Full Name:?????
Weight:170 lbs
Blood Type:O
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Hair Color:Black
Hobbies:Driving, reading, writing letters
Favorite Food:Jasmine tea
Likes:Cleanliness, answering promptly, efficient things
Dislikes:Being told what to do, volunteering, telling secrets
Best Sport:Archery
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:


"Come now. You know a knife held by an angel cuts the same as one held by a devil."

He makes an effort not to stand out. An executive in one of Ultratech's many research divisions, Magi has oversight in an obscure department that is best described as 'byzantine' and 'opaque' at the best, with myriad responsibilities. He is strongly rumored to be a ranking official of one the company's many espionage programs, but he is often as inscrutable about the company's interests as he is about his own. Clean, calm and efficient, Magi appears with disturbing regularity in the field for audits of the company's weapons, equipment and fighters. This is despite not having any professionally acknowledged adjacency to the company's suite of defense products. Magi, whose real name is buried somewhere in a classified file, is one of the unsung workhorses of the company, having survived many intrafactional wars and assassination attempts to reach his current position. With loyalties best described as ephemeral and a curious sense of brutal sentiment, Magi would have a reputation as a ghost, if he had any reputation at all.

Style:Bass Baton and Ultratech Type 4
Signature Move:Code Sphinx -- PHYSICAL ENERGY
Signature Ability:BURST -- INFUSE

Recent Logs

[Dead Or Alive] If You'd Like To Make A Call... - One meeting was planned. And yet... it's interesting, how quickly a plan can change.Now, the Pacific High student is meeting a whole new contact. And this one is only concerned with what a boy does when put between a rock and a hard place. - Log created on 15:01:50 02/10/2022 by Magi, and last modified on 04:17:46 03/16/2022. Cast: Rafferty and Magi.

Digital Destiny - With Vega once again disappearing into the shadows to pursue his secret agendas, Juri finds herself in the usual holding pattern of bored self-indulgence. That is until an unexpected visitor drops in to offer her a job. Seeing no harm in at least hearing him out, she flies out to a secret meeting with a very unexpected employer who has an offer that might change the direction of her destiny entirely. - Log created on 20:10:42 09/24/2021 by Juri, and last modified on 15:32:30 10/05/2021. Cast: Juri and Magi.

General File, 09.64251.224.1.06 - She did well in physical trial. Inconveniently, her psychological profile is too codependent to consent and produce actionable intelligence on the whereabouts of the target. Fortunately, there are alternative pathways to stimulate cooperation. Placing the idea is often enough for our purposes in a first interview. I'll place a few phone calls from this point, and begin enhanced interviews. - Log created on 01:49:53 07/20/2021 by Magi, and last modified on 03:13:42 08/23/2021. Cast: Elisabeth and Magi.

General File, 07.04.31231.836.1 - She is unstable, unsure of herself, as any waking moment could be the difference between a breakthrough and another trip to the memory matrix alcoves. Curious that she does not seem to be as aggressive as the reports say, but her detachment from the normal moors of sentimentality may come from her baser natures. I'll make a promise and nourish both of her instincts, to see which grows first. Risk assessment is a large part of our department's core competencies, and I wouldn't be lying to say that internal affairs is always a passing interest of mine.. - Log created on 18:03:01 05/24/2021 by Magi, and last modified on 11:57:11 06/05/2021. Cast: Dr. Tessitore and Magi.

General File, 05.62151.345.1.06 - Barring a small cover up operation we had to run, the results from the cartel assessment protocols were as expected. The boy is a renegade, and still young yet in both mind and talent. The fire he wields is potentially devastating, but he chooses to remain isolated with great fervor. In my estimation, this means that there is no great impetus to take advantage of his situation, and it may be more productive to our interests to leave him at large. We can always re-assess later and enact involuntary protocols as deemed required. - Log created on 18:00:21 05/24/2021 by Magi, and last modified on 03:50:55 06/14/2021. Cast: K' and Magi.

5 logs listed.
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Personal logs

Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.