NDP 2012.05 - NDP #35: Jace vs Quon

Description: Jace rents a yacht as a back drop Jace's debut in the Neo Development Project. The Chongquan prodigy attempts to put on a show but the Ansatsuken Superstar, Jace ends up putting on a better show. (Winner: Jace)

On a 90 foot yacht, about 80 miles off the coast of southern California, a match is being prepared for the Neo-Development Project. Possibly one of the most logistically reaching matches in recent momory, this match has taken no less than a floatilla to accomplish. There's camera angles, match officials, and safety crew, not to mention those who have brought their own boats out to witness the match first hand.

At the bow of the boat, Jace Timmons stands dressed in a dark blue gi. His kimono flaps and his black belt is pulled in the direction of the wind's travel. He is just putting on his brown sparring gloves. As he feels he has them secure, he turns to face abaft of the boat, taking a few steps forward. He is all smiles for the cameras.

In most of his televised fights, Quon wore a yellow Kung Fu outfit with red sash. It's conspicuously absent on this fight on the boat. Instead he wears a white t-shirt, brown vest and black jeans and black sneakers. As he approaches the fight area he rolls his neck and winds his arms to loosen them before glancing at his current opponent.

He glances around for a few moments to make sure he doesn't get any inconvenient surprises and then he looks toward the man in the dark blue gi and performs a bow. After that he's all smiles for the cameras as well although the smile isn't as big as it usually would be.

Taking a few more steps off the bow to give him enough space to back up well in, Jace returns the bow courteously. He looks over his opponent for a few moments and then nods his head to him. With one more quick look to the cameras, Jace steps back with his right foot.

His right hand balls up into a fist, rising to chest level. His left arm crosses his body, the fist there also balled up. He bounces easily on the balls of his feet, eyeing Quon as he awaits the fighter to make ready.

COMBATSYS: Quon has wandered into a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Quon             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Jace has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Quon             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Jace

And as Jace rises from his bow Quon rises from his and takes his stance. The more observant of those who have seen his fight videos would notice subtle changes in his footwork in his stance as recently he's been attempting to find a way to adapt what he's recently learned into what skills he already had. He takes a deep breath.

After a few moments of recognition he sees that the person before him looks familiar. For a moment he second guesses himself but then realizes his eyes don't deceive him. "Another performer, huh? We better put a good show or else neither of our fans will forgive us."

After that he beckons the singer forward and takes a deep breath, waiting for the ref to signal for the fight to start.

Jace flashes a smile that shows teeth, nodding his head to Quon, "I am, and we will. Don't worry about it." He doesn't seem to be worried about it either. He just sits back in his stance, also waiting for the referree to begin the match. Being that the match is taking place on the yacht, the ref stands all the way aft near the wheelhouse. He calls out his command for the fight to start, and Jace is already moving towards Quon.

He pulls his right hand back, moving towards Quon with the speed of a cheetah. At the last possible moment, Jace comes off his feet and bicycles his feet in the air, extending his fist towards Quon's chin!

COMBATSYS: Jace successfully hits Quon with Kyubi Kudaki.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Quon             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Jace

Quon bounces for a half a moment on the balls of his feet, and then all of a sudden Jace has quickly closed the distance between the two of them and while he sees that hand draw back he notices the bicycling feet which seem on the surface to be the more pressing problem. He side steps the feet and raises a hand to intercept the punch but it slips right under his guard and catches him but good in the chin sending him stumbling backwards.

He rubs his chin as he gets his bearings. And then he takes his stance once more and then comes back within fighting range and then delivers a rapid series of snap kicks for the torso and legs going at a speed that it looks as though his foot is in three different locations at the same time.

COMBATSYS: Jace just-defends Quon's Seven Dragon Tails!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Quon             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Jace

Placing his feet on the ground, Jace is already on the defensive as Quon comes in with his series of snap kicks. With each incoming kick, Jace takes a step back and sweeps his arm down or around to let the blow impact off his sturdy forearms. All except the last kick...

With the last kick, Jace stops his backwards momentum and uses his block to push Quon off balance. He takes a step back and then leaps towards Quon with surprising alacrity. His leap takes him towards and then up as his fist extends into a very powerful uppercut aimed for Quon's chest and then chin. As he rises into the air, his wild grin spread across his face, a shout can be heard:


COMBATSYS: Jace successfully hits Quon with Shoryuken.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Quon             0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0             Jace

The Chongquan fighter had drawn back his foot and placed it back on the ground as he hoped to continue to apply pressure but then he sees something that causes him to hesitate out of surprise. A rising uppercut engulfed in chi. He attempts to slip to the side of the uppercut and then he realizes he made a mistake and that's all the time he has before he's knocked clear off his feet sending him flying back and into a skid on the ground.

The fighter slowly rises from the ground clutching his jaw and adjusting it a bit before taking his stance. "Hmmm. You fight sorta like my last opponent."

He takes a deep breath and attempts to rapidly close the distance before he can perform one of the other signature moves of that specific art. He then kicks hard towards Jace's front leg before following up with a spinning side kick to the stomach.

COMBATSYS: Jace interrupts Strong Kick from Quon with Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Quon             1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0             Jace

With a wide smile, Jace tilts his head to the left, "Really?" He considers Quon for a moment longer and then asks, "Who was your last opponent? It wasn't Shun-chan, was it?" As the kicks flies in towards him, Jace takes a step back. The kick tags him hard on the left bicep, but it was a calculated risk.

Jace drops his hands low, and a burst of wind like the sighs of a million fangirls lifts him up off of his feet and sends him spinning towards Quon. His leg is extended and the technique is revealed to be Ansatusken's feared tonado kick. Just in case anyone isn't sure, Jace is screaming as he bares down towards Quon:


Quon is bashed and battered by the powerful spinning kick and just as quickly as he attempted to close the distance, he's sent flying away. He slowly rises from the ground. His body wobbles as he attempts to get back within close fighting range. Especially since he's at a distinct disadvantage against Ansatsuken fighters. There's still one last move he has yet to see.

His movements are sluggish. He seems to have trouble standing but he's determined to see the fight to the end.

He goes close in once more and then he attempts to thrust out a transparent rippling bubble of chi. He doesn't shout the name of his attack, however.

COMBATSYS: Jace endures Quon's Roaring Guardian.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Quon             1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0             Jace

For a moment, Jace seems to be trying to dig his feet into the material that makes up the deck of the ship, as Quon's chi bubble envelopes him. He grits his teeth and then releases a primal warcry until the onslaught is over. He takes several deep gasping breaths, glaring towards Quon in a far more tired state then a few moments ago.

Still he is determined to see this fight through to the end. He reaches forward, attempting to grab Quon by the front of his shirt. Upon success, he will step across and present his hip to his opponent, where by the grace of God, he will throw him over the horizon. Or at least to the ground in front of him.

COMBATSYS: Quon blocks Jace's Medium Throw.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Quon             1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0             Jace

As he gets caught by the hip but this time Quon is fast enough to react to the attempt to throw him and he reaches out and grabs the collar of his gi. Mainly so he can stay in close, the problem is that the impact of landing on his feet to stop the throw. His knees shake as he looks as though he's about to fall over any moment.

He's forced to continue to apply the pressure delivering a rapid fire series of snap kicks similar to his previous attack only it appears as though he's kicking five locations at the same time. He then suddenly switches feet and the speed steadily increasing until five locations being kicked simultaneously become seven. And after it's all over, he swings out with haymaker to the chin.

COMBATSYS: Jace just-defends Quon's Wild Dragon!

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Quon             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Jace

Jace works steadily backwards as the kicks come flying in from all directions. As the speeds of the kicks increase, so does the speed in which he blocks the attacks as they come in. To the point where he is using all four limbs to block as he moves backwards through the air. Finally, at the apex, his eyes glaze over and the onslaught is over, with not a single kick having landed. When the haymaker comes flying in, Jace tilts his upper body to the side and crouches low.

Jace rises back to his feet, pulling his hands to his side. He begins pulling chi directly into the center of his hands as the ball that exists there begins getting bigger and bigger. Finally, he releases, turning back towards his opponent and flattening his palms as he propels the now fullsized fireball towards his opponent. Jace is no pretender to the storied history of the fighting art known as Assassination Fist. Jace is the next generation.


Right down to shouting the names of all the moves.

COMBATSYS: Jace successfully hits Quon with Hadouken.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Quon             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0             Jace

Quon's speed and the attempts to pressure Jace fall flat as shows that not only is Jace able to keep up with him, he's able to do so, easily. Kick after kick comes but none get through and then haymaker touches nothing but air. It's at that moment that Quon's mouth opens in surprise as he watches the Ansatsuken fighter ducks down and pulls his hands back and Quon's realizes that what's going to happen is going to be horrible.

And then the ball of energy hits him right in the body and much like what previously happened in the fight sending him flying away. His body slides backwards on the deck. He slowly works himself into a sitting position long enough to say, "Sorry I didn't live up to my end of the deal."

Sure he could get up and attempt one last attack. But that would be fruitless. He wouldn't be able to knock Jace out with anything he had left. Best to save his energy for the next fight.

COMBATSYS: Quon takes no action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jace             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Quon can no longer fight.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jace             0/-------/--=====|

As the ref calls the bout, medical personel are there in a moment to check over both Quon and Jace. Jace pushes and shoves them out of the way, moving towards his opponent quickly. As soon as the medicos are done with him, it is Jace who is there to extend a hand to the seated Quon, "Who said?"

Jace takes a breath, "As fighters, we owe it to our supporters to step out and give everything we've got to the fight at hand. Sometimes we can do no wrong, and we are victorious. Sometimes we can do no right, and we are defeated. My sensei taught me, as he was taught by his sensei, that the greatest knowledge is imparted to you by an opponent who, on that day and at that time, was better than you. Iron sharpens iron, as they say. To think you let down anyone is selling me short." He offers his hand again, "My name is Jace. I think we both have a mutual friend in Cammy."

COMBATSYS: Jace takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jace             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Jace has ended the fight here.

He shakes his head but still he takes the hand offered. "Yeah. You were on fire but I don't think I showed everything I could do in this fight. But I look forward to the next time I face you and Shun." His body is still shaky but atleast he can stand.

Cammy. That was a name that Quon had hoped he'd never hear ever again. In fact he cringes slightly as he was unprepared for hearing that name at this moment. After the experiences he had dealing with Shadaloo, one would say he has the right to feeling that way. "Mutual friend? She mentioned me?"

Deep inside the Chongquan fighter is still hoping that she doesn't remember their past.

Jace pulls Quon to his feet, shaking his head, "I _know_ you didn't. I very much look forward to our next bout."

Tilting his head, Jace nods, "Yeah, she did mention you. Maybe mutual friend is too strong of a word? Mutual acquaintence maybe." He looks around, watching as the cameras get their last shots of the two fighters standing together before packing it up. Jace smirks and adds, "Well, this is my yacht until tomorrow. I was going to spend the rest of the day sailing. Please be my guest on the boat. I've got extra rods and reels to fish with."

Log created on 19:31:20 05/04/2012 by Quon, and last modified on 09:25:03 05/07/2012.