
(last updated: 06/29/18)

Some characters are just difficult to deal with. You think they'll move left when they dodge right. It looks like they're going to throw a punch when they actually kick. Perhaps that fireball was just a distraction to make you swerve into a right hook. Whatever the case, Manipulate allows a character to use a fighter's style against them.

All MANIPULATE users have access to a visible Block Meter in the +meters display that lets you see where your opponent's block penalty is currently. A full meter means no block penalty.

Beginning at C Rank, MANIPULATE users have access to the +manipulate/dodge, +manipulate/block, +manipulate/endure, and +manipulate/interrupt Active Abilities. Like all Active Abilities, using +manipulate will prevent the use of any other Active Abilities this turn. Using +manipulate will secretly debuff the defender's reaction that you chose by [10]%. It's secret in that it will not show up in their +check odds.

- If you correctly predicted your opponent's reaction you are awarded with [10]% super. If you have RESOLVE C-Rank or BURST S-Rank you receive [12]% super for successful manipulations; if you have both you will receive [14]% super for successful manipulations.

- If you correctly predicted your opponent's reaction and they fail their reaction, your attack will deal [1] Power Level in extra damage.

- If you successfully interrupt an incoming atack, you gain [10]% super.

- On turns you use +manipulate, you gain [0] super for taking damage.

- On turns you do not use +manipulate, you will gain [50]% of the usual amount of super from taking damage.

- You still gain super at the usual rate for dealing damage, using DM/Super, trickling super from the SEXY trait, etc.

- MANIPULATE is a character trait, so if a character has the STYLE ability, it should exist in both styles.

Ability Summary

  In TOP: Correct predictions award [8]% reserve instead of [10]% Super.

  D Rank: Access to Block Meter.

  C Rank: Access to +manipulate active. Ambush: start with [20]% super.

  B Rank: Ambush bonus: Start fight with [40]% super.

  A Rank: Access to [1] use of +exploit/<reaction1> <reaction2>

  S Rank: Access to [2] uses of +trap/<reaction> <target>

SIG ABIL: Access to [1] use each of +shroud/hide, +shroud/fast, and
          +shroud/slow Free Actions.

TOP Mechanic

While in TOP, correctly predicting opponent reactions will award you with [8]% reserve instead of [10]% super.

Ability Ranks

D Rank (Inspect) represents the fighter gaining an acute awareness of the weakening of an opponent's guard as they determine how best to exploit openings to execute more effective attacks on their targets.

C Rank (Manipulate) is the fighter's advancement into actively manipulating fighters into the reactions they want them to take, then punishing them for doing so. Since the fighter is still just getting the hang of fighting in this manner, they only start with [20]% super for their Ambush bonus, which means they have more ground to make up for in their use of +manipulate to try and catch up on Super.

B Rank represents an experienced fighter's greater level of initiative, allowing them to really get the lead on their opponent early. The Ambush bonus is [40]% instead of [20]%, giving the MANIPULATE fighter a better chance of being able to jump right into a powerful technique early on in the fight if they detect the perfect opportunity to do so.

A Rank (Exploit) represents the fighter having become so skilled at manipulating opponents that, once per fight, they can prepare to capitalize on two possible reactions from the same attack. A Rank grants access to the +exploit Active Ability, so you can enter '+exploit/dodge block' to predict both Dodge and Block against your next attack. Other than being able to pick two reactions, +exploit works identically to using +manipulate.

S Rank (Trap) is an even higher step along the path to predicting your opponent and punishing them for doing what you wanted them to. At S Rank you gain access to the +trap Free Action, which can be used by typing '+trap/< reaction > < target >' at any time during your turn. As typical of MANIPULATE, your opponent is not warned against the trap you have prepared for them. From this point forward, every time your opponent picks that reaction and succeeds at it, you will gain [4]% Super and the trap will persist. If your opponent picks that reaction and fails the reaction, they will take [0.4] more Power Levels in damage and the trap will expire.

Note that it is possible to use both of your +trap actions in the same turn, picking two reactions to trap. If your opponent picks either reaction and succeeds, you will gain the [4]% super. However, if your opponent picks either of the reaction and fails, you will only deal the [0.4] increased PLs and both traps will be cleared. So while this might be a sort of failsafe way to use +trap, it also is likely that it won't last long, which means you won't benefit from it for long, nor will you get both of the potential damage boost more conservative use of +trap will allow for.

How you decide to use +trap is up to you. The damage and super do stack with MANIPULATE. So if you, say, +trap/dodge and +manipulate/dodge, and your opponent dodges, you will either gain [14]% super if your opponent succeeds the dodge, or deal [1.4] PLs of damage if your opponent fails the dodge. However, since you are actively helping your opponent to fail their dodge by manipulating dodge, it is likely that your trap won't last long. Alternatively, you might +trap reactions you aren't predicting with +manipulate just for insurance; if your opponent manages to make the trapped reactions a couple of times, you will bring in more super over time.

Signature Ability -- SHROUD

True masterminds of manipulation know how to make their opponent see something that isn't there or misread an attack as faster or slower than it really is. They can even conceal their true attacks in such a way that opponents might not have the slightest idea of how to react to the attack. These legendary manipulators control the battlefield to their advantage and can leave their opponents constantly second-guessing themselves as they try to figure out how to best react to the confusing attacks thrown their way.

   - Access to [1] use of each of: +shroud/fast, +shroud/slow, +shroud/hide

   - Using +shroud before an attack will modify the target's +check results.

   - +shroud/fast and +shroud will modify the perceived speed of the attack
     by [25].

   - +shroud/hide will conceal all +check odds and super values in +meters
     unless the target has a CLARITY buff active.

   - In addition, opponents with ANALYSIS will have [0]% chance to detect
     what abilities or DMs you are using on the round you SHROUD or the
     round after.

   - +shroud grants a [1] PL damage reduction for [1] turn after shrouding.