NDP 2012.04 - NDP #27: MrJones vs Shun

Description: NDP Match in Kazakhstan, Shun versus Mr Jones. Victor: Mr Jones

Well it's sure nice to be back in the Middle East, last time Mister Jones was here he was wearing a Power Ranger outfit and beating the crap of armed soldiers. But that's ancient history now, it's good to groovy with it once again against a fellow martial artist and not sweating bullets with that silly outfit on, the Power Ranger suit didn't have any ventilation and it gets pretty freaking hot around here ya know!?

Speaking of sweating bullets, Jones should be sweating just a bit once he hears about his opponent. The prodigy disciple of Ken Master's eh? Well, this ought to be interesting, lots of strong competitors this time around at the NDP, winning the championship may not be as easy for Jones as the public had thought. He did tear through the competition last year, and though he's been on a winning streak until now, that may soon change against this prodigal new fighter.

Mista' Jay wouldn't have it any other way however, it'd be kinda boring if they all just dropped from how groovy he is! Looking without a care in the world, the Funky Fighter paces about in the arena set up in the Bayterek Monument, throwing fast punches and kicks in the air to limber up. Only stopping every now and then to comb his regal black locks with an afro pick.

COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

Nervous. Shun is actually a bit nervous about this fight, she's heard about Jones, and she's watched tapes of him fight. Because yeah, she has prepared herself for this. But watching someone's moves on TV is entirely different from seeing them in life action, and especially from getting some... hands-on experience with his moves.

She'll just have to deal though, because the fight is on, and Shun isn't one to back out until she's knocked unconscious with no ability to get back up again. She walks over to Mistah Jay and offers him a polite bow. "May the best fighter win." She then drops into her karate stance, similar to Ken's but not quite the same.

When the bell sounds off the start of the fight, Shun immediately moves. She rushes towards her opponent and launches one leg into the air, forming a basic knee-style kick at first, until she jumps, stretches her leg and the axe kick is aimed right for Jones' neck. She normally doesn't jump with this move, but her opponent has a good foot on her, so she needs it.

COMBATSYS: Shun has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MrJones          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0             Shun

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Shun's Ryusen Kyaku.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
MrJones          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Shun

Jones is relieved and thanks the spirits all the spirits of Disco!

Finally! Someone that bows before a fight!

After fighting Daniel, Intan and Vyle who all pretty much tried to sucker punch him at the beginning of the fight, the Groove Master can't help but tense a little when Shun walks towards him expecting her to do a similar tactic. He smiles though, a kind smile spreading through his lips as he clasps his fist with his palm and returns the bow in traditional Kung Fu fashion. Peace over Power he signals with his movement.

"Color me impressed." Chuckles he "Ken taught you some manners! Hah! Don't tell him I said that by the way." Grinning still as the bell rings, the old school fighter drops into his signature Jeet Kune Do stance resting most of his weight on his back leg whilst his open hands go on a relaxed guard.

An eyebrow arches. Strange to for an axe kick against a taller opponent, but Jones rolls with it. Raising his forearm up he stops the axe kick from hitting his neck with an overhead block before swinging a roundhouse kick of his own towards Shun's standing leg aiming to knock her flat on her back!


COMBATSYS: Shun blocks MrJones' Slide Double.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MrJones          0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Shun

"Ken will probably find out even if I don't tell him." Shun counters Jones' words moments before her own attack is blocked, and even as she lands again, she immediately drops into a crouching stance where she can block his attack with one of her arms, majorly reducing the strike's impact. "These events are televised." She casually points out.

She doesn't quite get up right away, using her smaller size and crouched position to make a crouching roundhouse kick to destabilize Mistah Jay, the movement is swift and clearly one that she's practiced before. It's not flashy like the move she used before, but she tries well.

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Shun's Inazuma Kakato Wari.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
MrJones          0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Shun

Jonesy makes a face at Shun's rebuttal, his eyes wiggling up and down a little. "Now, don'tchoo be trying to black mail me girl!" It's clear that the Retro Maniac is just joking given that he laughs a little, but the thought of Ken Masters trying to give him a beating for talking smack about his student in public television ain't a pretty one. Shrugging it off however, the Disco Brawler notices how Shun quickly drops down to block his attack to his leg and return the kick aiming for his shins apparently.

Jonesy frowns and curls his front leg to take the blow on the leg, grunting slightly at the annoyance. He'll probably having a bruise there later but considering that he uses his shins to block it ain't that of a big deal. What may be a big deal though is that he swings that same blocking leg out forward, aiming to slam a side thrust kick right on Shun's face, using the blade of his foot to jam it right on her mouth!


COMBATSYS: Shun endures MrJones' Arc Fliegan.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
MrJones          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0             Shun

Really, Shun seems to take that attack, let it hit her, and when the kick hits her face she's ready for it, rolling with the blow as she makes her next move, flipping back in a way that is most definitely /not/ her usual style of attack and making an attempt to kick Mistah Jay.

In his most private of parts, even. It's not even a remotely nice move. The attack is assisted by the force of Mr. Jones' own kick, making it most likely even nastier than it otherwise could've been. This is not her usual style, but there's no rules against striking below the belt in this Neo Development Project fight.

And so she kicks below the belt, if only to see her opponent's reaction.

COMBATSYS: MrJones dodges Shun's Strong Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MrJones          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0             Shun

Mister Jones winces slightly when his foot connects with Shun's pretty face. He had expected her to at least throw her arms up to stop the attack, or even just duck slightly to take it on the forehead rather than smack in the mouth, but standing there and take it? Shun seems to be from the same school of fighting as Intan, but that couldn't be right because that'd mean Intan was trained by either Ken or Ryu and really, Jones doesn't think he'd like to live in that world.

Unfortunately, the idea of Shun and Intan somehow sharing training becomes even more plausible when Shun returns with a vengeance trying to kick him right in the junk. "Whoa baby!" Naturally, Jones prefers not to get his funk kicked and stands sideways letting the kick fly right past him. "Tsk tsk, you're a really naughty girl aren't ya?" He sticks his tongue, almost a childish taunt, right before propelling a left backhanded fist towards Shun's already bloodied mouth!


COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Shun with Jab Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
MrJones          0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1             Shun

Shun tries to block this time, raising her arms but she's just to slow. Thrown back by that force, the girl gets up with a kind of twinkle in her eyes as she makes her next move. She gathers a lot of blue-ish white burning chi in her hands, and is about ready to show off one of the signature attacks of the Style she practices, as is exemplified by her words.


And the fireball flies, aimed pretty much straight for Mister Jones with as much force behind it as she can muster. She's not responding to his comments, entirely and deadly serious, and focused pretty much solely on the fight. She wants to win, and she acknowledges she's running behind...

COMBATSYS: Shun successfully hits MrJones with Hadouken.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MrJones          0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0             Shun

Another smack hits Shun right in the face and Jonesy begins to wonder why exactly has this girl been talked about so much. Rather than continue with his assault, the Groove Master stands there watching Shun struggle back to her feet and rubs his chin, his eyebrows furrowing in thought as he seems to think of something. Trying to remember that one fight he had with Ryu. His fighting skills were impressive, that goes without saying, but there was something that had really annoyed him in that fight. What was it?


"SHI-" Flailing his arms about at the crackling chi sent his way, Jonesy attempts to put his arms up front to take the brunt of the attack, though there's not a whole lot one can do about energy blasts hitting you in the body. The Groove Master gets propelled backwards and bounces on the ropes behind him falling flat on his face.

"Well...that smarts." He chuckles and gets back up rolling what remains of his sleeves up to his elbows. "You're a pretty funky gal after all."

COMBATSYS: MrJones gains composure.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MrJones          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Shun

That seemed to have been pretty effective. Let's try that again. That's basically Shun's thought patterns, of course, pulling off a true hadouken several times in a row is more than a little beyond her, so even as she gathers blue-ish white chi in her hands, it's obvious it's a lot less than the one she just threw at MrJones.


And true enough, the attack is flying towards the tall man with his afro. A much smaller fireball, but a fireball none the less. She smiles at Mister Jones compliments, but doesn't speak. She does seem to appreciate the compliment!

COMBATSYS: MrJones dodges Shun's Giji Hadouken.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MrJones          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0             Shun

Not this time.

"OOooo!!" Now that Jonesy /remembers/ what was it he didn't like about his fight against the Anatsuken Master Ryu, he's well prepared to react accordingly and rushes towards Shun the second he sees her gather up her chi to strike her with that irritating energy ball. Gathering up momentum, the Funky Fighter makes a somersault jumping clear over the energy strike to descend towards Shun.

With an axe kick.

Right for he head.


COMBATSYS: Shun full-parries MrJones' Arc Fliegan!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MrJones          0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0             Shun

Ducking below the Axe Kick, Shun abuses the fact she's shorter than Johnny Jones immensely, because as the kick passes her she jumpts up and starts to form her own attack right away, jumping up with one leg extended and circling rapidly, trying to hit Mistah Jay several times with that one leg while her other is used to keep her balance. And while she does this, she winks and blows him a kiss, for some kind of reason. Perhaps it's to try to distract him?

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Shun's Senpuu Kyaku EX.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MrJones          0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0             Shun

"Woopsie daisy!" Jonesy darn almost falls over face first when his heel kick hits nothing but air and waves his arms about comically trying to regain his balance. His shades lower slightly as he over extends himself, balancing himself on the tip of his toe, he sees Shun use the moment to strike him when he's leaning too much forward.

Now he's starting to see why Shun has made a reputation of herself so far on the NDP, it is well deserved, and would she be fighting any other warrior she would have surely scored a devastating hit with her super strategy. However, Mister Jones' experience is the only thing that saves him as he quickly curls his arm to one side taking the blow on his bicep with a side block. "Phew!" He wheezes looking a bit winded now, even if he's still grinning and inhales quickly before returning to the fray. Pushing the leg away to enter Shun's circle of defense, Jonesy throws a piston like fist directly for her stomach aiming to knock the wind out of her. Right after she blew him a kiss too! Why would he turn down such affections from a girl?

"Sorry babe, my heart belongs to another."

That might explain it.


COMBATSYS: Shun fails to interrupt Retro Knuckle from MrJones with Giji Shoryuken.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
MrJones          0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0             Shun

Shun tries to throw her fist in against MrJones, but unfortunately she fails and is punched back, gasping for air as she's on the ground, she crawls up fairly quickly. Even so, she's definitely not out of the fight yet, and by the looks of it she might even have plenty of fight left in her. This doesn't mean that she wasn't set back by this enough to give MrJones the opportunity to keep up his assault, because really, she was.

Trading punches with Mista' Jay is usually a reaaaally bad idea. The Groove Master reckons that Shun's got a spine to try and punch his fist right out of the way with an attack of her own, but perhaps colliding her knuckles against retro powered knuckles might not have been the best of tactics. Jonesy feels his fist collide with Shun's hand, driving her back.

Jonesy is a man on a mission right now. Something that he said or did right before he struck her fueled his groove. The Groove Master adjusts his stance quickly once Shun hits the floor and starts to scramble back to her feet, dashing directly towards her as she stabilizes to send a round house left kick directly to her thigh and cripple her movement before he goes in for the kill. Ready or not, here comes Jones!


COMBATSYS: Shun expertly blocks MrJones' Aggressive Strike.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
MrJones          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0             Shun

Shun was apparently ready, taking the block that's being dealt with one arm easily, and using the moment of that strike to, apparently, imbalance her. It's not until she raises her leg that the real trick behind this comes forth, using Mistah Jay's own momentum to minimize damage while launching an attack at the man she's fighting effortlessly.

It's a roundhouse kick too, and the momentum might not be all that sizable, but it's /noticable/ when produced. She smirks as she looks over at Jones, it's a bit cocky. For the first time in a while this fight, she makes a comment. "Don't count me out just yet."

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Shun's Inazuma Kakato Wari.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
MrJones          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0             Shun

"Don't worry, I ain't!"

Aside from just being a fighter and an actor, Jones is also a dancer. And so he dances this dance by rolling with the attacks. Though his roundhouse kick is blocked and knocked aside to be attacked by the same leg, the Funky Fighter goes with the flow and uses the same leg that was parried to block once again and knock Shun's leg out of the way as well! It's a beautiful thing to see, almost as if it was choreographed before hand. It's probably what gave Jones a lot of flack from critics and movie watchers a like, his moves look so natural in the movies that they just /had/ to be fake.

Once he moves the offending leg out of the way with a slight grunt, admittedly it's not as pretty a thing to see as Shun's own movement, the movie star returns to the action! Sliding forward, Jones throws a double fist directly for Shun's stomach and face simultaneously forcing her to decide which one she wants to block. Since she's been so good at stopping single attacks, Jones now aims to throw two at the same time.


COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Shun with Slide Double.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
MrJones          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1             Shun

Well, this is unfortunate. Shun tries to move out of the way, but she fails. Looking at her opponent for the fight, she narrows her eyes to focus and starts gathering a large amount of blue-ish white Chi for what she very well knows might be her parting shot this fight. She looks at Mistah Jay and and shouts!


And that's when she throws that big burning fireball, aimed just about right for the man she's engaged in combat with. Hoping to strike him in the face, though wherever is, as far she's concerned. Fine right now. She slumps down and is almost unconscious, falling over, it appears she has been beaten. Or at least forced into a tie...

... but has it really gone to the end yet?

COMBATSYS: Shun can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: MrJones blocks Shun's Hadouken.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          1/-------/=======|

POW! Just as he expected, Shun may be a prodigal fighter but she lacks the proper experience to know how to deflect two attacks at the same time. Mister Jones' trickiness pays off in the end as he apparently confuses the girl enough for her to simply try to move out of the way and end up eating both fists.

Retracting to adjust his fighting stance, Jonesy rubs his nose knowing full well that Shun still has enough energy in her to go for a desperation attack and frowns profusely when the air around him ripples with chi as she prepares to unleash the fury of the Hadouken.

Mista' Beats Jones scowls as he relaxes, watching the hadouken blast come directly at him, and instead of curling his arms to stop it this time he decides to just...punch it!


Dispersing the energy with his fist, the Groove Master relaxes his shoulders once the smoke clears and he finds Shun collapsed on the ground way past the ten second mark. He exhales and wipes sweat off his forehead, before the former champion of the NDP makes pose with a cheesy grin for the camera.


Log created on 22:23:14 04/20/2012 by Shun, and last modified on 14:04:32 04/22/2012.