
(last updated: 01/03/17)

-- NOTE: Right now, this file is no longer current! The rest of the site should be though. --

Here is a summary of the benefits and drawbacks of each combatsys command/effect. Feel free to bookmark or print this out for reference. The first column will indicate benefits, the second column will indicate drawbacks. The third column will explain any conditions needed. Asterisks (*) indicate the primary reason(s) for using a command or effect. Plus signs (+) indicate TOP benefits unlocked by maintaining 100% super.

Unless noted, bonuses and penalties last only until completion of your next action. Effects from use of Focus and Block persist beyond the first action, but diminish over time.

The 'Quick Reference' file is broken up into the following sections:

  quickref2  - quickref3  : Basics
  quickref4  - quickref5  : Actions
  quickref6  - quickref9  : Non-Actions
  quickref10 - quickref13 : Dramatic Moments
  quickref14 - quickref15 : Reactions
  quickref16 - quickref17 : Interrupts
  quickref18 - quickref22 : Effects
  quickref23 - quickref30 : Abilities

----------------------------------- Basics ----------------------------------

           SHORT (also: SHORT/ALT for STYLE/MINDSET)
            *Shows your character's stats

           HEALTH (also: HEALTH/ALT for STYLE/MINDSET)
            *Shows your character's Health, Reserve, and Super.

           STATS (also: STATS/ALT for STYLE/MINDSET)
            *Includes 'short' and 'health'
            *Shows your character's Attacks, Abilities, and Dramatic Moments

            *'costs' shows costs of all Special, Super, and MAX Attacks
            *'costs2' shows costs of Normals

            *Shows user-defined comments for each attacks
            *Type '&name_of_attack me=Description of attack' to add comment

            *'meters' shows your own meter in Analysis view
            *'meters' shows all meters in Analysis view (requires ANALYSIS)
            *'meters2' shows meters without Analysis view
            *'meters/last < target >' shows the last two meters for target

           CHECK [ < attack # > ] and CHECK2
            *'check' shows defense chances for all incoming Attacks
            *'check < attack # >' shows chances to Interrupt
            *'check2 < attack # >' shows chances to Interrupt with Normals

            *Shows which mode you're in
            *Outside of combat, 'mode/switch' switches style/mindset

---------------------------------- Actions ----------------------------------

           ATTACK < targets > = < attack >
            *Attack < targets > with < attack >
             (For multiple targets, ask for OOC permission)

            *Take no action this turn
             Use 'pass/nowind' to prevent Second Wind from activating

+16%        *Higher chance to Attack and/or Interrupt
+20%        *Additional bonus for 'focus/direct' (requires ANALYSIS)
     + x     Incoming attacks do more damage (unless you have TOUGHNESS)
             Focus effects persist beyond one turn, but diminish
             Focus benefit diminishes each time you take damage

           MINDSET (requires MINDSET ability)
            *Switch to a different mindset
     - x     Takes one full action to complete
             Use 'mindset/pass' to disguise a mindset change as a Pass
             Use 'mindset/focus' to disguise a mindset change as a Focus

           ASSIST < target >
+ x         *Higher chance to target's Attack, Interrupt, defense rolls
+ x          Slightly higher chance to Attack, Interrupt, defense rolls
     - x     Takes one full action

+20         *Health gain
+20%        *Reserve gain
     -12%    Lower chance to Dodge, Block, or Endure
     x2.0    Incoming attacks do more damage (x1.5 if you have TOUGHNESS)
     - x     Lose gained Health and Reserve if you try Dodge or Interrupt

+ 9         *Health gain (Gain may be more or less with certain abilities)
+ 9%        *Reserve gain (Gain may be more or less with certain abilities)
     -10     Costs Super (May cost more or less with certain abilities)
             No reaction penalties or restrictions

           CHARGE (requires CHARGING ability)
+25         *Super gain
+10%        *Reserve gain
     - 8%    Lower chance to Dodge
+ 0%         Endure chance is unaffected
+ 8%         Higher chance to Block or Interrupt
+ x          Blocked attacks yield more Super when Charging
     + x     Incoming attacks do more damage (unless you have TOUGHNESS)
     -20     Lose some gained Super if you try Dodge or Interrupt
     - 8%    Lose some gained Reserve if you try Dodge or Interrupt
             Can't Interrupt if Super/Reserve costs would leave you < 0

           MEDITATE (requires INTENSITY trait)
+10%        *Health gain
+10%        *Super gain
+10%        *Alertness Bonus
     -10%    Reserve cost

           TRANCE (requires INTENSITY trait)
+10%        *Reserve gain
+10%        *Super gain
+ x%        *Super Gain bonus for one round
             Projectile Debuff immunity for one round
     -10%    Health

-------------------------------- Non-Actions --------------------------------

           EVADE (requires EVADE ability)
+15%        *Higher chance to Dodge or Endure
+10%        *Higher chance to Block
             When failing dodges by 5%, receive a Glancing Blow instead of full damage
     - 7%    Lower chance to attack or interrupt
     - 2%    Costs Reserve to use

           BRACE (requires BRACE ability)
-2.0        *Incoming attacks do less damage
     - 4%    Costs Reserve to use
     -1.0    Attack does less damage

           RESOLVE (requires RESOLVE ability)
+ 1         *Gives you another DM
     -40     Costs Super to use

           STYLE (requires STYLE ability)
            *Switches your character's Style
+ 4%        *Gain decaying reaction and to-hit bonus for 2 rounds.

           RUSH (requires RUSH ability)
+10%        *Higher chance to attack
     - 7%    Lower chance to Dodge, Block, Endure, or Interrupt
     - 2%    Costs Reserve to use
       0%    Free moves do not recover Reserve
             Cannot use Evade next turn (if applicable)
             No change to interrupts (you can't Rush an Interrupt)

           SMASH (requires SMASH ability)
+1.1        *Attack does more damage
+0.4        *Passive benefit if attack stats > opponent's defense stats
     - 4%    Costs Reserve to use
       0%    Free moves do not recover Reserve
     +0.5    Incoming attacks do more damage
             No change to interrupts (you can't Smash an Interrupt)
             Cannot use Brace next turn (if applicable)

           BURN (requires RESOLVE ability)
+ x         *Gives you another DM
     - x     DM can be used the same turn
     -30%    Costs Reserve to use

           CONTROL/< effect > (requires CONTROL ability)
+ x         *Adds the < effect > effect to next attack/interrupt
             < effect > can be PRIORITY, PROXIMITY, CRUSH, SAP, PRESS,
             ATK+, DEF+, EVD+, or INT+ , COUNTER or REFLECT
     - 5%    Adding SAP effect increases Super cost
     -16%    COUNTER effect increases Super cost (if you have COUNTER)
     -50%    COUNTER effect increases Super cost (if you don't have COUNTER)
     -45%    COUNTER Super cost for VARIABLEs (if you don't have COUNTER)
     -16%    REFLECT effect increases Super cost (if you have REFLECT)
     -50%    REFLECT effect increases Super cost (if you don't have REFLECT)
     -45%    REFLECT Super cost for VARIABLEs (if you don't have REFLECT)

           VARY/< effect > (only effective on VARIABLE attacks)
+ x         *Adds the < effect > effect to next VARIABLE attack/interrupt
             < effect > can be PRIORITY, PROXIMITY, CRUSH, SAP, PRESS,
             ATK+, DEF+, EVD+, or INT+ , COUNTER or REFLECT
     - 5%    Adding SAP effect increases Super cost
     -16%    COUNTER effect increases Super cost (requires COUNTER ability)
     -16%    REFLECT effect increases Super cost (requires REFLECT ability)

           IMBUE (requires IMBUED ability)
             Turn imbued normals on or off.
             When turning imbued normals off, does not count as an ability use for that round.
             When turning imbued normals on, counts as ability use for that round.

------------------------------ Dramatic Moments -----------------------------

+17%        *Higher chance to Dodge, Block, or Endure
            *Decays to 10% on second round and 6% on third round

-3.0        *Incoming attacks do less damage

+30         *Super gain

+25%        *Reserve gain

+???        *Luck gain
+ x          Provides small Speed, Power, Guard, Alertness, or Recovery bonus

+ x         *Makes successes more successful
     + x     Makes failures more damaging

+17%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt (Rush bonus)

+2.2        *Attack does more damage

           DM/EX (requires RESOLVE ability)
+10%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt (EX bonus)
  0%         Attack costs 0% reserve
- 2          Reduced Super cost (if it costs Super otherwise)

+ x         *Applies the BURST effect to next attack

+ x         *For most attacks, shows more details in 'check' for two rounds
+ x         *For "hidden" attacks, shows normal details in 'check'
+ 10%        Buff one reaction type (dodge/block/endure/interrupt) by 10% for one round

+ x         *'dm/shroud hide' hides name and 'check' details for next attack
+ x         *'dm/shroud fast' makes next attack appear faster
+ x         *'dm/shroud slow' makes next attack appear slower
- 10%        Will reduce one reaction option for opponent by 10% (dodge/block/endure/interrupt)

+ x         *Recover a small amount of health
+ x          Health recovery continues at diminished rate on following turns
             Does not stack with the RESTORE ability

+ x         *Allows you to use the last two active abilities used nearby
             Echoed Abilities are "locked in" for a few turns

+ x         *Placeholder: allows one additional DM usage per fight
     - 2     Fills two DM slots
     - x     Super accumulates at a reduced rate

+ x         *Placeholder: allows two additional DM usages per fight
     - 4     Fills four DM slots
     - x     Super accumulates at a reduced rate

--------------------------------- Reactions ---------------------------------

           ACCEPT < attack # >
- x         *Accept Attack at full power
+ x          Regain Super proportional to damage taken
     -10%    Lower chance to hit attacker after hit by their Projectile

           ENDURE < attack # >
     - x     Accept Attack at full power
+ x          Regain Super proportional to damage taken
+ x         *If successful, Attack bonus proportional to damage taken
             Only the most recent Endure bonus counts
     -10%    Lower chance to hit attacker after Enduring their Projectile
+ x          Chance of Toughing Out the Attack (requires TOUGHNESS ability)

           DODGE < attack # >
- 0         *If successful, take no damage from Attack
      + 0    If successful, no Super gain from Attack
+ x          Regain Super proportional to damage taken
- x          Block penalty reduction
     -10%    Lower chance to hit attacker on unsuccessfully Dodged Projectile
- 0%        *No projectile penalty for successfully Dodged/Parried Projectile
+ x          Chance of triggering the PARRY ability

           BLOCK < attack # >
- x         *If successful, take less damage from Attack
+ x          Regain Super proportional to damage taken
     + x     Block penalty increase proportional to damage taken
     + x     ( Increased Block penalty for attacks you're weak against )
     + x     Increased Block penalty for incoming Crush attacks
     -10%    Lower chance to hit attacker after Blocking their Projectile
+ x          Chance of triggering the JD ability

           CANCEL < attack # >
            *Completely cancel incoming attack (ask for OOC permission)

           TRANSFER < attack # > = < targets >
            *Transfers an attack to new target (ask for OOC permission)

--------------------------------- Interrupts --------------------------------

           INTERRUPT < attack # > = < counter >
             Counter Interrupts require COUNTER ability, or CONTROL/COUNTER
             Only affects Attacks with Physical or Throw types
+ 0%         Attack has equal chance of success when used as Counter
  0         *If successful, take no damage
            *Countered attacks (non-Projectile) hit opponent instantly
       0     Countered ("caught") Projectiles deal 0 damage to attacker
     -10%    Counter has lower chance of success against Projectiles

           INTERRUPT < attack # > = < reflect >
             Reflect Interrupts require REFLECT ability, or CONTROL/REFLECT
             Only affects Attacks with Chi or Psi types and Projectiles
+ 5%         Attack has higher chance of success when used as Reflect
  0         *If successful, take no damage
     - x     Incoming Attack's power decreases Reflect's power
            *Reflected attacks (non-Projectile) hit opponent instantly
+ x%        *Returned Projectile is faster than before

           INTERRUPT < projectile attack # > = < projectile >
             Projectile Interrupts (Proj-Ints) only affect Projectile Attacks
+ 5%         Attack has higher chance of success when used as Proj-Int
- x         *"Slows", "negates", or "overcomes" attack
     - x     Incoming Projectile's power decreases Interrupt's power
+ x%        *Overcoming Projectile, if any, is faster than before

           INTERRUPT < attack # > = < attack >
             Poke Interrupts can be performed with any non-Heal attack
             Interrupts default to Poke if not Proj-Int, Counter, Reflect
     -10%    Attack has lower chance of success when used as Poke-Int
     -10%    Interrupt has lower chance of success against Projectiles
x0.5        *If successful, incoming attacks cause less damage
            *If successful, Interrupt hits opponent instantly (full damage)

---------------------------------- Effects ----------------------------------

+ x%        *Small Reserve gain for using Free moves
     - x%    Use of the Smash or Rush ability negates this reserve gain
             All Normals have this Effect

-10%        *If succcessful, reduces chance of opponent's attack against you
             See "Projectile Interrupts" above
     - x     Projectiles cost more Reserve than non-Projectiles

           COUNTER (Requires COUNTER ability or CONTROL/COUNTER)
+ 0%         No bonus or penalty when used as Interrupt
     + x     Attack costs more reserve on turns another Ability is used
            *See "Counter Interrupts" above

           REFLECT (Requires REFLECT ability or CONTROL/REFLECT)
+ 5%         Bonus to success when used as Interrupt
     + x     Attack costs more reserve on turns another Ability is used
            *See "Reflect Interrupts" above

           HEAL (Requires HEAL ability)
+ x         *Health gain (higher power levels regain more health)
             Chance at full effectiveness based on speed
     - x     If chance fails, Heal power decreased by random amount

           SIG (Signature)
+ 5%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt
- x          Costs less Reserve than an equivalent non-signature attack
- 1          Reduced Super cost (only if it costs super otherwise)
     + x     No Reserve/Super savings when combined with EM1

           EM1/EM2 (Extra Moves 1/2)
+ 5%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt (EM1)
+10%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt (EM2)

+ x         *Attack can be modified with the VARY command
     - 5     Slower than an equivalent non-VARIABLE attack

+10%        *Higher chance of success against a non-Priority Interrupt
+ 6%        *Higher chance to Counter/Reflect a Super/MAX
+15%        *Higher chance to Poke Interrupt a non-Priority Attack
     -10     Costs Super to use
             No Attack bonus if opponent doesn't Interrupt
             No Attack bonus if opponent's Interrupt has Priority
             No bonus to Counter/Reflect Attacks without Super or MAX
             No bonus to Interrupt non-Priority Projectiles
             No bonus to Poke Interrupt a Priority Attack

+ 5%        *If opponent attempts to Dodge, Glancing Blow more likely
     - 5%    Opponent has a higher chance to Block

+10%        *Opponent has a lower chance to Block
+ x          If opponent attempts to Block, increases block penalty
     - 5     Costs Super to use

+ x%        *Attack deals some damage to opponent's Reserve
     - x%    Attack deals less damage to Health

-5.0%       *Attack costs less Reserve
     - 6     Attack costs more super to use.

+ 5%        *Attack has higher chance of success
     - 5%    Penalty to Dodge, Block, Endure, and Interrupt chances next turn

     - 5%    Attack has lower chance of success
+ 5%        *Bonus to Block and Endure chances next turn

     - 5%    Attack has lower chance of success
+ 5%        *Bonus to Dodge and Endure chances next turn

     - 5%    Attack has lower chance of success
+ 5%        *Bonus to Interrupt and Endure chances next turn

+40         *Higher speed than a special of the same Power
     -50     Costs Super to use

+60         *Higher speed than a special of the same Power
     -70     Costs Super to use

+ x         *Costs more reserve than an equivalent non-Effort attack
             Cannot be requested, can only be applied by staff

             Applied only by use of the BURST Dramatic Moment
  0          Reserve cost of attack is discarded
- 5         *Super cost decreased, then converted into Reserve cost
  0          Move costs no Super

             Applied by successful Parry or the EX Dramatic Moment
+10%        *Higher chance to Attack or Interrupt (EX bonus)
  0%         Attack costs no reserve
- 2          Reduced super cost (if it costs super otherwise)

--------------------------------- Abilities ---------------------------------

            *Shows 'meters' in Analysis view
            *Notifies when combatants use Abilities or Dramatic Moments
+ 2%        +When in TOP, 2% bonus to Attack, Reaction and Interrupt chances
+ x         +When in TOP, Ability/DM detection rate increased

            *Allow use of the 'brace' command
  0%        +When in TOP, costs 0 reserve

            *Allows use of the 'charge' command
+ 5%        +When in TOP, Charge recovers 5% Health (no restrictions)
+ 5%        +When in TOP, Charge recovers more Reserve (+15% total)
+ 8%        +When in TOP, increased chance to Interrupt (+16% total)

+ 1         +Grants one extra DM usage per fight
+ 2         +Grants two extra trait slots
- x%         Super accumulates at a reduced rate for opponents
     - x%    Super accumulates at a reduced rate.

            *Allow use of the 'control' command

            *Provides access to Counter effect
+ 6%        +When in TOP, 6% bonus to Counters

            *Allow use of the 'evade' command
  0%        +When in TOP, costs 0 reserve

            *Extra Moves provides two more attacks with the EM1 effect
            *Extra Moves 2 provides an additional attack with the EM2 effect
+ 3%        +When in TOP, EM1 increases Attack and Interrupt chances
+ 3%        +When in TOP, EM2 increases Attack and Interrupt chances another 3%
+ x%         Moves with the EM1 or EM2 flag contribute partially toward reducing reserve costs.

            *Provides access to Heals
            +When in TOP, heals are more reliable and may yield more Health

            *Provides access to Imbued (Chi or Psi Dualtype) Normals
- x%        *Attacks with with relevant type (Chi or Psi) cost less Reserve
            +When in TOP, increased reserve recovery from Normals
             Provides access to the 'imbue' command to toggle imbued normals.

            *Successfully Blocked attacks may yield Just Defended bonus
+ x%        *Easier to Block Attacks corresponding to your high defense stats
+ 4         *Health gain for Just Defending an attack (no health lost)
+20%         Reserve gain for Just Defending an attack
- 0%         No projectile penalty for Just Defending a Projectile
+ x         +When in TOP, increased chance of triggering JD
             Auto-Guard is like JD, but no health gain and +10% reserve instead of +20%.

            *Alternate mode of Stats, Attacks, Abilities, Dramatic Moments
             Switching modes takes one Action

            *Successfully Dodged attacks may yield Parry bonus
+ x%        *Easier to Dodge Attacks corresponding to your high offense stats
+10%        *EX effect added for Parrying an attack
+ 5%         Super bonus for Parrying an attack
+ x         +When in TOP, increased chance of triggering Parry
             Full-Parry is like Parry, except for 10% super gain instead of 5%.

+ 1         *Grants one extra DM usage per fight
+ 2         *Grants two extra DM slots
     - x%    Super accumulates at a reduced rate
+ 1         +When in TOP, able to use 2 DMs in a single round.

            *Provides access to Reflect effect
+ 6%        +When in TOP, 6% bonus to Reflects

            *Allows use of the 'resolve' command
-33%        +When in TOP, cost for activating Resolve is reduced
+ x          Super accumulates at an incresed rate
             Grants access to the BURN action

+ 1  - 1%   *Each turn Health is < 100, Reserve will be traded for Health
+ 1  - 1    *Each turn Health is < 100, Super will be traded for Health
+ 1         +When in TOP, gives additional 1% health
            +When in TOP, does not cost 1% super each round.

            *Allows use of the 'rush' command
  0%        +When in TOP, Rush costs 0 reserve
+ x%        +When in TOP, Rushed normals recover reserve

           SECOND WIND
+ x         *Chance of Second Wind triggering when knocked below 0 Health
+ x         *Health bonus on Second Wind
+ 3%         Second Wind increases chance to Attack or Interrupt (Rush bonus)
+20%         Second Wind increases defensive chances (Alertness bonus)
             Endure bonuses are not reduced for a Final Action
+ x         +When in TOP, higher chance to Second Wind

            *Allows use of the 'smash' command
+0.4        *Passive benefit if attack stats > opponent's defense stats
  0%        +When in TOP, Smash costs 0 reserve
+ x%        +When in TOP, Smashed normals recover reserve

            *Alternate mode of Stats, Attacks, Abilities
             Two less Special Attacks per mode
             One less Super Attack per mode
            +When in TOP, can use an active Ability same turn as Style switch
     - x     When benefiting from STYLE bonus, opponent has increased super gain.

            *Successfully Endured attacks may yield Tough Out bonus
x0.66       *Toughed Out attacks reduce damage by 33% or more
- x%         Successful Poke Interrupt damage reduced
             Endure bonus not reduced for a Final Action
             No damage increase for Charge or Focus, less increase for Rest
+ x         +When in TOP, increased chance of triggering Tough Out

- x%        *Decreased attack cost
+ x%         Use of Normal attacks provides increased Reserve gain
- x          Reserve threshold for entering Fatigue/Exhaustion is lower
            +When in TOP, lower Reserve threshold for Fatigue/Exhaustion