Description: Mr. Jones has started to get a reputation for being a hard hitter and a rising star on the fighting circuit. Certainly that means a teen by the name of Gan wouldn't be a problem for him. The location of the fight along with NDP officials also learn a very important lesson about offering free catering to contestants as well. (Tie)
Neo Developement Project. Gan still isn't fully sure what it is all about. All he was told by some of his fellow classmates is that if he joins he could make some money. Being in a family with five other siblings and two parents the talk of extra money for just fighting seems to be right up the sumo's alley. He even made sure Daigo was fine with it. Since it sounds like an honest way to make money he got the okay and now the young man finds himself in his first match. Boy did they pick the wrong place to hold it.
Gan might make the league rethink about providing catering. In this case the bill he is running up right now my exceed any prize money he will get for winning. This is why you never, EVER, tell a man like Gan that all the food is free. He will literally attempt to eat it all and more often than not that is a battle that he can win. The only thing that stops him from devouring more at the moment is the mention that his opponent will be here soon. That makes the large fighter smile and he gets up on his feet and moves to where the dance floor area has been turned into a makeshift fighting spot for the night.
Those big meaty hands clap together and he stretches as he prepares for the fight. He may eat alot, but this man is not all blubber. The look of his powerful arms and thick legs show he is actually a whole lot of muscle and ten kinds of pain.
Where Gan goes, the brush-headed blonde troublemaker of Gedo is sure to follow. And sure enough, following right alongside the sumo-wrestler along the catering like, Edge stands with a plate, picking a few things here and there from various dishes and trays before dropping them onto his own plate. "Nice'a them to let me share in the catering, y'know?" Nevermind the rather upset-looking NDP official that's been following Edge around for the last five minutes, chattering about 'you're not even in the league', 'this isn't your fight's catering', 'shouldn't you be in school', 'does your mother know where you are'. It all goes right over his head as food is calmly selected and retrieved. "Downright neighborly of 'em."
When mention of the opponent comes up, though, the blonde just shuffles himself off to one side, out of the set-aside fighting area, with a plate stacked higher than physics should likely allow. He drops rather unceremoniously into a seat, then promptly starts devouring the food. He looks up after a few good-sized bites, offering a "You got this!" muffled by portions of the cheese and cracker platter that've been shoved into his mouth.
Neo Development Project. Now, don't get it wrong, Mr. Jones is not a newcomer at aaaaall, far from it it. In fact, in his own words, he has been down with the funk since many of these fighters were running around in their diapers. His reason for entering this competition is however that he has been out of it for quite a while, he is one that left and came back as they say.
Left quite a while ago if the music that accompanies the man is any sign. Disco beats start pumping on the restaurant as the tall, yellow jumper suited, afro clad man comes waltzing down the restaurant with a boom box on his shoulder and soda on his left hand, swaying to the beat of the music. "Heeeey! What's shaking??" Mista' Johnny Jones Damond sparkles his pearly white flashy grin and sets his things on a table nearby, moving down towards where the fight will take place.
There, he whistles at the sight of Gan, his shades raising to get a better look at him. "Daaayum!" He finds himself saying "You're a pretty healthy young cat, aren't ya!?" Of course he means this in a good way due to his amicable tone and still with that ever present grin he lowers his shades and starts moonwalking away from Gan, side glancing at Edge every now and then. "So what? Two versus one? That's cool, tha' Jones can take the heat."
With Edge being around Gan was just sharing the wealth when it comes to catering. Who is really going to argue given the two people that are involved. The sumo grins some as he looks back to where Edge. "That meat tray was really good." not like Edge got much of it. A few pieces were snagged before Gan upended the rest and downed it in a way eating champions would turn green with envy. Of course his train of thought is interrupted upon the entrance of one Mr. Jones. "Huh?"
He looks to what he assumes is his opponent and he hooks his thumbs in the pockets of his pants as he looks the guy over. "Two on one?" he asks then looks towards Edge. Deliquents they may be, but they do fight fare.....most of the time. The large teen shakes his head as he looks back to the afro'd fighter. "You are just fighting me. He hasn't joined yet." he explains while thumbing towards Edge. "He's just my bud!" And more often than not partner in crime.
Gan straightens up and puts his hands together as he bows to Mr. Jones. "My name is Gan. Lets have a good fight then have a meal afterwards!" The mention of Gan having another meal makes the staff and officials of the NDP both pale. Why did they get stuck with -THIS- match? "Shall we start?"
COMBATSYS: Gan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gan 0/-------/-------|
Oh, so it's an old fashioned one on one then? Mister Jones is all about being old fashioned and the 70's maniac just keeps on grinning while twirling about on his heel. "Aite then." His figure eases into a more relaxed stance and returns the bow given by Gan, his is slightly different than two palms together, being a kung fu practitioner he wraps his fist with his palm to signify Peace over Power. A good guy through and through and probably the bane of young ruffians such as Edge and Gan.
"Name's Mister Jones, pal." He smirks still and straightens up assuming a Jeet Kune Do fighting stance, shades flashing as he recognizes the sumo stance. This ought to be interesting. "You remind me a bit of an old friend of mine. Don't assume you've ever heard of a wrestler named Kang haven't ya?" Despite his question his already motioning Gan to 'come on' with his left hand in a very arrogant fashion.
"Sure, I'd be down for some chow down after this."
COMBATSYS: MrJones has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gan 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 MrJones
The thing about Gan and Edge. They do mean well. They wouldn't be working for Daigo otherwise. They to cause trouble when left to their own devices. Some things just can't be helped. Gan certainly seems more amused than angry at this point. Edge on the other hand who knows. "Kang?" he asks and he shakes his head. He doesn't really watch much television due to either usually being at work or off on adventures with Edge or other Gedo students.
He does see the motion that Jones makes and he smiles again while nodding. "All right. We'll start now!" he comments and he stalks forward. He isn't exactly quick, but he has a good reach and both of his large hands seek to pick up Mr. Jones and then turn about to toss him across the dance floor with the greatest of ease. The guy just isn't big. He is certainly strong and if Jones gets grabbed he is about to find that out by feeling the strong grip of the sumo's hands.
COMBATSYS: MrJones parries Gan's Strong Throw!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gan 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 MrJones
"Aww, that's too bad. You'd totally like him, he uses Sumo too." Mr. Jones nods sagely, always in the look out to extend his own buddies' fames if he can help it. Then as he thinks better on it and remembers that Kang also spat fire and underhanded techniques like that, he realizes that it may not be idea if Gan takes up after him, good hearted delinquent or not.
"Oh baby!!" The rumbling thunder of Gan's approach makes Jonesy snap back to his senses, reassuming his Jeet Kune Don stance of standing in the back leg with hands open lightly. It helps that he usually spars with a Sumo wrestler it seems, because being quite accustomed to such techniques he knows just how to deal with them! Jonesy lets himself be grabbed whilst muttering something about 'Watch the hair' to Gan. It looks like he'll be easily thrown as Mista Jay is pretty light weighted, but as he is held over the man's head suddenly he'll be twisting himself with a spin, pulling away from the wrestler's grasp and land right behind him!
"Funky!!" The dance fighter cheers having Gan's large back exposed to him and sends a piston like punch directly to his dorsal spin. Where, let's face it, Gan has less meat there to protect him. "IMPACT!!"
COMBATSYS: Gan endures MrJones' Funky Impact EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gan 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 MrJones
Gan thought he had a good grip, but before he knew it his hands were holding nothing. He grimaces some as he looks at his empty hands then looks about. He isn't even prepared for the attack which for alot of people isn't a good thing. Mr. Jones slams his fist into the back of the sumo and that is what finally makes Gan realize where his opponent went off to. Truth be told the impact was also surprising in the fact he is used to people punching him, but for it to sting like this strike did is rare.
The large fighter turns about and he tries to catch Jones off guard with a quick palm strike aimed to slam into the chest of the other fighter before delivering a second one that is equally powerful. Even more so the latter strike the hand flashes with energy as the sumo adds some extra kick just in case Jones didn't think being hit by those large meaty hands wasn't bad enough in the first place.
COMBATSYS: MrJones dodges Gan's Gun Stabbing.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gan 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 MrJones
"Oh snap beans!" Mr. Jones' eyes boggle a little from behind his shades when Gan takes a punch to the spinal cord without so much as flinching. Most people would be doubling over in pain /at least/ but not this sumo guy. "You're tough!" Doctor Beats Jones wisely proclaims as he quickly dashes back to avoid the clear counter attack.
"Wooo!!" Getting slapped in the face by hands of that magnitude is not in his to do list for today and he slides to the left to avoid the first strike, sliding quickly to the right to dodge the blow that follows it, that one in particular looked particularly dangerous. "Oh no wonder, you can do one a them chi thingimabobs." Jones whistles. "One a these days I gotta learn me some tricks like those WAAASHAA!" That'll have to be left for later though as currently the only thing Jones can do is beat his foes old school. He flies up in the air with both legs up and proceeds to deliver a flurry of kicks on Gan's broad chest.
COMBATSYS: Gan blocks MrJones' Bicycle Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Gan 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 MrJones
This is a very slippery fighter it would seem. Edge tries his best to help Gan with trying to telegraph what speedsters might try, but Gan is just a very, very slow learner. He has the bruises and cuts to prove it. One day Edge might get through to him. He frowns as he once again fails to hit his opponent and at least he is more ready for the oncoming attack this time around. More for the fact Jones attacks him head on. The flurry of kicks slam into the larger fighter, but seem to do very little to him as he attempts to grasp Jones by a leg when it kicks out at him.
If he manages to get ahold of it Mr. Jones will find himself in for a wile ride as the sumo just tosses him upwards with ease and actually JUMPS up after the other fighter to spin him upside down and take a page right out of Zangief's book. He just attempts to slam afro against hardwood floor. It appears Gan has at least heard of SOME wrestlers.
COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits MrJones with Piledriver.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Gan 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 MrJones
"Uh oh!!" Mr. Jones knew he was in a whole load of trouble when his legs got grabbed. Note to self, don't do airborne attacks on this guy. "AAAAAAAAAH!!" Seeing as he is just a puny 190 pounds martial artist, the only thing Mr. Jones can do is flail his arms about as he is tossed, grabbed in mid air and then pile driven into the ground below making a good crack there. Fortunately his afro cushions some of the blow but still...ouch.
"Agh! Way to mess up the do, dawg!!" He has his priorities set though, skull fractures mean nothing if the 'fro has been messed with. For now, he'll refrain from fixing it since he has to deal with the large sumo wrestler holding him prone and thus in order to persuade him to let him go, he pushes off with his hands upwards to ram a kick right on Gan's chin! "WATAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Gan fails to interrupt Medium Kick from MrJones with Giant Storm.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Gan 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 MrJones
And there he finally caught him! Gan seems very pleased with himself as he lets go fo Jones afterwards and flashes a big grin and a thumbs up to Edge. "I got him finally!" he brags. It might be a bit too early to celebrate in this case because the other fighter is already on his feet rather quickly and coming right for Gan again. It ends up being a dangerous gamble to make given the last time he attacked straight forward with his feet. He almost goes for another ride the way it looks like how Gan was about to snag the man out of the air.
He proves not to be fast enough in the end and Jones finds his mark as the foot slams into the chin of the teen and it staggers Gan back a few steps. "Hah, you are pretty tough even if you look weird." he says with a big smile. "All right. Time to get serious!" he says loudly and slaps his cheeks a few times before leaning forward and resting his hands on his knees. Wait, he wasn't serious before?
Mr. Jones does a back flip after his kick connects and lands on his feet, assuming a Jeet Kune Do stance once more with a bit of flash to it as he makes a pose. "Woo!!" Gan comment however causes the funky fighter to raise an eyebrow and he's leaning forward pointing to himself with his thumb in an American fashion instead of the index as Japanese do. "/I'm/ the weird one?" Okay, you know what? Let's just leave it like that, Mista' Jones ain't one to smack talk too harshly in a fight. He's here to have some fun after all.
"Aite! Let's keep on dancing!" Johnny Jones rubs his nose with his thumb and bounces lightly on the balls of his feet keeping himself limber. The retro fighter then begins to skip backwards circling Gan to spot any weak points of his, crouching low to wiggle his shoulders lightly making himself a difficult target to follow and suddenly, dashes forward! "WOOOAAATAAA!" The man sails forward looking as if he wants punch Gan right in the face, expect he stops mid way and instead swings a roundhouse kick right for the man's thigh aiming to numb up the peroneal nerve.
COMBATSYS: Gan endures MrJones' Slide Double.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Gan 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 MrJones
Keep dancing? The mention of that confuses Gan a tiny bit. "But we are fighting. I don't know how to dance." Nice enough kid, but he doesn't seem to be too sharp. Simple stuff can often be last on him. He still isn't too great with understanding the meanings of things such as that. What he does understand is Mr. Jones is coming right at him once more and he barrels forward to meet him. There is a grunt that he lets out when he gets kicked by the other fighter, but then he reaches to grasp him once more.
Those large hands seek to grab Mr. Jones by his outfit once more. He would then look to heft the smaller fighter upwards and then twist about and slam him down with all his might against the ground once more. It seems like this guy will be much easier to deal with if Gan can manage to keep him off his feet. A task that is proving to be harder than the sumo had expected.
COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits MrJones with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Gan 0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1 MrJones
Twitch twitch. "It's a saying, dawg." There's a moment of hesitation after Mr. Jones lands his kick as he steps back and looks slightly to his side to glance at Edge, who strikes him as the brains of the duo. "Is he always like this? AAGGH!!" That oughta teach him to keep focused on the fight, it's this brief distraction which causes him to get nabbed again and this time he's not prepared to dodge as he did before.
Arms flail again and he braces himself for the crash against the ground, bouncing off of it with a grunt before landing back to his feet. "Sheesh! I've heard of getting acquainted with the dance floor but this is too much!!" Complains the dance fighter as he springs back up aiming to throw a straight fist right at Gan's neck where he is not as protected. "WOOOO!!"
COMBATSYS: Gan endures MrJones' Retro Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gan 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 MrJones
Despite the raucous fighting going on, Edge seems to have ignored it for the time being, far more attentive on the food that's in front of him. The food that, as a matter of fact, one of the administrative assistants is trying to take away from him. It's an odd dance; the blonde using one foot to hold them at bay, balancing on the other one while he devours a bit of sandwich, being chased in a circle through the crew's portion of the restaurant as he tears the flesh from barbeque chicken wings with his teeth, spattering sauce on the frustrated assistant behind him all the while. And right when said assistant thinks that she has the troublesome Gedo student cornered, chasing him towards a wall, he runs right the hell up the wall, taking two or three steps up before flipping backwards away from it, flying right over the NDP employee's head before sticking the landing with a flourish. Somehow, all the food stays on his plate, whether through physics or sheer dumb luck. Edge isn't about to argue, either, cackling madly as he takes off running again.
The sumo seems pleased he managed to catch the other fighter. "You go, buddy!" he calls out to Edge when he notices the boring old officials trying to stop his friend from enjoying a meal. He knows his friend can handle a few stuffy suits so he can keep his attention fully on Mr. Jones. In fact he shouldn't have looked away because the moment he looks back he gets hit right in the neck with the rather powerful strike. It staggers him again and he stumbles back a few steps and catches himself before he falls right over. "Ahh a tricky one!"
The sumo feels more confident now. He has managed to catch the elusive fighter a few times now. he moves forward now and grabs once more. He just looks to catch Mr. Jones by any limb he can get ahold of and by far this will be the post painful of rides. He will get slung about in the air only to meet the ground and picked up again like a ragdoll to be swung about and slammed again. This happens a few times before he is finally released and if that isn't the worst of it all there is a huge shadow cast over Mr. Jones in the end as the large fighter just attempts to sit on the other fighter.
COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits MrJones with Concrete Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Gan 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 MrJones
Looks like distractions is the name of the game over here, one stray look and it's all over! Particularly when facing a foe Like Gan, the retro fighter's knuckle collides solidly against the sumo's neck, but he fails to retract it in time and get's grabbed. "Oh not again!" Yep, it's that time of the day once more for ol Jonesy, who despite trying to twist his arm of the grip gets flung about and slammed repeatedly against the floor!
*CRASH!* "OW! Watch that chair!! *CRASH* ARGGH! Hey cut it out! *SLAM!* HRRGG!!" And the worst still comes when Gan just...drops right on top of him, the reflection of the sumo's butt getting closer on Jonesy's shades "Oh mamma.."
A lot of fighters not only would have not survived that, but if they by some miracle they did, they would have lost all sense of themselves and try to attack with all the have left. Jonesy though keeps his cool and stays focused on the fight ahead, he feels he still has enough energy in him, the funk has yet to fail him. With a heavy heave, Jones pushes Gan off him enough so he can sliiiide out away from the man's butt and he quickly gets back up to his feet by pulling on the sumo's bandanna. This not only helps the disco fighter get back up, but also has the nice effect of pushing Gan down on his back where Jonsey will deliver a good hard stomp to his face! "HIYAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Gan fails to interrupt Funky Impact from MrJones with Giant Storm.
[ \\\\\ < > //////// ]
Gan 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 MrJones
It isn't pretty and now on top of pretty much eating all the foot stock Gan has trashed a good amount of the place as well even when they did their best to move everything out of the way. Not that he seems to care at this point. He isn't the one paying for it. It seems perhaps the officials should have thought things through a bit more before allowing just ANYONE join up. Gan might turn into a rather large liability. They have learned for a fact he is no longer allowed to fight in restaurants. They learned that the hard way much how Mr. Jones is learning the hard way about sumo style.
Gan gets up after falling on the other fighter and he is caught off guard by the amount of fight still in Mr. Jones. He turns about only to find a foot coming right for his face. He attempts to grab for the leg, but is too slow. The stomp hits hard and it actually knocks Gan back onto his ass. Poor floor. He gets back up after a bit of struggling. He looks a bit winded at this point, but still stands. "Come on!"
Who said that Mr. Jones was going to let Gan get back up?? He may be a cool headed cat but even so he's still pretty pissed about getting that much ass rubbed on his face. It's not that he's saying Gan smells, it's just that it's a little insulting, you know? No hard feelings.
At least in theory, because just as the sumo wrestler is going to get back to his feet. Mister Jones is charging right at him again to keep the momentum flowing, pushing the giant wrestler again onto his back where he straddles his neck and just...starts...raining punches on the guy's face! Over and over and over again going for one brutal beat down!
COMBATSYS: Gan interrupts Enter the Groove Master from MrJones with Giant Cyclone.
- Power hit! -
[ \ <
MrJones 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Gan can no longer fight.
[ \ <
MrJones 0/-------/=======|
It would seem Gan wasn't fully able to get to his feet. He is met with a rather angry Mr. Jones that starts to punch on the big sumo which starts to daze him. His large hands are sort of just trying go grip and after a few more blows he finally just grabs his arms around Mr. Jones and begins to stand up. "Now stop that!" he says loudly and he begins to just spin about even if the other fighter continues to hit him in the face. He starts spinning so fast he makes himself dizzy and perhaps even the people watching him.
Jones will soon find if he is attempting to deliver those punches he is soon hitting air. Mostly because Gan finally released him and sent him sailing across the building into a pile of tables and chairs that were set aside so they -wouldn't- get busted up because of the fight. Gan staggers some and thn falls over and lays there on his back looking upwards while trying to make the room stop spinning. "Edge, can we get icecream after this?"
"Takes this! And that! And thatandthatandthatandthat!" Mr. Jones can be a pretty relentless guy sometimes and it's this same viciousness that doesn't quite pay well off when he's in the middle of a fight. In midst punches he doesn't notice that Gan is picking him up again swinging him around for an airplane ride that sends the retro fighter flying right into to the kitchen followed by loud crashes and other explosions. Yeah, the good folk of this restaurant are likely never going to allow another fight in their establishment ever again.
There's a few moments of silence after Jonesy gets thrown off, but a minute too soon the retro fighter actually steps right out of the kitchen, a fork embedded on his afro. Is that guy still able to fight??
The answer Because Jones takes a few steps forward looking just perfectly fine for a moment, before he loses his balance and falls flat on his face, twitching slightly "Not...groovy."
COMBATSYS: MrJones takes no action.
COMBATSYS: MrJones can no longer fight.
Having dodged the administrative hellion once again, Edge has taken temporary refuge in the kitchen. None of the cooks have noticed him yet, and if he ducks down just right, he can snag items from the ready-to-go platform before one of the service people can snatch it up. More than one argument starts breaking out about inappropriate ready calls during Edge's habitation of the restaurant's kitchen, and it would have gone so well until the combination of audible snickering and his telltale hair makes one of the cooks take notice, then...
The door swings open, and Edge goes darting out from the kitchen, cackling madly once again... just before he slides up against the wall when Mr. Jones goes flying right past him, almost taking out the angry cook in the process. ".. huh." Hands tuck into the pockets of poofy purple pants, and Edge wanders almost non-chalantly over to the fallen sumo wrestlers, sitting atop the middle of Gan's giant barrel belt and crossing his legs underneath him. "Yeah, sure. I think I got enough from that one pissed-off lady in the fancy clothes to pay for it, long as we get out of here before she notices."
And that kids is an adventure for another day. Daigo will probably not be happy.
Log created on 18:27:17 11/19/2011 by Gan, and last modified on 00:13:49 11/20/2011.