Full Name: | Ayame Ichijo |
Gender: | Female |
Age: | 18 |
Height: | 5'3" (156cm) |
Weight: | 103 lbs. |
Blood Type: | O |
Nationality: | Japanese |
Hometown: | Southtown |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Hair Color: | Strawberry Blonde |
Date of Birth: | Oct 19 |
Hobbies: | None |
Personal Treasures: | Absolution (her staff) |
Likes: | Solitude |
Dislikes: | Conversation |
OOC Data | |
Game: | Original Character |
Status: | Inactive |
Theme Song: | Salva Nos from Noir |
"When the darkness comes, you will weep for joy that I have prepared for that day."
Born to great expectations, Ayame numbers among the new generation of the mighty but reclusive Ichijo Clan. A legacy of renown demon hunters, infamous mikos, and formidable warrior priests proceeds her. Still in her late teens, the latest of the Ichijo has taken the obligations of her destiny to the extreme. From the time of her birth to the present, she has trained in her father's use of the staff and her mother's use of powerful sealing techniques to the exclusion of practically all other distractions. A dispassionate genius, Ayame's own family has long since been given cause to worry about her severe outlook, preference for solitude, and intensely driven training unlike any other. Seemingly without humor or affection, she keeps to herself except when sparring, an activity for which she demonstrates rare vigor. When pressed, she defends her ascetic lifestyle as an obligation to her fate. On rare occasion, glimpses of another, more fiery nature slip through the cracks, only to be buried as if in shame an instant later. Destiny, it seems, can be a considerable burden.
Style: | Boujutsu to Onmyoujutsu |
Signature Move: | Final Solstice -- PHYSICAL ENERGY COUNTER |
Signature Ability: | STYLE -- VERSATILE |
Aranha says, "This is your fault Ayame... Always with the stabby."
Frei says, "Ayame reflects so many concepts that any OC apped from now to eternity is ripping her off in some way. ;)"
Aislinn says, "Ayame is scary. I'm afraid to do anything against her. 9.9"
Kazuki makes a note not to mess w/ Ayame any more.
Soma says, "She appears to be made of the same 'win-ium' ore that Alma was forged from."
Dr. Tran says, "Ayame is frightening."
Igniz says, "Ayame is a sorceress"
Elle says, "You can tell by the way she walks, she's Ayame with no time to talk, beating up most everyone, been kicking ass since she was born, 'cause she's alright, she's okay, everyone just run away, here she comes, what to do, she'll beat you 'til you're black and blue. If you got a wallet better give it don't you stall it or she'll flay you alive, flay you alive."
Sad Choi in Plaid snaps his fingers. Ayame is a hard-to-get item!
Yurika says, "If Ayame hit R6 I would fear for my very existance."
Sad Choi in Plaid says, "Dear god, no, WHY DOES MY MIND SAY 'Harvest Raper' NOW"
Zach "1 Bao" Glen says, "Ayame seems to thrive on stupid interrupts."
Tournament Titles
- > Rumble In The Streets 2016 - Champion <
Recent Logs
[NFG Season One] A New Challenge - Even the places that seem most barren in the heart of Sunshine City can harbor an unexpected refuge. On an island oasis along the fifty mile concrete canal known as the Sunshine City River, the elusive miko instructor of Team Thunder takes time to open the eyes of the team's water bender into the more technical potential of her unorthodox style. - Log created on 23:08:04 08/13/2023 by Ayame, and last modified on 05:59:40 09/08/2023. Cast: Ayame and Chevy.[NFG Season One] Identity - The aloof miko of the Meian Jinja finally takes direct interest in the training of Team Thunder's determined swordswoman. Eschewing steel for bokken, the two exchange strikes and words beneath a waning California sunset. Isolated in the peaceful grounds of an old mission, the reserved trainer shares tips on life and sword fighting in equal measures. - Log created on 01:16:02 07/02/2023 by Ayame, and last modified on 09:11:25 07/13/2023. Cast: Ayame and Ichika.
[Fightfest 2023] Seeds Of Faith - Have faith in God; God has faith in you. - Edwin Louis Cole - Log created on 01:39:41 03/27/2023 by Raiden, and last modified on 19:01:37 05/30/2023. Cast: Ayame and Raiden.
Raeneck Rampage Part 2 - Having savaged the remains of the Podiebrad plunder convoy, Rae is confronted by the High Commander of the Raven Guard, Szabolc von Podiebrad. A brief melee ensues, and in his darkest hour, Szabolc finds a mysterious savior coming to his rescue... - Log created on 20:00:03 12/13/2020 by Crock, and last modified on 01:06:25 04/22/2021. Cast: Ayame, Rae, and Bela.
[The Black Dragon] Black Dragon R4 - Crossfire - Thus far the dynamic duo of spiritual warriors have proven to be a valuable asset to the people of Southtown, rescuing dozens of civilians trapped far beyond the reach of the NOL or PDF. But with the Dark Stalkers suddenly turning tail, their prospects for further aid seem limited. Unwilling to give up the fight until the job is done, Ayame directs their efforts towards a large movement of NOL troops, hoping to offer assistance where they can. Instead, the pair accidentally blunder into an ambush meant to catch the Librarium unawares, putting themselves directly into the conflict against the Dragon's forces! - Log created on 13:24:31 06/07/2020 by Ayame, and last modified on 11:35:38 06/28/2020. Cast: Ayame, Riki, and Hayley.
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