NDP 2012.04 - NDP #3: Munin vs Daniel

Description: Daniel Jack and Munin duke it out in a Neo Development Project match set in the depths of Transylvania. What a terrible night to have a curse. (WINNER: Munin)

What a nice place.

No! Really! It's really pretty, and somewhat comfortable!

At least, to Munin, who is currently standing out in the castles spatious courtyard. The moon is full, and a cool summer breeze blows through the shafty passages of the place, though not biting. From one of the windows of the castle proper, a pair of red eyes momentarily peer down at her as she looks up, before blinking out and vanishing into the darkness.

She decides not to ask. It IS an old creepy castle, after all. Still, somehow, the entire environment is very much to her liking. Maybe it's in sync with her own natural creep-factor? Maybe it's all the darkness and myth surrounding it, something she's always enjoyed reading about?

Or, more than likely, she's just really weird? Who can say for sure.

What matters for now is that she has a match, and she's here to follow up on that. The handles containing her weapons are in her hands, though the blades are not yet extended, as she casts around in the gloom, for either her opponent with a sneak attack, or more spectral or supernatural anomolies.


The detective moves carefully through the fog, shoulders hunched, clutching a watch by the chain. A light whirring sound cuts through the night, the detective swinging the watch round and round. This was a creepy place, no place for a detective like himself. Daniel Jack used to not believe in the supernatural. But that was before he had a personal presence with Vega himself. Now, for the detective anything could happen.


The judges were in place, turning towards the foggy cloud that Daniel emerges from. The detective looks across the way. Finally, an opponent who was NOT half his age. Snatching the watch in the air, the detective pockets his watch. "What a terrible night to have a fight." The detective murmurs, stepping forward into the ring. Eyeing the weapon handles, the detective nods. "Nice tools. Alright, I'm ready, sweetheart, whenever you're ready."

The judges nod, waiting to see who makes the first move.

Munin turns to face Daniel. She raises an eyebrow, smirking "What makes you say that". She looks around fondly "I think it's a rather wonderful night, for a fight or otherwise". She looks back to him, the blades ejecting from the handles with flicks of her wrists, their blades seeming to shimmer with dark chi "Ready when you are....".

She definately seems to be in high spirits, pun not intended, in this strange place.

COMBATSYS: Daniel has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Daniel           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Munin has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Daniel           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Munin

The judges gives the pair of thumbs up...

And Daniel is off.

Shooting forward, the detective slows down as he approaches Munin, dropping back into the defensive stance of Aikido, a straddle-stance that the detective was trained in through Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu. "It's dark, the weather is miserable, gloomy, the atmosphere is downright... down, you digging me?

"No, I guess you aren't."

The detective opens up cautiously, beginning with a straight palm strike with his left, followed by a crushing hand chop with his right. Whether or not these strike or not does not matter to the detective; the combination continues as the gumshoe shoots forward a straight kick with his right leg, finishing off as he whirls around his left for a round house kick. A four strike combination, to help build momentum.

Hopefully, he can create his own opportunities after this.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Munin with Zoot Suit Riot.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Daniel           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Munin

"No, I do-" Munin is cut off mid-response as Daniel rushes in. As he kicks things off, it jerks her suddenly back to reality. She was enjoying the atmosphere a bit too much, it seems, for when the attack comes in, she is just too slow to get out of the way.

The first shot is dodged, the second blocked, the third stuns her just enough for the fourth to impact the side of her head, sending her off to the side. She rolls on impact with the ground, coming up with a spin, one of her blades lancing out in a series of three rapid strikes, aimed at knee, one arm, and his chest!

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Munin's Charged Combo.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Daniel           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Munin

Daniel Jack isn't highly skilled, and doesn't have a large resevoir of natural talent. What he makes up for both is raw flair and hardboiled dedication. The first punch is evaded, the second blocked. It is the kicks that carry Daniel over, and for a moment, he has the momentum he needs. "Keep it steady, sweetheart; if you can't keep up with me, then you shouldn't take the heat!"

It was time to get dangerous.

As Munin surges back, the detective keeps his stance steady, ready to recieve the attack. The good news is that he deflects the assault; Using his palms, he deftly redirects each of the thrusts, calmly forcing them off target. The bad news is made more obvious as blood trickles down his palms.

Deflecting blades hurts.

As the chest thrust comes, the detective parries with his hands, the blade cutting deep in his hand. But despite the pain, he was walking his hands up the blade towards the swordswoman's own hands and arms. Should he close in, the detective will try and grab the girl by the wrist and above the elbow. With a sharp wrench, he will twist the arm by the wrist and elbow, attempting to make it physically impossible for Munin to hold her sword. A clean disarm. The detective was trained in fighting armed opponents as well as unarmed.

Lets see how tight her grip was.

COMBATSYS: Munin counters Mad Jack Crack from Daniel with Shadow Strike.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Munin

The moment he starts 'walking' his hand up the blade to her wrist, she knows he intends to go for some kind of throw or disarm. It's a standard trick to keep a weapon out of the way while moving to range that close. A normal strike of some kind could be done further away.

With this clue, she steps in as he gets close, to throw off his timing, wraps one arm around inside his elbow, and the other around his lower arm, and flips him instead!

To top it off, she throws him down atop one of her blades, which she pulls up to slice him evenly as he falls past.

She casually steps backwards, to where he had been attacking from, into the shadows of the castle, and out of the moonlight.

Her eyes, usually only seen to glow at certain times, can actually be seen now in the low light, soft violet orbs eyeing his prone form, set in a face muddled with thought and calculation, though her form is harder to see due to her already-dark Chi deepening the darkness a bit.

Daniel Jack suddenly finds the dame turned on him. Munin steps in, counter-grabbing the detective and flipping him. The flip was hardly an issue for the detective; he takes throws all day long under the Todoh family. The real problem is when she unleashes the rising cut, tearing into the detective fiercely. The detective stumbles, chest bleeding from the wound, oozing out into his orange suit. Falling, he holds himself up on the side of the picket-spear fencing around the perimeter of the courtyard. Looking up, he readies himself for the follow up from the girl.

And she was gone.

The detective scans the surrounding courtyard, watching with a dilligent, inspecting eye. He was wounded, yes, but she was hurting as well. But where -was- she. The detective decides if she was going to try and fake him out... then he was going to try and fake HER out. Turning around, he unleashes a sharp mule kick to the fencing, twisting it badly. Grabbing one of the spears, he wrenches it free from the fence, and turns around, holding it like a club. Scanning the surrounding shadows, he calls out. "Don't hide out too long, you freakin' dame! You are messing with the best!"

Daniel was not the best.

COMBATSYS: Daniel focuses on his next action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Munin

Munin slowly slides along in the shadows, picking up a small stone from a pillar as she goes.

Once she's close enough, careful to angle it so it stays within the darkness, she throws the stone back, and off to the side, where it smacks against the stone wall in the darkness with a loud clatter.

Just after it lands, she strikes from the shadows, aiming an elbow right at Daniels face, with a softly spoken comment of "Over here.....".

COMBATSYS: Daniel interrupts Random Strike from Munin with Random Weapon.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Daniel           0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0            Munin

The detective watches the shadows with a discerning, dilligent eye. His eyes were open, his ears were open. He could feel the very ground beneath his feet. So what does Daniel do when he hears the clatter?

Look in the opposite direction.

"Over there!" The detective shouts as the elbows comes crashing in. The elbow makes contact, yes, smashing the detective in the cheek. What Munin may find less paltable is the detective charging right into the ambushing woman, pike first. Thrusting the spear-point into the woman's torso, he prooobably doesn't manage to run it through. Though not lack of trying; he will carry the woman if he has to as he stomps on forward.

"You don't think I know what a rock sounds like, scuzzy?"

(Damn....) Munin thinks as she dodges sideways, the makeshift lance slicing a nice furrowed line across her torso, partially shredding her shirt.

"You'd be suprised..." she leaps past him

"how many people...." she leaps up into the air

"that WORKS on!". From the air, as she says 'works', she flings a carefully aimed shot of shadow chi, flung with a swing of one of her swords, at Daniels exposed back, falling back into the darkness around the room as she lands to plan her next strike.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to slow Shadow Wave from Munin with Kasane Ate.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0            Munin

As Munin rolls off, the detective is, for a brief moment, exposed. But not unaware. He could hear her speak, and the detective was an relentless attacker. Turning around, he releases one of his hands from his improvised weapon. Swiping the air, he is already spying the incoming blast of energy, roaring out the name quickly as he tries to stop the wave. The field is lit up briefly as he throws the chi fast. "KASANE A-

Daniel "Tender" Little says, "But not fast enough.

The chi flares up before flaring out as the shadow chi catches Daniel on the side. The detective seethes, stumbling back as a fresh hole is torn through his dress jacket. "Damn!" He bites down, keeping his grip on his pike as the Kasane Ate dies in the womb. Keeping himself upright, the detectives keeps himself steady. But that is all he can do, as he watches the woman fade back into the shadows.

He was falling behind."

Munin eyes Daniel carefully, slowly moving within the darkness like a fish in water, and like a fish in water, she's much happier, and more comfortable, therein.

From within the darkness, Daniel would see a pair of violet eyes flash with light briefly, before winking out again, illuminating her narrowed eyes, along with her amused and rather disconcerting smile. She's ENJOYING this! A lot!

COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0            Munin

The detective holds steady, keeping his defenses up. He was waiting, watching. Munin was in and out likes the shadows, a hit and run ninja that the detective simply could not pin down. The old cold comfort he had was that he had made contact twice now; and both times, he could see the damage. She was nimble, yes, and she could hit pretty hard. But Daniel could hit her harder; if only he could find her! And then, in the shadows.
He sees the flash.

Immediately, the detective hurls the pike into the depths of the shadows. Spinning like a javelin, he was aiming NOT between the eyes. That would be foolish. No, he was aiming below the eyes, hoping to catch center of mass. There was fighting boldly, and there was fighting SMART. The trick that Daniel Jack was trying to nail down was the happy medium between the two.


COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Munin with Thrown Object.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1            Munin

Munin tries to bring her swords up in a quick crossblock, but is, unfortunately, not fast enough. The tip makes a nasty gash across her shoulder as she brings the weapons up to intercept it. This, however, gives her a clue in one important way: He knows where she is currently. She really does need to find a way to hide that eye-glow....

From the darkness, she leaps at him, both swords raised to strike, both aimed at his head! This is a chi-illusion, however, and does no damage on strike, vanishes if hit, and vanishes anyway after two or three seconds on it's own. It's ment as a distraction.

The REAL Munin, meanwhile, zips quickly sideways in a blur of motion, coming up from his right side with a swing at his temple with one sword!

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Munin's Medium Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Munin

With the weapon gone, so goes Daniel Jack's heightened perception. At least, for the moment. When he sees that the pike hits SOMETHING, he smirks."Yeah. Bullseye." Throwing up his guard, he falls back to the defensive stance of Aikido. Waiting. Holding steady. When the frontal assault comes, the detective throws up his left arm, attempting to catch the attack head on with a block. In that regard, it is successful. Except... he feels nothing. What was this? Daniel briefly makes sense of what was happening.

But she comes in on the flanks.

Throwing up his other arm, he nearly falls for the illusion. Well, technically, he DID fall for it. It is only the detective's conservative defense that keeps him from falling further behind; by keeping his stance neutral, he didn't overextend when Munin comes in through the shadows. The cut digs hard into the detective's right forearm, Daniel Jack wincing from the strike. His left, however, begins to flare up with orange chi, lighting up the darkness a bit. Bringing it around, the detective attempts to pin down the shadow warrior, roaring out the name of the attack as he slashes at the woman with burning chi.


COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Daniel's Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Daniel           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Munin

The attack comes in fast. VERY fast. If Munin hadn't already been moving at full tilt, there's no way she could have avoided it. She narrows her eyes in pain as she skims around it, the sudden change in lighting from dark to really bright slowing her advance as her eyes are forced to adjust, then readjust all over again.

Her suprise at the failed misdirection, however, doesn't show on her face as she once again comes in. After dodging the shot, she makes a sharp turn, redirecting all that momentum to literally leap past him, swinging both blades at his side as she passes by.

COMBATSYS: Daniel interrupts Fierce Strike from Munin with Jumping Jack Flash.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Daniel           0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1            Munin

Those who have faced off Daniel before might recognize the lesser Kasane Ate as to be very similar to his many other 'starter' moves. Zoot Suit Riot chains well to other moves; the same with Mad Jack Crack and even the regular Kasane Ate. The detective's technique was not based around power and Kasane Ate, like Master Todoh, or even careful counter-attacks like Kasumi. Instead, Daniel Jack drew from both of their styles, and emphasized an underdeveloped side of both their styles.

The combination strikes.

As the first Kasane Ate is unleashed, the detective is already preparing the second wave. His right hand erupting in orange chi, the detective continues to press the offensive, his body burning with more and more chi. As she moves past him, the detective suddenly tenses up, his outline fading. Munin may notices that the detective was almost blending into the cobblestones of the courtyard, becoming one with the background. As she slices, she can barely feel the reduced resolution right hand reach up to snatch her as her blade cuts into the detective. The detective takes her momentum, returning back into focus as he redirects it towards the ground. His body flaring up further, the chi flows from the detective's right hand to Munin, lighting her ablaze as he smashes her straight into the ground.


WINCE! This is the only reaction Munin displays to the impact, as her body crunches into the stonework of the floor, leaving some cracks, half due to the residual power of the attack, and half from her landing with such force! She coughs up a bit of red, and glares up at him, eyes flashing with light again.

Suddenly, the shadows from all around the room converge on him! The envelop her almost entirely, aside from the quickly dimming view of her eyes, beacings of purple in the inky blackness! With a snarl, the sound of her approaching can be heard, though the sound is off! The footsteps seem to come from several angles all at once? What is going on?!?

COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Daniel with Double Vision.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Daniel           1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0            Munin

As the darkness closes in, Munin starts leaping around, masking her footsteps and making her position sound varied, stopping beside him. Then, when Daniel seems at his most open, she strikes, swinging one blade at chest, and the other, while he would be occupied with the first impact, at his temple with the flat of the blade!

The shadowy chi filling the area disperses moments after she finishes her attack.

The toss smashes his opponent down hard, giving the detective just a little momentum. He was growing exhausted, that was true. But as Master Todoh taught him, exhaustion is its own reward. But as he recovers... the shadows surround him. Blinded for a moment, he looks around in the darkness. "Oh, come on...." He begins, keeping his guard up. But in the end, it is for naught. With so many sounds around him, he is forced to rely on a sense also clouded. When the first blow comes, the detective's guard is utterly destroyed. But when the second comes right for the temple, that seems to be it for the detective. Daniel Jack is sent stumbling into the fog, disappearing into the cloud. For a moment, there is silence.

And then, the fog explodes.

The cloud is dispersed by a great flare of chi. Daniel Jack was smashed hard into the picket fencing he had kicked in before, his head bleeding, his body poked up, but stilling gripping the fence behind him. The fog begins to whirl slowly around the detective like a cyclone, the detective pulling up one last burst of effort. Tearing the section of fencing clean off, he hurls it to the ground before him, shattering it into pieces. As they rebound up, the detective begins to advance back towards Munin, snatching the broken chunks of metal and the long spears as he moves forward. Some of the pieces he simply tosses up in the air before him, while others he chucks right towards Munin, tracking her as he begins hurling piece after piece at the woman, keeping the unthrown parts juggled in the air. As the last spear is finally tossed, however, the cyclone begins to die down... and with it, the detective. He doesn't recover from the last throw, instead stumbling to the ground before him, collapsing in defeat.

One KO.

COMBATSYS: Daniel can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Munin            0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Daniel's Mean Business.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Munin            0/-------/---====|

Munin blinks almost audibly as her opponent more or less explodes with chi! She does so again when he picks up and slams down the fence, leaping back a few steps when he does so, partiall out of suprise, partially cause she expected him to throw the whole freakin thing at her!

When he starts throwing the pieces, however, she is very glad she took that hop back.

Using both blades, she starts playing 'jedi knight', deflecting pieces where and when she can! Sparks fly with each pieces impact off one of her swords as she flits them left, right, spins one up, crossblocks, and so on.

As pieces start getting through more and more, she isn't sure she can hold out through the whole thing! When he DOES finally drops, she can only sigh in relief, lowering her swords, which steam from the heat build up by the combination of chi and friction, and watch her opponents prone form.

Leaning against a stone pillar, she takes a few deep breaths while waiting for the medics to show up to check both of them out. She closes her eyes and enjoys the cool moonlit breeze in the meantime.

Log created on 10:34:13 04/02/2012 by Daniel, and last modified on 21:57:21 04/04/2012.