Full Name:Iris Osterlund
Height:172cm (5'8")
Weight:58kg (128 lbs.)
Blood Type:0
Hometown:Cambridge, United Kingdom
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Light brown with rainbow highlights
Date of Birth:March 7th
Hobbies:Short form video, writing fanfic
Favorite Food:Chicken tikka masala
Likes:Staying active, posting on social media, fashion design
Dislikes:Familial responsibility, online trolls
Best Sport:Track and field (javelin throw specifically)
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Voice Actor:Cate Blanchett
Theme Song:Butaotome -- "Trauma Recorder"


"You know when they say 'a wizard did it'? That's me! I'm the wizard!"

Runes. In some magical circles, they're said to be echoes of how creation was written, the pure essence of how words can have primal power. The caretakers of such sorcery must be studious, careful, and serene. In the case of the Osterlund lineage, who've been custodians of such knowledge for centuries, that tradition just came to a screeching halt. Having inherited "head of the family" status after the death of her older sister, young Iris Osterlund is just about everything you'd expect the head of a family of magi to NOT be: a hedonistic internet-savvy jokester who sells her mystical (and other) skills to whoever will hire her as the "Osterlund Anything Agency." Trailed by her family's aging butler and redoubtable nanny/maid -- both of whom desperately wish for Iris to get her life together -- she instead spends her time trying to drum up business and see just how far her abilities can take her.

Style:Runic Summoning + Weapon Improvisation
Signature Move:Raido - Solstice Journey -- PHYSICAL
Signature Ability:BURST -- INFUSE


[IC Info]
Hailing from Cambridge in the UK, Iris is an honest to goodness real-life wizard, the current 'heir' (for lack of better phrasing) of the Osterlund lineage, who use rune magic passed down for centuries from their Norse ancestors. A relative unknown, she has taken her family's mystical heritage on a sharp left turn by opening up shop as a sort of mystical odd-job person under the name of the "Osterlund Anything Agency."

[OOC Info]
People who travel in magic circles will likely have heard of the Osterlunds, but not of Iris. The reason why is that it was her older sister, Celica Osterlund, who was expected to inherit the family's secrets... but a few months before the NFG began, Celica appeared to have died.

Iris's personal stage is "Cambridge - King's College Chapel" (in stage/random)
Her stage theme is "Prism Blade" - https://sagefox.bandcamp.com/track/prism-blade-iris-stage

[Profile Image Credits]
All profile images here are edits of the Star Rail character Stelle, a copyrighted character of MiHoYo. Individual credits are as follows:

Full profile/profile headshot -- Official HSR artwork

Recent Logs

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 2 - Might & Magic vs Toxique - With Might and Magic victorious in their first round match and Toxique victorious in their butt-battle, one of these teams is about to have their (decidedly short) win-streak broken. Perhaps this match will settle the dispute over whether metal breastplates or literal bikinis provide more suitable protection in combat. - Log created on 12:05:54 06/19/2024 by Coco, and last modified on 07:26:24 06/25/2024. Cast: Coco, Iris, Albert, and Roxana.

[NFG Season Two] RTZI Round 1 - Rhythm Renegades vs Might & Magic - Rhythm Renegades takes on Knights of the... Might and Magic to see who moves on in the tournament. Hey! When did Albert get that armor? - Log created on 17:06:59 05/30/2024 by Rodrigo, and last modified on 09:34:15 06/16/2024. Cast: Sarah, Iris, Rodrigo, and Albert.

[NFG Season Two] Teachings of Failure - While the Mermaid Cruise Ship is still en route to it's destination, Iris takes the opportunity to have a practical training session with Albert to gauge his abilities. - Log created on 11:05:10 05/19/2024 by Albert, and last modified on 04:25:04 05/24/2024. Cast: Iris and Albert.

[NFG Season Two] Round Table Discussion - Off-brand Merlin and Wannabe Arthur strike up an unlikely but potentially fruitful partnership... and perhaps find some unexpected emotional common ground while they're at it. - Log created on 19:37:48 05/08/2024 by Iris, and last modified on 16:54:35 05/15/2024. Cast: Iris and Albert.

[NFG Season Two] Odyssey R2 - Underworld - The word is out that an exclusive new bar named 'Underworld' has opened on the southernmost tip of the Greek mainland. Notorious nightlife lovers Empusa (Zarine) and Hecate (Iris) are both eager to gain entry, but when they arrive, there's only enough room to admit one more! - Log created on 22:47:12 03/14/2024 by Zarine, and last modified on 07:21:38 03/20/2024. Cast: Zarine and Iris.

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Original Characters are property of their creators and applicants. All background data is provided by the player.