Honoka - The Night Kyoto Burned

Description: Fleeing from the scene of the crime, the calm Mr. Burr makes a simple request to go to the hospital. (Aftermath of "End of the World stage 3: Aku Soku Zan")

Well, over all things have worked well. The objectives were, with one minor flaw, mostly met thus far. The intrepid Honoka and Indomitable Mr.Burr kept the hounds at bay, and have made their escape on the other motorcycle after Shibata made a mess of the one Honoka was driving.

Alas, with the situation being what it is, their intended destination of the Imperial Palace will have to wait. Cops are swarming everywhere by now courtesy of the delay Hotaru and her student caused, and while Kiyomizu-dera is another good target, Burr doesn't seem to be heading that way. He takes several back streets, doubles back a few times in an attempt to lose anyone potentially following them.

Down one street, however, Burr begins to waver a bit, coming to a slow stop in an alley, peering over at Honoka "I do believe.... we are safe for the time being.....". A small dribble of red has started at the corner of his mouth.

Honoka is still seething. She hasn't said a word after leaving the fireball of a wreck that was her last motorcycle -- and small wonder, because if she weren't so sour, she might have spoken her mind about Mr. Burr's erratic path, not recognizing that it was indeed his intent. She thinks he's just lost. ... And now she's the one who's lost in the practically identical streets in the maze called Kyoto. She spends the rest of her time on the bike scrubbing face paint off of herself. Never dealing with that again, she decides.

As the motorcycle slows to a stop, it becomes fairly obvious that it would've been futile to talk anyway -- not only due to the ringing in her ears from having explosions so nearby, but from the engine noise itself. Grimacing, she removes the goggles from her face with her left hand, keeping her right pinned to her side as she dismounts from the motorcycle.

Honoka glances over at Mr. Burr. She doesn't want to speak, but discretion gets the better part of her. "You're hurt too, mm." Stepping away from the motorcycle, she closes her eyes for a moment, listening. Breathing a brief sigh of relief, she leans against the wall of the nearest building. "... We need medical help. Bandages, at least. ... Hospitals will be looking for us though."

Honoka hadn't planned this far ahead. She looks to Burr hopefully.

With a sudden cough, Burr covers one of his white gloves with a small gout of blood. He peers at it in semi-disgust "Ugh. How unsightly... in any case, WHY would the hospitals be looking for us? There IS a riot going on, and to my knowledge, nobody witnessed us do anything other than defend ourselves from a student with a sword. It is, technicly, our word against theirs in any case. We can simply say it was injuries sustained trying to escape FROM the unpleasantness of the evening".

Because Honoka is paranoid, that's why! Er...

"Th-that makes sense," Honoka assents, "... /but/ I'm also carrying enough plastic to light up another shrine. Maybe two. And smoke grenades." And two yo-yos, but let's not go there right now.

"... And that /would/ be suspicious. But point taken."

Reaching back, she pulls the toboggan off her head, letting her bangs fall back in front of her eyes. "... There, I can pass as a 'normal' now, once I ditch this jacket." She takes another apprehensive look down the street, before musing aloud, "What do you think our chances are for Kamigamo Shrine? It's just about ten blocks north of here, I haven't heard any police around. Then hospital?" The girl is really starting to push her luck...

With a snicker, Burr coughs another bit of blood up "I... regret that i had best get medical attention as a first priority if i'm to live to fight another day. At best you will have to continue on your own for now. At worse...."

Burr gives that slight smile, eyes full of that piercing madness ".... we wait and hit it when time best allows. After all, fear is something that must be cultivated. Hit all your targets in one move, and it lasts only so long. With a target remaining, it can be resparked anew when least expected".
Burr chuckles, looking... almost a little demonic for a moment with the combination of his expression and the blood leaking from his mouth "The first blow shows a weakness. The SECOND blow, however, is what destroys hope. An unexpected strike puts someone on guard, but when they LOOK for it and STILL cannot stop it?" He tilts his head slightly to an angle "When they know they cannot STOP you? THAT is when TRUE fear and hopelessness set in among the throngs and masses".

Honoka considers Burr's words, admiring his perpetual optimistic nature for a moment. ... Well, until he goes all freakazoid on her. Still, since fear =is= the name of the game she's been playing, she nods in understanding. "Fair enough... and I =did= want to pick a juicier target anyway. Perhaps you're right."

The young woman winces for a moment, leaning hard against the wall as she unzips her flak vest. "... And yeah. Fine, we'll go. Just don't expect -me- to be the one giving you sponge baths." She takes a moment and retrieves the yo-yo from her sleeve, and the yo-yo from her inside pocket. Should look familiar to Burr. "I.... hrm."

She pulls out one of her burner phones, punching in a few quick numbers, then speaks into the phone. "It's me, /brother/. ... Yes, that's right. Tomita Hospital. Be there in fifteen minutes. Out."

Slipping out of her vest, she finds a large garbage can and chucks it inside. "It'll get taken care of," she notes, holding up the yo-yo she handed Burr just a few days ago. "As will this. I don't want it near me if they have to put me under."

She glances around, hopping back onto the motorcycle. "It's weird," she notes, "feeling so much lighter now."

A pained laugh is Burrs response as he nods "Oh, fear not m'lady. Such things have been prepared for". As she makes her call, and puts the objects in the trash, he nods. If she has it all picked up, including the yoyo as he suspects, then all the better. If she doesn't, it is hers to do with as she pleases.

He heads towards the street, down from which the hospital in question is located. Burr DID choose this alley for a reason, after all! He holds out his arm, giving a small smile with a composed position "Now, help your dear older uncle, as you put it earlier, to the hospital, yes? Best to put on the act in case THEY show up again, though for simplicity we shant implicate anyone specific, simply that it was during the rioting and we were caught unawares".

Honoka -is- starting to lighten up. Blowing up a city and almost getting killed is a serious blow to one's morale -- who knew?! "Right, of course." Stuffing both yo-yos into her pockets, she wraps her hand back over the bloody wound site, holding on closely to Mr. Burr.

Hopping off the bike to assist her uncle, she wraps her free arm around his side. Nodding slowly, she mumbles under her breath, "Not my best work. Wish I'd thought of it sooner, then ..."

A thought occurs to her though. "Those were some, uh... big knives, huh, Uncle?"

Log created on 18:04:31 09/08/2014 by Honoka, and last modified on 20:07:15 09/08/2014.