Kensou - Bao Should Never Be Like Kensou

Description: In the aftermath of Kensou interrupting Bao and Momoko's 'innocent' 'alone time,' Bao and Kensou decide to do some male bonding, playing terrible video games. When Bao gets curious about the facts of life though, Kensou is on the spot to explain the birds, the bees, and the meatbuns.

Camped out in the apartment in Southtown, with the air conditioning on at full blast to avoid the roasting heat that was currently baking sidewalks outdoors, two Psycho Soldiers were camped out playing one of Bao's favorite games.

For what seemed like the umpteenth time, there was a victory dance on the screen, as Bao beams. "Win, again!"

Either Bao'd gotten better with a lot more practice lately, or Kensou was getting worse. But that was silly... Kensou wasn't -bad-! Maybe he was just distracted over something or the other... and given past history...

"Iie, Gege... you thinking about Big Sister Athena again?" Bao quips, even as he starts up a new game.

Kensou was very happy that Bao won.

"Wow Bao! That was really great!" The older Psycho Soldier states, face tightened into a grin. Naturally, playing that same game over and over again, and constantly losing, might be unfun for some people. Why, in Kensou's case, it could even be considered painfully unfun, to lose over and over again to someone younger. Especially Bao. But Kensou is far too mature to let that get in the way of fun. Just like he was too mature to be letting Bao win. Kensou was trying his best in his game. If he didn't?

Then Bao might leak out their little secret to Athena.

Of course, the smile wanes slightly as Bao asks about Athena. Kensou's eyes dash about the apartment nervously. "Uh, um, well! I am just worried about her!" He states flatly, trying to hide his intent behind half-truths. "She and Chin are certainly taking their time getting here. I'm just worried she might be in trouble, especially if I can't win." As the title screen for Match of the Milleneum: 2012 pops on-screen, Kensou tries to change the subject. "Can I pick Rust this time?"

"I heard they fixed his priority issues."

"Okay!" Bao exclaims, as he changes his character. After a moment's thought, the blinking cursor moves over to pick Vanessa. It's not a bad choice, really, and Bao had to admire the form that the boxer displayed in her battle the other day with the trio of thugs that Momoko and Bao had dealt with!

It was only when the game started that Bao asked, "So why is it bad to hit women in the chest?"

Kensou freezes.

Oh no. The -talk-. Well, not THAT talk. But -a- talk. One of the very important talks that all young fighters have to go through, when having to learn the difference between punching girls and punching boys. Kensou's face turns bright red, as he tries to recall what Master Chin had described to him prior. And finally, he relates it with the eloquance of a true Psycho Soldier.


As the match starts, Kensou continues to play in that distracted manner, as he tries and organizes his thoughts. "Well. Uh. I mean. Well, it depends! Some fighters, um, some fighters are okay with hitting in the chest! I mean, it can be very disrespectful if you hold back on fighting a woman, simply because you don't want to hit in the chest! I mean, who was telling you it was bad to hit someone in the chest." As Kensou whiffs with Cement Upper, his eyes goes wide.

"Was it -Momoko?!-"

It wasn't that Bao -hadn't- had the talk, exactly, but that it was stridently reinforced in a very different manner by Momoko, as opposed to Sifu Gentsai.

"Iie... but how do you know who to not hit?" Bao replies, wrinkling his nose. "I know it's impolite to touch women without their permission, but in combat, it seems like it would be impolite to not fight to your best."

Vanessa, meanwhile, is doing a rush combo on Rust on-screen as Bao considers how to answer that. "Yep, yep, Jiejie. Why, is she wrong?"

Vanessa pauses on screen as Bao turns those wide eyes onto Kensou. Say it isn't so, Gege!

Kensou sneaks in Rust's fireball Max while Bao is distracted.

"Momoko is... well." Kensou pushes the buttons as he considers very carefully how to describe this. "Momoko is older than you, but she is still fairly young. She tends to have a very, uh, skewed perspective of things. I mean, she probably has hit a few women in the chest!" In fact, Kensou figured she would solely target that aspect, in the case of certain women.

Maybe even Athena, Kensou imagines.

The cheap shots stop, as Kensou gets lost in thought. Briskly, he shakes himself back into focus. "The important thing, I guess, is that there is a difference between groping and hitting!" Kensou explains with the sagely tone of a big brother. "If you restrain yourself, you may come across as needy and clingy, and end up giving mixed messages when you strike. You shouldn't be soft when you have to hit in the chest. When in fact, you should hit as hard as possible."

"That's the only honorable way to approach it!"

"I see... iieee!" Having Vanessa block further attacks, Bao is quiet, as he concentrates on battling quite properly. When the match is over, the young psycho soldier considers, before turning his head to look at Kensou. "But she's a girl, and girls are allowed to hit other girls, right? So if I run into a problem hitting girls, I should tag her in, right, Gege? But then..." Bao brings a finger to his lips as he considers. "Then why don't you ever tag big Sister Athena in when you're fighting women?"

Kensou face turns red.

Having lost the match -anyways-, he scowls a bit, before smiling. "Good job Bao!" He encourages, still blushing. "And, uh, girls are allowed to hit girls in a certain way. But guys can hit guys in organized fights! Otherwise that would be sexist! As to why I don't even let Big Sis tag in when to why I'm fighting women..." Kensou stares off into the distance, gazing into dead space.

Why doesn't he?

The image crosses his mind, the fantasy unfolding. Kensou tags Athena in, as she faces Vice. The sadistic red-haired woman does not hold back, as she pounces on Athena. Dominating her like a she-wolf, Athena's smaller frame is pinned down as the feral woman begins to contort the Psycho Soldier's body in unspeakable ways. As she leans in to poor Athena's ear, whispering obscenities, both Vice and Athena glance over, screaming loudly as the fight is interrupted

"What is wrong with your shorts, Kensou?"

Kensou blinks a few times, his mind returning back into the apartment. He turns towards Bao, face still red. "Respect." He claims.

"Definantly respect for Athena and my opponent."

Tilting his head to observe Big Brother, the young psycho soldier considers, before reaching out and patting Kensou. "I'm sure Big Sister Athena has the same respect for you, Gege!

It's certainly a more light-hearted mental image Bao has - Big Brother Kensou chivalriously jumping in and punching Blood-Rioted Leona to save Big Sister Athena from ignominious crunchings and munchings!

"So I should respect Big Sister Momoko and hit her properly if we spar, and otherwise respect her the rest of the time! I understand now, Gege!" Bao brings his hands in a punching motion, before bowing slightly. "I'll be sure to show her the proper respect she asks for!"

Kensou considers carefully.

"Yes Bao. You should make sure you hit Momoko, and show her full respect! If she says otherwise, she is probably trying to trick you." Kensou nods sagely. His blushing does not die down, though. "And of course Athena respects me! I'm practically her best friend! If there was anything more than a best friend, I'd almost certainly be it!" The Psycho Soldier nods firmly.

"Almost certainly so!"

"Ok, ok, Gege! I will be sure to show proper respect to both Big Sisters!" Bao exclaims, as he nods in understanding. "Although I don't think Jiejie is the type to trick people, aaa? She's too..."

Bao looks for the right word, before wrinkling his nose. "Huggy."

The opening theme to KOF crescendos again as the game resets to the opening screen, and Kensou vs B. Jenet starts playing on auto, causing Bao to comment, "But isn't it rude to hit someone like that if she doesn't have protection on her chest?"

Kensou shakes his head.

"Haven't you seen how Momoko fights?" Kensou says with complete seriousness. "Or how Athena fights? Master Chin's martial training is not simply for flash, Bao. They are serious tools in fighting evil; Momoko has gotten in trouble before with one of her Iyan~ technique; that's actually a chinese assassination technique taught by Master Chin!" The Psycho Soldier nods grimly. "It could be rude to kick someone squarely between the legs, Bao! But you must be prepared to do whatever you can within a figh-"

And then he -glares- at the screen.

"Aaaaagh. Why did you pick this? I hate what they did to me! I mean, they ruined everything there was about me! You can't consistantly contain the essence of Chin's martial arts training in a repetitive style like this. I mean, they don't capture how I can block things effortlessly! They don't contain how I can deftly dodge something, and turn my opponents offense against them! And what about my heroic resolve! Zip! Nada!" Kensou musters a pout, as he glances away.

"At least I'm not an 'assist' character anymore."

"Iie... I didn't pick anything!" Bao hits start, causing the demo fight to fade away, just as B. Jenet swivels her hips and taunts Kensou.

As the title screen loads again, Bao wrinkles his nose. "Iyan... but moves don't matter. Martial Arts only matter if the heart is pure behind it. Isn't that what we were supposed to learn, Gege?"

After a moment, Bao asks curiously, "By the way, what -were- you doing to Jiejie in that magazine, Gege?"

Kensou chokes.

Not at the pure heart, of course. But at the other issue. What Bao asked about the magazine. Kensou turns bright red again. Oh, he knew exactly what page Bao was talking about. And he knew what that was, exactly. But he swallows hard, and tries very hard to look innocent. "-I- was doing nothing, Bao! That's an important thing to remember! That was not real! That never is going to be real! It's some sick person's fantasy, that they put into a book, and sold to other people! Why, I'm shocked you would think I would ever do that to Athena!"

For some reason, Kensou looks extremely sad.

"... Okay, Jiejie..." Looking pensive, Bao hits start, and goes to the select menu, picking out a character (this time, it looked to be Leona), and getting started.

It's not until a charging slash that Bao comments, "Why do people fantasize about you and Jiejie, Gege? Why not Kyo-san and Jiejie?" He'd noticed -that-, at least.

Somehow, Kensou turns brighter red.

There is a spasm as Kensou happened to immediately pick Athena. The question visibly affects Kensou as he begins to look angry. "Because NOBODY would EVER pair KYO and ATHENA together! Kyo is just a BAD BOY who PLAYS BY HIS RULES! Which is UNAPPEALING!" He swallows a bit. "And they fantasize about me because, well, I am a naturally charming, friendly person who lends to being a good friend!" Kensou nods towards Bao. "That's something you will learn when you are older."

"Girls like guys who are good friends."

"Wow! Gege is so cool!" Bao exclaims, attention drawn to his cool big brother, as Leona proceeds to get curbstomped by Kensou's Athena. Distracted as he was, Bao tosses the controller aside, turning to peer at his 'big brother'. "You're the best! I don't know why jiejie thinks you're a dirty pervert!"

Bounding up, the young psycho soldier is looking all too eager to please. "Do you want a drink, Gege? I could get you something. Or we can go out. I'm sure jiejie wouldn't mind if we went shopping! We could get those games with the pretty girls you like!"

Kensou's entire body goes limp.

The crimson face fades into a pallid expression. His spirit stifles, the Psycho Soldier looking momentarily defeated. The teenager lets the controller from his hands. It did not matter that he win. The victory was hollow. All was ash. And feebly, Kensou mutters sadly.

"... She.... she thinks I'm a dirty pervert?"

Kensou takes in a deep breath, and a long sigh. He drags himself upright, his energy a shadow to Bao's own. Even Bao's suggestion to get those romance simulators (which are only good for the relationships! Not the other stuff which is totally not what Kensou into) doesn't get Kensou's spirits up. Instead, he just lets out another pained sigh. "No thank you, Bao. I think I will... I think I will just... just stay here. And hug my stuffed animals."


Log created on 17:06:40 07/07/2013 by Kensou, and last modified on 23:05:25 07/07/2013.