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OOC Data
Game:Dead or Alive
Status:Available for Apps
Theme Song:


"Your heart is gonna be all mine, baby."

An African-American Muay Thai fighter known more for his eccentricity than his prowess, Zack's excessive bombast is equaled only by his outrageous luck. Once a regular DJ in Las Vegas clubs known for his wild sense of style and habit of repeatedly redyeing his hair, the kickboxer began to enter the Dead or Alive tournaments in order to satisfy his desire for fame, but bizarre circumstances frequently cause his opponents to concede and leave him with the winnings. Those suspicious of Zack's good fortune ended up mystified at the lack of evidence of foul play, and were silenced altogether when Zack turned around to the Las Vegas gambling tables and multiplied his earnings with ease. He has purchased a luxurious island resort with his newfound wealth, promptly named it Zack Island, and aims to attract powerful fighters and beautiful women to competitions there. Irrepressible and unflappably confident, he is difficult to take seriously, but so far, his luck hasn't run out.

Style:Muay Thai
Signature Move:Mephisto Rush -- PHYSICAL
Signature Ability:RUSH -- BLITZ

Recent Logs

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Dead Air - Zack's home on Isla Zaca, like his home on Zack Island, has been designed with multiple purposes in mind. Perhaps the Rhythm Renegades want to use the radio equipment of Radio ZACK to try and contact help from outside. Perhaps they hope to secure Zack's famous dance floor and turntables for some morale-building exercises. Perhaps they just want to raid Zack's extensive cocktail bar. Before they can break in, though, they'll have to deal with a very confused, very angry, and somehow very familiar resident of the island. Whiskey? Tango? Foxtrot? It's all on the menu. - Log created on 12:16:06 06/19/2024 by Zack, and last modified on 07:29:27 06/25/2024. Cast: Zack, Sarah, and Rodrigo.

[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 3 - Extreme Beach Volleyball - It was inevitable. The participants in the Trouble in Paradise tournament and their friends are assembled on the beach for a rousing beach volleyball competition. Numerous nets have been erected for the purpose of allowing these mighty warriors to display their-- let's go with skills. But in insisting that this beachball battle take place, the host ignores the warnings of his associates that inclement weather looms. Suppressing the rumors of a typhoon warning, Mad King Zack recklessly proceeds with his pulchritudinous plans. The day is clear as the guests gather, but for how long? With the winds slowly rising, the game promises to be extreme indeed ... - Log created on 21:03:37 02/13/2015 by Zack, and last modified on 03:29:11 02/14/2015. Cast: Sada, Kasumi, Natsu, Scratch, Amy, Robo-Tran, Caoimhe, Lee Chaolan, Keith, Jira, Zack, Johnny Cage, and Ryu Hayabusa.

[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Hunting for Mermaids - At long last -- that is, after about a week -- Zack has gone mad with power. Borrowing Lee's yacht, he has set sail to cruise around the vicinity of Zack Island in search of mermaids, who rumors say sun themselves upon the rocks. That Zack's underlings spread this rumor does not seem to be of concern to him. Needless to say, participants are invited to lounge and play on the deck of the yacht or float peacefully in its vicinity as it slowly circles the island. But what lurks beneath the gentle waves? If a man cannot find a mermaid, perhaps he can create one. - Log created on 20:48:20 02/06/2015 by Zack, and last modified on 03:18:30 02/07/2015. Cast: Bonne Jenet, Tran, Benimaru, Sada, Sakura, Natsu, Robo-Tran, Tia, Jam, Caoimhe, Lee Chaolan, Jira, Zack, Johnny Cage, Azumi, Ryu Hayabusa, Alice Nakata, and Walter.

[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - The Golden Lancer Arrives! - Learning of the rumors of a demon raging during an official fight, the good Walter Bardsley arrives on Zack Island to investigate with the blessings of the Church. Immediately he encounters an odd procession led by none other than the ruler of this strange paradise. Needless to say, the priest and the sybarite hit it off right from the start. With a true friendship already forged, the quest of the Golden Lancer begins in earnest! - Log created on 00:15:39 02/06/2015 by Zack, and last modified on 02:40:19 02/06/2015. Cast: Zack and Walter.

[Trouble in Paradise] TIP - Week 2 - Angels & Demons - On an island filled with hedonists and driven professional warriors, Amy Johnson is an anomaly, but so is the beautiful, compellingly-strange enigma known only as Angel. Their paths cross by a twist of fortune, and entangle all too deeply before they disengage... or, perhaps, not deeply enough...? (Also Featuring: the hilarious misadventures of Zack! And his wise manservant, the one and only Reginald!) - Log created on 06:33:09 02/05/2015 by Amy, and last modified on 11:11:58 02/06/2015. Cast: Angel, Amy, and Zack.

5 logs listed.
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All "Feature Characters" on MotM are copyrighted by Aksys Games / Arc System Works, Capcom, Koei Tecmo, Microsoft Studios, Namco, Netherrealm Studios / Warner Bros Interactive, and SNK Playmore (and its other various corporate names such as SNK Neo Geo), respectively. Many of the settings and histories are also copyright of their respective owners. MotM and its players have modified some of this content for its own use, but such modification and use are not intended as challenge to these copyrights. Website design, coding, and original content © MotM unless otherwise specified.