Full Name:Yashiro Nanakase
Weight:218 lbs
Blood Type:O
Eye Color:Red
Hair Color:White
Hobbies:Band, travel
Favorite Food:Hosaki-Menma, Chinese noodles
Dislikes:Eggplant, marrow, Redhead
Best Sport:Swimming
Love Interests:Shermie
OOC Data
Game:King of Fighters
Status:Available for Apps
Theme Song:


Yashiro Nanakase, a talented guitar player in his own right, had always had high musical aspirations. Finding common ground in both Shermie and Chris, the trio formed the band CYS and began to tour the European music scene. As they traveled, their bonds only grew stronger -- particularly, he's started to take a liking to Shermie. The tall, strong man pulls double duty as the band's "enforcer," keeping a watchful eye out for his two smaller bandmates. A proud man with a high opinion of himself, Yashiro has a reputation as a showboater, never too shy to show off his prodigious breakdancing talents. Though the band has attained a sizable number of fans for their performances, the popularity of fighting tournaments has certainly caught Yashiro's eye; if an opportunity for joining as a team arises, you can bet CYS would be up for it. But until then, the three can remain blissfully ignorant of the darker, more secret tie amongst themselves: the bloodline of the legendary Orochi.

Style:Unique Power-based Style
Signature Move:Steel Jet Counter -- PHYSICAL
Signature Ability:SMASH -- DAZE

Recent Logs

[Fightfest 2023] NFG Inaugural Tournament Afterparty - The after-party for the inaugural New Fighting Generation tournament of FightFest 2023, featuring appearances from CYS and the commentary team of Tom and Lou to reveal the next step for the New Fighting Generation. - Log created on 04:30:23 05/25/2023 by Pringer X, and last modified on 03:38:48 05/31/2023. Cast: Chris, Shermie, Yashiro, Edenlith, Abigail, Lyraelle, Kenzo, Ichika, John Doe, Coco, Hawksley, Djamila, Tamaki, Chevy, Nixie, Buford, Ariastra, Sarah, and Buck.

Tonight with Yashiro Nanakase - When CYS step in as a last minute replacement for Iori Yagami on a British chat show, it could be their big break. Or perhaps it will just result in some big breakage... - Log created on 10:47:45 03/08/2023 by Shermie, and last modified on 12:11:01 03/08/2023. Cast: Chris, Shermie, and Yashiro.

Too popular - CYS and Chrismas are two extremely popular thing, but when you combine the two, it's too much. - Log created on 20:01:03 12/27/2022 by Chris, and last modified on 20:36:45 12/27/2022. Cast: Chris, Shermie, and Yashiro.

See Why Ess. Why Ess See? - See Why Ess comes to Seijyun High to Kick Some Ess. Why? Read and See. - Log created on 14:38:46 09/20/2022 by Mitsuru, and last modified on 20:56:16 09/21/2022. Cast: Chris, Shermie, Yashiro, and Mitsuru.

[Rising Star 2022] Rising Star 2022: FINAL BOUT - The final bout of Rising Star 2022! Action packed and full of fun! And fabulous(?) prizes! - Log created on 19:30:59 06/15/2022 by Rose Bernstein, and last modified on 22:38:14 06/16/2022. Cast: Adelheid, Shermie, Yashiro, Rose Bernstein, Rugal, and Meifeng.

5 logs listed.
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