(last updated: 12/28/17)
@channel/ < switch >
The base command for all public channel functions. It requires one of several
switches to function:
/list - Returns a list of all available channels and their current status.
/on <channel> - Turns the specified channel on.
/off <channel> - Turns the specified channel off.
/who <channel> - Returns a list of which players have the specified channel
turned on.
/what <channel> - Returns basic information about the specified channel.
/gag [<channel>] - Temporarily mutes the specified channel. If '/gag all' is
specified, it mutes all channels that are turned on.
/ungag [<channel>] - Unmutes a channel so you can listen to it again.
'/ungag all' unmutes all channels.
/last <channel>=<#> - Returns the last # lines that have been transmitted to
the specified channel. '<channel> last' is a similar
command that returns anything said in the last 10
minutes, by default, on the specified channel. The
length of time may be changed by setting the property
'&<channel>_last me=<time>' where <time> is in minutes.
@channel may be abbreviated @chan.
In order to speak on a channel that is turned on, type '+ < channel > < message > '.
The name of the channel may be truncated as long as the command remains
distinct from other channels.
Set foreground color for a channel:
@set me=_chan/<channel>/fore:<color>
Set background color for a channel:
@set me=_chan/<channel>/back:<color>