NFG Season Two - RTZI Round 2 - Dead Air

[Toggle Names]

Description: Zack's home on Isla Zaca, like his home on Zack Island, has been designed with multiple purposes in mind. Perhaps the Rhythm Renegades want to use the radio equipment of Radio ZACK to try and contact help from outside. Perhaps they hope to secure Zack's famous dance floor and turntables for some morale-building exercises. Perhaps they just want to raid Zack's extensive cocktail bar. Before they can break in, though, they'll have to deal with a very confused, very angry, and somehow very familiar resident of the island. Whiskey? Tango? Foxtrot? It's all on the menu.

One of the next things on the agenda now that Renegades were out of the tourney proper would be exploring the island for resources whether or be food or equipment. However, not being of a survivalist mindset, Rodrigo, at best, can only identify things that might be of interest to other fighters whether it be of utilitarian interest or for the sake of morale for the people trapped here on the island.

Once they've arrived, the matador, decides to look around from the outside so there aren't any unexpected surprises. So far, the matador has identified the dance floor as a place where a fight can take place if the tournament moves to this location. His team mate could possibly use the turntables here if need be for the purposes of helping everyone let their figurative hair down.

Eventually, the Spaniard finally circles back to the entrance and tries the door only to find that it's locked. A slightly annoyed sigh leaves his lips.

"I get the feeling I'm not the best suited person on the island for something like this."

With a flick of his wrist, he wraps his cape over his fist as an improvised cestus. He then winds up and then prepares to throw a punch at the glass near the lock.

They may be out of the tourney for now, but Sarah's not about to give up on enjoying her time on Zack Island. There's so much to see and so little time. Plus, there's always the chance she could get the party started at one of the clubs...

Or in the radio station?

Well, that seems like a cool place in itself, but unlike some people, Sarah believes in asking permission before using things that aren't hers.

"Nobody's perfect, just do the best you can."

Sarah tries to keep an optimistic view on things, but it's obvious Rodrigo is not having much luck. The dance floor does look cool, and Sarah could definitely see herself putting on a show here, but she wants to make sure it's OK with the owners first.

The barefooted disk jockey also took a brief look around, but when she confirmed there was nothing, she shrugged her shoulders and stepped back to the front, pulling out her water bottle to take a sip of water. "I guess there's not much we can-" Her words stop abruptly as she watches Rodrigo prepare to punch out the glass. "Stop! Don't do it!"

It's fairly early in the day, probably about an hour before lunchtime. The compound that serves as the island's radio station also happens to be the intended home of the island's owner, Zack. Despite the fact that he's been declared dead, someone has been keeping the residence in relatively good care. The lawn even appears to have been mowed sometime in the last week. The front gate wasn't even locked - although the front door is. For a rich person, Zack wasn't apparently all that bothered about home security. Or perhaps the people who were most recently on the island don't care about keeping a deserted house on a desert island secure, door notwithstanding.

Judging by the massive glass wall on one side of the concrete building that reveals the dancefloor inside, Zack didn't care much about privacy, either.

As Rodrigo gets ready to break and enter and Sarah has a crisis of conscience, a voice suddenly breaks into the conversation from a speaker mast atop the station.

<< Hello, all you lovely lovebirds! It's eleven o'clock! That means you can tune in to Radio Zack to wake up with an hour-long mix of Third Wave ska! What could be a better soundtrack to train for the upcoming keijo tournament? And by 'tune in,' I mean listen to the speakers - no radio necessary for this classic set! >>

Suddenly, there's a monstrous bellow from behind the station, and there's a heavy thud as a massive, muscular figure leaps up onto the wooden pole and rips the PA speaker from its post. As the sound of Reel Big Fish's Sell Out screeches to silence, the musclebound brute notices the camera person who's been following Rodrigo and Sarah, turning its sunglasses toward the youth as it zooms in.

"Is that... Zack?!" the camera operator squeaks out, edging back slowly from the building.

"ZACK?!" the brutish, green-haired figure roars before leaping down from the rooftop to land in front of the Rhythm Renegades.

If it is the infamous kickboxer, he must have spent a /lot/ of time working out in his time on the island - not to mention growing by a foot or so. But he does look the part - if perhaps lacking somewhat the personable charisma of the man from the video will that the NFG fighters watched on their way to the tour.

He's also wheezing and occasionally slurping his tongue around to swallow the drool threatening to spill out of his mouth.


Clearly upset by something and perhaps frustrated by his inability to express his discontent in a more coherent manner, Zack (?) throws a wild and meaty haymaker at Rodrigo, one that may inadvertently smash through the door behind him - or perhaps he's throwing a haymaker at the door that may inadvertently smash through Rodrigo. It's hard to get a read on this guy's intentions.

COMBATSYS: Zack has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zack             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zack             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Sarah has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zack             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                  |-------\-------\0          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo blocks Zack's Hammerblow.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zack             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                  |=------\-------\0          Rodrigo

Rodrigo stops short of making the B&E attempt on the radio station when Sarah shouts for him to stop. He was about to explain that the island was all but abandoned and that the owner of the building was deceased according to the video they were shown on the way over to the island in the first place. At least, that was before said owner of this place drops from the rooftop looking brolic as all get out.

"Rumors of his death were /greatly/ exaggerated."

Rodrigo barely gets a chance to mount a defense and the whole not breaking the glass thing becomes moot as when Zack sends the heavy shot his way, Rodrigo's cape clad hand through the glass. Well if it hard to get a read on his intentions he's going to make it easier for himself. He steps away from the radio station entrance as he draws his sword and points it down to the ground. His feet is in stance that looks as though it is ready to fight if need be but he's not going to make any aggressive moves just yet. If Zack wants to go in the building, he'll let him go in. If he wants to fight, en garde.

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zack             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |=------\-------\0          Rodrigo

Sarah jumps in place when the silence is broken by the sound of someone speaking, and then the sound of Zack talking causes her eyes to widen. She actually starts to shiver a little. She believed that Zack was dead, and either he's now a zombie of some kind... or he's actually alive.

When Zack finally makes his appearance, Sarah takes a look at him and does a double-take as she realizes there's something definitely up with him. It's definitely not the same Zack she's seen in the media, that's for sure. And he's attempting to attack Rodrigo as well. Whether it's in retaliation for attempting to break into the radio station or not, Sarah doesn't care. Even though Rodrigo managed to defend against him, Sarah knows this is not good.

"Dunno who you really are," Sarah says as she adjusts her cap before getting into the ginga. "But I can tell you that you're NOT going to take either of us down!" With that, Sarah attempts to drop onto her hands and then, with her legs out to the sides, spin around a few times as she does what's known as a flik-flak.

COMBATSYS: Zack blocks Sarah's Aggressive Strike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zack             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ////////////////////////////  ]
                                  |=------\-------\0          Rodrigo

Getting to meet Zack (?) up-close-and-personal is enough to make one question whether or not rumours of his death are so exaggerated after all. Despite the massive amounts of muscle, his skin looks sallow and unhealthy, with crow's feet creeping like crags from the corners of his sunglasses. He's dressed in only a pair of black trunks, and there's a strange chemical smell emanating from him like an aura.



Also, he's just punched a hole through the door that Rodrigo was trying to break into, leaving him looking - confused? Hopeful?

Zack the Legendary Super-DJ suddenly finds himself getting kicked in the side by Sarah's spinning legs, causing him to tense up - but ultimately not looking like it's done all that much damage. Pulling his now-bleeding arm back out of the glass-lined hole in the door, Zack (?) whirls on Sarah. He swings both arms into a somersault, putting himself on the other side of the DJ with a movement that would appear surprisingly agile had he not already demonstrated himself capable of launching onto a building like King Kong.


The overgrown brute hammers a herculean knee up toward Sarah's chin - demonstrating that he does not skip leg day - in an attempt to knock her up into the air toward the building's second floor. Then, if he succeeds, he'll leap after her, muscular mass twisting taut before unloading a flying hammer-punch - one that would aim to smash her through the upper part of the massive window and down to the dance floor - before his momentum carries him through the window to land on the dance floor himself with ground-shaking force!

Of course, even if she avoids it, there's every chance he'll just end up punching through the window on his own. Zack is definitely in a funky mood.

In for a centimo, in for a peseta. Or maybe since Spain converted to the Euro, in for a cent, in for a Euro? Point is now Sarah has started swinging there's no point in stopping now. His sword goes up fully into stance as Zack takes off to go after Sarah.

When Rodrigo sees that knee get directed towards Sarah, he breaks out into a full run. His stance is temporarily abandoned in order to get to the wild Zack. He still ends up too far away to interfere with the attack on Sarah but he is close enough to attempt a theoretical pot shot in between the moment the knee would make contact and moment where he would leap up to smash her through the window.

Rodrigo unwraps the cape from his hand and swings it hard at Zack aiming to use weights sewn into the base of his cape like a flail to the head to perform some percussive maintainance on him.

COMBATSYS: Zack successfully hits Sarah with Condor Dive.
- CRAZY Hit! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zack             0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                  |===----\-------\0          Rodrigo

What goes up must come down.

Especially if you're someone like Sarah, who does not like to fly. At least not involuntarily.

The girl finds herself hit hard and then goes upwards and then downwards into the dance floor. Hard.

Sarah lets out a yell as she hits the ground, and then lays on her side for a moment before she stumbles onto her feet again. "Unngh... Did the queen ever find who stole her parrot's cricket bat?" She babbles, before slapping her face a couple of times.

"Whoa, I've heard of getting down on the dance floor, but that's a bit too ridiculous for me!" The girl then notices the blood on her arm from when she went through the window. "Seems you're not playing with a full deck here!" The young disk jockey says as she attempts to mix things up by tossing a butterfly-shaped projectile at Zack.

COMBATSYS: Zack blocks Rodrigo's Cape Whip.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zack             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                  |===----\-------\0          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Zack with Flash Butterfly.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zack             0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                  |===----\-------\0          Rodrigo

The weighted cape smacks into the giant's shoulder as he's preparing to leap up in pursuit of the party-starting disc jockey, but it's not sufficient to deter him from his journey. The rampaging brute stalks toward Sarah as the sound system detects the presence of users in the room and automatically spins up a track. Sophie Ellis Bextor's 'Murder On The Dancefloor' starts to play as Zack (?) approaches the opposing DJ, apparently intent on making reality of the song's lyrics. Suddenly, the disgruntled DJ stops as the energy butterfly reflects in his sunglasses.


Zack (?) only seems to detect the threat a moment too late for his attempt to elude the attack, which prompts another indignant bellow from the island's erratic owner (?) as it slams into his chest. He charges forward across the polished surface, swinging his broad arm out in an attempt to backhand Sarah into the nearby bar!

(Murder, murder, murder...)
It's murder on the dancefloor
But you better not kill the groove
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down o/~

It's unfortunate that Rodrigo wasn't able to interfere with Zack's movement. Even more unfortunate that Sarah gets smashed into building and onto the dance floor. The Spaniard even winces since it looked brutal.

Rodrigo goes to the door with his hand covered by the cape and then reaches in to unlock it before opening it just in time to see Sarah get backhanded.

"If you wanted to take the fight indoors, all you needed to do was ask."

The sword fighter then moves towards the kickboxer with sword pointed to him. Rodrigo launches himself at Zack with a powerful lunge before delivering several rapid fire thrusts with his sword before stepping off to the side.

COMBATSYS: Sarah blocks Zack's Swift Backhand.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Zack             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  /////////////////////////     ]
                                  |======-\-------\0          Rodrigo

Pretty, maybe? But it sure packs a punch too!

So does Zack's (?) backhand, which would send Sarah flying into the bar if it hit her.

Fortunately, Sarah knows a bit about defending as well as attacking, and she plants her bare feet into the floor while tightening up as she raises her arms to deflect the incoming attack away. She doesn't even flinch as she's hit, although when she lowers her arms she winces a little bit. "He must have too much iron in his blood!"

Nevertheless, Sarah quickly recovers from the impact and gets back into the ginga. She's not interested in a murder on the dance floor, since she usually prefers to have parties active and lively. But Zack (?) seems to think otherwise.

With that, Sarah dives forward into a forwards somersault across the floor towards her opponent, and then attempts to pop up with a swift uppercut, hoping to catch Zack (?) off-guard!

COMBATSYS: Zack blocks Rodrigo's Bladed Barrage.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                  |======-\-------\0          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Zack with Roll With It.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1            Sarah
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                  |======-\-------\0          Rodrigo

Zack (?) is already spinning from his backhand blow and ends up facing toward Rodrigo as the swordsman cuts in on the tango. "ZACK?!" the monstrous disc jockey demands to know as the Spaniard approaches. As he lunges in, the giant shifts his arms, fending the jabs with meaty muscle, though the series leaves his arms scored with bloody cuts. Whirling again, Zack finds Sarah rolling toward him. Automatically assuming that she's going to aim low, he instinctively covers up his basement, hunkering down, only to have the pop-up uppercut pop up into his chin, causing him to stagger backward like an opponent in Mike Bison's Punch-Out!, collapsing into the bar and knocking several glasses out of the cupboards.

Momentarily dazed, the giant shakes his head as he snaps back to the present, his head turning between the two intruders as veins in his neck and temples start to throb prominently, his skin reddening.


The brute lumbers forward, unclear as to who he's planning to target, winding up like he's about to unleash a wild swing with his arm - then instead aiming an incredible kick at Rodrigo aimed at slamming him into the wall. The carnage would continue as Zack (?) would pursue Rodrigo, aiming another high kick at him, then following up with a sweeping axe-kick to knock him down, followed by another kick before he'd hit the ground, and finally finishing with a hopping straight kick.


COMBATSYS: Zack blitzes into action and acts again!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1            Sarah
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                  |======-\-------\0          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Zack successfully hits Rodrigo with Zack Hurricane.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////////           ]
                                  |=======\====---\1          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Zack successfully hits Rodrigo with Mephisto Rush.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1            Sarah
                                  >  //////////////                ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

When Rodrigo sees Zack turn towards him, a look of nervousness quickly appears on his face. The prodigy of sword and cape bends his knees to get ready to hop away from the kick but he gets caught right as his feet leave the ground.

The duelist's back slams into the wall leaving a vertical Rodrigo shaped dent. The subsequent high kick sends his body into a wild spin, the next kicks bounce him off the ground before the final straight kick sends him back into wall to leave a horizontal Rodrigo shaped dent as well to make it look like a plus sign.

Rodrigo rises back to his feet, unsteady at first, then eases back into his stance. He then takes a swipe at Zack's leg while he tries to get himself back together.

Seems Zack wants to go after Sarah's teammate... twice in a row?

That's definitely not cricket. But who knows how to play cricket?

Once Sarah's sure that Zack has finished attacking Rodrigo, she decides to go on the offensive in hopes of catching him off-guard. "I dunno who you're supposed to be or what you think you're doing," Sarah says as she advances in the ginga. "But I do know that we're not going to let you defeat us that easily!"

When she's close enough, Sarah drops down onto the ground and begins spinning in a sideways manner with her upper leg outstretched. If that hits, she'll do it again with her lower leg outstretched. Wait, is she a tornado? Isn't her name DJ Supernova?

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo successfully hits Zack with Medium Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zack             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Zack counters Tornado Warning from Sarah with Slash Elbow.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Zack             1/-------/<<<<<<<|=======\======-\1            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

Zack (?) finishes his kicking combination by hulking over and panting heavily, sweat running down his face, tongue hanging out as he seems virtually spent of violence. The musclebound brute twists as the sword swipes out at his leg, trying to avoid the full force of the strike, but it manages to draw blood, causing him to drop to one knee for a moment. It looks like a perfect opening for the spinning cyclone that is DJ Supernova to capitalize on - but Zack detects the incoming attack, turning and delivering a devastating elbow over Sarah's guard from outside her reach.


Those arms are -big.-

"ZACK," Zack (?) declares authoratively as he rises back up to his full, menacing height, rolling both shoulders one at a time.

While Rodrigo maintains his guard after the slash at the leg, he goes into a full body cringe when he both sees and hears the impact of the elbow. If the former prospective matador had to be completely honest with himself, he didn't like his chances with an extended engagement with the performance enhanced version of Zack.

As he looks over at Sarah, he realizes that he needs to apply pressure and a lot of it if the two hope to come out of this fight with minimal injuries. Elimination aside, injuries are to be avoided when possible.

Rodrigo delivers that rapid fire barrage of cuts and thrusts once more. His blade was moving fast enough that it looked as though it was attacking multiple locations at once. The goal was to bleed him and remove some of the fight from him. Eventually the blade stops moving and he delivers a front kick as a bit of payback for putting him into the wall... Twice.

Round and round and round she goes, where she stops...

Zack sure knows.

Sarah's hit in the middle of her attack and drops like a sack of potatoes onto the ground. "But sir, there's no way penguins can ride a double-decker like that..." She babbles.

After groaning in pain a little and gritting her teeth, Sarah rolls onto her stomach and pushes herself back up, rubbing her side a little after she remembers the pain there. "That was quite humiliating!" She gets back into the ginga, but that usual smile has been replaced with a scowl.

"It looks like you're not playing with a full deck... so neither am I! It's time to show you what I'm truly capable of!" With that, Sarah launches into a cartwheel, intending to strike Zack with both of her legs.

If that hits, she'll launch into a faster version of the spinning kick she attempted previously, and then finish off with a chi-infused uppercut.

Yeah, it's complicated, but it hurts like hell if it lands.

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo successfully hits Zack with Frenzied Barrage.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Zack             0/-------/-<<<<<<|===----\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\-------\1          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Sarah successfully hits Zack with My Favorite Remix.

[                             \  < >  ////////////                  ]
Zack             1/-----<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\-------\1          Rodrigo

Despite his obvious physical strength, it seems that Zack (?) is struggling to keep up with the speed of Rodrigo and the agility of Sarah. "ZACK?!" he protests as Rodrigo's sword starts to slash his skin again and again, leaving oozing cuts.

At the same time, Sarah cartwheels into him from the other side, both legs colliding with the titan. Zack (?) ends up trapped between the repeated slices of the sword on one side and whirlwind kicks coming from the other. All the while his breathing becomes heavier and heavier, pain and anger etched on his face as his teeth clench. Finally, he's kicked in the stomach and punched in the chin at the same time, sending him staggering backward. He lurches forward, looking as if he might fall - but he stops himself, lifting his face one more time to glower at Sarah and Rodrigo as the sunglasses fall from his face, revealing yellow eyes with slit pupils.

"Zaaack," he growls in a low voice, before suddenly raging forward.

Both hands come down from either side, aiming to smash down on the heads of each opponent simultaneously. Then he starts swinging his arms back and forth while sliding forward, aiming to batter both Sarah and Rodrigo into his path as he rampages toward a display shelf full of records at one end of the dancefloor. Finally, he'll wind up both arms at his sides before blasting forward, aiming to slam a double-fisted strike into both Rhythm Renegades and send them flying into the vinyl collection!

Regardless, though, he'll end up dropping to both knees, a sudden look of shock appearing on his face as something gives way within. His wounds will start to flow freely as he collapses forward, face-first, onto the tiled surface beneath him as the turntables continue to play the number of Zack (?)'s last dance.

It's murder on the dancefloor
But you better not kill the groove
Hey, hey, hey, hey
It's murder on the dancefloor
But you better not steal the moves
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down o/~

COMBATSYS: Zack can no longer fight.

                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  ///////////////               ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\-------\1          Rodrigo

COMBATSYS: Zack successfully hits Rodrigo with Funky Paradise.

                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  /////                         ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

Rodrigo goes back into his stance, sure that Zack (?) was going to come for with one more vicious attack. What he wasn't prepared for the level of violence that was sent his way.

There's nothing he can do to protect Sarah right now and he has to defend himself. There's a reason they tell people to put their oxygen mask on first. Can't help your team mate if you're down. Of course that point becomes moot when your defense gets overwhelmed by the brutal attack and practically get rag dolled by those powerful strikes.

Rodrigo digs himself out of the pile of records and takes a breath as he looks at the fallen brute. He can feel himself wobbling and the urge to fall washes over him and then...

COMBATSYS: Rodrigo takes no action.

                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                  |===----\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  //////                        ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

... he manages to blink away the lightheadedness long enough to remain standing.

COMBATSYS: Sarah full-parries Zack's Funky Paradise!!

                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                  |======-\-------\0            Sarah
                                  >  //////                        ]
                                  |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Rodrigo

Somehow, Zack managed to get out one last attack against Sarah. Despite the fact she hit him full-force with her signature last-ditch attack, he still managed to come at her.

And somehow Sarah manages to knock it away effortlessly. It's almost like there's nothing to it at all!

Once all is said and done, Sarah finally collapses to one knee and starts gasping for air. "Wow, that was quite an experience if I say so myself..." She takes off her cap and wipes her forehead before looking at Zack once again. "I hope he'll be OK." After that, Sarah stands back up and takes a swig of water before shaking her head. "This was one party I'd like to forget about."

Disturbingly, it doesn't appear that Zack (?) will be okay. As the monstrous brute bleeds out on the dance floor, he offers no answers - only more questions. Could this be the true end of Zack, previously thought to have vanished along with the original Zack Island in 2015? What will this mean for the NFG?

Suddenly, footsteps approach from behind Sarah and Rodrigo, and a silhouette steps through the front door with a gallon tub of ice cream in either hand. Both tubs drop to the floor as his mouth gapes open.

"Seriously, people? You couldn't find the spare key under the doormat?" Zack (!) says with dismay. "Well, this right here is a real mess."

Log created on 12:16:06 06/19/2024 by Zack, and last modified on 07:29:27 06/25/2024.