NDP 2012.05 - NDP #41: Daniel vs Benkei

Description: FATED FIGHT. Daniel Jack and Benkei Bunya face off on a cruise liner in a destined battle between Todoh-Ryuu Student and Todoh-Ryuu Master for the Neo Development Project. Kasane Ates will be thrown, as the battle comes to a surprising close finish. (WINNER: Daniel)

Standing on the main deck of an ocean liner in the northern Pacific, Benkei Bunya has some time before the fight to reflect on his life. He's never really made choices until now - the choice to fight, the choice to hide his fighting from his parents, the choices he makes in every match. It's really exhilirating, the young lad feeling as if he's finally on his way to manhood. He is dressed in a white gi with red belt, the Todoh-ryuu logo emblazoned proudly on the back. Oblivious to the cameras with practice of fighting under their unerring eye, he peers over the side of the ship, at the surf below.

$50,000 dollars.

Daniel Jack is dressed in a white gi as well, garbed with a blue belt to conrast Benkei's own. Gone was the Zoot Suit. Gone was the porkpie hat, and red shades. Daniel Jack's arms are crossed, standing at the cruise ship fighting 'ring', a portion of the ship sectioned off by the pool. The detective ignored the cameras as well as he approaches Benkei from behind. Uncrossing his arms, he sighs softly.

And places a hand on his shoulder.

"You have come a long way, Benkei. You have learned, and have grown stronger. Your police training is coming soon, isn't it?" The terse, grim voice of the detective is, through it's toughness, kind to the young man. "You are excited, aren't you. This is my real test of how you have grown. The student fights the master. Remember, Benkei. No matter who wins in this fight..."

"Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu wins."

Daniel Jack returns to the center of the ring. "Bow to your sensei, Benkei. And then, we can begin this fight... and see where you are in your journey as a fighter."

Benkei looks up at Daniel as the hand is placed on his shoulder, having already of course heard Daniel coming, with that high powered perception that only teenagers seem to have, the older generations having lost their hearing and insecurity. "Yes, of course, sensei!" he says, turning around and facing Daniel, stepping into the ring. He bows at the waist, before he drops into a Todoh-ryuu stance, ready to battle, his golden chi aura appearing around him.

COMBATSYS: Benkei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Benkei           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Benkei

Daniel Jack returns the bow.

And the signal was given for the fight to begin.

"Your chi is your strongest, Benkei!" Daniel begins, drawing back an arm. "Show off the ultimate technique of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu!" Raising it high, he hurls it forward, unleashing a wave of chi energy. The orange energy rippling forward, it tears across the deck, come in towards Benkei.

Ready to knock him back.


COMBATSYS: Benkei dodges Daniel's Kasane Ate.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei throws himself to the side, narrowly avoiding the wave of chi. "Yes, of course, Daniel!" he shouts as he scrambles back to his feet, his bare skin squeaking against the deck's varnish. Golden chi balls about his hands, as he draws both hands down, shouting, "KASANE ATE!" The wave of gold chi spikes up from the ground as he ripples at Daniel, from one Todohryuu user to another!

COMBATSYS: Benkei successfully hits Daniel with Kasane Ate.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Daniel           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Benkei

And Benkei's own Kasane Ate catches the detective.

The detective shakes his head, stumbling back. "Benkei! Remember to keep your center! If you throw yourself off balanced, you may create an opening you won't live to regret!" The detective, showing his mastery of Kasane Ate, closes in on the boy. Arm swiping out again, he unleashes a second rush of orange energy. The roar erupts over the deck again as the smaller, weaker arc of energy is unleashed.


COMBATSYS: Benkei dodges Daniel's Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei leaps into the air over the Kasane Ate, landing on the other side in a run. "Yes, sensei!" he shouts, as he closes in to close range. He drops to the ground, performing a classic slide tackle, in an attempt to take Daniel off his feet. "Perhaps you have more power, but my technique has advanced exponentially!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to interrupt Light Kick from Benkei with Jumping Jack Flash.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Daniel           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Benkei

Daniel Jack keeps his center. Even as the attack misses, his other is sweeping, attempting to catch Benkei with his attack. He could see Benkei coming in. His body was tightening, his form growing indistinct. He had all the preperations. But there was one thing he was not expecting.

Benkei's technique HAD improved.

The slide tackle stumbles the detective as he lunges in. Knocking the attack clean out, he stumbles. Recovering, Daniel nods fiercely, grinning. "Impressive Benkei! Your technique HAS greatly improved! I can see that TODOH-RYUU KOBOJUTSU has made you a fighting beast!"

Daniel winks at the camera.

Benkei scrambles backwards from the slide tackle, just in case Daniel has anything planned for him - but he sees that isn't the case. Grinning brightly, he waves to the camera, before shooting out a fist at Daniel's stomach. "Feel the power of my technique, sensei! CANNON FIST!" he cries, his arm like a piston as it attacks Daniel.

COMBATSYS: Benkei successfully hits Daniel with Cannon Fist.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Benkei

Wow. For a Sensei Daniel Jack might be looking a fool. But the fact of the matter was that Benkei HAD greatly improved as a fighter. His rapid fire punches, a much more speedy version of Kasumi's own technique, hammers away towards Daniel. As the detective throws up his guard, Benkei breaks through, knocking Danny further back. Stumbling, he takes a moment to regain his footing...

And flash a thumbs up.

"Okay, Benkei. It is clear that you have grown as a fighter. It is time for the next step." The detective suddenly flexes HARD. His body bulging against his gi, the detective seems to burn with inner strength.... until the top of the gi bursts, exposing his muscular chest. Thrusting a finger at Benkei, the detective seems to almost grow red. The music in the background shifts from a like island beat, to a faster ska tempo.

"It's time to Jack this up a notch, Benkei."

COMBATSYS: Daniel jacks it up a notch!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei looks startled at this new revelation as to Daniel Jack's /true/ power. His jaw gapes as he watches, seeing the powerful chi emanations and shivering. "My word, Daniel...I never knew you possessed so much power! I must fight for all I'm worth, clearly!" He forms his hand into a blade, and raises it up, charging forward with a chop at Daniel's collar bone.

COMBATSYS: Benkei successfully hits Daniel with Fantastic Todoh Chop.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0           Benkei

His chest exposed, Daniel Jack only brought true focus now. Despite this, as the Fantastic Todoh Chop comes, the detective's AI is unable to recognize the hitbox properly. Tucking into a roll, he rolls INTO the attack... and takes the chop at full power.

But he had only joy for his student.

"That is a fantastic chop, Benkei!" The detective exclaims, rising up again. "Truly Master Todoh would be proud of such improvement! But it is only a fantastic chop, Benkei. Can you dare call it...the World's Greatest?" The detective raises up a fierce hand, flattening it as it burns with chi. Looming over the smaller student, his eyes are burning fiercely as he winds back the limb... and unleashes the chop downward with bone-shattering force RIGHT for the student's collar.


COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Benkei with World's Greatest Hand Chop.
- Power hit! -

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Benkei

The bone does indeed break, Benkei dropping to the ground on his butt as soon as the blow connects. Benkei pushes himself backwards, now with a broken bone, his jaw dropped in awe. "You...You...I think you broke it." He pushes himself to his feet, favoring the side without the broken collar bone, and he shifts his stance to favor the good side. "Sensei, my parents! How do I explain this?!" he says, catching his breath as he feels the bone wiggle.

COMBATSYS: Benkei gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Benkei

Oh crap he broke it.
RDaniel Jack lowers himself down, inspecting the boy warily. "It... It isn't that bad!" The detective continues. "We can stop by the medical bay. I am sure you can wear one of those those collars. We can paint it black! Cover it in leather. They would tolerate you for wearing a leather collar, right?"

Daniel had spent too much time around Zaki.

The detective holds Benkei. "But still! This is a fight of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu! Minor injuries such as broken bones are just part of our INTENSE STYLE. If I must, I will explain this to your PARENTS THEMSELVES! I am sure they are reasonable, understanding folks. NOW! BENKEI!" The detective bellows, his grip tightening on Benkei.

And promptly he attempts to throw Benkei on his back.

"Let us continue the fight!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Benkei with Medium Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Daniel           1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1           Benkei

Benkei is thrown on his back, and lets out a yowl of pain as he feels bone grind against bone, not ready for the attack. He pushes himself backwards, his glasses on crooked and quite foggy, as his hands pulse with chi. He pushes himself through the pain, gathering bright golden orbs of chi about his hands, before putting them together open-fingered. A huge orange skull flies out of Benkei's hands, screaming as it opens its jaws at Daniel, flying at him!

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Benkei's Flaming Skull.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Daniel           1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0           Benkei

An opportunity.

Daniel Jack eyes the opportunity with gusto. As he is flattened on his back, the detective readies himself, backing away from the boy as he readies for HIS next move. As the chi begins to burn, the detective throws up his guard, palm before palm, ready for the incoming blow. As the skull comes roaring forward...

Daniel catches thee incoming attack.

Throwing the energy blast aside, the detective winces painfully. "Yes! The Todoh-Ryuu.... Skull. Of Death." The detective shakes his head, whispering. 'I thought you fixed that move!' the detective mutters, before reposing briefly. Closing back in towards, Benkei with startling speed, the detective raises a hand up high. "Now! The most sinister of TODOH techniques! The TODOH NERVE PINCH of DEATH!" The student of Todoh roars, as he lashes out a finger and thumb, aiming to seize Benkei at the neck...

Or at least, the broken bone of the collar.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Benkei with Quick Punch.
Grazing Hit
* Attack Of Opportunity! *

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Daniel           1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei gets jammed right in the broken collar bone, letting out a pained shriek. He flattens himself out briefly, before he lashes out between Daniel's legs with a kick at Daniel's balls. "You bastard, Daniel!" he screams, as he tries to escape the detective's grasp.

COMBATSYS: Daniel dodges Benkei's Heavy Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Daniel           1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Benkei

Daniel Jack snatches Benkei by the collar, exploiting a clear injury. What's worse, Benkei then shows HIS Todoh-Ryuu talent by trying to kick Daniel in the groin. As Daniel fall back to his center, he easily walks around Benkei, guiding himself around his body. The detective can't even avoid lampshading how awful this is.

But like a good Todoh-Ryuu fighter, he can sure deflect it.

"Yes! Dirty tricks, but such tricks are needed when fighting the TRUE RIVALS of TODOH-RYUU KOBOJUTSU!"


The scowl of the student is palatable, his intense stare burning at the camera. "I apologize to the children at home, but I must use such language. KYOKUGEN is the most vile and sinister art. It makes children into criminals! It makes innocent men into madmen. And what it does to women... well. Look at how eager Yuri is when thrusting her bottom in a fight! Need I say more. Why, I dare imply... That Rust Howard, the world famous hero of China, once had a head full of hair. And then he studied under Kyokugen..."

"Where is that hair now?"

Daniel Jack nods firmly at the camera, before pivoting towards Benkei. Jumping in the air a bit, the detective unleashes something that was poorly tested in the beta. Throwing a slow, arcing roundhouse kick, the detective hurls around his leg to a cratering strike, aiming RIGHT for Benkei's skull. A fierce, rare kick from the detective, aimed right for the head.

Or god, the neck again Daniel?

You are an ass.

COMBATSYS: Benkei parries Daniel's Strong Kick!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Daniel           1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei sweeps out with his forearm, knocking the kick aside with a practiced move. He smirks as he pushes himself to his feet, before lashing out with his leg, attempting to ram his knee up into Daniel's stomach. "Perhaps you have forgotten, sensei, but BUNYA STYLE TODOHRYUU emphasizes fast responses!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Benkei's Metric Knee EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Daniel           1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0           Benkei

Bunya Style?

"What is Bunya Style?" The detective asks in a low voice. As the kick is perfectly knocked aside. "Because your TODOH is excellent, Benkei!" But the kid is awfully fast. The speed of the boy makes him the speedster of the Todoh family. But Daniel's defense was still air tight. Throwing the palms ups, the detective stops the knee launch, grunting as he tightens his abs. That HURT.

But so would this.

The detective's energy surges back. Wrenching, the detective leans back, attempting to break up the clinch between himself and Benkei. Thrusting a foot forward, he unleashes less of a kick, and more of a parting thrust kick.

"Todoh Kick!"

COMBATSYS: Benkei blocks Daniel's Light Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Daniel           1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei spins about with the arm on his good side, stopping the kick with a meaty thump into his skinny forearm. Still, his exercise regimen isn't about getting buff - it's about getting tough! "Man, my collar bone really hurts, sensei..." As he says this, he realizes he's at a disadvantage - he needs to quickly turn the tide in his favor. Good side forward, he steps in and lashes out with his hand, attempting to grab the side of Daniel's head and jam his thumb in his eye.

COMBATSYS: Benkei successfully hits Daniel with Pressure Point.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Daniel           1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           Benkei


Wincing HARD, the kick is first blocked, and painfully interrupted by a swift, starling eyepoke. Benkei was NOT the same weak boy that he had first met. Considering that he was proving a challenge for the detective, Benkei was probably the king of the bullies. But as he holds his bad eye, his student tells him that his collar bone hurts.

And the detective's form erupts in orange chi.

"Okay! Lets finish it!"

The detective uncovers his eye, winding back an arm that builds into a great ball of energy.

%Daniel Jack focuses, focuses hard on Benkei. Stepping towards him, he growls louder, his body tensing as the ball in his limb builds even larger.

".... TODOH......"

With a roar, he unleashes the fierce punch with absolute power, rocking the entire cruise ship slightly to the side as he brings the full force forward. Bellowing, Daniel hurls the raw power of fist and chi, right towards Benkei's chest.


COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Benkei with Fantastic Todoh Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Daniel           0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0           Benkei

Benkei gets punched in the chest, his glasses flying off his face from the force of the blow. He stumbles backwards as his body seems to crumple inward, a look of pain on his face as he collapses onto his knees. "Kasan...Kasane..." he intones lowly, summoning chi from his flickering aura, putting everything he has left into this attack. "ATE!"

COMBATSYS: Benkei can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Daniel endures Benkei's Kasane Ate.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/----===|

The skeleton-shattering punch is unleashed, and Benkei is sent asunder. Daniel Jack, grunting, recovers quickly. His naked, bruised chest heaving, he looks upon the final attack from his student, the Kasane Ate. And then, thrusting his chest out, he simply endures the Kasane Ate. Grimacing. Quailing against the TRUE POWER. Standing tall, he looks at the camera.

Erupts into a flash of orange chi.

As the fire burns down, the detective gives a bow towards his opponent. His student, before crossing his arms. "Excellent technique Benkei! You are on your way to becoming a TRUE TODOH CHAMP!" The detective turns to the camera, and flashes a thumbs up. "Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu, the ART of the NO. 1 Neo Development Project fighter! Just follow the address on screen, if you live in the Southtown area! We are ALWAYS looking for new students, especially at our NEW RENOVATED facilities! Just ask for the Todoh-Ryuu stars! Daniel Jack! Kasumi! Or even the elusive Ryuhaku Todoh! Then you too can be a fighting super star."

"Just like Benkei!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel burns with the WAY OF TODOH!

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:44:28 05/19/2012 by Daniel, and last modified on 16:11:00 05/20/2012.