
(last updated: 12/28/17)

log/ < switch > [argument]


When activated, the auto-logger stores everything it "hears" within a room into an LSedit list. At present, it logs say, pose, spoof, ooc, connect, disconnect, arrive, and depart messages. This command requires a switch.


- If you start a log, and then leave the room, the log will stop automatically.

- If you log off, the log will keep running.

- If you stop a log, and then start it again later, it will pick up where you left off with no "seams" in the log that you stopped/started.

- Only one log can be running in a room at a time.

Basic Commands

/create <name> - Creates a new log called <name> and displays its number. You will also be prompted to start recording with your log.

/start <#> - Starts recording to the log numbered <#>.

/stop <#> - Stops recording to the log numbered <#>.

/clean <#> - Cleans all the OOC, arrival, and departure lines from a log.

/desc <#>=<text> - Adds a description to the log. Avoid using the following symbols: / < >

/cast <#> - List all players associated with a given log.

/addcast <#>=<players> - Associate <players> with a given log.

/submit <#> [=<note>] - Submits a log for staff to review/publish. <note> is optional.

/list [<filters>] - Lists all created logs with their log numbers.

When you list logs, you can use any number of optional filters to limit the logs that are listed. The supported filters are: #draft, #open, #delete, #published, #edit, #frozen, #all

If you would like a default set of filters to be applied whenever you type log/list, enter:

@set me=_prefs/logfilter: < List of filters without the # mark >

Advanced Commands

/rename <#>=<name> - Renames the log. Avoid using the following symbols: / < >

/edit <#> - Opens the log editor. See LOG3 for more information.

/publish <#> - Publishes the log to the website, under your name.


/publish <#> #notrecent - Keep the log from appearing on Most Recent logs.

/publish <#>=<faction> - Publish to the faction page if you are in it. If it does not work, contact staff to have your faction page created.

/unpublish <#> - Removes the log from the website for editing, appending, renaming, or describing.

/delete <#> - Flags a log for deletion.

/undelete <#> - Removes deletion flag from specified log.

/purge - Removes all logs flagged for deletion.

/undoclean <#> - Undo the last log/clean you did.

/remcast <#>=<players> - Disassociate <players> from a given log.

/paste <players> <#>=<line#> - Paste <line#> from log <#> to <players>. Will let you preview the paste before sending it.

/more <#> - Advance through a log to read it without having to publish it.

/chown <player1>/<#>=<player2> - Assign log from player 1 to player 2. [Staff Only]

/submissions - View the submitted log listings. [Staff Only]

/accept <player>/<#> - Accept submitted log into your list. [Staff Only]

/reject <player>/<#>=<reason> - Reject a submitted log, provide reason. [Staff Only]

Editing Logs

The 'log/edit' command will open the log in LSedit. In log/edit mode, unlike with normal LSedit, .l and .p are not available. Instead, log/edit will generate two webpages. One will be a preview page that shows how the log will look when published. The other will be an editing page with line numbers that shows some of the html code.

Most log editing will involve removing lines. The catch is, when you remove a line, all line numbers after that are shifted. For this purpose, it is recommended that you work backwards.

In your web browser, open the webpage with the line numbers (generally something like Go to the bottom of the page, find a line number that needs to be deleted, and use the '.del' command to delete it. For example, '.del 42' to delete line 42. If you start at the end and work your way back to the beginning, you won't need to keep hitting the 'reload' button on your browser. Chunks of removable lines may be deleted by typing .del < # > < # > , where the first number is the first line of the group and the second number is the last line. For example, '.del 42 50' will remove all lines from 42 to 50.

Normally, the server creates a preview and an editing page each time you add a line to the log. So, when pasting a large amount of text into the editor, type '.update' to keep the server from creating these pages and lessen strain on the server. Afterwards, type '.update' again to continue creating these pages.

Archived Logs

Logs archived from before our reboot are available in-game with the following commands:

  oldlog/list  - View old logs still associated with your character

  oldlog/more  - Page through and old log

  oldlog/paste - Paste contents of an old log to yourself or others.

Players will not be able to edit, publish, or otherwise modify these Archived Logs. If there is anything you would like to do with an Archived Log, such as publish, rename, or update a description, please work through staff to get these changes made.