Full Name:Kahuna Papaya Tortuga, Jr.
Blood Type:
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OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:


"Life's a beach, and I'm just here to surf the highs and lows. Winning? That's just a bonus!"

Kahuna is the youngest of four sea turtle brethren found by professional beach bum known colloquially as Master Papaya. What was intended to become breakfast blossomed into a family dynamic beyond their own comprehension. Following in the footsteps of his father figure, Kahuna's life centers around slacking, surfing and soaking up pop culture. To defend himself, Kahuna has mashed up a collection of martial arts entertainment, professional wrestling and surfing to create his own unorthodox fighting style. Forever a wild card, Kahuna brings his surfer dude lifestyle and free spirit to his journey of redemption.

Style:Surf Ninja
Signature Move:Cowabunga -- PHYSICAL ENERGY
Signature Ability:CHARISMA -- ATTUNE

Recent Logs

[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Aggro - Odysseuna just wants to go surfing but Poseidon spots him and grows angry at his skill. He pushes him off his board, pulls him under the water and breaks his board! Surely Odysseuna can't let this go without a fight? - Log created on 09:24:32 03/13/2024 by Xander, and last modified on 15:53:52 03/27/2024. Cast: Xander and Kahuna.

1 log listed.

Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.