Full Name:Ishida Akito
Height:158 cm (5'2")
Weight:68 kg (150 lbs)
Blood Type:O Positive
Hometown:Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture, Japan
Eye Color:Slate Grey
Hair Color:Black
Hobbies:Playing bass guitar
Favorite Food:Unagi, Inari-zushi, Kuzumochi
Likes:Hard rock (music)
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:Tesshin Sekichou (Ishida Stage)


"Just 'Ishida' is fine."

An accident on a junior highschool trip to Kyoto awakened the inner strengths of Akito Ishida. Before, he had been a lonely shut-in, locked away at home and content with focusing upon his studies. After... well, okay, he's still pretty studious, but he's learned the value of branching out into less academic fields of study. Ishida had not placed much stock in martial arts before the accident, but has found new lease in his devotion to the body-strengthening arts of Iron Shirt qigong. Ishida's intense training has hardened his bones and muscle far beyond those of his peers -- though it remains to be seen how far his fortitude and book-smart approach to physical fitness will take him into the realm of professional fighting.

Style:Iron Shirt Qigong / Shaolin Kung-Fu
Signature Move:Cornerstone -- PHYSICAL
Signature Ability:TOUGHNESS -- MOMENTUM

Recent Logs

[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Tanwen vs Ishida - Ishida and Tanwen get a rematch in the quarterfinals round! No Odyssey-themed costumes this time, but Golden Delicious apples will still figure in somehow. - Log created on 11:40:05 11/21/2024 by Ishida, and last modified on 06:20:42 11/27/2024. Cast: Ishida and Tanwen.

[NFG Season Two] Pre-Finals Tune-Up - Kenzo and Ishida have a quick training session before the finals. - Log created on 10:48:17 11/13/2024 by Kenzo, and last modified on 07:42:46 11/17/2024. Cast: Kenzo and Ishida.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - Severance - Thanks to a keycard left behind by Lisa, Kenzo and Ishida are able to gain access to the research facility. Searching for Zack and John Doe, the party splits, with Shock and Roll and Wild Things finding themselves in a laboratory full of recently-deceased scientists and one still-living security captain. - Log created on 08:26:34 09/12/2024 by Ishida, and last modified on 17:24:24 09/27/2024. Cast: Kenzo, Veronica, Buck, Ishida, and Max.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Rendezvous - Arisa, Ishida and Kenzo serve as Zack's escort to his meeting with the mysterious laboratory liaison, but will this be a four-on-one encounter solved through simple strongarm diplomacy or appeal to reason? Somehow, one does not suspect so. - Log created on 17:28:29 08/15/2024 by Ishida, and last modified on 11:33:18 08/29/2024. Cast: Zack, Lisa Hamilton, Kenzo, Arisa, and Ishida.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2.5: Emergency Dance Party - With the revelation that the island's former owner is not so former after all, an emergency dance party has been announced at Zack's place. More revelations follow, the most important of which is that Zack has a fully-stocked cocktail bar despite having spent the last eight years or so in hiding. - Log created on 08:29:23 07/18/2024 by Zack, and last modified on 13:17:29 08/11/2024. Cast: Zack, John Doe, Coco, Hawksley, Sarah, Rodrigo, Ishida, Roxana, and Tanwen.

5 logs listed.
Character's index

Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.