Description: Faolan and Aranha get their fight on and it ends up being a rather quick and brutal one at that. Will the Ikari come out on top or will the dancing spider show off the moves that made him popular and put the Irishman in his place? Yes, yes he will. (Winner: Aranha)
So they made a league where you can punch faces with a bunch of new kids and such? Huh, Faolan needs to give that man a hug. The Ikari gets bored when on leave and it isn't like he has had alot of missions as of late. Getting into a fight is never a bad thing and he doesn't even have to wait until Saturday now to have some fun. Of course that might mean more medical costs, but hey. The staff over at the base is top notch and they are used to seeing almost every member of the group at least twice a week for some sort of injury.
The setting is just a simple one out in a park area where some makeshift ropes have been set up to designate the fighting area. There are a few people here as well as a few cameras to catch things on film so people like Ken can get a look at the participants strut their stuff. HIs opponent for the evening? Some spiderman slash parkour king. That means he is going to be fast. Not fully fun, but the big man plans to at least given the speedy guy a few love taps to remember Faolan by.
He stands near one of the posts that the ropes are connected to and idly chews on a toothpick and taps his bata against a shoulder as he waits. He does seem a bit anxious as he looks about. "Come on now, fellah! Hurry up now!"
And along came a spider. Or rather Aranha. Soon "Hey. Just chill... I'm coming." Aranha doesn't exactly hurry to the roped off area but he isn't exactly slow about it either. When he gets to the ropes, he grabs ahold of the top rope and flips up and over it and into the make shift ring.
Aranha wasn't told exactly who he was fighting but either way, he recognizes his opponent. "Oh you were the Chaos Agent in my fight against Marisol. Faolan, right?" He then cranks his arms around and rolls his neck. And then he paces around for a moment.
"I suppose I've kept you waiting long enough. Let's do this."
It is around tha time when Aranha shows up Faolan recognizes who he is up again. "Oh hey! It's you!" he says and his grin widens some as he spits the toothpick out. "You had some good skill. This should be fun." A rather quality opponent at that to start things off it would seem. There won't be room for mistakes from the way he has seen this man fight. Of course the Ikari training is slowly starting to pay off. The big Irishman is getting a bit harder to take down day by day. He hasn't graduated to nuke punching yet.
He gives a bit of a laugh. "I don't mind waiting so much now. Thought I was getting some punk kid to deal with given this uh...competition." he says and he takes a deep breath. "Let us give the people here a-" for a big man he kinda moves quickly and he brings the bata about to attempt to drop it on the top of Aranha's head once he gets close enough "-show!".
COMBATSYS: Faolan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Faolan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Aranha has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Aranha 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Faolan
COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Aranha with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Aranha 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Faolan
Aranha's movements start out slow at first as begins to dance and sway however, his opponent never gives the Dancing Spider a chance to really get going and as a result he ends up taking a solid smack to the head to wake him up. He doesn't seem overly shaken up by it however.
Aranha continues to dance slowly as he watches and waits. The beginning is where he gathers his information.
"A show, huh? How about this?" He starts off by going into a cartwheel at an angle to put himself at the Ikari's flank and then while keeping his hands planted and body low, he shoots out a side kick in an attempt to catch him in the ribs.
COMBATSYS: Faolan endures Aranha's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Aranha 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Faolan
That is probably the only time he is going to get the drop on Aranha so he best enjoy it while he can. Things are about to get serious and brutal. That he can certainly get behind. At least he isn't having to worry about being shot in the face like when dealing with the devil woman. He keeps his ground even when Aranha is on the move and he takes a deep breath and just lets that kick slam into his ribs. He grunts and it causes him to release the breath. "All right! That's how to do it!" he barks and grins wide again.
Turning about he aims to meet Aranha face to face all the while bringing one end of his bata in an attempt to bury into the chest of the dancing spider. Of course if he connects there might be the unexpected electrical jolt that Aranha will soon feel afterwards as the thin bits of black energy slowly spiraling around the bata are released into him.
COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Aranha with Saying Hello.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Aranha 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Faolan
Aranha knew his chances of getting out of the way weren't great, especially after seeing Faolan hold his ground against his attack. Aranha's already spinning to his feet as he recoils from delivering his kick and that's when the bata slips past his arm as he's turning to spin out of the way of the bata thrust to the chest.
The capoeirista stumbles away before hopping on the ropes and leaping from them going feet first towards the Irishman's head from which he'll ideally bound off of and land on the ground right in front of him.
COMBATSYS: Faolan interrupts Sky's the Limit from Aranha with Jig Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Aranha 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Faolan
Is the guy just off his game tonight? It is too early to really judge if that is the case or not. He can't let himself get too cocky just yet or else he might find himself face down eating grass while Aranha walks away with the victory. He just needs to stay focused and don't let the movements of the capoeierista distract him too much. If anything Aranha at least finds Faolan an easy target to hit. He finds his feet landing against the head of the Irishman, but he might not have expected the next part.
Faolan barrels after Aranha even as he tries to keep distance and land safetly. The Ikari whips out a long leg and manages to catch Aranha at the back of one knee on his way down while attempting to just take that leg up out from under him. "Hey now. No trying to get too far away now, aye?"
And suddenly the capoeirista finds himself crashing to the ground with no chance at all of catching his fall. However he has gotten plenty of information, he's realizing quickly that he'll end up not putting on a very good show if he doesn't act on it.
He quickly brings himself back up to his feet. But just as quickly as he got up he's off the ground launching himself at Faolan with a foot extended in a front kick directed to the Ikari Warrior's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Faolan blocks Aranha's Change-Up Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Aranha 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Faolan
As fun as this charging in all the time is it does take a toll. He should try to hold back a bit, but then again is it his all out style that is keeping Aranha on his toes and making it hard to figure out the Ikari's actions? He is about to find out because he keeps his ground instead of pressing forward. He bends a bit at the knees and digs his feet in the ground. He holds the bata out with both hands gripping an end and he lets Aranha's foot meet with that which causes him to be pushed back a bit, though he keeps his footing.
He releases with one hand and he aims to punch the other fighter right in the jaw, but it is a wild swing that sends him spinning on one foot. It ends up perhaps being a feint because that hand wielding the bata has it gripped tight as he aims to bring it hard against the shoulder of Aranha. "Hup!"
COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Fierce Strike from Faolan with Dead Man's Hand EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Aranha 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Faolan
Aranha is the type of fighter that usually takes a bit to get into the flow of things in spite of the fact that it's a well known fact that he has a lot of speed to him. Most of the time he spends the beginning trying to figure out how his opponent ticks even while he uses a high pressure, aggressive style. He then waits for that one moment he can take advantage of to punish their mistake. Once he does, it's all a battle of making sure that they can't recover from it.
The wild swing was the mistake. The capoeirista hops forward to the inside of the punch, taking the inside of the forearm to the neck when it may have originally been a feint. It ends up stopping the momentum which would've been used for the bata strike. He then comes across blue glowing open hand strike across Faolan's jaw as he spins himself around just far enough away to follow up the open hand strike with a spinning jump kick right to the side of the head.
It is probably a good thing that Faolan has a very hard head. If not he might have just got knocked the hell out by the force of both the open hand strike followed up by that kick. The second strike is enough to take the big man off his feet and he goes tumbling off to the side and ends up in a heap. "Oww...." is all he mumbles as he lays there staring upwards at the sky for a moment before he manages to get himself moving to where he can get upright again.
"There we go. I knew you were holding out on me. Don't hold back anymore!" he says while rubbing at his chin. It certainly doesn't seem like he will be holding back since he quickly dashes forward to try and slam his shoulder into Aranha and throw him off balance. If he manages it he turns into a flurry of windmilling strikes with his bata as he keeps pushing the other fighter back before attempting to go low and take Aranha's legs out from under him one more time and finishing the flurry with a powerful jab downwards into the man's sternum.
COMBATSYS: Faolan successfully hits Aranha with Carry the Coffin EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Aranha 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Faolan
Even on Aranha's best days, he'd be incredibly hard pressed to defend against that. The shoulder slam just made that job harder. Knocked off balance, the capoeirista is almost hopeless in the attempt to defend against flurry of bata strikes and finds himself battered to and fro by the Ikari Warrior. The final jab ends up sending the American born capoeirista sliding backwards before finding his movement halted by one of the trees.
He slowly climbs to his feet. "Oww. Just... Oww." He then takes a moment to shake out the cobwebs before he goes into his dance, swaying as he moves forward and just into kicking range. After that Faolan may remember what Aranha does next since he performed that move in his fight with Marisol. He swings his foot violently for the head of the larger man with a powerful roundhouse. He then swings that same foot back the way it came as he hooks it around the back of the neck and then attempts to yank the Irishman face first to the ground, hard.
COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Faolan with Face Down.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Aranha 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Faolan
He might remember seeing the move being used on Marisol, but there is a difference in seeing it and experiencing it. The head trauma makes it a bit hard to remember what is happening fully in this case. He can feel those kicks connect and he can feel his face crashing into the ground rather hard. He can taste the grass as well. Could he tell you what the hell just happened? Not a chance in hell.
It also seems maybe the Irishman has been taken down fully because he is laying there face first into the ground and sprawled out. The only movement is the hand on the bata grips it tightly and there is the surging of that blackish energy swirling around it as he manages to lift it a bit and take aim at Aranha without really raising his head. A ball of energy forms and flies off towards the other man before the bata touches ground again and Faolan stops moving entirely aside from his breathing.
COMBATSYS: Faolan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Aranha 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Faolan's Bata Blast EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Aranha 0/-------/-----==|
Aranha knew that if that move connected, it would probably be enough to end the fight, he was already preparing to push himself to the limit just in case it didn't connect. That worst case scenario didn't come to pass for the young capoeirista. In the process though, he ends up seeing something that could still ruin things for him. That bata pointing towards him with a ball of energy forming. Where before he didn't put as much effort in evading the attacks as he was capable of, he put that effort into making sure that last desperate attack didn't hit him.
Aranha drops backwards with his knees pointed towards Faolan as his back arches into a bridge and under that blackish ball of energy. With a kick over, he brings himself into a low crouching position as he looks at the fallen Ikari.
After a few moments to catch his breath, Aranha rises to his feet and walks over to Faolan. "I wasn't holding back, dawg. I just wanted to make sure I didn't lose because I gassed myself out stupidly. But either way, be careful what you wish for 'cause you might just get it."
COMBATSYS: Aranha has ended the fight here.
Log created on 20:28:24 11/14/2011 by Faolan, and last modified on 09:15:16 11/16/2011.