed in flowers. Upon it are multiple telephone numbers, reading 'Kagura Mutsuki, Colonel of Asian Novus Orbis Librarium Affairs, Making All Your Dreams Come True'. "I'll always make time for a lady. Careful, though. I bet I'd drink you under the table."

His gaze returns to the horizon past the building tops, where the glow of the atomic strike still simmers heavily. "But for once, business calls." Thoroughly grudging, he turns to start marching down the sidewalk while lifting up a hand to wave goodbye to the imperiously skirted oni. It's not wise to anger a master assassin by trying to pretend you somehow missed a nuclear bomb and couldn't report to duty...

The card is accepted carefully between a pair of large fingers. Riki glances at it and then snorts again, her amusement turning into full-blown laughter when he challenges her to a drinking contest. That would be an impressive feat indeed.

"I shall gladly accept that challenge! Until we meet again, Kagura Mutsuki!"

She gives him a wave of her own, beaming a fierce grin at his retreating form, then turns and begins to wander off towards her own destination. Her forray into the city had proven much more eventful than even she could have hoped. She'd thought to merely scout the situation and perhaps offer some aid against the bandits and hooldums that would no doubt be using the pandemonium to their advantage. To encounter an actual Gear... well, it was a decent bit of sport to be sure!

"Hmm. Much as I would like to wander further, tis time I returned, lest the girl's wrath be greater than usual."

The ogre that had shrugged off dozens of miniature spears without flinching shudders visibly at that and picks up her pace as she stomps off back the way she came!

Log created on 18:05:11 12/04/2017 by Kagura, and last modified on 23:46:20 06/02/2019.