Full Name:Henry Smithson-Powers
Faction:Pacific High
Blood Type:O+
Hometown:Los Angeles, CA, USA
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Blue (Blond)
Date of Birth:December 13
Hobbies:Playing the flute, surfing, sewing, relaxing on the beach
Personal Treasures:Grandfather's pocketwatch
Favorite Food:Moules-frites
Likes:Seafood, the beach, Ren Faires
Dislikes:Tabloids, nosey people, gum
Best Sport:Surfing
Love Interests:Mind your own business
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:The SIDH - Iridium


"You think it's all fake? Well, let me show you how fake it is."

Henry Smithson-Powers is the son of a Hollywood power couple, stuntman James Powers and actress Jody Smithson. The Powers family have been working their martial and sword fighting magic on the silver screen for generations from performance to choreography and all the stunt work in between. Henry has been trained to follow in the family footsteps, even earning a place to study overseas in Japan at Pacific High due to family connections. But he has one big chip on his shoulder, those who think stunt fighting is not real fighting skill. He's out to prove them all wrong and make a name for himself to launch his own Hollywood career once he returns to the States.

Style:Powers-style Chivalric Sword Arts
Signature Move:Hawk Descendant -- PHYSICAL ENERGY
Signature Ability:CHARISMA -- ATTUNE

Recent Logs

[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Henry vs Arisa - The north bracket for the season 2 competitors finds Henry Smithon-Powers, the Crimson Californian, facing off against the Texan with Aggression, Arisa Hawkins, in the Arena Mexico lucha stage. Did we decide to blow the entire special effects budget on a single back and forth between two competitors in a nail biter of a fight?! We sure did. - Log created on 13:58:12 11/24/2024 by Arisa, and last modified on 05:12:59 12/04/2024. Cast: Hawksley, Henry, and Arisa.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Boss Battle - As Above - The time has finally arrived for the New Fighting Generation to face their tormentors and fight for their freedom from the hell that is Zack Island! Atop the volcanic crest of Isla Zaca, the divine captor of the New Fighting Generation's fighters arrives to put them through one final test and a long-awaited confrontation. - Log created on 20:25:25 10/09/2024 by Chevy, and last modified on 09:16:56 11/04/2024. Cast: Hawksley, Henry, Chevy, Junko, Sarah, Rodrigo, and Tanwen.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 4 - S.O.S. - Seemingly just in the nick of time, the radio mast is repaired - but rather than broadcasting an S.O.S. to the world beyond the firewall, an 'S.O.S.' is inadvertently broadcast to the area surrounding the station over the island's P.A. system, attracting the attention of monstrosities and drawing them to Zack's abode! For once, hosting the biggest house party in the neighbourhood seems like a really bad idea... - Log created on 10:39:58 09/12/2024 by Coco, and last modified on 08:08:40 09/29/2024. Cast: Coco, Henry, Sarah, Rodrigo, and Roxana.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Final Match - Atlantis vs Hollywood Heat - The two teams remaining in the competition press on to the peak of Zack Island to face off in the finals, where Junko is said to await the champions. Who will emerge the Kings or Queens of Zack Island? And even if they do, will they be able to hold onto it - or even still want it - after all of this? - Log created on 10:39:15 09/12/2024 by Tanwen, and last modified on 17:37:26 09/27/2024. Cast: Hawksley, Henry, Chevy, and Tanwen.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 3 - Hollywood Heat vs Wild Things - Zack's finally managed to clean his house up after having it trashed by Zack (?) and hosting an Emergency Dance Party. Will it survive a match between fire-breathers, beast-people and sword-slingers? What does Zack's insurance company have to say about all this? - Log created on 08:54:14 08/14/2024 by Hawksley, and last modified on 14:14:07 09/07/2024. Cast: Hawksley, Henry, Buck, and Max.

5 logs listed.
Character's index

Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.