Full Name:Kula Diamond
Faction:NESTS Cartel
Age:15? 16?
Weight:106 lbs
Blood Type:Unknown
Eye Color:Violet or red
Hair Color:Strawberry blonde or sky blue
Date of Birth:May 29
Hobbies:Drawing doodles on Candy
Personal Treasures:Candy
Favorite Food:Strawberry sorbet, sweets, lollipops
Dislikes:Crowds of people, fire
Best Sport:Ice Skating
Love Interests:...
OOC Data
Game:King of Fighters
Status:Currently Played
Voice Actor:Kakazu Yumi
Theme Song:Shatter Me feat. Lzzy Hale - Lindsey Stirling


"Are you cold? Are you okay? I'm ever so sorry."

One of the more unusual works from NESTS' genetics experiments, this strange girl is probably one of their more impressive efforts. A cloned human whose design was primarily the work of Diana and Foxy, Kula's growth was accelerated once Diana and Foxy were transferred to another project. Now similar to a 15 or 16 year old girl, Kula wields an inherent power over ice when fighting. Quiet, but always interested in learning more, Kula initially seems shallow but she will likely improve with time. While emotionally underdeveloped, Kula nonetheless has excellent skill with fighting. She often comes up with other creative uses for her powers, hinting at an intelligence that is well ahead of the rest of her mental growth. She's grown to feel close to Diana, and especially Foxy, as these two have taken it upon themselves to try and help her along.

Style:Anti-K' Arts
Signature Move:Diamond Breath -- ENERGY PROJECTILE
Signature Ability:VIGOR -- INNERVATE


Before she was known as Kula Diamond, her original name was an embarrassingly long experiment designation. Life started as an artificial zygote suspended in suspicious incubation liquid. Accelerated through stages of infancy and childhood, by all appearances, now she looks sixteen years of age.

Kula is the perfect being, the culmination of years of study, scientific application, and manipulation over creation itself. The jewel of NESTS, they consider her a modified human and not a clone. With the Kusanagi flame subverted into ice, she is the only success to come from the project thus far.

Her purpose is to exterminate the renegade K', who had turned traitor during her first year of life.

To this end, Kula's loyalty needed to be assured. As her powers seemed limitless, unlike the flamewielders who couldn't contain the conflagration without help, the last thing NESTS could tolerate would be to lose another product of incredible value.

While some parts of her mind were developed, others languished in toddler stages. Efficient in a fight, able to make sense of strategy and mechanics, beyond that was a mindless puppet. A girl with no emotions, who could not make sense of complicated feelings.

NESTS deployed an android named Candy Diamond, who would monitor Kula and provide assistance in battle. This was the child's first friend in the world, Diana and Foxy not withstanding. The three have been far more affectionate than necessary, and it won't be long before the little princess begins to think for herself. Perhaps one day, she'll break free... lest she remain a living weapon forever.

NOL Bounty Data

Kula Diamond AKA: Ice Doll
Class: CBounty: $35,000.00
WANTED ALIVE Known augmented human with direct ties to the NESTS Cartel. Capture and detain for debriefing and incarceration.

Recent Logs

The One Running Free - In the dingy labyrinth of Southtown's shadowy alleys, Potemkin, a colossus of might, clashes with an unlikely pair already in the midst of battle. The air crackles with an impending storm as K', driven by desperation, implores Kula to team-up to better their odds against such a tremendous 'foe'. Will they emerge victorious, or is it time for K' to pay the price of freedom? - Log created on 21:17:32 07/06/2022 by K', and last modified on 05:47:08 11/16/2023. Cast: Kula, K', and Potemkin.

Entry 5 - Lunch - Dear Diary, what is curry? What is it made from, and how is it prepared? Today a young man named Daisuke Kubo shared his lunch with me. I learned that curry has a very complex flavour, but it is nothing like ice cream or cake. He asked if I would sample his cooking again some time. Will it be another curry? Are there different kinds? Can he make them all? - Log created on 01:51:17 08/17/2021 by Kula, and last modified on 05:30:20 05/28/2022. Cast: Kula and Daisuke.

[Neo League 0165] NL#0200: Jae Hoon vs Kula - Become witness to another thrilling Neo League match, wherein the current leader of standings, Kim Jae Hoon, gets to fight against his newly budding crush, Kula Diamond. Featuring a short cameo from Rock Howard, and the grand, glorious return of Hulk-sensei! (Winner: Kula) - Log created on 14:53:41 07/16/2021 by Kula, and last modified on 14:32:46 07/22/2021. Cast: Jae Hoon and Kula.

[KOF 2017] Act 3: Mission 26 - A Song of Ice and Fire - Kula finds herself trapped in Southtown, with no way to escape. Calling for a temporary truce, she follows The Beast of Prey to a central underground train station. There, she discovers a brother: Nameless. Nameless has no interest in Kula leaving, instead wishing to enlist her in ensuring the people of the city remain trapped and sentenced to nuclear abolition. Tensions further escalate as while certainly Nameless and K' cannot agree, Kula must choose one or the other, or her own lonely path between them. - Log created on 14:41:34 11/22/2017 by Kula, and last modified on 05:57:35 05/29/2018. Cast: Kula, K', and Nameless.

[KOF 2017] Act 2: Mission 20 - Ice to Meet You - Meanwhile, a covert operations team of Spetsnaz infiltrate outside of Southtown, to stage their advance into the dark forest. Intercepting them are NESTS Special Forces, led by Kula on a scouting mission that quickly turns into something much more. As Sergei and NESTS duke it out in the woods, a cold heart battles against a fiercer chill. Who will triumph, to claim the prize that lies beyond the foliage? The Command Gear of Japan, sought by both the UN and NESTS, so close yet so far... - Log created on 16:49:42 10/21/2017 by Kula, and last modified on 01:37:58 12/05/2017. Cast: Kula and Sergei.

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