Description: As the Neo Development Project season once more gets underway, a match occurs between Munin and newcomer Intan over a fiery volcano, on a roped bridge, while a helicopter crew captures the battle from a safe distance. Swords meet daggers in the sweltering heat!
The fight tonight takes place on a rope bridge over an active volcano. An erupting one, in fact. One side is marked blue, the other is marked red. High up in the sky, a helicopter is filming everything with an added side dish of commentary loud enough for the two young women to hear.
"It's time for a hot start to the Neo Development Project for these two hotties." He announces. "On the blue side we have Muuuunin Aaaarshe wielding two sexy blades. On the other hand with have Intaaaaaaaan of no-last-name, wielding two even sexier blades. It's the curves."
And on that note, Intan jumps on top of the bridge, a bit of worry showing on her face as she looks around to see the lava, but this doesn't last long. She throws her krisses into the air and backflips, catching the blades in midair and landing back on the bridge. She looks at the other side of the bridge, ready to fight.
COMBATSYS: Intan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Intan 0/-------/-------|
A sigh comes from Intans opponent as she overhears the announcers. She never has been one for the big flairs or overhype. Then again, she CAN be rather boring at times, she admits to herself, so at least it's being handled by those well-versed in the activity.
She slowly steps out onto the bridge, eyeing the lava, and the depth below, warily. She HATES heights! Particularly when they seem to be made thus by less-than sturdy supports like this rickety bridge. Still, the show must go on! Sides, her opponent looks interesting.
As she walks up to a few feet from Intan, she reaches behind her back, pulling out a pair of handles, from which a pair of shortsword blades snap into place with a pair of *SNIKT* sounds. She brings them up into a defensive stance, and stands ready!
COMBATSYS: Munin has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Intan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Munin
And the show is on, with the announcer shouting a loud, "Let's heat things up here. Ladies, it's time to fight!" That can be heard down in the mouth of the volcano. Intan, on her end, doesn't wait for her opening opportunity. Rushing forwards to her adversary for today and lashing out with one of those curved blades. It's a very quick strike, and somewhat defensive as it seems Intan immediately backs away from Munin again. If she hits, she'll speak a few words. "Tag, you're it." But only if her blow lands.
COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Intan's Quick Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Munin
With a casual flick of her wrist, Munin sweeps one of her blades out, stopping the attack from connecting with tender flesh. Her violet eyes lock with Intans, and flash with light for a brief moment as she smirks. As Intan hops back, dark chi begins to drift off her swords, one in particular, and it is this one that she swings in an arc, wordlessly, before herself.
Shadowy chi follows after the blade, flying through the air with the momentum of the swing towards Intan!
COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Intan with Shadow Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Munin
Intan tries to move out of the way of the incoming wave, but it seems that she slipped slightly on the rickety surface and gets the blast of shadowy chi right where it was targetted. Gritting her teeth, Intan looks at her opponent and makes a backflip, increasing her distance as she takes the time to get a closer look at the woman she's fighting. "Not bad at all." She admits from her slightly more distanced position, but no doubt Munin will close the distance soon.
COMBATSYS: Intan focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Munin
Munin nods in response, taking the compliment for what it's worth. "Thanks. Your acrobatics are impressive, i must admit" she says as she slowly walks towards Intan, pausing only momentarily to glance down warily.
Then, with a sudden burst of speed, she closes the distance, swinging the blunt pommel of one weapon at Intans jaw, hoping Intan may have followed her lead and looked down as well, and potentially being distracted in the process.
COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Intan with Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Munin
Again, Intan's attempts to move out of the way are hindered by the narrow and unstable arena, and she gets hit by the blow made by her adversary for the fight. Gritting her teeth, she moves with the blow she hadn't intended to take, and tries to land a Kris in Munin's back, twisting it midstrike and if she hits, twisting it again as she takes it out. The wound, if any, would likely bleed a little.
COMBATSYS: Munin dodges Intan's Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Munin
Wao! Munin ducks, narrowly dodging the stab at her back! As she ducks, she spins, coming up with her elbow aimed at Intans nose! With the same motion she swings one of her swords low, aiming at her forward knee.
Hit or miss, she continues past Intan, stopping a few feet away from her down the bridge, reaquiring her target.....
COMBATSYS: Intan blocks Munin's Charged Combo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Munin
This time. Intan just accepts the blow, doing her best (and succeeding) to reduce the damage. Once Munin turns around, the Indonesian girl is already there, her Kris lashing our at one of the tendons in Munin's shoulders, trying to hamper the woman's movements through this method. "I'm still going to do everything I can to win, though." She speaks, just as a blast of lava goes over the two young women.
COMBATSYS: Munin fails to counter Weakening Slash from Intan with Shadow Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Munin
With a blink, Munin tries to bring her blades up in a crossblock, but is far too slow. The weapons point digs into her shoulder. She moves enough that the tendon is missed, but still must grit her teeth as it hurts like hell! Dispite this, she manages to smile grimly "I would expect nothing less".
The suddeness and shock of the hit are enough to keep her distracted for the moment, however.
An opportunity, ripe for the taking. Intan doesn't abuse it too much, going for a quick strike that hopefully will be hard to evade, but that should not hurt too much. It's just a jab with merely more than the tip of her right blade, and then she makes a backflip to move away from Munin again, seemingly preparing for the response.
COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Intan's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Munin
Once more one of Munins blades snaps up, killing the momentum of the strike before it impacts her body. She eyes her opponent once more as a backflip is used to create space. Interesting. Hit and run fighting style, with the weapons designed to wear the opponent down over time.
She once again takes a defensive stance, with a start difference. Her eyes suddenly begin to glow brightly and steadily without dimming as she ponders her next move....
COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Munin
Noticing that her adversary allows her to grab the initiative for the moment, Intan rushes forward once more, jumping into the air and making a flip before landing behind Munin, having turned around midair, all she has to do is launch a quick jab to Munin. Sadly, this kind of maneuvering has the side effect of slightly unbalancing Intan. Ah well.
COMBATSYS: Munin fails to counter Random Strike from Intan with Riposte.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Munin
Munin watches Intan leap, and turns with her, estimating her trajectory and trying to guage where the strike will come from upon landing. Unfortunately, she is off on this calculation, and her attempted weapon trap misses rather badly, leaving her open for the hit to impact.
And with things as they are, Intan makes another backflip to increase her distance. Eyes focusing on Munin and burning with a kind of fire that shows dedication and drive. Her krisses are thrown into the air, and she catches each one with the other hand. "Tag, you're up." She tells Munin with an amused smirk.
COMBATSYS: Intan focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Intan 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Munin
An eyebrow is raised at the taunt, though the smirk is returned "So you want to play, do you.... ?". She closes the distance once more, sending several quick, thin attacks at various vital points in rapid succession. While none would be lethal in result, they hopefully will wear Intan down a bit, make her start getting sloppy. Much as she hates to admit it, she's definately feeling the prior attacks, and needs to make some headway soon.
COMBATSYS: Munin successfully hits Intan with Charged Combo.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Intan 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Munin
Well, there's your headway, Munin. Intan gets hurt bad by that rapid succession of strikes, and she grits her teeth. Rushing out once more, she just strikes. Or so it seems, but if she hits, she'll pull the kris out with a quick twist of her blade. She's definitely wounded, but it seems like she's not quite lost yet. "Of course I want to play. We're not here to kill eachother, are we?"
COMBATSYS: Munin blocks Intan's Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Intan 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Munin
*CLANG!* The blades connect once again as the attack is blocked, lava spewing up dramaticly along with it. Munin then leaps back, her face lit by the red of the lavas light, a stark contrast to the cool glow of her eyes. "Course not. There's been enough death lately. Sides, that wouldn't accomplish anything".
COMBATSYS: Munin gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Intan 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Munin
With Munin taking a breather, Intan decides to press the advantage. What much of it she has anyway. A quick leap forwards, and the young fighter lashes out with both of those ceremonial knives, one blow after another. It's quick, for sure, and Intan takes a leap back after the assault. "There's always been enough death, and death never accomplishes anything."
COMBATSYS: Munin endures Intan's Rapid Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Intan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Munin
Fast and light..... Munin smirks slightly, and decides to take a calculated risk. Moving in with the attacks, she lets them hit where she can't dodge off-the-cuff, coming in with a sudden hard attack at Intan with both swords! Hopefully, this will catch her off guard!
COMBATSYS: Intan dodges Munin's Fierce Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Intan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Munin
Unfortunately for Munin, this is not the case. Intan managed to duck beneath both of the incoming weapons, and then she speeds up and rushes around Munin. An agile, almost dance-like movement where she ducks below most if not all attempts to retaliate, and lashes out with not one, but both knives. And each knive aims to strike several times, trying for weak spots on Munin's body to boot. After she's done, Intan increases her distance again with another one of those backflips.
COMBATSYS: Intan successfully hits Munin with Dance of the Dagger.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Intan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Munin
The sudden barrage of strikes is unexpected again so fast, with Munin still recovering from her attack. She is wide open for the hits, which slice and dice her nice and neatly. She stumbles backwards, everything a painful red haze for her mind.... she slowly looks up, her form shimmering slightly, and her eyes once again starting to glow. Her jaw sets, and she eyes Intans weapons as the lava roils explosively, casting red light everywhere, making the hot/cold color contrast on her face seem almost feral in nature.
COMBATSYS: Munin focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Intan 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Munin
With the advantage on her side, Intan decides to take a bit of a risk. She moves forward, an almost manic grin on her face as she stabs. The strike is aimed right for Munin's intestines, and it is in fact a rather deep lunge, aimed to go in to the hilt before Intan draws her weapon out again.
COMBATSYS: Munin fails to counter Deep Strike from Intan with Double Vision.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Intan 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Munin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Intan 0/-------/------=|
Sadly, Munin is too tired and pained to move out of the way enough in time. The stab, while it doesn't fully penetrate, DOES make a nice nasty gash on her abdoman, and she falls, pain and bleeding overwhelming her finally.
Log created on 13:37:49 03/30/2012 by Munin, and last modified on 21:56:51 04/04/2012.