
MARISOL SMELLS FUNNY - Luc decides to throw a book at Marisol. CHAOS ENSUES!!!!! - created on 00:19:12 05/05/2007 by Luc and last modified on 16:15:14 05/05/2007. Cast: Marisol and Luc.

Happy Bonding Fight - Luc and Marisol and Preston fight. Preston wears little hotpants. No one knows why. REAL LIVE ACTION TEAM BONDING RIGHT HERE. - created on 02:26:55 05/29/2007 by Luc and last modified on 15:33:47 06/02/2007. Cast: Marisol, Preston, and Luc.

Pas Has Sass - Luc's weakness exposed?! THIS LOG IS SCANDALOUS!!! D: D: D: - created on 22:44:45 06/01/2007 by Luc and last modified on 03:59:22 06/04/2007. Cast: Luc and Pas.

Pas is a Card - Luc storms the Girl's Dormitories of Pacific High to demand a rematch from his Brazillian teammate, Pas. Luc proves to be capable of overcoming his DETRIMENTAL WEAKNESS. Pas proves that she can kick kind of hard. Also: will Pas' dorm room survive the fight?! You won't believe the answer!! (It doesn't.) (AND PAS DIES. Or does she?! DUN DUN DUNNN.) (No, she doesn't.) - created on 14:39:59 06/10/2007 by Luc and last modified on 01:41:56 06/11/2007. Cast: Luc and Pas.

Pas Has Grass? - Brazil versus Germany, Part Three?! Luc is just trying to enjoy a slushie when SUDDENLY, Pas comes by to step all up in his grill! To prove she ain't frontin', she even goes so far as to lay the smackdown!? Will Luc tolerate the Brazillian's shenanigans?! Why was the author of this description using largely random rap phrasings?! WILL LUC SUFFER A TRAGIC FATE?! The answer to all these questions, IS--* - created on 19:12:15 11/16/2007 by Luc and last modified on 03:51:05 11/25/2007. Cast: Luc, Pas, and Cherise.

Happy Super Igniz Time - A mysterious and powerful stranger visits Pacific High for reasons unknown, so what does Luc Schroedinger do? ... Punch him in the face. Watch in terror, as Luc defeats Igniz single-handedly and saves the universe like some wicked-awesome kickass super fighter!! I'm totally serious!! Or am I?! I guess you'll have to read the log to find out!! - created on 23:42:54 04/12/2008 by Luc and last modified on 16:28:17 04/13/2008. Cast: Igniz and Luc.

Class Clash Combo Convention?! - Oh my god, the alliteration!! Can anyone stand this incoherent hodgepodge of C-words?! Can anyone stop Luc's alliteration rampage?! How can someone be allowed to put such useless descriptions into their logs?! The answer, is-- - created on 22:56:23 04/15/2008 by Luc and last modified on 16:24:57 04/16/2008. Cast: Marisol and Luc.

7 logs.