NDP 2011.11 - NDP #6: MrJones vs Zach

Description: Zach and Mr. Jones meet in a no holds barred, brutal, beat down. Looks like both fighters were having a bad day because there wasn't a whole lot of dancing on this one (much to Jonesy's chagrin). Relentless boxing clashes against ruthless Jeet Kune Do as both fighters go in there swinging with all their might until only one remains standing. (Winner: MrJones)

One right after another. Mr. Jones is a sturdy mo fo' and likes to keep on the brutal mojo going. An interesting change of local this is, going from a fairly family oriented restaurant to a boxing ring, Mr. Jones just keeps on with the groovy flow of fights and steps right up to the plate. Right now he can be seen on his corner chugging on a bottled water and stretching his arms lightly, it's actually a familiar feeling of being inside a ring, didn't he use to fight in one of these all the time?

The time for nostalgia will have to be left for later though as he spins around and sways to the beat of his themesong which is still playing after he ascended into the ring. The volume of the song lowers down to give way for the other contestant who will soon be approaching. Unless it's one of those that like to be fashionably late, in which case Jones will just take this time to do some more funky moves to keep himself limber. "Ahu ahu ahu...stayin' alive, stayin' alive~"

COMBATSYS: MrJones has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/------=|

The music shifts after a moment, until something with a somewhat generic hard rock sound starts to play over the speakers. Zach makes his way to the ring with a calm look on his face as he climbs up the steps. The psion stretches out before snapping off a pair of quick jabs before shuffling around to warm his legs up. Zach bounces once or twice on the balls of his feet before the bell rings. Zach sets into a boxing stance before circling around Jonsey.

Zach seems ready to lay into the dancing man with a calm grin on his face.

COMBATSYS: Zach has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zach             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          MrJones

Mr. Jones stops his groovy disco dance once the music shifts to herald the entrance of Zach. Hm, hard rock... he's really fighting in the Neo League. Not to say that it's filled with snot face brats or anything, one of them already gave him a run for his money, so who's to say his next opponent won't do the same? It's certain that Mista' Jay is not going to let his guard down for nobody.

Mr. Jones spins on his heel to face his opponent and beams a flashy grin. Thank goodness! It's someone of his size! "Oooh from sumo to boxing, you young dudes are really..what's the word? Diverse." Nods the disco fighter as he gives a respectful bow first, palm over fist to ever show his peace over power mentality. Then he takes his fighting stance, a relaxed Jeet Kune Do offensive opposition, weight resting on the back of his leg ready to explode forward. And explode he does! When Zach starts circling around him, the retro fighter waits until he's getting closer and charges right at him, left fist extended to drive it right on his nose! "WOOOSHAA!"

COMBATSYS: Zach blocks MrJones' Gaudy Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Zach             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

Zach twists, deflecting the punch with his right arm to force the punch into his shoulder instead of his face. The younger man grunts as the punch turns him a bit. "Not that much younger," Zach says. No helping it, really. People mistake him for a teen all the time. The two-tone hair doesn't help matters any. "Let's go!" Zach yells as he using the rotation to add a little extra speed on the swiping left cross.

Zach does not stay in close very long; he uses the turning motion of the exchange to propel him clear of the taller man's reach.

COMBATSYS: MrJones dodges Zach's Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Zach             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

"Oh?" Mr. Jones feels his blow deflected slightly enough so it hits Zach in the shoulder instead, but seeing as his opponent is a boxer, he's not about to let it hang there and quickly retracts to get ready to defend himself. Mr. Jones just disregards that comment of age, not his business, although he does offer a "Ain't never too old to get down with the groove!" Of encouragement!

Aaah! It feels nice to fight someone with a normal fighting style for a change, Mr. Jones breathes out when it's just a punch that comes directly to his face and not a giant Sumo slam ala Gan from earlier that day. This gives him some room to maneuver! The retro fighter ducks low to one side, letting that punch sail clear over his shoulder and swings a sneaky fist right into Zach's neck, and injure his wind pipe. "Shoo!!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Zach with Jab Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Zach             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          MrJones

Zach coughs as he staggers back several paces, keeping his eyes on Jones. Zach considers things for a moment as he regains his breathing. Getting in and punching may not work currently; he's still new to boxing. There are still kinks to be worked out.

Projectiles, however, are almost something of a stock in trade for the psion. Zach skips his way back to the ropes as he sweeps his left hand downward in a motion similar to a hook punch that will hit absolutely nothing. The three thin sheets of golden energy that form above Jones' head, however, may very well crash down on his head!

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits MrJones with Pile Smash.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zach             0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0          MrJones

Ah yes, no such thing as an easy fighting style. The punch collided well enough against the boxer and as he staggers back Mister Jones thinks he has this made, Jeet Kune Do is a totally awesome style to deal with strikers. But.. not so much against dudes that throw fireballs! "Hm??" Jonesy takes a step back when Zach apparently starts to upper cut the air, failing to see the chi strikes forming over his head and hitting him square on the 'fro!!

"Augh!! Not the do mang!!" Who cares about getting a skull fracture!? The afro is hard to fix! Deciding that staying out of range is a bad idea, Mister Jones opts to stay inside his opponent's circle of defense, just the way he likes it! The disco warrior dashes forth and thrusts a piston like punch directly towards the center of Zach's chest! "WOOHAA!!"

COMBATSYS: Zach interrupts Funky Impact from MrJones with Gazelle Punch EX.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Zach             0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          MrJones

Zach is already moving when Jones charges in, ducking to his left into a low crouch. Jones' fist collides firmly with Zach's right shoulder. Zach winces; that arm's taking a good deal of abuse fairly quickly. He'll feel that in the morning. Zach's legs tense with built-up power.

The psion lets out a yell as he springs upward like a gazelle, driving a left uppercut directly at Mister Jones' jaw. However, the punch is not just a punch, as more of that golden Soul Power spins around the fist, forming into a vaguely metal-looking gauntlet as it smashes into the Jeet Kun Do fighter!

Knuckles collide against shoulder again and Mister Jones feels that this is a bad thing! "Dang it!" Yep, Zach is in perfect position there to deliver a counter attack which happens to be right to the groovy fighter's chin! "HGGH!" Jonesy feels his teeth rattle as he whirls backwards, looking slightly dazed after the blow. "Okay then..." This guy doesn't look like he wants to dance too long with Johnny Jones, which is a pity, he does so enjoy a good dance. But hey, Mister Jones is aaaall about pleasing the crowd, if Zach wants to go all out right off the bat, he ain't about to rain on his parade!

If all it took was an uppercut slam to the jaw to drop him, Mr. Jones wouldn't be... Mista' Jones. The funky warrior forces his body to move forward again and opts to use his longer reaching legs to do the talking now. Ducking low to gain momentum and suddenly spring upwards with his foot leading! All this to deliver a kick right onto Zach's chin and return the favor!


COMBATSYS: MrJones successfully hits Zach with Groove Master.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Zach             1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0          MrJones

Zach takes the chin-music right on target as he is recovering from the Gazelle Punch. He lets out a grunt as he slams to the mat, and stares at the lights for a moment before kicking back to his feet. "Hey," Zach says as he settles into a short weave, moving his upper body left and right. "Music ain't stopped yet!"

Zach blasts forward, throwing out a sharp jab with his left hand. Golden energy covers Zach's fist almost protectively as Zach tries to prepare a combination of punches!

COMBATSYS: Zach successfully hits MrJones with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Zach             1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0          MrJones

"That it hasn't..." Mr. Jones takes note of this as indeed, waddaya know? The music is stiiill going! That means that it ain't time to stop dancing yet and thus the groovy fighter slides backwards when Zach stands up after being struck, going to protect his face by putting his forearms in the way of the attack. Unfortunately, he forgets that these chi fighters are pretty tricky and though the blows collide with his arms, they end up hurting quite a bit! "YOWCH!" Enough in fact to burn his arms in the process causing him to reel backwards.

Zach's blows have struck him pretty solidly and it seems that even so early in the fight he's already wheezing. Is he loosing his groove already? Naaaah...Disco never died, for Disco is Life!! Jones gets a flashy grin again as his shades flash and he's on the attack once more! Running right at the boxer to send a side thrust kick directly to his gut! "Wooo!"

COMBATSYS: Zach fails to counter Slide Double from MrJones with Dynamite Punch.
- Power fail! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Zach can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
MrJones          0/-------/---====|

Zach steps into the kick, a right straight already chambered and powered with more of that strange-definitely-NOT-chi power. The line was good. The step-in was just about right. The punch would have slammed into Mister Jones' chest with thunderously explosive force except for one little problem.

Legs are longer than arms. In this specific case, the reach difference is significant. The gut-buster kick slams into Zach's midsection before Zach's fist can even get close to his target, the force of the impact slams Zach into the corner turnbuckles. The psion bounces off of the corner post to crash face-first into the mat.

The ref quickly counts Zach out, and declares Mister Jones the winner of this fight.

...8, 9, 10!! *DING DING DING*

Mr. Jones kept his Jeet Kune Do stance all the while Zach was in the ground, somehow he just /knew/ the spunky boxer would get right back up and beat the tar out of him. When the bell rings however the funky dance fighter exhales a breath he was holding in, he had placed all his power on that last kick and had aimed directly for the liver in a bit of an underhanded technique which in the end paid off. "Dang...that was whack!" Says Jones rubbing his injured jaw, glad such a brutal match was over.

Aaaand then comes the dancing! His themesong starts playing again and Jonesy goes right back to doing the disco boogie!

"Woo woo! Woo woo!"

COMBATSYS: MrJones has ended the fight here.

Log created on 22:12:52 11/19/2011 by MrJones, and last modified on 00:18:09 11/20/2011.