
(last updated: 03/27/18)

Attacks on MotM are broken up into several components. These are the attack's name, Type, Level, Speed, and Effects. Every attack has the first four items, but not all of them have an Effect. More info on Effects may be found in effects, but you may want to wait until you finish this file before you read that one.

First, we'll offer an example of a listed Attack, as it would show up in your Stats, Globals, and Attacks command displays. You might have one listed like this somewhere:

Hadouken CHI 4 79 PROJECTILE

First off is the attack's name. That's the first part of the entry. In this case, it's Hadouken, which you may recognize as an attack Ryu, Ken, and a few others have.

Next is the Type. The Type influences various things, and you can get a better overview of that in the Stats-related files, as well as types.

Then we have Level and Speed. The Level shows how strong this attack is; how much damage it can do compared to your other techniques. The second number is its Speed, which influences how likely this attack is to hit someone. In both cases, a higher number is better, but having a high value in one will usually mean a lower value in the other.

Lastly, there are Effects, such as the Projectile effect shown above. These effects are detailed in effects.

Attack Categories

Attacks are broken down into the following major categories:


Globals can be used by everyone to varying degrees of effectiveness (The RESOURCEFUL trait can improve them). As improvised attacks, GLOBALS are generally more transparent and thus have a slower speed than any other attack category. They are also more flexible, however, as represented by the extensive supply of attacks with the VARIABLE flag and the number of projectiles available. Details about GLOBALS can be seen via the following commands: 'GLOBALS', 'COSTS3', and 'CHECK3'.


Every fighter has access to a set of NORMALS - these represent the standard kicks, punches, and throws that any fighter can attack with. Normals are used for recovering reserve and pacing your stamina. Details about NORMALS can be seen via the following commands: 'NORMALS', 'COSTS2', 'CHECK2'.


Special Attacks are your fighter's custom attack list. These are special moves that are unique to your build. If your character is an OC, you name and design these moves yourself. If your character is a FC, these moves nearly always come from the various source material available for that character. Details about your entire attack list can be seen via the following commands: 'ATTACKS', 'COSTS', 'CHECK'.


Supers are Special Attacks that have the SUPER flag. The SUPER flag results in the following effects:

    +40 speed (compared to Special attacks)

    +50% super cost

    Reduced reserve cost

    May include one Overdrive effect.

    Projectiles that are SUPER will be harder to projint or reflect.

    Projectiles that are SUPER will do a better job of projint'ing.


MAXes represent a ramped up super. Every character is limited to 1 MAX in their attack list. For most characters, these represent the character's ultimate technique, the move they pour more effort and power into than anything else they are capable of. Not every character will have a MAX as some may opt to expand their inventory of SUPER attacks for greater flexibility. The MAX flag results in the following effects:

    +60 speed (compared to Special attacks)!

    +70% super cost

    0% base reserve cost

    May include up to two Overdrive effects.

    Projectiles that are MAX will be much harder to projint or reflect.

    Projectiles that are MAX will do a better job of projint'ing.


ULTRAS represent an extreme technique. These moves will leave a character utterly exhausted after using and require the character to push themselves to almost dangerous limits to perform. Not every character will have an ULTRA; only characters with three supers or more (or two supers and a MAX) or more are eligible to earn one. The ULTRA flag adds the following mechanics:

    +60 speed (compared to Special attacks)!

    +100% super cost

    Includes benefits of the Priority and Crush effects at no additional cost

    Includes two Overdrive effects without a speed drop.

    Projectiles that are ULTRA will be even harder to projint or reflect.

    Projectiles that are ULTRA will do an even better job of projint'ing.

    Priority Reflects and Counters do -NOT- gain a bonus 6% chance to succeed against ULTRAs like they do against Supers and MAXs.


The name of an attack doesn't really matter; it doesn't influence the stats of an attack at all. So those of you applying for OCs are welcome to name your attack just about anything. We've also already noted that Types aren't entirely covered in this file. What this file will focus on is Level and Speed.

Again, the first digit is the Level. The higher it is, the more damage it is likely to do. The second digit is Speed, and the higher it is, the more likely you are to hit. In most cases, these two values have an inversely proportional relationship to one another.

The Level of an attack is set at design time. Speed is automatically calculated from the Level -- an attack with a high Level is given a low speed, attacks with a low Level are given a high speed, and average Level attacks get average speed. An attack's Speed is tied directly to its character's Ratio, so when that character advances, each of that character's attacks will get slightly faster.

Special attacks generally have a Level of 2 to 6, while Supers and MAXes are usually between 6 and 9. Higher and lower attack levels are possible with appropriate justification but not available to new Original Characters.

Once again, if you want information on Types, you may consult types. Information on Effects may be found in effects.

You can make notes on your character about what your attacks are (Helpful on FCs if you aren't familiar with their move list off the top of your head). You set these notes by typing:

   @set me=<name of move>:<description>

For example, for a Hadouken, I could type:

   @set me=Hadouken:Duh

You can view your attack descriptions by typing the command:


Note that each time you reuse an attack in the same fight, your opponents will have a 10% better chance of reacting to it. This penalty does stack, so if you use an attack three times, your opponents will have a 20% better chance of reacting to it, etc.