FightFest 2025 - Velvet Blue vs Kenzo - "Electric Circus"

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Description: It's been a little while since we've seen Velvet Blue in a professional exhibition match. What better way to step back into the spotlight than at a festival? He'll be returning to the stage to face the New Fighting Generation's ninja, Kenzo! With two lightning-fast fighters dueling it out on the main stage, this is one that's sure to shock and delight audiences in equal measure!

The fog machine blows a cloud of fog onto the stage as a guitar riff and drums start to play. When the fog dissipates Kenzo all dressed up in his combat techsuit is visible on the fighting platform. Slipknot's Pulse of the Maggots plays as leaps around in an attempt to get the crowd pumped up.

The song fades out after the chorus and then the ninja goes off to the side to stretch for a bit and take a few breaths. This would be his first time he would no longer be competing as an NFG fighter. Sure it was a NFG sponsored event but now it was as a fighter on the world stage rather than an up and comer. As for why he picked Pulse of the Maggots, he wasn't a conventional fighter, he incorporated technology into his fighting, he fought differently from other fighters, used different weapons from most weapon fighters, even the fact that his start was through the NFG was different from most fighters up to this point.

With the stretching done, he rises to his full height as he waits for the fight to begin. Kenzo feels like he's ready, he's dealt with crowds, with the analysts, with the press, with the adversity. Now all that's left is to deal with the fight ahead of him.

"Well, this is decidedly aughts," Velvet Blue stepped into the arena finally, wearing their usual long black suit with white fur ruff collar and long boots, their blue spaded tail slinking along behind them. They grinned and waved it off, not wanting to be too much of a churlish heel as they approached their opponent amidst the Slipknot playing. To be fair, Vel's own style came a little from the hair or glam metal days of music, so the couldn't be /too/ rough, what with the long black hair and all. It was just a bit more Alice Cooper than Kiss, which was Slipknot's style--and they /did/ have a thing for jumpsuits... hmm, a sign of practical good taste, if you were to ask Velvet.

"So you're one of those NFG fighters, huh? you guys did so much training I'm sure you're more than a match for little old me, over here--but I'll try to make this fun," Velvet cracked their neck a little, plus their knuckles, before taking a few steps back. A quarter is withdrawn from their pocket, and flicked with a black pointed nail into the air...

COMBATSYS: Kenzo has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kenzo            0/-------/-======|

Given the amount time Kenzo was given to prepare, the tech-ninja was limited in how much fight footage he could study. That said, he identified a few points that could be problematic for him. As his fight with Chevy had shown, as well as the untelevised fight with a certain scientist with a certain organization that he encountered on a certain island, his strategy could be wrecked by those that are really good at counter attacking. Kenzo still has shivers at what happened to Lita when she lost her belt.

"I do hope that we manage to put on a good show."

Kenzo watches as the coin goes up into the air. His suit makes rapid calculations as the coin spins in the air. Was it a cheat? Maybe but that type of thing is the type of thing his suit was known for doing and it's his fault for making that challenge while he was wearing the suit.


Moment the coin hits the ground, the chain and sickle is in his hand. As soon as the coin comes to a rest, the ninja takes a moment to glance at the coin (yes, it was heads and Kenzo had taken a pic with his combat specs to prove it), and then he suddenly appears in front of the darkstalker and slashes across the stomach with the sickle of his kusari-gama.

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kenzo            0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0      Velvet Blue

COMBATSYS: Kenzo successfully hits Velvet Blue with Flicker Edge.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kenzo            1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0      Velvet Blue

As the coin is called and hits the floor of the arena, Velvet's eyes flash wide as Kenzo is able to close that distance /that fast/ and take a swing with that sickle of his--running a line right across Velvet's front. Now the suit is actually not just a normal bit of fabric and fur with a zipper on it--it's actually got a weave of magical thread in there taken from a piece of clothing he'd gotten in the demon world--and while it's supposed to be resistant to something with an edge likt hat, it only helps Velvet out so much here as a red line is scored across their chest and abdomen.

"Rrghh--" Velvet's lips draw back in a cringing grimace and that short blade was drawn from his boot in reflexive response to being hit with a weapon like that kusarigama--game respects game, after all--and Vel's knees bow as they try to strike out with it as they spring off to the side, the blade headed for Kenzo's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Kenzo fails to interrupt Evasive Strike from Velvet Blue with Whirling Chain Blitz ES.
- Power fail! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kenzo            1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0      Velvet Blue

Kenzo wanted to keep up the pressure and seeing as Velvet Blue was bending his legs and shifting his weight back, it was obvious that he was retreating. That was an outcome Kenzo wanted to avoid at all costs.

Kenzo attempts to turn away from the blade as he swings the weighted end towards Velvet's shoulder. He even knows to avoid the face! The flinch from the swipe causes the weight to go off target and the blade to go deeper.

Kenzo takes a step back with a grimace as he spins the chain.

Velvet is more surprised and wide-eyed than anything at how the events played out in that half-second. The blade is returend to the sheathe in his right boot as Velvet manages to get a few paces away from his opponent, posture straightening again. There was a tiny glint of 'are you okay?' from Velvet's furrowed brow in response, but from the aggressive attack apparently he gets the idea that Kenzo wasn't about to let up, either. Well, no time like the present to keep up the attack.

Velvet bows one knee and takes a running leap at Kenzo, both booted feet coming up in a double legged drop kick towards the tech ninja! Of course, it's going to look a bit funny if Velvet misses, since they just tried to do a bit of a heavy handed pro-wrestling style move here~ but when you wanna be bombastic, well, them's the breaks.

COMBATSYS: Kenzo blocks Velvet Blue's Double Dropkick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kenzo            1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0      Velvet Blue

The nin-gineer doesn't immediately react when the performer suddenly closes the distance quicker than would be ideal for him to swing the weight and still keep him out of dagger range.

Kenzo uses the sickle to deflect the pair of boots. When Velvet hits the ground, Kenzo attempts to pounce on the darkstalker and pick him up and slam him on his side then taking a step back and to the side to give himself a reaction gap.

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue blocks Kenzo's Mix-Up Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kenzo            1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0      Velvet Blue

Velvet puts both arms down to try and brace their fall as the attack is deflected by sickles--as they wind up in a roll as they break their fall--getting back onto their hands and feet before pushing themselves up. "Careful with those things," Velvet grins, eyes going wide again as they are pounced upon by Nin-gineer!

This might not go as well as Kenzo might hope, as the darkstalker and paranormal PI is able to bring Kenzo with him in another series of rolls Kenzo attempts to pick him up, basically spending a bit rolling around on the mat until Velvet is able to kick out of his grasp, looking a bit worse for wear. The long black hair is brushed out of his face as Velvet tries to rise, waiting at least until Kenzo is also mostly up before he hooks one of those boots back and swings it outward at Kenzo in a straight kick!

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue successfully hits Kenzo with Quick Strike.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kenzo            1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0      Velvet Blue

Kenzo makes an attempt to get out of the way, the reactionary gap wasn't enough to get away from the kick and he is sent rolling away.

He rises back to his feet and pulls out metal orb. He presses a button and takes a step back as he rolls the metal ball just short of the darkstalker's feet.

The light on the ball flickers for a moment before a burst of electricity gets released from it exposing Velvet to world of a pain should he stick around.

COMBATSYS: Kenzo successfully hits Velvet Blue with Pulse Device.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kenzo            1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1      Velvet Blue

"What's this, a galaxy projec--orrrrr!" Velvet is sent into spasms as they are zapped by the electric field the device generates, causing him to look decidedly burnt, hair-frizzed (bad hair day, way to get on one's bad side!) and more than a bit wobbly and unsteady after that. Staggering about back and forth to regrain their muscle control and bearings, Velvet blinks and wipes tears from their eyes and coughs, knuckles cracking as they form fists again.

"Whoo.. okay then, lets continue," Velvet cracked their neck again as they narrowed their eyes and aimed a kick straight for Kenzo's head, bringing one of those big boots up again and putting some definite speed into it, aiming for at least upper center mass as their foot raises up in an arc!

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue successfully hits Kenzo with Heel Kick.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kenzo            1/--=====/=======|=======\=====--\1      Velvet Blue

Kenzo had expected to get Velvet moving with the burst of his stored electricity in his device. Having him get caught in it worked better than he was expecting.

As the darkstalker recovers, the nin-gineer repositions himself to move to his side. This ends up being to Velvet's advantage as just as Kenzo shifts his weight in preparation to dodge and crackling electrical energy carefully directed to his muscles to further enhance his ability to move, Velvet plants his (very fashionable) boot dead center in his chest sending him skidding to the edge of the stage.

Kenzo gets back up to his feet with sparks jumping off of his body before he disappears. When he reappears, it will be behind him as he attempts to strangle him with the kusari-gama like it's an electrified garrote, all the while jamming his knee into his back.

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue counters Shocking Ambush from Kenzo with Spellbound Masquerade.

[                             \  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kenzo            0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0      Velvet Blue

Velvet Blue was on the ropes a bit after that electric gadget had worked him over--most of his muscles still felt like jell-o, and were only working half the time. Velvet didn't like to have to rely on the fae magics he was instilled with to do 'mundane' things like this, unless the fight was to the death, which this was not. Still, he /did/ need to pay Kenzo back for what he'd done to his hair...

Regaining his balance after giving Kenzo the boot, so to speak, he struggled to get himself moving again in anticipating for the next attack. The fang-like eyeteeth become visible over Vel's lower lips as he gasped--time slowing down as Kenzo disappeared. He canted his head just a bit to the side, those elongated ribbed ears picking up sounds from behind him--Velvet narrowly avoids the garrote by catching Kenzo's wrist pre-emptively and spinning himself around behind the nin-ganeer, a bit of a reversal, to say the least.

"Alright, time to sissy that walk~" Velvet Blue muttered breathily into Kenzo's ear, and magic flowed from his hands into them.

And then, in a puff of smoke--no, a smoke bomb, the cloudy vapor issuing rapidly from their two figures feet, until all is obscured--the smoke finally thins and what looks like a very shapely and buxom asian female figure, in a very tight and shiny form-fitting jumpsuit. A boob-window that'd put Power Girl to shame sits at the front of it, the long glossy black hair pulled up into a ponytail above her head, the kusari-gama held in her hands with her gear strapped here and there around the suit.

"Oooh, you /kill/ in that outfit, dear, I'm serious--" Velvet slides into view from just out of the smoke, giving a 'chef's kiss' sort of gesture--now coincidentally looking a fair bit better than they did before. It was as if the darkstalker hunter was /absorbing/ the emotions and energy that radiated off this 'performance'.

The fight in terms of expected strategies and responses go pretty much as the ninja expected. When he went for the strangle he pretty expected the response of /that/ move. He had hoped he could beat it out in terms of speed because that was one of his greatest strengths.

After the darkstalker slips behind him and smoke begins to rise, Kenzo gets to experience the attack he /dreaded/ having to see up close and personal. The few moments after he experiences why he was wary about the move.

Kenzo was already putting a heavy demand on his body from sending his energy through his enhance his movement speed. Having the energy drain from the attack on top of it was too much. Then one has to account for the transformation. Kenzo looks down at her body. Wait... Her? There's cleavage and the body isn't shaped like it used to be.

An unfamiliar sound at a higher, feminine pitch leave those lips as Kenzo says, "Oh, no..." As the ninja suddenly is reminded of a certain individual who shall remain nameless, they find themselves filled with horror at the idea of said nameless individual seeing this.

Horror then gives way to rage as any idea of sparing the face gets thrown out the window. Kenzo launches the weight at Velvet's neck with the intent of wrapping around it then electrifying the chain. Should the ninja manage that, would then pull him into the side kick delivered to the body before kicking up and over the chain to stomp down on it and bringing Velvet face down to the ground in kneeling position. With a violent yank and pull Kenzo would then send Velvet up and over onto his back before proceeding place the knee on belly while the metal fan gets pulled out to deliver an electrical bludgeoning over and over until the ninja runs out of juice.

After a few moments the unconscious body transforms back to its original state.

COMBATSYS: Kenzo can no longer fight.

                                  >  /////////////////             ]
                                  |==-----\-------\0      Velvet Blue

COMBATSYS: Velvet Blue blocks Kenzo's Violent Electrocutioner's Snare.

                                  >  /////////////                 ]
                                  |=====--\-------\0      Velvet Blue

Velvet's defenses however were still jsut fine.

The now much more curvier Kenzo attempts to wrap the weighted end of the chain sickle around Velvet's neck--they are able to bring their hand up to ward it off--instead getting a glancing blow of the weight off the side of their head. Ow. The half-darkstalker however dances back away from that electrified chain.

"Guess all that upper strength went to that marvelous chest instead..." Velvet managed a grin and gave Kenzo a finger-gun gesture, despite the wince and trickle of blood from the side of their head.

"I'm sure the audience agrees darling, mwah~" Velvet blew them a kiss quickly, as the spellbound fighter keeled over and then the enchantment wore off. Suddenly a wave of vertigo hit Velvet--putting a hand to the side of their head. Damn that weight to the head hurt~ they were still a bit woozy from it.

"That's it for now, gonna need a few tylenol after /that/ performance, ahh... our friend needs a rest anyway, they've had a hard day," Velvet waved and gave an exit--stage right.

Log created on 07:37:42 03/06/2025 by Kenzo, and last modified on 16:00:20 03/14/2025.