Description: Faolan finds himself against yet another flashy mover in the fighting world. Not only that a King of Fighters finalist in El Fuerte. Time to see if that mercenary training is paying off yet. (Winner: El Fuerte)
Okay so the whole first fight thing didn't turn out too well for Faolan. You can't win them all, right? Well he is telling himself that. At least it was a pretty good one albeit short. The Irishman isn't used to being taken down so quickly and easily. At least he put a hurt on Aranha to make sure the Dancing Spider doesn't forget him anytime soon. Maybe next time the match will belong to Faolan. That is all something to worry about later. Right now the Ikari Warrior finds himself at Shanghai Sports Bar nursing himself a pint along with a few empty shot glasses near him. He has to control himself and drink after the fight......drink more that is.
He forgets even who the officials said it was he was going to fight. Does it really matter? Throw whoever at him. He will take them all on! Looks like whiskey makes you invincible. Or at least that is how his thoughts are going through his head. "When is the guy gonna show up?" he asks while leaning forward and squinting at one of the officials. "Is he planning on letting me sauce myself and claim a win? You all better not let that happen!"
If the crowd wishes for more neck breaking, body slamming, lucha libre action, the crowd gets more neck breaking, body slamming, lucha libre action! That was an spectacular fight back in SNF against that crazed psychopath acrobat girl, their fighting spirits raged so hard that they rocked the very foundations of their ring. Literally! The whole thing came crashing down from the skies causing huge amounts of property damage, but man, what a way to end the season! And check this, El Fuerte says he still can go for the second round! What is this guy's secret to just keep going!??
"My secret!? Why that's not secret at all caballeros! It's of course, Salsa Tabasco!!" The masked luchador explains to some of the locals off stage and procures a red bottle with an Mushroom Cloud on the logo, quickly dousing the stuff on a plate of soup. "The trick is to make it so hot that you're eyebrows start sweating. Once that happens, you know you have achieved the Nirvana of energy." A sip of the boiling red hot soup and the masked wrestler's eye boogle, looks like all that talk was just hot air, he really can't handle it--"Hold on, missing a few more." The luchador actually pour MORE of the stuff, sips it and nods in approval. "There we go!!" He tosses the spoon and gulps the whole freaking thing in one go! "Aaaah! That's the stuff!" Like all Mexicans he has an iron stomach, but honestly, you don't need to be Mexican to get an iron stomach when he eats what he does.
"That's all very nice Mr. El Fuerte, but your opponent is waiting." Coughs one of the NDP officials who has taken a few cautious steps back by now.
"Of course! Let us Lucha!!!" Powered by the hot sauce he just chugged down, the Fuerte luchador rushes into the bar flipping through the air "IT'S SUUUUUPEEER DYNAMIIIIIIC COOOKING TIIIME!!" Says he as he slides through the floor on his knees and jumps back to his feet, wide eyes looking about for his would be opponent.
Leave it to Faolan to not pick out the one out of place person in the bar and assume it is his opponent. He saw El Fuerte even enter is the worst part! He just saw a masked guy and went 'huh, cool' before going back to his drink. Looks like someone wasn't fully focused on things. Is it perhaps the head trauma still from fighting Aranha just the other night? Hard to tell! The shout does make him sit up and he looks over to see El Fuerte burst onto the scene. He sort of stares for a few moments and then looks to the bartender then back to El Fuerte.
A few moments of silent are had, a rarity given El Fuerte is around, before Faolan finally stands up. "I dunno about cooking and all that. I am here for a fight, fella." he tells the luchador as he steps forward and looks down at the other fighter. Isn't this one of the guys that almost won King of Fighters? And he is somehow in the low tier of Neo League? Oi, this might be a bit tougher of a league than he thought. "All right, amigo. Lets do this." the Irishman says while taking a deep breath and reaching to pick up his bata from the bar and hold the staff at both ends. Another quick one by his guess. They sure know how to pick his opponents.
COMBATSYS: Faolan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Faolan focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
ElFuerte 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Faolan
El Fuerte brushes some sweat off his mask covered eyebrows and stares at the big Irishman fighter. He looks a bit...sluggish? Has he been drinking before the match started? Well, shouldn't be surprising since they are in a bar after all but in his deranged mind the Luchador wonders if maybe this is the famed drunken boxing he has heard about so much. Only one way to find out!
"Fighting and cooking are the same principle amigo, they both require ingredients, cooks and practice to make perfect." Why is he even named El Fuerte, given his attitude they should have really call this luchador EL Loco instead. "Let's trade recipes, shall we!?" There's the *DING* signaling the beginning of the match and El Fuerte the other direction. "Arriba!" Cheers the masked warrior, jumping high in the air to bounce off a wall and swing himself forward by holding on to a lamp. As he releases he's falling directly towards Faolan with an elbow smash aimed right for the head!
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Faolan with Tepache Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Faolan
Yes, El Pollo Loco would be a good one, but maybe that has already been reserved for the day Tizoc finally loses his mind while still wearing the bird mask. Then again Faolan works for the Ikari Warriors and most people consider alot of those members insane. And while he may seem sluggish he is just something of a fighter that likes to stay in one place if he can help it. He likes to hold his ground and just let his opponent come at him.
Oh boy does El Fuerte come at him too. Or at least he thought. "Hey I am over he...." he calls out then trails off when he suddenly finds El Fuerte coming right back at him. He starts to raise his bata to block, but it is too late and there is the loud noise of elbow hitting cranium and the Ikari has a hard time from just buckling under the force. Instead he just attempts to surge forward before El Fuerte can fully land after landing t hat strike and drive his shoulder into the lunchador to throw him off balance then follow up with a nice headbutt for good measure.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Faolan's Sheehan Special.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Faolan
One of these days, El Fuerte will have to run into Tizoc, but that's food for thought, leave it to the masked wrestler to plan his future fights when he hasn't even started his current one. There's no such thing as a 'normal' attack in Lucha Libre, they are all over the top near suicidal maneuvers, on the plus side though at least not a lot of people can see them coming. So it's not surprising that the elbow smash collided solidly against Faolan's head even if he has the advantage in range with his Shillelagh. "HUAA!"
El Fuerte is actually a pretty light weight guy though and where other people might have used their weight to drive Faolan to the ground, the wrestler just kind of bounces back. This leaves him exposed to a counter attack from the now, quite possibly, angry Irishman who goes for the shoulder tackle and headbutt combo. The shoulder slams solidly against El Fuerte's chest causing him to grunt, but when the forehead is coming he extends his hands forward and takes a solid grip on Faolan's face while still going backwards. As he falls, he'll be putting both his booted feet on Faolan's stomach, pulling him by the head in the process and send him flying overhead. Hey, waddaya know? Looks El Fuerte knows Judo.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte successfully hits Faolan with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Faolan
Oh Faolan knows a monkey flip when he sees it. He knows it even more when he experiences it. His momentum is his doom in this case because he can't stop his forward movement in time to try and stop himself from being taken up an off his feet and then dropped onto his back with a thud. Maybe he should have taken another day or two of rest before picking another fight. He feels off his game entirely. It certainly isn't booze. It has never affected him like this before at least.
He is a bit slow to get up, but he manages to finally do so while grumbling a bit and getting both feet firmly planted on the ground. A hand grips his bata tightly and there is a bit of a swirling of black energy as it curls around the staff and it starts to gather on the end not being held. The Irishman smirks some and he points the bata towards the luchador and that little ball detaches and comes sailing at a rather slow pace. The masked man better watch it, though. Or else he will soon be in a rather shocking experience because that energy feels like sticking a fork in a power socket.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte blocks Faolan's Bata Blast.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Faolan
El Fuerte jumps back to his feet as soon as he hears the thud behind him. Maybe the tabasco sauce really works, or El Fuerte is just that much of a hyperactive. Whichever the case, his boundless energy often leaves other people exhausted just by looking at him and Faolan should perhaps blame his sluggishness on the crazed wrestler.
The masked warrior spins rapidly on his heel to face his opponent again, but not matter the speed difference by the time he does so Faolan is back to his feet too and facing him. "Uy, missed a pin." Comments the luchador and starts sliding back when the stick is thrust towards him, bringing one arm to stop and--gets promptly electrocuted "Ay!! AYAYAYAYAYAY!" The man recoils with pain holding his arm. "Using weapons already!? You must be a Rudo!" Claims the masked warrior who by virtue of being a luchador isn't unaccustomed to people trying to hit him with things. And as it so happens he is not above using weapons himself as he reaches for one of the bar's stools, lifts it up and swings to bash Faolan right in the ribs with it!
COMBATSYS: Faolan interrupts Light Random Weapon from ElFuerte with One for the Road EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Faolan
The comment about being a rudo makes Faolan raise his brow. "Eh? I am a mercenary, fella. I am a weapon!" he tells the other fighter and he at least has managed to buy a little time to clear the cobwebs and try to think up of a plan on how to handle the luchador. In a way he is alot like Aranha in the fact he is speedy and does like to bound about to stay out of range. Sadly he is in a bar right now and that gives El Fuerte many of things to bounce around off of unlike the rather open area he managed to have against Aranha.
He then soon finds himself faced a stool wielding luchador and instead of trying to block or even get out of the way he steps forward instead. He takes the hit from the stool, but at the same time he manages to slam the end of his bata into the stomach of El Fuerte. He gives a grunt and actually hefts the other fighter off the ground by the bata before there is another shock felt through El Fuerte's system from where energy is sent through the staff to blast the luchador across the room.
Woops, that didn't work quite as planned. But ah well, El Fuerte doesn't usually use weapons, he is a play by the rules Tecnico after all not a dirty fighting Rudo, most of the time at least. The wrestler has no time to explain to Faolan that Rudo means the equivalent of a Heel in wrestling, he's too busy breaking that stool on the Irishman's side and getting a wooden staff jammed on his stomach. "Ugh!!" Really, he should have known that wasn't going to work the second the stool broke off into splinters on the man's side. "YIIAAAGGH!!" Then he's lifted and catapulted to the other side of the bar via electricity.
The wrestler would really prefer not colliding on the wall head first though, so he flips in mid air landing on his feet instead and uses that very same momentum to fly right back at Faolan. Arms stretched so he can hook them around the big Irishman's neck and force him onto the ground and slam him on the back of his head!
COMBATSYS: Faolan endures ElFuerte's Chili Mexicano.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Faolan
Seems like he finally caught the masked fighter off guard. Sometimes it just pays to take risky chances in fights like this and Faolan is all about doing risky things. That is probably why he throws people off so often. Mostly because many people don't believe someone is crazy enough to just take some of the hits that the Ikari Warrior takes. You don't become an Ikari by being good at knitting. That is for sure. He keeps his ground and grits his teeth as Fuerte comes flying at him. he isn't even sure what the luchador has in mind until he finds himself being grounded and having his head bounced off the floor. Most people would be out after that sort of blow. Good thing he has a hard head.
He recovers quickly this time. Perhaps the adrenaline is in full effect at this point as he aims to wave his bata around like a madman. A flurry of strikes aimed to batter El Fuerte if he manages to catch the fighter in the whirlwind of blows. It is an assault that is finished by him once again slamming one end of the bata against the luchador and giving him another shock to the system.
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte dodges Faolan's Hair of the Dog.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
ElFuerte 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Faolan
Nothing is quite as satisfying as a good ol' bodyslam! El Fuerte curls his arms right around Faolan's neck to bring him down back first and bounces out of the way when he collides with the ground, no doubt leaving a lot of the wood splintered, but hey, it's not his bar. The masked wrestler knows however, that when fighters take one of his body slams like that and are still able to move, they come at him with a vengeance. Far too many times has El Fuerte gotten carelessly knocked by a very pissed off opponent getting back up and slamming him with a surprise uppercut. Less than skill it's experience that saves El Fuerte from the next attack. Many would simply dodge and parry each and every stick blow to show off their dexterity, not El Fuerte, he does the sensible thing and RUNS OUTTA THERE!!
"Andale!" It may look cowardly, running away like that, but it has significant strategically value. When Faolan gets up to swing frantically at him, the wrestler is already on the other side of the bar sprinting frantically away. Why bother timing each and every blow when you can just outrun the guy right? It also gives him enough time to regroup. This bar sadly doesn't have any ropes where he can bounce back, but the walls are pretty solid and he finds he can run up them. As he reaches a tall height, he makes a back flip to reach Faolan again as he is making his last bata thrust going to sit on his shoulders and this time, really use his weight to drive him down and smash him on the ground once more, except unlike his previous attack it's going to be face first! Apparently he's trying to make a tortilla out of the Irishman's head.
COMBATSYS: Faolan fails to interrupt Tostada Press from ElFuerte with Jig Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
ElFuerte 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Faolan
The swinging about was a bit of a frantic one combined with the hits he has taken the Irishman looks rather worn down. Truth be told it is rather amazing that he can be standing as he is at the moment. Yet his feet are firmly on the ground and for the most part he is standing up straight. "Now I know how Speedy's antagonists feel." he mumbles to himself as he looks about to try to find out where the luchador went exactly. That is when he looks up to find the masked fighter coming down at him.
Some instincts start to kick in and he actually starts to fall backwards just so he doesn't take another hit to the head. He also kicks upwards and there is a moment people are wincing because it almost looks like he is about to connect and nail El Fuerte right in the mariachi band. Instead his timing is off enough that El Fuerte lands on the Irishman and he just kinda lays there on the ground staring up at the cieling. "Why me?"
Almost like mimicking an attack from Rainbow Mika, when Faolan moves out of the way like that the wrestler actually ends up hitting the Irishman's face with his butt. Oh well, whatever gets him on the ground the luchador guesses. However as El Fuerte stands up quickly ready to continue the match a look of realization and joy crosses his face. Faolan is not getting up! Pinning opportunity!
His Lucha Libre instincts are too powerful to ignore and he forgets himself thinking this is a regular wrestling match by flinging himself on top of the fallen Irishman and press his chest against his. "Got you!" His hand raises up and he starts hitting the ground counting to three .
COMBATSYS: ElFuerte focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
ElFuerte 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Faolan he really counting? He does realize this isn't a wrestling match right? Faolan supposes old habits die hard for some people and honestly he is feeling a bit too beat up to really argue. In this case it might be best to cater to what the luchador is doing. That is why he lifts his shoulder before the luchador can get past dos and then he starts to get up. He grunts some as he manages to straighten up and he is a bit shakey in the legs as he tries to stand his ground firmly.
Both hands grip the bata as he holds it out in front of him and he takes a deep breath. The blackish chi swirls about the length of it as he focuses on the other fighter. "All right, fella. Come at me. I ain't done yet." he mumbles and is doing his best to just keep himself concious for one last attack.
COMBATSYS: Faolan gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
ElFuerte 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Faolan
AGH! The shoulder rises and El Fuerte has to roll out of the way! "Noo!! I was so close!!" He wails not even realizing that would have earned him nothing in a match like this. Some of the officials look at each other wondering if they missed some of the rules here, people at home watching make sure they got the right channel and aren't watching professional wrestling instead. But no, they've all gotten it right, the only one that has it wrong here is El Fuerte.
"GRAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Surprisingly, El Fuerte responds pretty negatively when Faolan gets up, judging by his warcry he sounds pretty frustrated. Such in fact that he forgoes any kind of wrestling technique and runs right towards the Irishman, using him as a platform to run and propel himself up to the air using Faolan's shoulders. As he jumps high, he'll be flipping back in mid air aiming to land right on top of the Irishman and nail him down to the ground.
He really /REALLY/ wants to pin him!!
COMBATSYS: Faolan fails to interrupt El Fuerte Dynamite from ElFuerte with One for the Road.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
ElFuerte 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Faolan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
ElFuerte 0/-------/-------|
Once again it would seem that Faolan is soon met with the smaller fighter airborne and coming down at him. This time he tries a more tactical approach, but once again it seems to have the same results. He lets go of one end of his bata and he starts to shift his stance. Whatever he is planning is quickly stifled by the fact El Fuerte slams right into him and the Irishman meets the ground once again. This time it seems to be enough to keep him down and out for now. El Fuerte could probably count for awhile even after he gets to three in this case.
Not that he would get enough time to do that. The Neo League officials are already sort of signalling for the medic on duty as another calls the fight and tells the camera crew everything is over. The bar itself wasn't too crowded, but the few people that were around seem to be clapping for a good old fashioned bar fight they got to see for free.
Wait wait wait! Don't bring out the stretcher yet! El Fuerte still has to do this!
*DING DING DING* Don't ask where the bell sounds are coming from they just do and when they are heard El Fuerte gets up starts running around with arms up in the air. "LUCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" least he's not getting in the medics way.
Log created on 20:57:11 11/15/2011 by Faolan, and last modified on 09:18:09 11/16/2011.