Full Name:Kuroki Inei
Faction:Justice High
Blood Type:B-
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Silver
Date of Birth:October 31
Hobbies:Painting, horror stories, calligraphy, cooking
Personal Treasures:Grandfather's ring
Favorite Food:Takoyaki
Likes:Rainy days, seafood, old books
Dislikes:Sunny days, bell peppers, math
Best Sport:Track
Love Interests:Who has time?
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:Tamaonsen (feat. y t r) - Satori-Eye


"I've read your fortune, and sadly, it's not looking good for you today. My condolences."

The Kuroki family have mostly kept to the shadows the last two hundred years, but before then they produced some of the most famous onmyoji in Japan. While they still practice their mystical arts in private, they have been keeping that mostly hidden. Until recently. Inei's father became the first professional onmyoji in generations, and his son seems keen to follow in his footsteps. Inei was enrolled in Justice High with the hope of giving him a leg up in the world and his future career carrying on his family legacy. Even though he was born with only one arm, seemingly marking him from birth for difficulties, he's one of the most skilled summoners of shikigami the family has produced in a while. He wishes to prove his family's traditions and skills to be more than superstitious hokum, and that his skills are for more than telling fortunes and divination.

Style:Onmyodo and Baguazhang
Signature Move:Soul Evocation -- ENERGY PROJECTILE
Signature Ability:IMBUED-CHI -- NOVA

Recent Logs

[FightFest 2025] Rivals Exhibition: Inei vs Ayaki - In case things didn't seem serious enough, we've got Kuroki Inei of Justice High facing off against Amano Ayaki of Gedo! A former student of Justice himself, Ayaki was transferred to Gedo due to interpersonal problems - so he might have a real chip on his shoulder when it comes to this match! Meanwhile, the pressure will be on for Inei prove the pride of Justice's super-elite students is well-placed against one of their previous pupils with what we're told are some spooky special powers! - Log created on 17:30:44 03/05/2025 by Ayaki, and last modified on 14:14:15 03/08/2025. Cast: Amane, Inei, and Ayaki.

1 log listed.

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