King of Fighters
King of Fighters is a core series of MotM. More information is available in the info file.
Available for Applications
- Adelheid
- Alba
- Alice Nakata
- Angel
- Antonov
- Ash
- Bandeiras
- Bao
- Benimaru
- Brian
- Candy
- Chae Lim
- Chang
- Chin
- Chizuru
- Choi
- Chris
- Clark
- Daimon
- Diana
- Duke
- Duo Lon
- Elisabeth
- Fio
- Foxy
- Gai Tendo
- Gang-il
- Goenitz
- Heavy D!
- Heidern
- Hein
- Hinako
- Hyena
- Igniz
- Iori
- Jhun
- Jun
- Jyazu
- K'
- K9999
- Kensou
- Krizalid
- Kula
- Kyo
- Leona
- Lien
- Lilly
- Lin
- Lucky
- Luise
- Luong
- Makoto Mizoguchi
- Malin
- Mature
- Maxima
- May Lee
- Meitenkun
- Mian
- Mignon
- Miu
- Moe
- Mui Mui
- Mukai
- Nagase
- Najd
- Nameless
- Nelson
- Ninon
- Oswald
- Ralf
- Ramon
- Reiji
- Rose Bernstein
- Rugal
- Saishu
- Seth
- Shenwoo
- Shingo
- Shion
- Sho Hayate
- Shun'ei
- Silber
- Soiree
- Sylvie
- Vanessa
- Vice
- Whip
- Xanadu
- Xiao Lon
- Yashiro
- Yuki
- Zarina
- Zero