Full Name:Amano Ayaki
Faction:Gedo High
Height:5 feet, 9 inches
Weight:165 pounds
Blood Type:AB
Eye Color:Blue with a red glow
Hair Color:Black
Date of Birth:17/09/2009
Hobbies:Reading, Listening to Music and Podcasts, Kendo
Personal Treasures:My phone with photographs of my mother on it
Favorite Food:Okonomiyaki
Likes:Rock music, Sleeping, Wearing Black
Dislikes:Fake people
Best Sport:Kendo
Love Interests:No
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Voice Actor:Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Theme Song:Panic Prone by Chevelle


"Two blades. One mind. No mercy."

After already being kicked out of one Southtown school, Justice, Ayaki is getting a second chance to prove himself at Gedo. He's struggled to fit in so far, but hopes that representing the school in NFG Rivals will earn him the position and prestige he craves. The last time Ayaki revealed his true self it almost ended in tragedy. He believes that becoming a competitive fighter could help him to channel his often chaotic emotions into something positive. The question is whether he can control himself when in combat.

Style:Twin Oni Blades
Signature Move:Oni Dance -- PHYSICAL ENERGY
Signature Ability:PARRY -- MANEUVER

Recent Logs

[FightFest 2025] Rivals Exhibition: Inei vs Ayaki - In case things didn't seem serious enough, we've got Kuroki Inei of Justice High facing off against Amano Ayaki of Gedo! A former student of Justice himself, Ayaki was transferred to Gedo due to interpersonal problems - so he might have a real chip on his shoulder when it comes to this match! Meanwhile, the pressure will be on for Inei prove the pride of Justice's super-elite students is well-placed against one of their previous pupils with what we're told are some spooky special powers! - Log created on 17:30:44 03/05/2025 by Ayaki, and last modified on 14:14:15 03/08/2025. Cast: Amane, Inei, and Ayaki.

Dinner for Four - Tsukiko and Ayaki have both scored fours in school subjects but with very different results. Bad behaviour, scandalous secrets and fortune cookies unfold as two NFG Rivals meet for the first time. - Log created on 16:43:14 02/24/2025 by Ayaki, and last modified on 16:35:36 03/01/2025. Cast: Tsukiko and Ayaki.

2 logs listed.

Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.