NDP 2012.04 - NDP #14: Daniel vs Brett

Description: Stonehenge gets rocked when the hard-hitting hockey kid Brett Neuer ends up in a clash of Druidic proportions against Detective Daniel Jack, with a result that's too close for comfort. (Winner: Daniel)

In ancient times...
Hundreds of years before the dawn of history
Lived a strange race of people...
The Druids
No one knows who they were what they were doing
But the legacy remains here into the living rock of Stonehenge

Where the demons dwell! Where the banshees live and they do live well! Daniel Jack stood in the heart of the great stone pillars, arms crossed, glaring at the crowd of tourists, locals, and crew. The sun was shining, the grass was green, and the detective was damn sharp. Dressed in his signature orange Zoot Suit, he waits for his opponent for the Neo Development Project match. Eyeing the stone blocks, he weighs out the consequences of using them as weapons.

Judgement tells him no.

Go to timeout for even thinking that, Danny. The detective then wondered about his opponent. Brett. He has never heard of Brett. Didn't even know what his style was. Maybe he was like Bred. Daniel remembered Bred, and he was a low-life thug! Maybe Brett would be the same way.

Or maybe he would prove him wrong.

He doesn't look like Mad Gear. Hell, he looks like he's barely out of high school, and far too straight laced to be in that kind of crowd. No Metro City grime or anything. Matter of fact, he looks like he almost came straight out off the ice, if not for the rollerblades instead of the hockey skates.

So forgive Brett Neuer if he doesn't exactly meet the detective's expectations as he rolls through the barricades meekly, a few muttered apologies to the tourists parting to give him away (and the staff closing up the barricades behind him). "So...um...hey. Guess you're my opponent. The name's Brett. Good luck, ey?" he says with a smile and a mix of midwestern and Canadian accent. He's pretty broad, but his posture...definitely doesn't feel 'fighter-ish', especially that anxious way he keeps straightening that helmet of his.

He didn't look Mad Gear, and that was good enough for Daniel.

In fact, he looked downright straight. The detective inspects Brett, sticking a tongue in his cheek. "You from Wisconsia?" The detective asks, turning his ear towards Brett. "Eh, somewhere Midwestern. Damn good to meet you, son." The detective belts out, reaching within his jacket. "Hope you put up a good fight, and I hope to promise the same, scuzzy!" The detective draws out a short, metal stick of some kind. Rattling it a bit, he looks at the rollerskates, as well as the hockey stick.

"So, uh, you fight using Basketball skills?"

The detective smirks a bit at his bad joke, as he whips the stick hard. The baton suddenly jerks out, expanding out to about 20 inches in a telescoping fashion. The baton is a bit thin, short of the stud at the tip, but now, the detective seemed to arm himself. Daniel learned from his fight with Mister Jones about what happens if you don't bring your own tools to a fight.

It might end up into a fair curbstomp.

Brett blinks a bit, and smirks. "Minnesota, actually," he says good naturedly, adjusting his helmet yet again in that nervous way. He lifts up the hand still holding his stick in a gesture reciprocating the polite extension. "Thanks, I..."

And his face falls when he hears the joke about 'basketball'. "Hockey," he says rather curtly, looking like someone just insulted his family. He sighs and relaxes, though, recognizing a joke where he sees it, but his attitude is less cordial now, as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Nnmnnnn..." He seems wary about the stick, but he doesn't seem too scared of it. He just continues to readjust his pads and equipment, doing so remarkably despite the thick gloves....

And then his stick cracks hard on the ground in front of him, posture hunched, head dipped as if he's ready for a face-off. As he lifts his head up, his expression is stoney, focused and narrowed. This is almost not the same kid that rolled in nebbishly. This must be his game face. "Ready."

COMBATSYS: Brett has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Brett            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Brett

"Hockey, huh?"

Daniel Jack nods, shouldering the baton. No duh it was a Hockey player. This was going to be eccentric, the detective thinks. That body armor might be a problem though. Daniel Jack might have the wrong tool for the job. Still, he continues, keeping up his amicible appearance. "Great sport. Didn't have it too much in Nebraska; I mean you had the Lancers and the Huskers, but nothing in the NHL. I mean, I guess I saw the Avalanches playing once." The detective shrugs as the fighter hits the stick hard on the ground.

It was time to great ready.

The judge makes the motions as the crowd, pressed against the barricade, eyes the two fighters. Daniel Jack rolls his neck, his expression questioning the other fighter.

"So how well do you play on the field, scuzzy?"

As Danny Boy might learn soon enough, once Brett gets into the zone, he's not the...talkative sort. The answer he gets is simply an intense stare, focus, and a sense of tension, like the Defenseman was a spring about to be sprung.

And then the signal came: *READY!.......FIGHT!*

Soon as the signal comes, Brett shoots forward, zooming past just out of each of their weapon's reach and trying to take a hard stop before pivoting around toward the detective again. Wheeling his stick back, he takes aim, and then snaps it upward in a sharp slash. The result is a cool blue arc of chi cutting across the ground, cutting through the grass and racing toward Daniel Jack.

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Brett's Shark Crest.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Brett


"Whoa!" The detective belts out, Brett's speed already running down the detective. Even though he looked bulky, and was a bit out of his element, Daniel Jack realized that Brett was a martial artist, and he had his sights on bringing the detective down. Daniel Jack drops back, already bringing around the baton towards a hasty guard. When Brett goes for circling around, he keeps up the block, tracking the fighter as he keeps steady.

Then the chi comes.

The energy forces Daniel to keep his guard up. Catching most of the hit with his forearms, knuckles, and the baton itself, he finally beats back the last bit of the energy. "Speedy little sucker, aren't you?" The detective growls, carefully noting that the hockey player was well out of his reach. Winding back the baton, he glares towards the hockey star... and chucks the baton right for the back of his helmet. "HAH!" The detective belts out, before thinking about his actions.

Why was he aiming for the -helmet-

COMBATSYS: Brett Toughs Out Daniel's Thrown Object!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Brett

He may be big, but that's the scary thing about simple science: Big things may have some difficulty getting up to speed, but when they get going, they're hard to stop. The concept of momentum. So it should be no surprise that, despite his scary acceleration, he has a little difficulty coming back to a stop when he keeps on that blazing line.

But it also means as he pushes forward, and when the baton flies forward, Mr. Neuer doesn't stop. The stick pings off that helmet, and while it knocks off it in a nasty cracking sound, he keeps going, showing little sign of stopping because of it. He doesn't simply ram into his target though, no. He passes by again, but this time, he tries to raise his stick up on the pass, using the blade to try and hook around the detective's neck and yank him down with all that momentum.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Daniel with King's End.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Brett

Damn hard to stop.

As Brett is unrattled by the weapon toss, the detective's face quickly shows the utter dread of the incoming bruiser. Daniel Jack drops to his defensive stance of aikido, but hops a bit, trying to figure whether or not he could run out of the way. Unfortunately, that stick has some reach. As Brett reaches up for some high stick action, it catches the detective off guard; Danny actually thought he would just bowl over him like a ten-pin. Hitting the grass, the detective gets a mouth full of sod.

But he won't let the hockey star slip by that quickly.

The detective's arm lashes out for the beskated star. He -might- get a handle of the hockey player; the kid was darn fast. However, should he manage to get a grip, he will sandbag Brett, trying to bring him to the ground. Once he is on the floor, Daniel would pulling himself to the offending leg, and wrench it into a lock at the knee.

"Don't talk much, do you."

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Brett with Mad Jack Crack.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Brett

That's another thing about momentum, is the thing. If you stop something with a whole lot of momentum suddenly....well, it tends to have a lot of force. And if it doesn't impart that force on something softer on it, that object tends to suffer most of the force upon stopping.

So when Daniel manages to grab hold of Brett on another pass, and wrench the leg around...well, the damage is more than palpable. It's like if the poor lad ended up being swung into a brick wall, except the swing being rotated about 90 degrees toward the horizon. His helmet cracks again, this time with chips flying off the front as it nearly shatters from his face-first impact into the ground. And the leg lock is nothing to sneeze at either, delirious groans of pain coming from the formerly slient hockey kid.

"AGGHHhhHHhhh..." He manages to wrench himself around, and despite the solid grip, get his leg free...but it's not without cost, an obvious hobble as he pulls himself into a crouch. His face is bloodied, and his nose seemed to take the worst of it...but he's played through worse. He's bled worse too (as a matter of fact, his last NDP fight). So it shouldn't be a surprise that he's still got fight. However, with that momentum shift, he can't just go barrelling around anymore. Still, even without momentum, mass can be a killer. Like the mass of a 200 lb. kid flipping over and trying to smash the heel of his good leg down across Danny's face, skate and all.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Daniel with Falling Star EX.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0            Brett

That's the thing about Aikido. You take your opponent's momentum, and turn it into a faceplant. Daniel Jack does just that, and stops that riproaring offense dead. Getting the grip is just icing, and a capstone on the entire technique.

"That'll slow you down a bit!"

Unfortunately, Daniel finds that a crippled hockey player is just an angry hockey player. Despite the blood dribbling down, he was already surging back. As the heel comes crashing down, the detective tries to block. 'Tries' becomes a face-tearing slash, and Daniel Jack stumbles back, blood running from HIS face and nose.

But not losing his swagger.

"AAAAAAAAAAGH is not conversation, beef chunk!" The detective spits figuratively, and with that blood and saliva hitting the ground literally. Rushing back to the hockey star, he decides to exploit the change in momentum. Falling back in his center, he drops to the horse stance of Todoh, raising his hands up high. With the traditional stance in place, he roars out the attack as he slashes the air before him. Chi erupts out, and then back up, the short-ranged attack attempting to knock back the other fighter.


COMBATSYS: Brett endures Daniel's Kasane Ate.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Daniel           0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Brett

As the winger takes the somersault over, he lands on that hobbled leg, forcing him to switch his weight again once the good leg finally hits ground. Brett groans, trying to get a small push back for space afterwards. Not to get away....matter of fact, it's just the opposite. He needs that space in order to get enough start up room to charge again. After all, big guys need room to get up to speed.

The fact that Daniel is preparing that erupting line of chi at him doesn't stop him. Matter of fact, he just ducks in lower when it happens. As the Kasane Ate slams into him, his forward momentum stalls a bit, and instead lifts him up into the air...but that's what he was hoping for. Maybe not so much the pain that collision takes but....

Well, just watch. As he's pitched in the air, still moving forward, he lifts his stick up and starts on with a furious spin, looking almost like an out of control heilcopter. He's not trying to stabilize his flight however: just the opposite, actually. That stick continues to spin as he flies toward Daniel, hoping to hack into him like a piece of steak tossed into an industrial oscillating fan.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Daniel with Blackhawk Down EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Daniel           1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0            Brett

Daniel Jack unleashes the wave of energy, which Brett takes astride. He needed to keep the aggressive player off his back. But how? Apparently, that Kasane Ate wasn't going to cut it. Though it DOES cut pretty deeply. Daniel Jack watches as he begins to spin, trying to catch the detective. Daniel throws up his guard, and promptly gets cut down. The first blow is blocked, yes, but when the other cuts come, Daniel is forced to shift to a one-arm block to keep him from losing both limbs. When his guard falls, DAniel has only one thought.

Where was he getting these bursts of energy?

The detective's chest begins to bleed and swell, the detective feeling a cracked rib at LEAST. Daniel Jack isn't slowing down though, not just yet. With a pacing that might even Brett impressed, the detective continues with his relentless frenzy of special techniques. This time, however, he unleashes another Kasane Ate. Swinging his free arm much faster than the last, the detective isn't making it hard to see what he was trying to do with this shorter wave of energy.

Buy himself space.


COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Brett with Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Daniel           1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1            Brett

Brett really doesn't have time to be impressed. He'd have to stop to be impressed, and right now, he wasn't exactly in a state to afford to stop. It's like a car running on fumes: it's gotta keep going on what it has left, or else it's not going to be able to start up afterward. So when Daniel summons up that energy again for another short wave of energy, Brett keeps going, this time trying to brace with his arms and push through with that momentum again....

Unfortunately, this time he gauges wrong, and he ends up eating the whole thing instead, stalling him completely and ending up eating the full force of it. "NGHHHHHHHHH....." The padding doesn't seem to help much, and he ends up flat on his back with a groan. "Nhhhhhh...." Trying to push himself back up, he eyes the zoot suited fighter...and tries to push himself back up on his skates. Not too far, as he tries to spin low and wide with his stick, aiming to hack at his ankles repeatedly. Despite the palpable pain in his face, Brett continues going on, ridiculous determination keeping him surging on.

COMBATSYS: Daniel interrupts Ice Thrasher from Brett with Jumping Jack Flash.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Daniel           1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Brett

As the second Kasane Ate is unleashed, Daniel Jack is already getting is position for the follow through. In the world of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu (well, small town more like it), Danny was skilled in all elements of the art. His signature trait, however, was his ability to combine the various techniques together. In this case, Daniel had unleashed two Kasane Ates in a row.

And now, here comes the third and final one.

Daniel's form begins to fade as Brett rushes back with a roar and a grunt. Mostly a grunt. Daniel Jack's outline grows dimmer, more faded and subdued in the colors. When the low hack comes, Brett may notice that he is hitting against something much harder than before. It was as if he was attacking a mural on a wall, or some other background artifact. Daniel Jack doesn't give him much chase to mull, however, as the detective steps in. On the second spin, the detective seizes him by his shoulder pads. Turning his momentum against him, Danny swings Brett high up in a wide, circular motion, before gripping him overhead on the palms of his hands. Brett hears the cry of the attack for the third time now, as Daniel Jack hurls him downward in an arc of orange chi.


Ok...that's weird. Brett contniues to spin and hack, and he's hitting something...but it feels far too solid to be someone's shins or ankles. It's like he's smashing one of those stone monoliths surrounding him....too bad he doesn't stop to mull why. Not that it would have given him much more time to react, as much as he was going already. When he's grabbed by his pads, he finds himself grabbed and that spin used to turn him back down into the ground with another crunch, his helmet completely shattering this time at the impact...and to add insult to injury, he ends up blasted back by the resulting Kasane Ate. Crashing into the ground, he groans, and slowly comes up. He looks ragged and broken...but damned if he doesn't have ridiculous spirit in pushing himself back up. "I'm......not....done..." he groans, propped up on his stick. With that burning look in his eyes, he reels his stick back. Suddenly, he hacks into the ground with a hard slapshot, a chunk of turf upended and shot forward straight for Daniel's face.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to slow Thrown Object from Brett with Thrown Object.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Daniel           1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0            Brett

Only Daniel could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. As he hammers his opponent down, something turns up. A moment of weakness. An opening. Brett was turning the monument into his own hockey match. But as the chunk comes flying to him... there was only one response.

Mud Fight.

Daniel is reaching down to pick up the next piece of turf. But already, he was finding himself stuck. "NO! I must grab the- it cannot be!" But it was be. Daniel Jack could not get the turf off in time. And cleanly, powerfully, and directly... Daniel Jack takes the dirt, knocking him tumbling to the ground.


The turf shot was not meant as the game ender...but Brett put all his strength into it. He couldn't just do it half-heartedly as cover, not when he was this down. And besides, he needed to commit fully or he'd never get the momentum back he needed. Thankfully, when Daniel ends up caught before he can intercept the mud brick with one of his own, that leaves the opening Brett needs.

He pushes forward slowly, waiting for Daniel to get up from that tumble, before he finally slams his skate down hard, kicking off the ground with all the strength left in his legs. Picking up speed, he reels his body around, and then levels off a hard crashing hack of his stick, trying to crack it down atop Daniel's head with full commitment to the blow, a fading glow of blue around the blade of his stick. 110 percent was all he had to give.

COMBATSYS: Daniel interrupts Red Sabre EX from Brett with Fantastic Todoh Punch.

[                         \\\\\  < >                                ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Brett

Stumbling, the detective clears the dirt from his face, the mix of grass, mud, and blood forming an ugly combo. It wasn't meant to be a game ender, but it was damn close. And now, Brett got the opening he needed. He was picking up speed faster than Daniel could come to his senses. And he was diving down, ready to crack it upon the poor detective's head.
And then comes the roar.

".... Fantastic...

Daniel's form begins to fade again as his body bursts into flames. Brett may see the strange illusion again, of Daniel's form losing color, as if he was becoming one with the setting, one with the crowd, one with the stone, one with the ground. Rising up with a jolt, he throws back his hand, eyes burning. Throwing up his other hand into a block, he catches the painful slash in his palm. There is a cracking sound, but the detective is unmoving. And once he gets the grip on the hockey stick, neither was Brett.

".... TODOH..."

Daniel's chi was now focused into his wound back hand, a singularity of raw power. Very slowly, the detective was shifting his weight. Brett was fixed his place. The detective's body was beginning to gain its color again. And as the color rushes back... so does the punch, unleashing the raw force of a single, explosive punch to send Brett flying.


Yeah...this was going to hurt.

Brett cracks the forward...but that weird thing the detective does comes again, and he feels zero give in the impact. "....oh shoo..." His not-even-a-curse is cut off, however, as the massive charged punch slams into the hockey player. Sending him back into the barricades with that massive impact, that seems like it should be all she wrote, light fading in the poor kid's eye.

But Brett Neuer never gives up, even when he knows he's lost. Rumbling forward on his wheels in a way you might expect a zombie on roller skates to shamble forward, he keeps moving in. "I....nnnn...." He could barely breath right now, between the massive contusion on his chest, nearly broken nose, and exhaustion that's fully set in at this point. But he still doesn't stop. With the last bit of strength he has, he reels his stick back, and slaps it forward. Another Shark Crest comes forward, but as it skids forward, so does Brett, the swing of his body taking him over as he finally pitches to the ground bonelessly and unconsciously.

COMBATSYS: Brett can no longer fight.

[                         \\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Daniel negates Shark Crest from Brett with Thrown Object.

[                         \\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/---====|

Yeah, it was gonna hurt.

When Brett hits the barricade with a sickening crash, the detective turns around, crossing his arms. The ultimate in Todoh might. The detective's body was burning, he was at the edge of his energy. And frankly, he was crossing his arms because he thinks that Brett just broke his hand. The detective clenches it, wincing. Yep, broke his hand. At least Brett was down. Nobody could come back from that.

But then he comes back.

As the Shark Crest comes flying out, the detective grabs his porkpie hat. With a smooth motion, he whips it around, and then flings it straight for the wave of chi coming at him. Fashion meets Crest, and with a shudder, the hat is utterly consumed by the blast... But with the contact made, the blast dissapates. The detective stands hatless, looking at his opponent. And with a smile, he gives the final words.

"Great fight, man. Let me buy you a burger after this!"

Brett is...still pretty much out of it. But at the sound of that offer Daniel extends as the referee calls the fight and officially announces Daniel as the winner...the winger lifts his arm up bonelessly, giving the most minute of thumbs ups without lifting his head up...before it falls back down again. Poor boy's gonna need help to the nearest diner though if he wants that burger.

Log created on 19:46:33 04/11/2012 by Brett, and last modified on 09:43:06 04/13/2012.