Bao - It's Very Important We Don't Tell Athena...

Description: Kensou drops in on Bao and Momoko in Southtown.

It's night time in the Japanese big city of Southtown, and the sky is cloudless - enabling the waxing moon overhead to shine its silvery light down upon the entire city. It's light that can hardly be seen from the ground level, due to the fact that Southtown, Japan is a literal city of lights. It's a city that never sleeps, either... there are always numerous people out and about any time of the day... no matter where it is you go...

Here at the Gorin Heights Apartments, on the far end of town overlooking the city, the complex steel, concrete, and glass superstructure that makes up the rather lavish apartment complex is positioned such that the extravagantly lit urban jungle can be seen at all hours of the day...

...And sitting in the window sil, with her face pressed to the glass for posssssibly the fourth time today, is a diminuitive brunette wearing a teensy-weensy little black shirt (it hardly passes as a shirt, more like a risque black curtain suspended by a pink belt) and white, baggy, capoeira pants. Her bare feet are resting gently against the window siding as the window itself cradles her smallish frame. "So pretty..."

Somkewhere in the backdrop, the TV can be heard...

Situated in front of a television, with a gaming console hooked up, young Bao is fiddling with a role playing game, one that seems fairly simple, straightfoward - whack the bushes, get items, whack monsters, solve puzzles...

Every so often, the young Chinese psycho soldier would glance towards the window, puzzlement growing even much more so. That he'd managed to sneak away from training to make sure that Momoko wasn't -alone- in her surveying things in Southtown... well, Kensou -had- said he wouldn't let Momoko go alone. So therefore, logically, if Kensou wasn't going, and Momoko wasn't to go alone, -he- would do it.

But he kind of wished that Big Brother Kensou wasn't so hung up on Big Sister Athena. Although he -could- see, sometimes, why, the older he was getting... because Big Sister Athena -was- pretty.

But still, he wasn't going to get all dopey over a -girl- the same way... and he wasn't sure why Momoko was still staring out the windows.

Finally hitting a save point, Bao turns off the television. "Jiejie?" he asks, coming over to look at what Momoko was staring at. "What's so interesting out there?"

Upon hearing that chinese familiarity, the spritely little girl bounces up from the window sil with a start. She leaps deftly into the air like a dexterous little monkey, landing in a handstand on the nearby oaken dinner table's surface, before springing into a handstand and flipping off into the floor. She then turns a points at the window excitedly, "It's so pretty Bao, it's like a beautiful light show!" She'd been in Southtown numerous times before, was even raised in nearby Tokyo. But for her, the city lights never lost their appeal!

Leaping from where she stood, she then plants her left hand firmly upon the back of the sofa before swinging her lithe little frame around with the grace of a cat and splashing down upon the sofa -right- beside Bao.

So close, in fact, there'd probably be touching of skin if it weren't for his orange sleeves. She smiles, broadly, at the fellow Psycho Soldier - the orphaned boy who had taken to calling her 'sister - as her bound up brunette curls dancing with the energy of her inertia. "You play games too much! It's not good for you!" Then, suddenly and without warning, as she was prone to doing... she attempts to reach over and clasp his cheeks in both hands... giving them a squeeze if he doesn't dodge fast enough! "So, what do you want for dinner? Hmm? We have candy, but I don't think that's a good idea! Do you?"

"Iie, jiejie," Bao begins, before finding his face trapped between Momoko's hands. His cheeks pinches, the boy flushes, but doesn't pull away, uncertain -why- he didn't mind terribly having his face done like this by Momoko when he'd object so terribly in the past with the elderly ladies who'd do these -horrible- cooing and cheek-pinching.

"Uh... dinner...! No meatbuns!" is Bao's immediate response. No meatbuns.

Finally realizing it'd be a better idea to rub his face after they'd been pinched, Bao looks up at Momoko with a look of quiet appeasement to the older girl. "What do you want? I can cook something, if you want."

"Cooking is dangerous!", she declares before jumping up and running off again, darting around the sofa and into the kitchen. Okay, so only hers was dangerous. Probably! "Fire hurts and the last time Momoko tried to make Baozi (meatbuns), Kensou threw up for days and days!" It was probably the mixture of dish soap and laundry detergent she accidentally mixed in despite the laundry detergent being nowhere near the kitchen. "Momoko will call for delivery, yummy delivery!" The excitement in her voice as she cartwheels across the royal blue carpeting of the apartment into the kitchen is apparent. "Fried rice and shrimp, be nice and don't skimp... Momoko loves her ... ~" She sing-songs, her cheerful little improvised song fading as she disappears away into the kitchen with the speed and energy she's known for.

Bao would have a few minutes to himself as Momoko picks up the phone and dials in the number before beginning to order. He could probably ask her to add something at this point, or just leave the ordering to her. Whatever the case, she would emerge from the kitchen again shortly... this time flying over the bar and under the kitchen cabinets back into the room once more!

"OKAY! Fifteen minutes. What do you wanna do? Play a game? Talk? Pillow Fight?!" She looks around, briefly, for some unexplained reason, before continuing, "But nothing weird! Also, we have candy! Did I tell you??" She produces a baggy of gummy worms from somewhere. "Want some??"

"But..." Bao begins, before Momoko takes over with her usual high energy. Trying to follow along, Bao persistently keeps trying to interject words. "I can cook if..." There she goes again, talking to the phone. "Wait, jiejie, if you'd just let me..."

But she's totally blocking him with her hand, and ordering rapidly. "But jiejie... can't I at least..."

And then she hushes him as she orders, and Bao is left muttering something about at least getting fried potstickers, before he wanders back out of the kitchen to the room...

Only moments later, Momoko sweeps in as though he hadn't followed her at all, and Bao just looks at her when she suggests 'nothing weird'.

"Iie, what -do- you mean, nothing weird?" Bao asks, wrinkling his nose. There's a brief pause as he regards the gummy worms. "Okay!" he exclaims cheerfully, as he takes the worms.

Oh well, jiejie was still jiejie, at least. Even after her embarassing loss.

"Anything Kensou does is weird!", she declares in reply to his question. "Like that time...", and then pauses, remembering Kensou told her never to bring that up. "Uh... anyway!" And she lets him take some of the worms form the baggy, smiling brightly as she holds it out. "I added the potstickers, also. And steamed veggies! But no carrots, Momoko hates carrots!" She wrinkles her nose, much as Bao did earlier, before digging a franticly searching hand into the bag of worms and shoveling a few into her mouth with JOY! Her face lights up as though she'd just gotten her first kiss ever, when in fact it's the kiss of sugary sourness!

She then proceeds to run two circles around Bao before darting back toward the sofa and leaping over its backside again.

From a semi-seated position on her knees, she clutches a nearby goose-feather pillow with blue and white stripes and randomly hurls it at Bao playfully! It's not too hard, probably wouldn't even stagger the boy if he let it hit him. "So, you still haven't said what you wanna do! We have board games or we can watch TV! Momoko rented a movie!" It's a girlie romance movie however, as Bao would realize if he looked at the DVD sitting upon the nearby coffee table...

Trying to keep up with Momoko was a dizzying experience, and Bao is caught along in the wake, as his head swivels back and forth, the way she bounces in and over.

At this rate, he can't -help- but feel like he should be going along with this, because... well, she was having -fun-!

Catching the pillow, Bao looks back at his gaming console. "Well, I wanted to finish up the game, but..." It looked as if Momoko certainly wasn't going to give him that option, given the way she was going. "Aiya, okay, the movie..." Bao cheerfully exclaims. "It'll be fine!"

Bouncing up, eager to please Jiejie, Bao pops open the dvd case without looking at it, and puts in the dvd.

It's not till the movie plays that Bao blinks wide-eyed at the music and the title menu. "Aiya, jiejie, what's 'My Sassy Girl'?"

"You can play...", she starts to tell him it's okay to play his game but Bao, ever the submissive of the two, crumbles under the weight of the girl's enthusiasm. And she shrugs, giving an energetic, "Okay!" complete with tiny fistpump as he fetches the DVD! And whilst he pops it into the DVD player, she shovels more gummy worms cheerfully... her face contorting and lips puckering slightly as she gets a mouthful of completely sour ones. This was the only downside to not eating one at a time!

"It's a Korean import! The movie shop lady told me it's very funny! It's about a poor college boy who ends up in a relationship with a crazy girl who makes him do things because she's so forceful!" Sounds not at all like their relationship, huh...?

As he sits down, she randomly attempts to latch onto his arm and pull him close if he'd let her. She'd then attempt to give him a quick, energetic, little cheek kiss before declaring, "Yay, movie time is now!" It was perfectly innocuous to her, but almost everything Momoko did tended to throw people for a loop. That kiss is probably no exception! "...Hit play, okay?"

This was something he -ought- to be used to, maybe... while he hadn't been around when Momoko had joined the Psycho Soldiers, as he'd spent his time training with Chin while the Neo Psycho Soldiers entered tournaments, he'd caught his fair share of being treated -just- the way Momoko was... the only difference was, Momoko was totally kissy-face, and Bao was more -let's -do- something- energy. But against Momoko, well, Bao was pretty much run over because he -was- respectful of his elders, and Momoko had all the subtlety of a rhinoceros in baggy pants.

Flushing happily, Bao settles in next to Momoko, leaning in confortably. The movie did seem so... iiiie, what -was- he watching?

He had -no- objections to the opening, although he does giggle a bit. "Just like Sifu Gentsai," he comments at the drunken scene, before wincing. "Why would anyone like bossy girls?"

"I don't know!" Role reversal would be the obvious answer, but Momoko's scattered brain cells refuse to make that connection. "Because..." And she pauses, thinking inwardly, as the movie continues on... quiet for possibly the first time since the window. Her brown eyes passively take in the movie, as if searching it for answers, but none really come. He just seems to be enjoing himself. Why else would anyone go so far??

"Because... he... might get something out of it?" You could almost see the giant question mark that arises out of her head as she places a finger to her lips and questions the sky. Another innocous seeming thing to her, the subtler adult implications almost entirely elude her. "He looks happy anyway!" She declares, pointing excitedly at the screen as the poor boy carries the drunk girl away looking actually quite tired.

She's still clutching Bao's arm too - apparently content to grasp it the entire way through unless he moves. Or the food arrives, whichever came first! "Hehe... poor boy... she's so mean!"

"Get... get what?" Now Bao just points at the movie. "Doesn't he remind you of Gege?" Just the way Big Brother Kensou got all starry-eyed over Athena. If she'd ask him to do anything, you could probably bet he -would-. Even though Athena wasn't likely to abuse that the way -that sassy girl- did...

Although Bao -had- some idea what the boy must have been going through, now that he thought about it. But he shouldn't be thinking about it! Because he's supposed to take care of Jiejie so that Kensou won't get upset that she's alone!

Of course, if Momoko was doing it, she must know better!

But it was still... fidgety. Embarassing, almost.


"Why's he -naked- in front of the girl?"

"I don't know!" She declares, turning her eyes toward Bao and away from the weird scene unfolding infront of them. Her face was a bit flush. "...-That- maybe?!" She asks, as the dawning of adult ideas finally weighs on her brain, and lifts as finger into the air in an exclamatory fashion. ... And then, she looks down, realizing she's clutching Bao's arm to her breast... before frantically turning loose all of a sudden, dropping her hands to her knees, and looking at the TV again. "...He... kinda does...?" She says, momentarily confused, and taking a moment to register he means Kensou. "...Actually, that is almost /exactly/ like him!" She finger points again, coming out of her soberness rather quickly, "Kensou would totally...!"

*Knock* *knock* *Knock*

A dull rapping against the apartment's wooden door comes, and Momoko leaps excitedly over the back of the couch again... not bothering to pause the movie first, "I'll get it! Yay, food!", before darting across the room and undoing the locks and opening the door...

And suddenly, a surprise.

Standing at the door, garbbed in his jean jacked and shorts, was Sie Kensou, the fellow (and older) Psycho Soldier. Clutching a large gym bag in his arms, the hot-blooded lover of meatbuns is grinning broadly as the door was opened wide. He was, of course, very busy with Big Sis- no, Kensou did NOT see Athena as big sister. And he would very much not like it if Bao say him and her as 'big brother and big sister.'

And Kensou was VERY MUCH not thinking of Athena calling him Onii-Chan.


A big grin was plastered on Kensou's face as the door swings open. "Ah! Surprise Momoko! Sorry it took me so long to visit you guys! You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get into the country right now, even when you are a Psycho Soldier!" Striding in past Momoko, he rushes in briskly. "Where is Bao?! I heard he was chilling out here!" He calls out, as he enters the television area.

And he stares at the television.

His jaw was slack. His eyes were wide. His face erupts into a bright crimson color. The gym bag plops down with a dull thump. Kensou himself was absolutely frozen, face controted in absolute shock. A small spasm comes over his body, as he just STARES at the screen. And very, very softly, a squeak manages to peep out of his throat.


"Wow, the man's embarassed too... she's a stranger to him! But I bet if they weren't strangers, he wouldn't be so embarassed..." Bao exclaims, totally spacing out on exactly where his arm was, other than that it was warm, nice, and comfortable. And while Momoko runs to answer the door, Bao is happily commenting, still going on. "Oooh, yeah, that's Gege! He -would- totally fall over if Jiejie caught him naked and..."

The -squeak- draws Bao's attention towards the new arrival. "Gege!" Bao exclaims, leaping up, joyfully. "You're here! Come, watch this movie with us..."

Don't ask why Bao would connect naked Kensou with Big Sister Athena...


"Kensou? ... Hi! How are you??" The diminuitive litttle brunette asks, energetically, as Kensou pushes his way past her into the apartment with bag in tow. She eyes the gym bag, momentarily, somewhat surprised at the visit and the revelation he'd apparently be joining them. She guesses he and Bao would be sharing a bedroom, or Kensou would be taking the couch, from the looks of it. "Bao's in the living room, we're watching a movie and waiting for food!" It's probably a good thing she ordered with the intention for there to be leftovers, she thinks privately as she watches the older Psycho Soldier walk past into the living room...

...And figuring Kensou would occupy himself with Bao, she turns away... disregarding to him to close the painted white door back before reaching up to grasp the gold deadbolt and turn it...

...and she gets about mid-turn before one of Kensou's familiar leaps of logic thunders out from the living room to catch her attention! Head snapping around, eyes going wide, and brunette curls dancing... she goes darting back into the living room without locking the door. "I'm not making him watch it!" Okay, that's kind of what happened. Sort of? "It's a korean romance comedy I picked up at the store, and it's funny!" And probably far too age inappropriate for them to Kensou's mind! "You wanna wa--?"

Her head snaps to Bao suddenly, as he catches his last comment, and her face burns anew. "...Wa- he would fall over and what??" This got really awkward really fast...


Kensou's voice gets higher as he dives on the DVD player. Inspecting it with the speed of a true Psycho SOldier, he pushes and prods at it desperately. "THIS IS NOT APPROPIATE FOR CHILDREN!" He shouts loudly at Momoko. Or maybe in general. He continues to fiddle with the player, face burning hot. Eventually, he tries to beat it with his fist, but he only manages a single tap... when it dawns on him what Bao just compared himself to. Kensou glances towards the naked college student, and how he was reacting to the girl.

And he starts to choke.

"GACK! HAAAGAH! GAAAAGH!" He spasms, falling over on his back. Scrambling back up, Kensou turns to face Bao, his back to the television. The Psycho Soldier flails his arms around, his face turning a brighter and brighter shade of crimson... in tandem with the character on the television screen, doing the exact same thing. "NO! I WOULD NEVER TAKE PART IN A CARTOON LIKE THIS! THIS IS A CARTOON THAT COUPLES WATCH WHEN THEY FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH! YOU ARE NOT ON A DATE BAO! ALSO GEGE WOULD =NEVER= EXPOSE HIMSELF TO =JIEJIE= LIKE THAT! OR ANY GIRL" Kensou turns towards the television."



"Ahh... Gege?" Bao blinks, moving to try and resuscitate Kensou. Although any attempt to thump him on the back so he can breathe goes wayward as Kensou scrambles around, flailing around.

More and more perplexed, Bao looks towards Momoko. "Ara... it's nothing we haven't seen before, Gege. It's just that he's showing his butt to that girl. It's not even a cartoon..."

Looking around Kensou, Bao nods. "She's got long hair."

There's another pause, as Bao looks up towards Kensou, eyes wide. "I'm -fourteen-, Gege. I know what pee-pees are! I've seen them -lots-. I have one. You have one." Pause. "Jiejie doesn't."

By now, Momoko's face has become fire itself. She just, stands there... paralyzed in embarassment and horror at the display Kensou puts on in front of the television. Despite his best attempts, the sturdy DVD player just continues right on playing the sordid scene... seemingly completely resistent to his maddened flailings. She just stares, blankly, through the rolling waves of her brown hair at Kensou's backside... and biting her lip in silence as choking sounds escape from him suddenly. It was just like that time at the airport, albeit she thought it was cute to see him flustered then... now it was almost alarming...

...and... and... did he just scream PEE-PEE OUT LOUD?! "...P-P-PEE-PEE?! THEY SHOWED HIS PEE-PEE?! I WASN'T TOLD THERE WAS..."

...and then she's cut off by Bao's application of logic and her embarassment escalates. Of course she didn't have one, but why was that appropriate to add as an aside in front of Kensou?? Especially when he's like THIS?? "...Uhh... uhh... l-l-et's calm down now, okay?? It's just a movie, okay?? ... I mean, it's not like they're having sex!" Oh there we go.

Kensou was livid.

But Bao was, in fact, beginning to calm him down. As impossible as that seems right now. As he is resuscitated (and beaten from behind), Kensou turns a shade less red. "Okay, Okay, it's not a cartoon. It's people. Okay. It's okay. It's nothing we haven't seen. It's just a guy's butt. We've all seen guys butt! You've seen my butt, Bao! I've seen your butt! And we've both seen Chin's butt! It's all okay." Kensou takes a deep breath in. He takes a deep breath out. "You are fourteen! I sometimes forget both you and Momoko aren't 12 year olds! You are both almost adults! I think I was just overreactin-"

Jiejie doesn't have a pee-pee.

They're having sex.

Kensou's eyes roll back into his head. Foam and spittles forms on his mouth. His entire body trembles as he shifts from red to purple. He makes strange, short squeaks, as his hands lash out blindly. His eyes slooooowly turn back down, pupils pinpricks, as they focus squarely on Momoko. And there, both of his hands lash out towards the peachy little sister, finger pointing accusingly.



"No, they didn't show any---" Bao tries to correct Momoko.

And then Bao shrinks back from Kensou, as big brother seems to be on the verge of apoplexy. Ending up next to Momoko, just about hugging her like a koala does an eucalyptus tree, Bao whispers, "... uh, jiejie... is Gege having a blood riot?"

"I'M NOT!!!" comes a defiant footstomp, as the brunette finds her courage despite overwhelming embarassment at the STORM of Kensou's unbridled hysteria. Her face was still fire, but there was a defiance in her posture now - complete with balled fists at her side - that makes it clear she's challenging him. "I am NOT corrupting Ba-" And then looks off to her side at Bao, whoseems to be grabbing at her this time, and she pauses... realizing that the innocent maneuver is probably going to make things worse. Next Kensou would be asking them when they started getting so intimate...

..despite this, she sighs through her air at Bao's question, "...Yes, he is!" and then casts an earthen glance askance at the visibly purple Kensou who is foaming at the mouth like a dog.

"...We... we've just been enjoying ourselves and having a good time in Southtown! Nothing dangerous! Or weird! Or sexy!" And then her mouth goes agape as she realizes she may have made it worse, not better there! "I-I-I mean... it's not like we've been sleeping in the same bed too much!" ...Oh dear.


That was the answer from Kensou, as he stamps his foot. Down he dives, not for Bao, not even for Momoko. BUt for his gym bag. He swiftly unzips the bag, as he neatly raves. "Momoko I am ASHAMED of you! I leave you to be alone in Southtown, a Southtown that is having gang activity mind you, and I let you take care of Bao! And what happens when I check up on you two? Watching OBSCENE movies and HOLDING EACH OTHER! AND SHARING BED!??! YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF HORNY TEENAGERS!" Kensou starts pulling out stuff from the bag, flinging them aside. Socks scatter across the living room, a spare jacket flutters on the couch, and a strange magazine that flutters towards Bao's feet. finally, Kensou seems to have found what he was looking for.

A spare DVD.

"BAMBI." He states bluntly, spittle still rolling down the corner of his mouth. "WE ARE WATCHING BAMBI! WE WILL HAVE POPCORN. IT WILL BE VERY NICE! AND IF YOU ALL START BEHAVING YOURSELVES! MAYBE! JUST MAYBE! I WON'T TELL CHIN. OR WORSE. =ATHENA!!!=" Still livid, Kensou roars towards the DVD player, still trying to monkey with it, unable to stop the current film. Finally, he screams.


"... Ara, jiejie..." Bao says quietly, hand at the back of his head. "What -does- Gege think we've been doing..."

There's a slow blink as he looks towards Momoko, and then it slowly sinks in, and Bao turns bright red, as he considers Momoko as, well... not JIEJIE, but as a girl in her own right.

"Oh," he says slowly, as he considers the implication, before he wrinkles his nose at Bambi.

Watching Kensou rampage, Bao turns towards Momoko with wide eyes, deciding to just change the subject. "I think we should call Jiejie. Maybe she'll get Gege to calm down," he says quietly, hoping to not draw Big Brother Kensou's attention while he's stomping around and acting like a Yagami who'd been thwarted by a Kusanagi.

Kensou's furious storm continues to blow despite Momoko's best (and most clumsy) attempt to stamp it out. The raving and mad flailing begins to fall off on deaf ears, though, as her own color changes to a much deeper pink. By now, the hysterical sounds coming from Kensou's mouth were just that - hysterical, unintelligable, sounds. She couldn't register them anymore, the embarassment was growing too heavy... something would break soon... and it might not be the DVD player.

"BAMBI!", he declares, his voice finally penetrating the fog of her embarassment and bringing her awareness back to the room and the situation at hand. "No.", comes a curt reply from the diminuitive capoerista to Bao's question about calling Athena. "No... Momoko knows how to handle this..." there's a deceptive calm to her tone the belies the fury that was slowly rising out of the depths of the girl, "...Momoko knows how to handle -this-..."

...And, just as Kensou screams his last while flailing at DVD Player, Momoko launches herself through the air with all of the speed and deftness she's known for. Her aim is to try to land on his backside, wrap her legs around his neck, and attempt to take the DVD from his grip. She flies through the air, with all the furious force, of a miniature missile squealing, "WE ARE NOT GOING TO WATCH BAMBI! GIVE ME THE DVD KENSOU! GIMME!"


Kensou declares angrily, as he fumbles with the machine. "How do you turn this off Bao? Bao! You are good with technology like this! Am I supposed to us a remote? I feel like I should use a remote!" Kensou begins to hit the box again.

ANd suddenly, he has a Momoko on his back.

"GRAAAAGH!" Was the cry. Clutching the DVD box stubbornly with one hand, he flails the other hand around uselessly. Stumbling back, he tries to buck Momoko off him. "Get off Momoko! You are being VERY immature! You are going to watch BAMBI instead of PORN! ANd you are GONNA LIKE IT!" And Kensou does what the responsible adult would do in this situation.

Hold it out of her reach, while he bumps her against the wall.

"Ara, Gege, jiejie, you shouldn't fight like this..." Bao begins, before his foot brushes up against something, and he nearly slips.

Picking up the magazine, the young man blinks as he examines what it was. A doujinshi.

Tilting his head, the young man tries to piece it out. It had what -looked- like a very ... busty Athena on the cover.

And unless his English was poor, it -seemed- like it was saying "Athena and Friends"

Flipping through it, Bao's face reddens. "Ara... Gege? Why is Jiejie in all these... she's..."

Quickly backing away before Big Brother Kensou jumps at him, Bao flips through a few more pages.

... Wow. Big Sister Athena was...

... big...

"NO! I WON'T GET OFF! GIMME THE DVD KENSOU! GIMME!" She flails, rocking with the motion of his surprised movements and clutching -even more tightly- with her legs around his throat as she attempts to hold on! She then overextends herself, leaning forward and draping her body over his head, as she strains to reach for the DVD he holds away from her...

"IT'S NOT PO-... OW!" He bumps against the wall, with a loud thud, backing her rear up against the painted white walls of the appartment. Her face contorts, as her bottom reports a stinging sensation, but it only spurs her to reach farther! "GIMME KE-..." And a banging comes from the ceiling overhead, a frustrated old Japanese man crying through the floor in muffled voice, "Shut up down there, damn kids! Real people work you know!"

...but the struggle continues. At least, until, Bao's voice breaks through the chaos... and Momoko stops flailing... peering at Bao with her hand outstretched as yet another proverbial question mark appears over head. She stares at him nonplussed, and her eyes drop to the magazine cover... and her brown pupils dialate... "...BOOBIES?!" This come sout as a high-pitched squeak. "K-K-KENSOU HAS NAUGHTY HENTAI OF ATHENA?!" It'd probably be pretty easy to push her off right now, she's flabbergasted...


Kensou stops in mid bump. His eyes briefly goes so wide. It was not the call from the man upstairs. It was the few words from Bao. Cold sweat consumes Kensou's body. There was a smooth motion, a careful reverse unleashed on Momoko, to send her from on his back, to facedown to the ground. Northern Style Martial Arts; Kensou was not just a stammering fool. But quietly, like a ghost, he was upon Bao, hovering over him as he stands. A smile on his face; He was not livid and screaming now, oh no.

He is impossibly calm.

"Oh. Sorry. That's mi- that's something I found. And was investigating. For. Important Psycho Soldier business." Kensou says very gently. "I am investing why Jiejie." Kensou pauses a moment, his eyes completely blank. The smile does not fade though. He seemed like everything that happened earlier... did not happen at all. "Why JieJie is in all of them. It could very well be a villainous plot. I would like it. Back. Right. Now." Kensou makes a smooth snatching motion with his hands. But just in case he didn't get it, he idly mentions something, to sweet the deal. "So you were watching that movie?

"I'm so sorry I disturbed the pair of you."


"You should continue watching that movie."

There really wasn't any need for words. Bao was... getting an interesting education, looking through these pictures. But... but...

Big Sister Athena...

"Ara, Gege, what's this picture of you and Jiejie doing?" Bao asks, turning the doujinshi around to show his teammates a picture of...

Any thought of the movie seems to have gone by the way side, and now Bao was having an interesting... illumination of just why Big Brother Kensou was so interested in Big Sister Athena...


Momoko falls flat of her face in the, exceedingly plush, carpeted floor. Despite the softness of the royal blue carpeting, however, she still emits a muffled, plaintive, 'ow'. She then slowly pushes herself to her feet, watching Kensou stalk the smaller Bao an almost creepy menace to his demeanor. This situation was going from bad to worse, Kensou's hysteria was beginnin to warp into something resembling madness now that the cat was out of the bag. She has to ponder whether she'd seriously have to render him unconscious tonight and apologise to Athena later...

"Kensou..." Momoko says, as she pushes herself up off the floor, before grabbing the remote nearby and putting the movie on pause. "Kensou just settle d-..."

..And then Bao holds open the pages for all to see. The thing's Kensou were doing to Athena on the page in question, while perfectly natural for human beings to do, cannot be described (mostly for the sake of rating). But it's safe to say, it is extreme enough of an image to provoke a shriek from Momoko and force her to dart at Bao from over the couch/. She attempts to snatch it, in transit, if the situation allows and close it immediately. "THOSE ARE VERY DIRTY TINGS, WE DON'T NEED THOSE DIRTY THI-..."

...And then, there's a knock at the door. "..Your chinese take-out?"

Kensou was entering new dimensions of meltdown right now.

As he tries to take the magazine away, Bao instead does something that made things worse. He turned it around, revealing it to both Momoko and Kensou. Kensou's serene expression does not change. But his face turns bright red. And a slow dribble of blood begins to ooze from his right nostril. Kensou takes a deep breath in. A deep breath out. ANd then he sighs.

"Page 17-18 spread."

Kensou shakes his head.

"I mean HOW AWFUL!"

"Bao! How would Chin think he if caught with such filthy literature! Or JieJie herself! I bet both would be very disappointed if you were handling that stuff! Why, I bet you even are starting to 'get a crush' on your Big Sister!" Kensou tries to grab the doujinshi delicately with one hand, wiping away the nosebleed with his other arm. THe knock at the door comes. His mind continues to click away. And then, the diabolical Kensou considers a scheme to bribe these rotten kids.

"How about I pay for the Chinese?

"Iie, Jiejie!" With the way Momoko is pouncing on him and snatching the magazine away, it's more out of self-preservation that Bao releases the doujinshi... mostly because her momentum is going to create some -really- awkward moment.

So even while Momoko has her hands on the magazine, Bao has his arms around her trying to keep everything from crashlanding...


And floor meets Bao, and Momoko ends up... the floor with the magazine on her face, lying ontop of Bao. The crash provokes a long silence from the girl, the shadows inside the magazine thankfully preventing her from seeing any more of that raunchy spread. ... And a deep breathe comes, followed by a small sigh escaping the smallish girl's lips...

...And she closes her earthen eyes, before plucking the magazine up off of her face by the spine and holding it aloft in the air. She's allowing Kensou to take it. With him on the verge of desperation as he is, it wouldn't do any of them any good to continue this awkward game any longer. The usually somewhat mischievious Momoko was now only just -tired-.

"Take it.", she says, before leveling a dangerous glare upwards at him that expresses so many things... so many dangerous possibilities... "...But if you ever start something like this again...!"

She didn't have to finish that sentence, he knew her relationship with Athena. "...Yes, get the food. I'm hungry." And then, she pushes herself up off the floor before turning in place to offer Bao her hands, "...Need a hand up?"

And Kensou gets the magazine back.

He quickly rushes to his gym bag, and stuffs it away so fast, it is gone in the blink of an eye. He is still smiling now, still sweaty. But he was rushing now. He seemed so much more calm now. So serene. Opening the door, he smiles warmly. "Ah! THank you! Let me just..." He begins to files off bills. He makes sure to give a genereous tip.

A very genereous tip.

Everything seemed to be back in order now. Placing the food on the table, he walks back over to his two 'younger' 'siblings.' Clapping his hands together, he puts on his sweetest, kindest smile. "Well, you don't have to worry about anything like this starting again." The sweat on his brow intensifies. "So, uh, that means you won't tell Athena, right? It's very important that you do not tell Athena about that picture comic."

Kensou pauses.

"Because it would hurt her feelings if she knew about it, of course!"

"Okay, jiejie," Bao hesistantly says, not quite looking at Momoko in the eyes. Although he doesn't quite look -anywhere- else either.

Reaching up, Bao hops onto his feet, and quickly hops over to the table, so that they can eat.

After Kensou asks his question, Bao blinks. "But you said you were going to investigate it. Shouldn't Jiejie be helping you investigate?" the young Chinese Psycho asks, eyes wide with ... well, it wasn't -quite- innocent as much as mischievous.

Turning his attention to Momoko, Bao beams. "What do you think, Jiejie?"

Momoko's hair, after all of the tussling and tumbling about, has gotten lopsided by now and several large chunks of it have begun to fall from their entanglements. Lifting her smallish, delicate, hands to her hair... she opts to just jerk the loosened ribbons completely out and let it spill down to her shoulders. Then she sets to work on putting it back together again, whilst Kensou gets the door. but despite her best efforts, it is frustratingly hard to do by feel. Eventually, she just gives up and lets it spill about her shoulders again... realizing that lacking a mirror to work with it makes it too difficult.

She's quiet for the duration of the time that elapses between Kensou paying off the delivery person and Bao's sitting down. By the time Kensou arrives, she's there too. Staring up at him through her jungle of brown curls, a tired and frustrated look on her face that doesn't get abated by the inviting smell of chinese take-out. "Momoko said it already, you don't cause trouble for us and we won't tell Athena." Trouble could be many things, however, and she wasn't going o specify any further. "Now it's time to eat! No more porno talk!" She facedesks, lightly, enough to make the flimsy dinner table shake. "Momoko's heard enough!", comes a muffled exclamation. And her tone expresses absolute finality on that point!

Log created on 20:45:15 07/05/2013 by Bao, and last modified on 03:52:02 07/06/2013.