SNF 2016.05

SNF: Jet Bowl! Rocket vs Rust - Falconwing Laboratories had two test subjects. One scored far greater than anyone they ever had prior. Another... did not. Foisting off the latter to a competing brand, the top-class skater Rina "Rocket" O'Reilly gets to play with a potentially dangerous prototype. Her opponent... the aging ninja has-been, Howard Rust Jr., who may or may not stand to completely embarrass the rival company K6-RADICOOL as the two fight in the JET BOWL. A decades-long ceasefire stands to be broken, and a blood feud to start anew that could yet add urgency to the need to skate, lest one suffer more dire consequences... maybe. (WINNER: Rocket) - created on 16:31:05 04/30/2016 by Rust and last modified on 20:16:48 05/02/2016. Cast: Rocket and Rust.

SNF: RIPTOR vs HONOKA in the GRINDWAY - As an intermission, two dinosaurs have been contracted to make use of the Appalachia Regional Skate Park's treacherous GRINDWAY. The park's most popular attraction, the GRINDWAY features a number of hazards, including spring-loaded trap panels, pressure-sensitive lights, balance beam hazards, and sway panels. Even without the traps, there are a dizzying array of rails and obstacles set at multiple levels throughout the GRINDWAY! [ Winner: Honoka ] - created on 18:53:59 05/01/2016 by Honoka and last modified on 20:15:48 05/02/2016. Cast: Honoka and Riptor.

SNF: PEPPER vs YURI in the RADIO HALF-PIPE - What better way for two teens to partake in a battle to determine who is the coolest but a half-pipe? Yuri and Pepper take to their S8-TECH wheels like fish to water as they pull of tricks in their pursuit of the perfect rep. - created on 20:01:01 05/05/2016 by Pepper and last modified on 23:59:37 05/08/2016. Cast: Pepper and Yuri.

Haru vs Kensou in '... Justice High Tryouts?' - Sie Kensou has decided to hold tryouts for his very own King of Fighters team representing Justice High... despite his existing ties to the Psycho Soldiers (and Athena Asamiya). However, one of his Psycho Soldiers teammates -- and fellow Justice students -- decides to crash the tryouts. What he finds is a deeply conflicted Kensou... but perhaps Haru Sakuraba has an opportunity to help him in an unexpected way. (Winner: Kensou) - created on 20:23:41 05/07/2016 by Haru and last modified on 23:51:13 05/08/2016. Cast: Haru and Kensou.

SNF: Mystery of the Shadow Council - Mr. Burr is a classy and upstanding member of certain societies, and certain groups. But as running a criminal empires falls right into place, one can get... bored. To shake things up, the man has invited himself to the opportunity of a team. Is it a front for the Shadow Council? Or is it simply an idle man entertaining himself? In any case, the accursed Zappa will find himself in the path of the crime boss in the depths of Greece, and swiftly on the path towards a potential team... or a potential rivalry. Mr. Burr could certainly tell Zappa off, but can he do the same for the fair S-ko? <Winner: Zappa> - created on 20:32:35 05/08/2016 by Zappa and last modified on 17:37:13 05/09/2016. Cast: Mr.Burr and Zappa.

KOF Tryout: Munin v. Yuri v. Skullomania - Trying out for Himeko's No-Brand Team, Yuri Sakizaki of Kyokugen Dojo, the mysterious Munin, and world class hero Skullomania battle for supremacy in front of a gym full of Taiyo teens! Who will be reign supreme and move on to the King of Fighters tournament? (Winner: Munin) - created on 21:35:09 05/08/2016 by Skullomania and last modified on 21:52:41 05/15/2016. Cast: Skullomania, Munin, and Yuri.

SNF: Senna vs Lucky in 'Slam Dunk The Funk!' - With the calls of a real American Sports Team coming together, the open tryouts brings the boxing fiend Senna Chaiket of Thailand against the... basketball... the basketball fighter Lucky Glauber. Who's claim to 'flame' is tht he can put his basketball on fire, without burning it. Senna might not be interested in a sport team, but the chance to make her face seen in busting open faces will be something the whole world will consider. But the question remains: Is boxing actually a sport? <Winner: Senna> - created on 19:39:26 05/15/2016 by Senna and last modified on 12:52:57 05/18/2016. Cast: Lucky and Senna.

KOF Tryout: Cry of the Ninja! - Two ninjas duke it out in the cold. Which will come out on top? (WINNER: Maki) - created on 19:14:09 05/19/2016 by Maki and last modified on 21:00:06 05/22/2016. Cast: Nagase and Maki.

8 logs.