NDP 2012.04 - NDP #29: MrJones vs Zach (incomplete meters)

Description: Zach dukes it out against Mister Johnny Jones. (Winner: Mr. Jones)

Great balls of funk! What is it with the NDP staff making him keep fighting in high altitudes!? Mista' Jones ain't one that fears heights, seeing as he never used stunt doubles in any of his movies, he always performed on his own action shots baby! Totally! But really, this may be pushing it a little too far? Are ratings really that important to the NDP crew that they'll risk serious injury?

Yes. Yes they are. Jones this quite well. Otherwise he wouldn't have been an actor, vigilante and super hero. He's willing to do what it takes for publicity!

Returning to Croatia after his successful run against Vyle, we have, bringing all his grooviness back into the arena.

Miiiiiisteeeeeeeer JOOOOOOOOOOOONES!!

As he is introduced, Jones flips from one building to another landing where the arena will take place, putting his shades on for good measure.


COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

Zach sprints across the rooftops, skidding to a halt when he sees Mister Jones. "Ah," Zach says cheerfully. "Rematch time!" He sets into a boxing stance, one more... concrete? Certain? than Jones might recall from the last fight.

Red-gold energy licks across his body as he jukes his upper body. "Let's give the folks a good preview for the finals, alright?" Someone's riding high on recent events, either the win-streak, or perhaps what happened after the last fight.

COMBATSYS: Zach has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zach             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

COMBATSYS: Zach gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zach             0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0          MrJones

Of course Jones recalls his fight against Zach! That kind of.../experience/ isn't something that you easily forget, no matter how hard you try! That ain't to say Jonesy wasn't looking for it, he always enjoys a challenge and Zach has been very good at proving such things from what he recalls. "My man Zach!" The Groove Master calls out, waving to the boy before the fight commences. "Looking good pimping, I've seen you tearing up foo's this year."

He smirks and gives him a respectful bow as he is know to do before his fights, his Jeet Kune Do stance set, ready to begin. "Word brudda, let's see how good you've got since last time!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zach             0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0          MrJones

"Yeah, well," Zach says with verve. "I'm motivated." Zach gives a quick nod of the head in acknowledgement of Jones' bow. "Let's make it good," he says. He jukes left, then right as he steps in quickly.

Zach runs that aura of his to his left arm. He plants his feet, snapping out a quick jab at Jones' head before leaping away from the previous season's champion. Zach has a bit of a grin on his face, ready to enjoy this fight.

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Zach's Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Zach             0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

That jab.

Johnny Jones remembers that jab well, it was no regular boxer he was dealing with, but one a them crazed pyscho powered fighters he has so much trouble dealing with. Mister Jones can deal with regular attacks, as he shows clearly by lifting a hand up to stop the incoming attack with an open palm. It's that extra 'oomph' he has problems dealing with. The action star winces as the energy winces his palm and retracts away from quickly before it deals any more damage.

"Woo! Extra spicy as usual eh bro!?" The Funky Fighter smirks as he dashes to one side to stay on Zach's angle.

Now, if he recalled correctly, Zach was pretty efficient dealing with punches, but the same couldn't be said about kicks.

Thus, Jonesy raises his arms pretending he was about to go for some kind of haymaker or slug, only to change it at the last second and throw a front snap kick directly at Zach's gut. "WOASHAA!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Zach with Slide Double.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zach             0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

Zach doesn't fall for the feint; just because /he/ boxes doesn't mean that everyone else is limited to the use of arms. He's just not fast enough to get clear of Jones' kick. He lefts out a grunt of pain as he staggers a half step back.

"That's me," Zach says once he's got breath back in his lungs. Zach pumps his right hand, running some juice to it. Jones... wasn't too sharp about ranged fighting, if Zach recalled. He throws that fist forward, a golden wave of Soul Power washes off the fist and screams towards Jones at breakneck speed!

COMBATSYS: MrJones parries Zach's Blast Punch!

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zach             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0          MrJones

Jonesy frowns when Zach clearly didn't eat the feint, but ended up getting kicked in the gut regardless simply due to a lack of reflexes. Impressive! "You've gotten pretty good haven't ya?" Smirks the action star letting Zach recover his senses and get a good distance between him. The reason for that is clear enough once Zach throws a punch to the air as he shoots an energy blast in his direction.

Jones was making space so he could dodge.

The boxer recalls correctly, Johnny wasn't too good at dealing with energy projectiles. But he too has gotten better in that regard! The path to become the best fighter is long and filled with obstacles, but Johnny is getting there just as sure as Zach is.

Ducking under it, the Groove Master suddenly /explodes/ forward pushing himself off his back leg to ram his fist directly on Zach's nose! "WATAA!"

COMBATSYS: Zach blocks MrJones' Retro Knuckle EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zach             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Zach brings his left elbow up, driving Jones' fist up and away from from his face. The speed and force of the strike provides a /nasty/ friction burn. Zach winces, but is thankful he avoided the worst of the punch.

More of that energy burbles forth from Zach, a steady flow permeating his very being with burgeoning power. "It's a journey," Zach says almost philosophically. "Things have been... pretty good actually, since I hit the circuits again."

COMBATSYS: Zach gathers his will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zach             1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0          MrJones

Knuckle collides with elbow, never a good feel, but Jones has punched through walls before and doesn't get his hand broken as others might. He quickly pulls his fist away from the boxing guard expecting a counter attack, only to find that the air around Zach begins to crackle with energy.

An interesting tactic, probably getting ready to send a huge attack towards him that he has no way of avoiding.

Wellp, to each his own, he guesses. That ain't the kind of fight Jones goes for, but if it works out for the boy..

"Ain't that the truth?" The Groove Master brushes his nose getting ready for another attack again. "Always remember to keep on grooving, no matter what happens."

So says the Funky Fighter.

Right before attacking again.

"WOOO!!" Always in the offensive, always keeping the pressure up, Jonesy leaps towards the boxer with a leg extended aiming to /kick/ his arms out of the way to open up his guard and go for another punch for the nose!

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Zach with Arc Fliegan.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Zach             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0          MrJones

Zach's arms get flung wide, blood spraying from the punched nose. He wobbles back. The fight is not gone out of Zach's eyes, but it's clear he is going to have to come up with a plan or else he's going to lose.

"Exactly," Zach says as he pushes in towards Mister Jones' body, throwing a quick left straight, augmented by that massive amount of energy running through his body. Hit or miss, Zach continues to stick close to Jones, lining up the next strike.

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Zach's Straight Punch.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Zach             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0          MrJones

Standing there and taking it is kind of a bad strategy, yeah, forget about it being effective against Jones, it just has this tendency of not working in general.

Of course, Jonesy expects much better from Zach, this is the guy that almost brought him down after a couple of punches after all, the boy is planning something, he knows it and once he goes for the straight punch to the face meat, Mista' Jay makes a point to take the blow to the forearms and start moving away.

Whatever it is that the boxer's planning, Johnny ain't falling for it. He makes a graceful back flip backwards and SLAMS the ground with his foot, making a piece of concrete fly up and he kicks it in Zach's direction in order to disorient the boxer. "HUAA!"

COMBATSYS: Zach overcomes Thrown Object from MrJones with Full Tilt+.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zach             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0          MrJones

Yyyyeeeah... that ain't happening.

Jones doesn't get to see what level of success that gambit. Zach brings his right hand forward sharply, conjuring an enormous sphere of Soul Power that spins and roils in a tightly contained sheath of will. "Nice," Zach says. "But that won't do."

Zach slams his left fist into that sphere of power, blasting all of that energy out the end that is aimed at Jones. A medium-sized trench is carved in the wake of the wave of red gold energy that sweeps towards the movie star!

So he knew that something big was coming, and guessing what your opponent is going to do, even if it's disastrous, is in a way...a victory!

"Daaaaayuuum!" Jones' shades lower out of their own volition when he sees the utterly, devastatingly, HUGE, energy strike completely obliterate his improvised projectile and sail directly towards him. He has to admit, even if he doesn't like that type of fighting, that the move is pretty. "Funky."

Then he gets engulfed in energy, all the actor can do is put his arms on a X shape to cover his face as best he can.

As it passes right through him, Johnny Jones emerges from the strike /running/ directly at Zach. He looks quite burned and bruised, some smoke coming out of his afro, but Jones is now a man on a mission.

"OOooooo..." As he runs right for the boxer, Jonesy gathers up chi of his own, or as he likes to call it, the funk, and leaps right for Zach again with a flying guillotine kick aimed directly at the neck!


Zach is slammed to the rooftop, literally choking on the kick that slams across his neck. He lays there for a moment, trying to get air into his lungs for a moment. He still has an excited grin plastered on his face.

He rolls over, inhaling sharply as he looks up at Jones. "That..." Zach says hoarsely, "Was hardcore." Zach tucks his left hand in close, running power through his arms and legs. "But don't think we're done yet." Zach lunges at Jones, throwing a springing uppercut at the Funk Master Movie Star!


Jonesy lands on his feet after his kick collided with the boy's trachea and adjusts his shades watching him slam on a wall behind him which stops his trajectory. "Phew.." He wheezes and tucks his hands on his pockets, thinking that that's over and preparing to head out of the stage. The fight was as hard as he thought as it might be, when Zach's involved it ain't ever easy after all.

It ain't ever easy indeed.

"What the--" Jones looks over his shoulder when he hears a voice behind him, eyes widening in surprise when he sees none other than the crazed boxer standing there, grinning back at him, ready to continue fighting!

The movie start whistles "Dang boy! You're really something else." Says the Groove Master as he readjusts his Jeet Kune Do stance not out of this fight himself neither.

"Is it everything you were hoping for?"

Jonesy can't help but smirk as he takes a page from the boxer and /SLAMS/ his elbow on the incoming uppercut to negate the damage it would have done to his face. Using the same arm he used to block, Johnny sends a speedy left jab directly for the boy's already bloodied face. Knowing this was about to get reaaaal funky!


Zach takes the punch cleanly, his head snapping back. His vision swims, and Zach knows he's in trouble. He keeps himself upright through sheer force of will.

He throws a single punch, a three-quarters blow with his left hand. There is a whirling mass of Soul Power carried by that fist, which literally explodes at the end of the punch. The physical strike alone is fairly potent, but Soul Power is the more pressing factor.

Zach then slumps, and falls to the rooftops, clearly out.

Jonesy's funk powered fist lands true and Zach is forced back after taking another punch to the nose. Mista' Jay knows the boxer is relentless and he might shake off the blow to recover his footing. Thus, he keeps focused and ready for anything, dancing back just a little to give himself some space.

When Zach lunges forward however, the more action star knows that Zach is true and relaxes his stance, not wanting to give the boy any more grief.

Mistake of the century.

"Not bad bru--HNGRSDGGDSDFAH!" When Jones relaxed his guard, he left himself open and Zach took that opportunity to sock him across the jaw as hard as he could. The Groove Master goes flying back, tumbling a heels over head a couple of times getting tossed...right out of the building to the ground below!!


Miraculously, Jones somehow caught the edge of the building saving himself from a nasty death and pulled himself up with one arm, spitting some blood as he recovered himself. "Note to self...beware sucker punches." He cackles to himself and falls on the arena again, struggling to get back up with one arm raised, signaling him as the winner of this bout.

Another close call against Zach.

Log created on 19:20:37 04/21/2012 by Zach, and last modified on 14:30:15 04/23/2012.