
(last updated: 12/28/17)

Some actions do not necessarily follow the same rules as standard actions like attacking or reactions like blocking. These are supplements, and may be used with fewer restrictions.

Rush - Using 'rush' just before making an attack will grant you a bonus to your attack speed, with the caveat that your Reflex will suffer until your next action. See rush for more details.

NOTE: This requires the Rush ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Evade - 'evade' is the opposite of Rush. It grants you a bonus to Reflex until your next action, which will suffer in speed if it's an attack. Enter it just before making your reaction to an attack. See evade for more details.

NOTE: This requires the Evade ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Smash - Using 'smash' before an attack will grant you a bonus to your attack damage. The downside is that the next attack will hit a little harder than usual should it hit. See smash for more details.

NOTE: This requires the Smash ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Brace - Using 'brace' before reacting to an attack ensures that attack will do somewhat less damage than usual. The catch is that your next attack will do slightly less damage than usual if it hits. See brace for more details.

NOTE: This requires the Brace ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Dramatic Moment - Using 'dm/ < dm > ' during a fight will trigger the Dramatic Moment you selected. When you should use your DM depends on which one you want to use. See dramatic moment for more information.

NOTE: You may only use a particular DM if it is listed in your Dramatic Moments field in 'stats'.

Resolve - Using 'resolve' enables you to activate another DM immediately or later in the fight at the cost of a portion of your super meter. See resolve for more information.

NOTE: This requires the Resolve ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Style - The other use of 'switchmode', Style has slightly fewer restrictions on usage than Mindset. You may switch between Styles at any time before or during the fight, though only once per pose. The only other restriction is that you may not use any other abilities, including Counter/Reflect/Heal, until your next action. See style for more detail.

Note: This requires the Style ability. If you don't have it, you can't use it.

Slowdown - This slows down your attack speed by an amount you give it. This is useful for higher-ratio players who would like to fight lower ratios on a slightly more even playing field. Note that it only slows down your attacks, it does -not- make them weaker; you'll still hit as hard as ever, it's just easier to dodge. Slowdown lasts until you turn it off or leave a fight, so be mindful if you only want to slow a few attacks down. See 'help slowdown' for the precise syntax.

NOTE: It is not necessary in any way for high-ratio fighters to use this command when fighting low-ratio characters. They are under no obligation to do so, and they are not 'cheating' or being 'unfair' when they do not use slowdown.