NDP Championships

NDP Season 1 Finals (12/2011) - Season 1 of NDP ends with an explosive finale as two renowned dance warriors, Aranha and Mister Jones, fight out to see who's the grooviest. (Winner. MrJones) - created on 22:23:26 12/22/2011 by MrJones and last modified on 12:05:14 12/30/2011. Cast: Aranha and MrJones.

NDP Season 2 Quarterfinals: Daniel vs Benkei - Set in Metro City's Cabaret Candide, the first round of semi-finals pit Todoh-Ryuu Against Todoh-Ryuu. Daniel Jack, ace detective and senior student of Todoh, faces off against Benkei Bunya, brilliant junior student of Todoh. Commentary by Johnny Gomez and Nick Diamond, with special guest referee Mills Lane (Winner: Daniel) - created on 15:45:30 06/03/2012 by Daniel and last modified on 10:33:17 06/04/2012. Cast: Daniel and Benkei.

NDP Season 2 Quarterfinals: Zach vs Brett - Brett Neuer and Zach Glen clash in Match 3 of the NDP Championships! (Winner: Zach) - created on 16:50:51 06/03/2012 by Zach and last modified on 10:35:56 06/04/2012. Cast: Zach and Brett.

NDP Season 2 Quarterfinals: Ayame vs Munin - The world famous Red Arena plays host to a match between two fighters that have a lot more common in how they fight that one might expect. Weapons, chi, projectiles, are utilized by each fighter. But in the end, the crafty illusions produced by Munin aren't quite a match for Ayame's formidable aura. ( Winner: Ayame ) - created on 23:18:14 06/05/2012 by Ayame and last modified on 09:16:32 06/07/2012. Cast: Ayame and Munin.

NDP Season 2 Quarterfinals: MrJones vs Yuri - In the finals for the Neo Development Project, it's groovy fighter Mr. Jones taking on Kyokugen fighter Yuri Sakazaki. Will the groove be in the heart, or will Kyokugen kick butt? (WINNER: Mr. Jones) - created on 18:42:48 06/07/2012 by Yuri and last modified on 11:21:46 06/08/2012. Cast: Rust, MrJones, and Yuri.

NDP Season 2 Semifinals: Ayame vs Zach - A grudge match a long time in coming, Zach Glen gets a shot at defeating the elusive Ayame but the girl seems to have a different plan in mind. Forced to fight in spite her attempts at blackmail, Ayame discovers Zach knows exactly when to quit -- Never. ( Winner: DKO? ) - created on 16:49:41 06/11/2012 by Ayame and last modified on 09:18:49 06/14/2012. Cast: Zach and Ayame.

NDP Season 2 Semifinals: MrJones vs Daniel - Set in the White Arena of the Masters Stadium, the semi-finals pit swinging Daniel Jack against the swaggering Johnny Jones. (Winner: Mr Jones) - created on 20:40:38 06/12/2012 by Daniel and last modified on 09:25:03 06/14/2012. Cast: Daniel and MrJones.

NDP Season 2 Finals: MrJones vs Zach - The NDP Finals are held in Kenya! The fighters give it their all, but only one can come out on top! (Winner: Mr.Jones) - created on 19:27:27 06/25/2012 by Zach and last modified on 11:25:52 06/26/2012. Cast: Zach and MrJones.

8 logs.